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View Full Version : VoteJobsOK.com: Protect Oklahoma Job Creators from Greedy Trial Lawyers?

4/8/2012, 05:00 PM
Great website which promotes "common sense reforms," but fails to go into any detail whatsoever.

This website is a front for the Oklahoma Chamber of Commerce to promote the Energy Litigation Reform Act (HB 2654). I read through the changes being presented, but I have no background in oil and gas law, so understanding those reforms in context is difficult. Why is this a big deal and what will be fixed?

At its core, it looked like a bill to prevent royalty holders from suing oil and gas companies. Are we looking to further insulate oil and gas producers from being treated like everyone else in the legal system? Do they need to have statutory protections? I'm not aware of this abusive litigation and the website doesn't go into specifics as to what sort of litigation and/or how any "greedy" trial lawyers are actually making money.

4/8/2012, 07:23 PM
So basically what your saying is, it's a website, but you have no ****ing clue what the reasoning is for said website...?

4/8/2012, 07:36 PM
So basically what your saying is, it's a website, but you have no ****ing clue what the reasoning is for said website...?

Pretty much. Perhaps instead of your typical childish insults you could review that website and get back to us on your findings? I'm on pins and needles as to what your certain expertise in the realm of oil and gas tort law might uncover.

4/8/2012, 09:01 PM
I was hoping to find that a "votejob" was something lascivious, but no luck.

After a glance, I'd suggest it is business folks hoping to limit the tentacles of worker's comp cases and sky high insurance liability rates from intruding on their avenues of business. From their point of view: Just show up, work, get paid, and go home.

From someone else's point of view: sign away your rights to sue us later.

Just a guess.

4/9/2012, 01:29 AM
I was hoping to find that a "votejob" was something lascivious, but no luck.

After a glance, I'd suggest it is business folks hoping to limit the tentacles of worker's comp cases and sky high insurance liability rates from intruding on their avenues of business. From their point of view: Just show up, work, get paid, and go home.

From someone else's point of view: sign away your rights to sue us later.

Just a guess.

No, reading the actual legislation, it seems more to do with contract claims for royalty owners, etc., against energy producers. I was not aware that this was a big problem.

4/9/2012, 05:51 AM
No, reading the actual legislation, it seems more to do with contract claims for royalty owners, etc., against energy producers. I was not aware that this was a big problem.

That makes sense, too. With an energy boom on, someone is going to feel someone else is getting too big a piece of the pie. After dealing with some of my mom's mineral rights issues, I can see both sides. Energy companies just want to get on with their job, and sometimes don't dig thru all the filings in those mineral cases.

On the other hand, how anyone can make sense of the mess, and pay royalty owners is beyond me. Every generation the minerals get split up and passed on to more and more heirs. It seems like drillers would just give up when you average mile section of minerals may have dozens of people claiming some ownership.