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View Full Version : How far apart do you grow Okra Plants?

4/29/2012, 05:32 PM
I tried to grow Okra last your for the first time but it did not do very good because it was so hot....so I thought....... But I heard it was a heat loving plant so I think I may have planted them to close together. I'm going to give it another go this year. Is 1 foot to little space between the plants and how much will one plant yield?

4/29/2012, 05:39 PM
I tried to grow Okra last your for the first time but it did not do very good because it was so hot....so I thought....... But I heard it was a heat loving plant so I think I may have planted them to close together. I'm going to give it another go this year. Is 1 foot to little space between the plants and how much will one plant yield?

It was the heat last year. Took a week to get a small mess off my plants .Id get 2,3 or 4 pods then have to wait a few days to get anymore

1plant should give ya a Bunch, Ive got about 20 growing right now and they with in 6 to 8 inches of each other, Should give me more okra than I can do anything with

If the soil is good and you keep em watered ya cant really get "TOO Close"

4/29/2012, 06:31 PM
Put em' in rows and when they start growing, thin them out. If I remember correctly, you want about 1-2 feet between plants.

Okra is one of them things anybody can grow.

4/29/2012, 07:05 PM
^especially, if you live in Okrahoma!

4/29/2012, 11:24 PM
Keep 'em far enough apart that they aren't noticeable from the sky.

hawaii 5-0
4/30/2012, 01:55 AM
Most people don't like the idea of thinning a healthy plant but mature plants really need a little space to thrive.


4/30/2012, 08:13 AM
30 inches. Those ****ers get big.

4/30/2012, 08:22 AM
We planted two seeds every six inches and then thinned to one plant every six inches if needed. Always had more than enough.

4/30/2012, 11:02 AM
If you need someone to measure out twelve inch spacings, give me a shout.


4/30/2012, 11:28 AM
If you need someone to measure out twelve inch spacings, give me a shout.


So you have big feet?