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3/20/2012, 08:08 AM
Vice President Joe Biden said Monday that the raid that killed Osama bin Laden was the most "audacious plan" of the past 500 years. Biden's comments, made at a Democratic fundraiser in Morris Township, NJ, ranked the May 2011 assault that ended the Al-Qaeda chief's life above the D-Day invasion of Normandy in 1944, the surprise landing at Inchon in 1950 that turned the tide of the Korean War or, going back a bit further, George Washington's daring night-time crossing of the Delaware River before the Battle of Trenton in 1776.

"You can go back 500 years. You cannot find a more audacious plan. Never knowing for certain. We never had more than a 48% probability that he was there," Biden said, hailing the raid as a shining example of President Barack Obama's leadership.


After the raid, they sounded alot more than 48% sure they were on the right path to me.

3/20/2012, 08:14 AM
I think the probability of Obama being there was closer to 52%...

3/20/2012, 08:25 AM
Even the local Domino's drivers referred to the place as the Bin Laden Hilton.

3/20/2012, 08:29 AM
Dog years, maybe?

3/20/2012, 08:32 AM
And people were worried about Palin being a heart-beat away from the presidency?

3/20/2012, 09:19 AM
And people were worried about Palin being a heart-beat away from the presidency?

Even Osama believed that Joe was incompetent..

"Biden," bin Laden reckoned, "is totally unprepared for that post, which will lead the U.S. into a crisis."

Nobody messes with Joe...


3/20/2012, 09:23 AM
I'm sure Obama, like Eisenhower, had already written his resignation letter should the OBL mission have failed.

48%? It would be interesting to have Joe explain how that risk % was established.

3/20/2012, 09:26 AM
48%? It would be interesting to have Joe explain how that risk % was established.You do know that 43.7% of the time, people pull statistics strait out of their ***...right?

3/20/2012, 09:28 AM
I'm sure Obama, like Eisenhower, had already written his resignation letter should the OBL mission have failed.

48%? It would be interesting to have Joe explain how that risk % was established.

Eisenhower didn't write a resignation letter. Eisenhower wrote a letter taking full responsibility for the failure of the D-Day landings, but it was not a resignation letter.

3/20/2012, 09:33 AM
Eisenhower didn't write a resignation letter. Eisenhower wrote a letter taking full responsibility for the failure of the D-Day landings, but it was not a resignation letter.

You are right. His letter didn't state he would resign.

3/20/2012, 09:36 AM
Good ole Joe Blow.....typical.

3/20/2012, 09:36 AM
Even the local Domino's drivers referred to the place as the Bin Laden Hilton.

If it was so easy how come bush didn't get him?

3/20/2012, 09:37 AM
You are right. His letter didn't state he would resign.

That's why I get paid the big bucks, son.

3/20/2012, 09:41 AM
That's why I get paid the big bucks, son. Sweeet.....ya got moved off of fries.:congratulatory:

3/20/2012, 09:43 AM
That's why I get paid the big bucks, son.

I must have relied on the same source as McCain...regrettably:

Fact Check: McCain Invokes Eisenhower Letters

ABC News’ Reynolds Holding Reports: Calling on President Eisenhower to deliver a lesson about accountability, Sen. John McCain invoked two letters authored by the 34th president the night before the Normandy invasion during Friday’s presidential debate. One letter, McCain said, was authored in the event that the D-Day invasion was a success and the other, a resignation, in the event it was a failure.

According to the National Archives, late on the afternoon of June 5, 1944, Eisenhower scribbled a note intended for release accepting responsibility for the decision to launch the invasion and taking full blame in the event the effort to create a beachhead on the Normandy coast failed.

In the letter, Eisenhower takes responsibility but makes no mention of resignation.

Ton Loc
3/20/2012, 09:44 AM
No big deal. Osama is dead and Joe gets to wax poetic at some crap hole in New Jersey. Plus, it took us around 10 years. Longer than anything cleller mentioned in his post. The audacious thing can at least be argued.

3/20/2012, 09:55 AM
No big deal. Osama is dead and Joe gets to wax poetic at some crap hole in New Jersey. Plus, it took us around 10 years. Longer than anything cleller mentioned in his post. The audacious thing can at least be argued.

Maybe... But not for very long. It was a daring plan sure, but not even in the same category of audaciousness as the Doolittle Raid.

3/20/2012, 10:01 AM
Maybe... But not for very long. It was a daring plan sure, but not even in the same category of audaciousness as the Doolittle Raid.

