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5/8/2012, 09:28 PM

What some might call a Rino. Hadn't lived in his state since 1977? We need term limits.

5/8/2012, 11:14 PM
And there was much rejoicing. Yay.

5/8/2012, 11:26 PM
Now watch the Democrat get elected.

5/8/2012, 11:37 PM
Now watch the Democrat get elected.

So your saying no change from who was in there then?

I'm not a Republican first. I prefer a legitimate Democrat win than a poser pretending to be something they are not.

The worst thing Bush (and Santorum) did in my eyes was backing Spectre over Toomey. I still get ticked about that.

5/9/2012, 08:26 AM
Would have made a fine Secretary of State or even President, but his time had passed. People forget what he did for and with Reagan to face down the Soviets. You remember now, back when we worried about global domination by an enslaving superpower and nuclear annihilation instead of who our neighbor was sleeping with and whether they went to church often enough to satisfy our sect's priests.

We live in the latter days of the law.

5/9/2012, 08:37 AM
I'm not a Republican first. I prefer a legitimate Democrat win than a poser pretending to be something they are not.

Which changed? Lugar or the Republican Party?

5/9/2012, 08:58 AM
You shouldn't be allowed to run for Congress in a state you don't reside in, or haven't resided in for very long. Remember when the Clintons bought a house in New York just so Hillary could run for Senate there? Ugggh.

I know that Congress members tend to live in DC with all of the votes and lobbying and crap, but unless you're Eleanor Holmes Norton, you should be leaving DC for your "home state" a majority of the time.

Speaking of, her appearances on Colbert were awesome, regardless of whether you're a Repub or Demmy:
Linky (http://www.colbertnation.com/the-colbert-report-videos/218575/february-11-2009/dc-voting-rights-act---eleanor-holmes-norton)

Curly Bill
5/9/2012, 09:08 AM
I shed no tears that ol Dick Lugar went down to defeat.

5/9/2012, 09:47 AM
Now watch the Democrat get elected.

My fear. Glad Lugar was defeated, not living in the state was the main reason he had to go.

5/9/2012, 09:55 AM
Be careful what you wish for. At least Lugar was an independent mind and not a robotic drone owned by talk radio level ideologues.

5/9/2012, 09:58 AM
Kanto, I hear you. I know nothing of the Sec State that was elected in IN. However, Lugar was thumbing his nose at the state and representing them without living there. I mean, dood, buy a small cottage or some patio home and call it your residence. But to charge the people for staying in a motel when you are back in state...outrageous.

Curly Bill
5/9/2012, 10:00 AM
Seems he thought the rules, as found in the good ol Constitution, didn't apply to him. The more I think about it the more I say good riddance to him!

5/9/2012, 11:01 AM
I'm not saying the whole residence thing was good politics, but in what way was it unconstitutional?

5/9/2012, 11:45 AM
Be careful what you wish for. At least Lugar was an independent mind and not a robotic drone owned by talk radio level ideologues.

yeah, i hear cali is full of extreme leftists to represent them. So, how do republicans counter this? by voting extreme rightists in! And thus, no compromise, no give and take, no middle ground.

Curly Bill
5/9/2012, 11:47 AM
I'm not saying the whole residence thing was good politics, but in what way was it unconstitutional?

Article I, Section 3.3 states a senator must be a resident of the state they represent.

5/9/2012, 12:06 PM
Article I, Section 3.3 states a senator must be a resident of the state they represent.

I don't like the fact that he didn't maintain a place there.....but pretty sure he was still a legal resident of indiana - paid IN state taxes, has IN DL and only lived outside the state to serve as an elected official. I'm an OK resident and haven't lived there in ten years.

Curly Bill
5/9/2012, 12:13 PM
I don't like the fact that he didn't maintain a place there.....but pretty sure he was still a legal resident of indiana - paid IN state taxes, has IN DL and only lived outside the state to serve as an elected official. I'm an OK resident and haven't lived there in ten years.

Maybe so, but he was skirting the intent of the article and the people called him on it.

5/9/2012, 12:16 PM
Maybe so, but he was skirting the intent of the article and the people called him on it.

agree...we shouldn't have professional politicians who are out of touch with the people they represent.

5/9/2012, 12:21 PM
I don't like the fact that he didn't maintain a place there.....but pretty sure he was still a legal resident of indiana - paid IN state taxes, has IN DL and only lived outside the state to serve as an elected official. I'm an OK resident and haven't lived there in ten years.

Unless you are in the military or an expat, how in the hell are you a legal resident of a state and not live there???

From the election board findings...

