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View Full Version : Kansas Preservation of Religious Freedom Act

Chuck Bao
3/29/2012, 03:44 PM
Check this out. Kansas is about to pass the Preservation of Religious Freedom bill that will allow anyone to fire an employee or kick out a renter for being the gay on the basis of religious freedom. Yeah, the politicians supporting the bill say that Americans have the right to not support the lifestyle of cross-dressers, as if that is a huge, terrible danger. Not really sure what the Kansas proof of being gay is, like “doesn’t have a current girlfriend” or “extends pinkie when drinking tea” or “likes musicals.” I suppose all of that could be covered under the big tent of religious freedom and the right to be a bigot.


HOUSE APPROVES: Does Kansas Law Legalize Discrimination?
By Lucas Grindley

Kansas lawmakers voted overwhelmingly today to pass a bill that opponents say legalizes discrimination against gays and lesbians.

Members of both parties joined together in the House on the 89-27 vote, according to the Lawrence Journal-World. If the Senate follows suit and Governor Sam Brownback signs the bill, as he has indicted, then anyone could opt out of anti-discrimination laws that protect gays and lesbians by claiming they violate their "religious freedom."

For example, an employer could fire someone if they discovered the employee was gay. Or a landlord could kick a renter out of their home. The religious exemption extends past places of business to universities, where students or instructors could opt out of a school's anti-discrimination policy.

The idea for the bill, called the "Kansas Preservation of Religious Freedom Act," came in reaction to the college town of Lawrence passing an anti-discrimination ordinance that included sexual orientation. The new state law would nullify that and any other local anti-discrimination ordinance that included sexual orientation by granting citizens the right to opt out if they felt it conflicted with their religious beliefs.

"I don't think an ordinance should trump other people's religious rights," said Rep. Jan Pauls, a Democrat on the Judiciary Committee that heard testimony about the bill. During a forum earlier this year, Pauls gave an example to explain why she backs the bill, saying an employer should be allowed to fire a "cross dresser."

"The question is personal belief as far as religion," she said. "Should that be trumped by forcing people to then support a lifestyle that they don't support due to their religion?"

"If this law were passed," Pauls explained, "people could bring up their religion as a reason that they did not want to follow the ordinances."

3/29/2012, 04:03 PM
It is a source of never ending merriment to me that Kansas, which so long looked down its nose at Oklahoma as being ever so politically incorrect....has now become the font of primitivist ignorance for our entire country.

3/29/2012, 04:14 PM
Kansas is just trying to stay relevant in the discussion of backwater states

3/29/2012, 04:26 PM
Not really sure what the Kansas proof of being gay is, like “doesn’t have a current girlfriend” or “extends pinkie when drinking tea” or “likes musicals.”
Oh come on, you know it's the secret handshake

Chuck Bao
3/29/2012, 04:37 PM
Oh come on, you know it's the secret handshake

True that. It's always been about the secret handshake. But if you know about it, that's probably an admission that is permissible as evidence in a court of law in Kansas. Dorthy left the state and didn't come back for a reason.

3/29/2012, 04:45 PM
Ok. I dont agree with this so much
But I do agree that a Person CAN control their OWN property

I have a rental and If i dont want some one with a Nose ring to rent it , They aint gonna . Its that simple
Dont try to tell me what I have to do cause it might hurt some ones feelers

3/29/2012, 04:51 PM
Does this not still stand?


3/29/2012, 04:55 PM
A Governor named Brownback would never sign that bill.

3/29/2012, 05:03 PM
I think it should cut both ways. Can I fire or evict someone for being religious?

Chuck Bao
3/29/2012, 05:03 PM
Ok. I dont agree with this so much
But I do agree that a Person CAN control their OWN property

I have a rental and If i dont want some one with a Nose ring to rent it , They aint gonna . Its that simple
Dont try to tell me what I have to do cause it might hurt some ones feelers

**** you, Olevet. I got a ring in my penis. You shouldn't be able to legally do a damn thing about that. I also like to do things that you've never heard of or never imagined. Suck on THAT while you try to get me evicted.

3/29/2012, 05:25 PM
I raise my pinkie when I drink Mt dew. ****! ;)

Chuck Bao
3/29/2012, 05:32 PM
Does this not still stand?


It does and it should, Mister Turd.

If nobody wants my gay fat ***, pierced penis to grace their establishment, I don't want to be there. No rocket science involved. But if there is a problem that I just happen to lift my leg for a really cute right kinda guy, I just don't see that that should matter to you.

3/29/2012, 05:39 PM
**** you, Olevet. I got a ring in my penis. You shouldn't be able to legally do a damn thing about that. I also like to do things that you've never heard of or never imagined. Suck on THAT while you try to get me evicted.

Good Lord Chuck....all of those mental images.

3/29/2012, 06:18 PM
**** you, Olevet. I got a ring in my penis. You shouldn't be able to legally do a damn thing about that. I also like to do things that you've never heard of or never imagined. Suck on THAT while you try to get me evicted.

Heh, You show me yer dick with a ring in it and you aint gonna need evictin Cause ya aint gettin in LOL

3/29/2012, 06:39 PM
Kansas has been on the outs with me since 1861 or thereabouts.

3/29/2012, 07:02 PM
Yeah how crazy of them to actually allow a property owner to decide such things. Absurdness abounds.

From what I hear, gays tend to be toward the wealthier side of life. Why don't they buy their own and not allow Christians to live there. Be fine with me. After all, IT's THEIR PROPERTY!

For Pete's sake.

3/29/2012, 07:05 PM
Having said that, I try to be a good Christian and I would have no problem renting to gays. In fact, I would welcome it for a variety of reasons.

But not everyone would agree with me on that and if they own the property it should be up to them.

I know what happened to blacks and not being allowed to rent. I just don't see the two as the same. At all.

3/29/2012, 07:13 PM
I got no Prob with the Gay queers
I do have a Prob with the Gov tellin me what I can do with MY property

3/29/2012, 07:27 PM
I think it should cut both ways. Can I fire or evict someone for being religious?Do you really? Do you think it should cut both ways?

Chuck Bao
3/29/2012, 07:38 PM
I got no Prob with the Gay queers
I do have a Prob with the Gov tellin me what I can do with MY property

I respect that. And, can I respectfully say that you can stick that property up your ***?

3/29/2012, 07:57 PM
I respect that. And, can I respectfully say that you can stick that property up your ***?Sorry, exit only.

Chuck Bao
3/29/2012, 08:02 PM
Sorry, exit only. It's cute, though.

3/29/2012, 08:06 PM
It's cute, though.No, it's actually ugly, wrinkled and has **** come out of it...but to each their own I guess...

3/29/2012, 09:14 PM
What about the blacks? Do I have to rent to them too?

3/29/2012, 09:16 PM
What about the blacks? Do I have to rent to them too?

Yes, there are no religious grounds to stand on to be a racist.

3/29/2012, 09:21 PM
Yes, there are no religious grounds to stand on to be a racist.Do not try to ruin his zinger...