It's right up there for sure. We were able to develop intelligence sources locating Bin Laden in a military town in the middle of an "allied" country which to this day claims no knowledge of his whereabouts. Then we were able to swoop in and kill everyone there and get all of our soldiers out completely undetected and without any casualties.

I'd say that's right up there with the Doolittle Raid.

And of course, Doolittle didn't have SEALTeam 6, so there's that.

3/20/2012, 10:06 AM
Maybe... But not for very long. It was a daring plan sure, but not even in the same category of audaciousness as the Doolittle Raid.


I don't know about that. Both were very ballsy. The could have walked into a hornets and been completely wiped out.

The planning and operational security in both missions were well done. Both had high degree of risk. I would certainly rank this as a top 10 all time mission. Maybe top 5. Biden has a right to crow about their success.

3/20/2012, 10:10 AM
The SNL parodies of Biden are far too kind. Didn't he suffer a seriouis head injury a few years back?

3/20/2012, 10:53 AM

I don't know about that. Both were very ballsy. The could have walked into a hornets and been completely wiped out.

The planning and operational security in both missions were well done. Both had high degree of risk. I would certainly rank this as a top 10 all time mission. Maybe top 5. Biden has a right to crow about their success.

No they couldn't have, we knew there were around 10 people in the compound. We had satellites pointed at that house for almost a year. The CIA also had a safehouse nearby that spied on the compound for months on end. They knew how many people were in that compound and where they would most likely be. For a month, the SEALS trained in a full scale replica of the compound in Afghanistan for goodness sake..

In another words, almost all of the unknowns were eliminated and in the end you had the best trained SF team in the world raid a compound they knew like the back of their hand.. SEALS raid enemy compounds for lunch.. It is what they do.

The reason, I don't consider it anywhere near the top 10 of audacious plans is because all of those unknowns were eliminated. There was nothing done that night that the military hadn't done before. We knew there was a 'high value target' in that compound and that was much higher than 50% or we wouldn't have spent millions of dollars watching the place for so long.

With all of that prior planning and the training of the SEALS, I honestly would have been much more surprised if the mission would have failed than be a success. And by failed, I mean completely wiped out.

Daring, yes. Most audacious of the past 500 years? Err, no.

3/20/2012, 10:57 AM
You do know that 43.7% of the time, people pull statistics strait out of their ***...right?


Surely not Joe.

3/20/2012, 11:02 AM
Vice President Joe Biden said Monday that the raid that killed Osama bin Laden was the most "audacious plan" of the past 500 years. Biden's comments, made at a Democratic fundraiser in Morris Township, NJ, ranked the May 2011 assault that ended the Al-Qaeda chief's life above the D-Day invasion of Normandy in 1944, the surprise landing at Inchon in 1950 that turned the tide of the Korean War or, going back a bit further, George Washington's daring night-time crossing of the Delaware River before the Battle of Trenton in 1776.

"You can go back 500 years. You cannot find a more audacious plan. Never knowing for certain. We never had more than a 48% probability that he was there," Biden said, hailing the raid as a shining example of President Barack Obama's leadership.


After the raid, they sounded alot more than 48% sure they were on the right path to me.

Incredibly absurd.

Just the scale of DDay, Inchon, Trenton, etc...and the impact they would have had had they failed vs the OSL raid makes one wonder about Joe being a heartbeat away.

Great raid...yes. I wonder how many great raids were made in WWII?

3/20/2012, 11:08 AM
500 years also includes this little gem, which Adm. Nelson called "the most bold and daring act of the age." But none of this japing at Biden lessens the fact that taking out bin Laden was tremndously "bold and daring."


3/20/2012, 11:12 AM
If it was so easy how come bush didn't get him?

Of course the remark about pizza drivers calling the compound the Bin Laden Hilton was a joke, yet here we go again. In desperation, to to find a way to use Bush as a deflector.

Who knows how long Bin Laden had been there? Leon Panetta did state that crucial info in the capture was obtained thru the use of waterboarding. (on NBC news, with Brian Williams) Remember waterboarding? The stuff Bush was slammed for, and Obama vowed to stop? The final piece of the puzzle might have fallen into place when one of Bin Laden's wives showed up at the compound shortly before the raid.

It was a good plan that any president would have signed off on. It wasn't the most audacious military event of the last 500 years.

3/20/2012, 11:18 AM
500 years also includes this little gem, which Adm. Nelson called "the most bold and daring act of the age." But none of this japing at Biden lessens the fact that taking out bin Laden was tremndously "bold and daring."