Lugar’s opponents this year have attacked him over the fact that he lives mainly in northern Virginia, and has not owned a home in Indiana itself since 1977, the year after he was first elected to the Senate. His campaign has said (http://2012.talkingpointsmemo.com/2012/02/lugar-campaign-explains-residency-issues.php) that he is not wealthy enough to maintain two homes, and also wished to have his family with him in Washington.
At the same time, Lugar has continued to be registered to vote at the same address, of the home he moved out of in 1977.

Sateman or not, he is stupid here...and he is not poor.

5/9/2012, 12:44 PM
Unless you are in the military or an expat, how in the hell are you a legal resident of a state and not live there???

From the election board findings...

Sateman or not, he is stupid here...and he is not poor.

Maintaining two residences is extremely expensive. The best solution maybe to provide them military style housing in DC as part of their benefits package. Each state pays for their share of housing. To keep housing from getting out of hand the house would cost no more thn the price of an average home in the area.

5/9/2012, 12:45 PM
36 years is an indictment unto itself. 10-12 years is plenty for anyone.

Step aside and let new blood in there. Of course, liberals want jobs for life from the gubment and more and more moderate Republicans do also.

Not what was envisioned I dare say.

5/9/2012, 12:55 PM
Maybe so, but he was skirting the intent of the article and the people called him on it.

Sooner 5030 beat me to it. Nothing he was doing was unconstitutional.

Using the Constitution in every juvenile electoral argument cheapens the document. Let's save it for things that matter.
Richard Lugar was, is and has been God's own Hoosier since before WWII. Enough already from the knuckle-draggers who want him crucified because he doesn't quite fit the tea party cookie cutter. Last I checked, the Republican party was supposed to champion individual freedom and liberty. Not blind obedience.

Curly Bill
5/9/2012, 12:57 PM
Sooner 5030 beat me to it. Nothing he was doing was unconstitutional.

Using the Constitution in every juvenile electoral argument cheapens the document. Let's save it for things that matter.
Richard Lugar was, is and has been God's own Hoosier since before WWII. Enough already from the knuckle-draggers who want him crucified because he doesn't quite fit the tea party cookie cutter. Last I checked, the Republican party was supposed to champion individual freedom and liberty. Not blind obedience.

Yeah you're right the Constitution only matters when it fits what you want. I guess the Hoosiers no longer agree with you on him being their own. Nice outrage though! Wring your hands really really hard in helpless dispair will ya?

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
5/9/2012, 01:30 PM
Would have made a fine Secretary of State or even President, but his time had passed. People forget what he did for and with Reagan to face down the Soviets. You remember now, back when we worried about global domination by an enslaving superpower and nuclear annihilation instead of who our neighbor was sleeping with and whether they went to church often enough to satisfy our sect's priests.
Wow! Lugar in recent years was a RINO, often siding with D's like the great McCain does. Obviously, the conservatives in Indiana were not impressed by Lugar anymore.

Your church phobia should be explained, pls.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
5/9/2012, 01:36 PM
Richard Lugar was, is and has been God's own Hoosier since before WWII. Enough already from THE KNUCKLE-DRAGGERS who want him crucified because he doesn't quite fit the tea party cookie cutter. .WOW, again! Is Lugar a relative of yours?

5/9/2012, 01:52 PM
36 years is an indictment unto itself. 10-12 years is plenty for anyone.

Step aside and let new blood in there. Of course, liberals want jobs for life from the gubment and more and more moderate Republicans do also.

Not what was envisioned I dare say.

Not that I hate Democrats or anything, but one way of saying "I don't trust people to spend their own money right" is to raise taxes. Perhaps this is why some Democrats/RINOs love to stay in office as long as possible --- they don't trust others to do the representing. :P

5/9/2012, 01:59 PM
Lugar earned his conservative bona fides before most of us were voting. Conservatism is not robotic obedience to some cant. It actually allows for difference of opinion and free thought.
And it's just fine if Lugar was voted out. If you note my very first post in this thread I said his time was past.
My beef is with either injecting some sort of cosmic significance to the man's real estate investments or finding fault with a long term proven ability to get things done in the Senate.
Good luck with your mindless 'RINO' and other labels. It's taken an effort worthy of Joseph Goebbels to attempt to impose the ideological straitjacket of one segment of the party on the rest, but you're within shouting distance of success.

Politics is all about compromise. You condemn our nation to decline when you place litmus tests and force loyalty oaths on politicians. And we are seeing the bitter harvest when people like Olympia Snow leave public service. But, hey, we can vote some more brain dead robots into office. Maybe we can start giving them pocket cards, laminated, of the ten issues they're allowed to vote on. And make sure to include little arrows (up and down) to remind them which way they're supposed to vote.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
5/9/2012, 02:06 PM
Not that I hate Democrats or anything, but one way of saying "I don't trust people to spend their own money right" is to raise taxes. Perhaps this is why some Democrats/RINOs love to stay in office as long as possible --- they don't trust others to do the representing. :PIt's nice for our leaders to treat their responsibilities as if they were kids run wild in a candy store, ain't it?