And Admiral Nelson was no slouch himself. His plan for the Battle of Trafalgar started with 'we are going to sail straight at them'. Which meant the enemy(which had more ships and more guns) had an hour to launch broadsides at him before he could fire back... The good Admiral was also in the lead ship.

That is audacious.

3/20/2012, 11:38 AM
And Admiral Nelson was no slouch himself. His plan for the Battle of Trafalgar started with 'we are going to sail straight at them'. Which meant the enemy(which had more ships and more guns) had an hour to launch broadsides at him before he could fire back... The good Admiral was also in the lead ship.

That is audacious.

Nelson had gigantic balls of steel heavy enough to sink 100 ships-of-the-line.

3/20/2012, 11:44 AM
I call BS on that SicEm.

They were brass, and each weighed 'a hundredweight' and clanked when he walked.

3/20/2012, 11:54 AM
How about the crew(s) of the H L Hundley?

Pretty ballsy group for sure.


Curly Bill
3/20/2012, 11:57 AM
Had Brack led the raid himself Biden's comment might have had some vailidity, otherwise...not so much.

3/20/2012, 12:15 PM
Biden is a tool and a plagiarizer.

3/20/2012, 12:58 PM
Of course the remark about pizza drivers calling the compound the Bin Laden Hilton was a joke, yet here we go again. In desperation, to to find a way to use Bush as a deflector.

Who knows how long Bin Laden had been there? Leon Panetta did state that crucial info in the capture was obtained thru the use of waterboarding. (on NBC news, with Brian Williams) Remember waterboarding? The stuff Bush was slammed for, and Obama vowed to stop? The final piece of the puzzle might have fallen into place when one of Bin Laden's wives showed up at the compound shortly before the raid.

It was a good plan that any president would have signed off on. It wasn't the most audacious military event of the last 500 years.

I understand that it was a joke, you just won't give Obama credit for anything. Now your making joke about how easy it was, hence my question. Ask the SEAL's who risked their lives how easy it was. It was OBAMA who restarted the group in the CIA to search for him after bush gave up and quit looking. Do I need to post a link to remind you?

And as for

"Leon Panetta did state that crucial info in the capture was obtained thru the use of waterboarding. (on NBC news, with Brian Williams)"

from the interview with williams

"Whether we would have gotten the same information through other approaches I think is always gonna be an open question," Panetta said.

"In the intelligence business you work from a lot of sources of information and that was true here," Panetta said. "We had a multiple source — a multiple series of sources — that provided information with regards to the situation. Clearly some of it came from detainees and the interrogation of detainees but we also had information from other sources as well."

ONE of the sources, ONE. Jeezzz it's like teaching six year olds. You guys just pick out what you want and ignore the rest.

3/20/2012, 12:58 PM
Interesting how some people talk about how "Obama killed UBL", or "We killed UBL"...What a ****'n joke.

3/20/2012, 12:59 PM
ONE of the sources, ONE. Jeezzz it's like teaching six year olds. You guys just pick out what you want and ignore the rest.Coming from you...that's rich.

3/20/2012, 01:10 PM
Interesting how some people talk about how "Obama killed UBL", or "We killed UBL"...What a ****'n joke.

Turdbucket! bush quit and obama got him. period.

Just say great job Mr. President!

3/20/2012, 01:31 PM
No they couldn't have, we knew there were around 10 people in the compound. We had satellites pointed at that house for almost a year. The CIA also had a safehouse nearby that spied on the compound for months on end. They knew how many people were in that compound and where they would most likely be. For a month, the SEALS trained in a full scale replica of the compound in Afghanistan for goodness sake..

In another words, almost all of the unknowns were eliminated and in the end you had the best trained SF team in the world raid a compound they knew like the back of their hand.. SEALS raid enemy compounds for lunch.. It is what they do.

The reason, I don't consider it anywhere near the top 10 of audacious plans is because all of those unknowns were eliminated. There was nothing done that night that the military hadn't done before. We knew there was a 'high value target' in that compound and that was much higher than 50% or we wouldn't have spent millions of dollars watching the place for so long.

With all of that prior planning and the training of the SEALS, I honestly would have been much more surprised if the mission would have failed than be a success. And by failed, I mean completely wiped out.

Daring, yes. Most audacious of the past 500 years? Err, no.


I would point to the Iran hostage rescue or the raids on NVA prison camps. In combat you never know what will happen. When was the last time the US flew so deeply into enemy territory and did something like this? I can't remember one.

3/20/2012, 01:35 PM

I would point to the Iran hostage rescue. In combat you never know what will happen. When was the last time the US flew so deeply into enemy territory and did something like this? I can't remember one.

Certainly courageous but never got close to executing their plan along with the tragic results.

3/20/2012, 01:41 PM
Certainly courageous but never got close to executing their plan along with the tragic results.

And that is my point. In combat the only constant is the unknown. The fact that the killing of OBL looked easy should not be an excuse to discount how tough of a mission this was. Psychologically for our nation it was every bit as big as the raid on tokyo.

3/20/2012, 01:58 PM
And that is my point. In combat the only constant is the unknown. The fact that the killing of OBL looked easy should not be an excuse to discount how tough of a mission this was. Psychologically for our nation it was every bit as big as the raid on tokyo.

I wouldn't discount the seals at all nor Obama. It was a great accomplishment. The Seals are heroes and Obama had the guts to make the call...and watch it unfold...that would have been unnerving.

But Biden went way overboard to make his statement...which isn't unusual for him.

3/20/2012, 02:18 PM
I understand that it was a joke, you just won't give Obama credit for anything. Now your making joke about how easy it was, hence my question. Ask the SEAL's who risked their lives how easy it was. It was OBAMA who restarted the group in the CIA to search for him after bush gave up and quit looking. Do I need to post a link to remind you?

And as for

"Leon Panetta did state that crucial info in the capture was obtained thru the use of waterboarding. (on NBC news, with Brian Williams)"

from the interview with williams

"Whether we would have gotten the same information through other approaches I think is always gonna be an open question," Panetta said.

"In the intelligence business you work from a lot of sources of information and that was true here," Panetta said. "We had a multiple source — a multiple series of sources — that provided information with regards to the situation. Clearly some of it came from detainees and the interrogation of detainees but we also had information from other sources as well."

ONE of the sources, ONE. Jeezzz it's like teaching six year olds. You guys just pick out what you want and ignore the rest.

The whole thread is a based on a joke. Biden claiming this was the most daring act in the entire history of the US, or even the whole wide world. A tall tale worthy of a 6 year old. No one ever said it was easy, just not as colossal as Biden suggests.
Obama deserves credit for giving the go ahead. Too bad Clinton didn't feel the same way.

3/20/2012, 02:30 PM
Biden is making me rethink my low opinion of Palin. Almost.

3/20/2012, 02:34 PM
Biden 2016!


3/20/2012, 02:40 PM
I wouldn't discount the seals at all nor Obama. It was a great accomplishment. The Seals are heroes and Obama had the guts to make the call...and watch it unfold...that would have been unnerving.

But Biden went way overboard to make his statement...which isn't unusual for him.

He does run his mouth a lot. I only voted for him once in my 30 years in Delaware.

3/20/2012, 02:44 PM
Biden to the left of me,
Palin to the right,
Here I am Stuck in the middle with you
Yes I'm, Stuck in the middle with you.

3/20/2012, 03:34 PM
Biden to the left of me,
Palin to the right,
Here I am Stuck in the middle with you
Yes I'm, Stuck in the middle with you.

Did you just smoke one?

3/20/2012, 03:34 PM
Did you just smoke one?

Fixin' to get ready to do somthin'....

3/20/2012, 04:02 PM
Biden should thank the stars he isn't a Republican. He'd have been dead meat long ago.

Quayle misspelled one word and was forever crucified as a dunce.

Biden does stupid crap weekly and yet survives as just " ol' loveable uncle Joe".

3/20/2012, 04:08 PM
I wonder about the market for 'Joltin' Joe Biden' action figures.

They would come with snappy aviator sunglasses, loud tiesand navy blue suits. When you pull the ring on the back, you get one or another 'Joe-ism' and then (if you've filled the reservoir with water, he drools. If you use the deluxe dual-reservoir upgrade, you can add vinegar and baking soda and he'll actually FOAM at the mouth).

*strait jacket, and 'Nurse Sally' action figure complete with tranquilizer dart pistol sold separrately.

Don't thank me, it's a gift from God.

3/20/2012, 04:17 PM
from the look on Obamas face....in the situation room......I'd say someone said here.....have a seat....we have a surprise for ya. Watch this ****.

3/20/2012, 04:49 PM
from the look on Obamas face....in the situation room......I'd say someone said here.....have a seat....we have a surprise for ya. Watch this ****.Egzackly...