IOW, the more important reason for them being there is that they are enamored with the power, and the ability to spend our money, on pretty much what they want.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
5/9/2012, 02:11 PM
Lugar earned his conservative bona fides before most of us were voting. Conservatism is not robotic obedience to some cant. It actually allows for difference of opinion and free thought.
My beef is with either injecting some sort of cosmic significance to the man's real estate investments or finding fault with a long term proven ability to get things done in the Senate.
Good luck with your mindless 'RINO' and other labels. It's taken an effort worthy of Joseph Goebbels to attempt to impose the ideological straitjacket of one segment of the party on the rest, but you're within shouting distance of success. (Super wow!)

Politics is all about compromise. You condemn our nation to decline when you place litmus tests and force loyalty oaths on politicians. And we are seeing the bitter harvest when people like Olympia Snow leave public service. But, hey, we can vote some more brain dead robots into office. Maybe we can start giving them pocket cards, laminated, of the ten issues they're allowed to vote on. And make sure to include little arrows (up and down) to remind them which way they're supposed to vote.I'm wondering who you're calling brain-dead robots in congress, and why?

5/9/2012, 03:12 PM
One example would be Jim Inhofe. I don't recall an original thought crossing the man's mind since he was mayor of Tulsa. And he is not alone.

Mind you, I think you could find lots of equally shameful examples on the other side of the aisle. Maxine Waters would spring to mind almost unbidden. And neither is she bereft of company.

The tragedy is that, in a political equivalent of Gresham's law, the idiots and inflexible, thoughtless, unargued and thus uncompromiseable positions have a tendency to crowd out politicians who are willing to do the hard of work of understanding their own positions, those of their political opponents and then craft sensible compromises that can actually move the country ahead. On that front, Simpson/Bowles comes to mind pretty quickly, but ooooooo, it included increased taxes! Burn Them! And spending cuts!! Burn Them Some More!!

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
5/9/2012, 03:18 PM

shocked I'm not.

5/9/2012, 08:05 PM
The tragedy is that, in a political equivalent of Gresham's law, the idiots and inflexible, thoughtless, unargued and thus uncompromiseable positions have a tendency to crowd out politicians who are willing to do the hard of work of understanding their own positions, those of their political opponents and then craft sensible compromises that can actually move the country ahead. On that front, Simpson/Bowles comes to mind pretty quickly, but ooooooo, it included increased taxes! Burn Them! And spending cuts!! Burn Them Some More!!

Oh you mean people like Barney Frank, Obama, Pelosi, Waters, Wasserman-Schultz, and pretty much every liberal in politics? Gotcha. I agree.

I think the libs should vote them all out and get some moderate Dem's in there that we can work with. Oh that's right, they vote their moderates out too don't they? See Lieberman and pretty much any anti-abortion Dem.

5/9/2012, 09:41 PM
Be careful what you wish for. At least Lugar was an independent mind and not a robotic drone owned by talk radio level ideologues.

Repug with an "independant mind" = "moderate"!
Better to give the voters a real stark choice...and let them get the gobment they deserve.

5/10/2012, 08:22 AM
Cruiser, I am in complete agreement. And we're preparing to see exactly what a government of three-year-olds can accomplish. Unfortunate that our country will needlessly drift until the termper tantrums run their course.

LiveLaugh, Wasserman-Shultz was next on my list after Maxine. The Dems are equally to blame. Doesn't mean that the Republicans shouldn't try to lead the way out of the swamp, but clearly the Dems are right there helping to dig the hole deeper.

hawaii 5-0
5/10/2012, 12:01 PM
I'm all for term limits, Dem or Repub.

Serve your time in Congress, take the Corporation's money and then move along.


5/13/2012, 09:02 AM
Cruiser, I am in complete agreement. And we're preparing to see exactly what a government of three-year-olds can accomplish. Unfortunate that our country will needlessly drift until the termper tantrums run their course.

LiveLaugh, Wasserman-Shultz was next on my list after Maxine. The Dems are equally to blame. Doesn't mean that the Republicans shouldn't try to lead the way out of the swamp, but clearly the Dems are right there helping to dig the hole deeper.

Unfortunately until 70% of the Repubs and 100% of the Dems are replaced with those that want whats best for America not just themselves or their party our problems will only worsen...