3/20/2012, 04:56 PM


3/20/2012, 04:59 PM
Here's the real expert.


3/20/2012, 05:03 PM
Here's 5 HISTORICAL Videos of OBL in his masturbation unit....lol


3/20/2012, 05:05 PM

3/20/2012, 05:06 PM
Oh, here we go...

3/20/2012, 05:12 PM
If there was a guy I'd listen to about this....this would be the guy...


3/20/2012, 05:21 PM
Obama hasn't been in Office long enough to do the training so I'm thinking he depended on some experts before he made the call to send SS6 in. I'm thinking the Dude next to him with all the medals on his chest had him pretty prepared for what was going to happen. Also....I think the worst thing that happened was that when we had a Chopper go down.....President Obama knew that he wasn't going to be able to go on TV the next day and say...."I'm not sure what you are all talking about". He was going to have to explain that he had sent in our guys to go after OBL. Now...what makes things even better is that we did actually get OBL.....unless you are going to submit proof that we didn't get him and that he's living in the Burbs outside of Newark, NJ.


3/20/2012, 05:34 PM
Joe works out....

Wiggle wigglw wiggle wiggle.....


3/20/2012, 05:37 PM
You're high...again.

3/20/2012, 05:38 PM
ORAMBO 2012 ! ! !


3/20/2012, 05:39 PM
Yup...sho nuff...

3/20/2012, 05:47 PM
You must be pregnant.


3/20/2012, 05:52 PM
You must be pregnant.

http://www.ectopic.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/642959812_d6c54193e0-300x225.jpgI am...It's Nopes...don't tell Chuck.

3/20/2012, 07:53 PM
I am...It's Nopes...don't tell Chuck.

He can finally come to America now.....lol.

Chuck Bao
3/20/2012, 07:56 PM
I am...It's Nopes...don't tell Chuck.

No worries, I already heard about it. Congrats and good luck with that, Turd.

3/20/2012, 08:46 PM

Quayle misspelled one word and was forever crucified as a dunce.

Yeah, other than that, Dan was a real peech. :D

3/20/2012, 11:58 PM

I would point to the Iran hostage rescue or the raids on NVA prison camps. In combat you never know what will happen. When was the last time the US flew so deeply into enemy territory and did something like this? I can't remember one.

Please show me where we have declared war on Pakistan? In fact, I thought we give them billions every year including most of their military equipment(which means we knew their capability and how to avoid it...) To declare Pakistan "behind enemy lines" is a little hyperbole that ol' Joe would be proud of though.

But to answer your question, the distance was 100 miles behind the border. It took a couple of helicopters that didn't need to be refueled with a couple on standby at the border in case they were needed. One was, and the SEALS were still in and out of the compound in 38 minutes. Simplicity usually doesn't go along with audacious.

The Iran hostage rescue attempt by Carter was much more complex with longer distance, involving helicopters, C-130 and, I think, multiple refueling stops... They case can easily be made that Carter's plan was much more audacious than Obama's.

The Doolittle Raid started with something that had never been attempted(and hasn't again since), launching land based bombers from a carrier at sea and then flying the longest mission ever in that plane. When your plan starts with something that has never been attempted.. That is audacious.

Look up Operation Frankton.. That was audacious.

3/21/2012, 06:21 AM
Please show me where we have declared war on Pakistan? In fact, I thought we give them billions every year including most of their military equipment(which means we knew their capability and how to avoid it...) To declare Pakistan "behind enemy lines" is a little hyperbole that ol' Joe would be proud of though.

But to answer your question, the distance was 100 miles behind the border. It took a couple of helicopters that didn't need to be refueled with a couple on standby at the border in case they were needed. One was, and the SEALS were still in and out of the compound in 38 minutes. Simplicity usually doesn't go along with audacious.

The Iran hostage rescue attempt by Carter was much more complex with longer distance, involving helicopters, C-130 and, I think, multiple refueling stops... They case can easily be made that Carter's plan was much more audacious than Obama's.

The Doolittle Raid started with something that had never been attempted(and hasn't again since), launching land based bombers from a carrier at sea and then flying the longest mission ever in that plane. When your plan starts with something that has never been attempted.. That is audacious.

Look up Operation Frankton.. That was audacious.


Western Pakistan is enemy territory. It is our modern day Laos .

Those land bases bombers were smaller than an F14. Not discounting what the did but those aircraft were not B1 bombers.

I forgot to tell you I met Doolittle when I was a kid while my dad was going through an Air War college. He came into the Officers Club and I got to meet him. He was a hero of mine. My dad did his multi engine in B25's.

I will concede Biden is full of **** and why I am defending him shows a lack of judgement on part. Lol

3/21/2012, 07:25 AM
You want audacious? Here's a dose of audacious:

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/95/Washington_Crossing_the_Delaware_by_Emanuel_Leutze %2C_MMA-NYC%2C_1851.jpg/800px-Washington_Crossing_the_Delaware_by_Emanuel_Leutze %2C_MMA-NYC%2C_1851.jpg

btw, does this mean that Biden is planning a book titled "The Audacity of BO"?

3/21/2012, 08:04 AM
Those land bases bombers were smaller than an F14. Not discounting what the did but those aircraft were not B1 bombers.Well, closer to being the same size, and anyone that's stood next to an F-14 knows they are some big *** fighter jets...What is your point about this?

3/21/2012, 08:44 AM
I really don't think we need to go into specifics in order to cast a Leonard Nimoy-type raised eyebrow when that moron declares the OBL take down the most _______ in 500 years.
I sincerely doubt Biden has a working knowledge of the history of the last 100 years, not to mention last 500. It may well be that he has difficulty grapsing the magnitude of the number '500'.

3/21/2012, 08:49 AM
Old Joe probably never even realized he said it. Once his mouth gets going you're liable to hear anything from a guacamole recipe to a Buddhist chant.

Those Doolittle guys. What guts. To take off on a mission with no way to get back other than a map of colonial China, and your wits.

Curly Bill
3/21/2012, 08:52 AM
I really don't think we need to go into specifics in order to cast a Leonard Nimoy-type raised eyebrow when that moron declares the OBL take down the most _______ in 500 years.
I sincerely doubt Biden has a working knowledge of the history of the last 100 years, not to mention last 500. It may well be that he has difficulty grapsing the magnitude of the number '500'.

Pretty well put! LOL

3/21/2012, 09:00 AM
Old Joe probably never even realized he said it. Once his mouth gets going you're liable to hear anything from a guacamole recipe to a Buddhist chant.

Those Doolittle guys. What guts. To take off on a mission with no way to get back other than a map of colonial China, and your wits.

Thank you! They didn't have AWACS flying recon for them, or helicopters on stand-by to pick them up if (when) they went down. Kind of like the Hannibal's guys - you want us to take the elephants where?

3/21/2012, 09:37 AM
Well, closer to being the same size, and anyone that's stood next to an F-14 knows they are some big *** fighter jets...What is your point about this?

Not a point per se. Just pointing out that it has not been done again because of the size of modern bombers.

One of the most impressive films I have seen is a C130 landing on a carrier.

3/21/2012, 09:48 AM
Thank you! They didn't have AWACS flying recon for them, or helicopters on stand-by to pick them up if (when) they went down. Kind of like the Hannibal's guys - you want us to take the elephants where?

You guys are really discounting how tough this mission was from top to bottom. You want to know who has the biggest set of balls? The CIA spooks who gathered intel on this house. Had their cover been blown they would be dead. Because the SEALs made it look easy and it was pulled of by a liberal President you guys discount it. Funny thing is most of the ballsy plans you guys identified were done by Democratic Presidents.

3/21/2012, 10:21 AM
You guys are really discounting how tough this mission was from top to bottom. You want to know who has the biggest set of balls? The CIA spooks who gathered intel on this house. Had their cover been blown they would be dead. Because the SEALs made it look easy and it was pulled of by a liberal President you guys discount it. Funny thing is most of the ballsy plans you guys identified were done by Democratic Presidents.

Not discounting the difficulty at all - just going back to the OP - this ain't going down in the history books as a military miracle.

3/21/2012, 07:49 PM
Is it possible to agree that the people that deserve the credit are the ones that actually coordinated and conducted the operations. None of which were elected officials.

All these operations we speak of were conducted by professionals, people with real courage. Not presidents, vice presidents or cabinet members, they just try to ride the coattails.

3/21/2012, 10:06 PM
I think Obama deserves a lot of credit. Ticks me royally that bush took his eye off the ball and didn't nail him cause he was too busy avenging dad.

Having said that, Biden is a king of court jesters and his statement is so stupid as to be scary that the Guy is a heartbeat away.

Of course, the military people, CIA and anyone else tactically involved deserve our undying gratitude.

I pray for Obama's health and safety...

And his loss coming up. ;)