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3/13/2012, 05:54 PM
...with Baylor's new stadium. St. McLane dropped himself off a check for the new stadium today. Groundbreaking is due this summer. The absolute best part is that he has naming rights, but he chose not to name the new stadium after himself. Instead, he simply wants it called "Baylor Stadium." That is AWESOME. Baylor Stadium>Drayton McLane Stadium.

With the press release today, they released some new artist renderings of the stadium:

http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/423889_10150699790989497_87236249496_8996278_16670 28642_n.jpgp
http://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/424962_10150699790879497_87236249496_8996277_47468 5424_n.jpg
http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/428281_10150699790789497_87236249496_8996276_14071 42384_n.jpg
http://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/431505_10150699790699497_87236249496_8996275_77400 3949_n.jpg

3/13/2012, 06:11 PM
Someday it will be known as Baylor's Folley.

3/13/2012, 06:23 PM
Oh rawr.......

3/13/2012, 06:23 PM
What a waste of money.....

3/13/2012, 06:27 PM

3/13/2012, 06:29 PM
Guy must really need a write off

3/13/2012, 06:40 PM
That's a real pretty stadium. Who are they going to put in the seats?

3/13/2012, 06:50 PM
That's a real pretty stadium. Who are they going to put in the seats?more room for us ou folks

3/13/2012, 06:52 PM
more room for us ou folks
Actually not, there will be slightly fewer seats than currently at FCS.

3/13/2012, 07:39 PM
what a waste, do they think a new stadium is magically going to make Baylor a good team?

3/13/2012, 07:43 PM
what a waste, do they think a new stadium is magically going to make Baylor a good team?
Uh...no. Is that typically the number one reason a school builds a new stadium?

We're building a new stadium because the old one is off campus, not up to Big XII standards, and in the ghetto. The new stadium will be of higher quality, on campus, and right next to the new Highers Athletic and football training center. Kinda sucks to practice at one location and have to drive halfway across the city to the stadium. Those are some of the reasons.

I'm pretty sure I've never heard anyone suggest it's going to "magically" make us better except to the extent that recruits are bound to like it better than FCS.

3/13/2012, 07:55 PM
1. I like the pit for students (Bear Pit?). You usually only see that in basketball arenas.
2. Other than the fact that it looks like a toilet seat from space, it looks very nice. Congrats.

VA Sooner
3/13/2012, 07:55 PM
Damn! That's a pretty impressive stadium there, Sic 'em.

3/13/2012, 08:01 PM
That stadium is full because it's the 4th of July and they are all there to watch the fireworks.

3/13/2012, 08:17 PM
I assume the baseball, softball, and tennis teams will also get a new facilities, or do they all get to EABOD? And you can say many things about the Brazos. Blue ain't one of 'em. But yeah, they need new digs. I mean, I'd be absolutely mortified if my team had to travel 3 miles to play in their home stadium.

EDIT...ahhh. Now I see. It's on the NORTH side of the river. So the other teams are safe from the juggernaut for now. So basically, they have to drain and fill in the swamp where they want the stadium. Take your skeeter repellent to Waco from now on...

3/13/2012, 08:28 PM


3/13/2012, 08:30 PM
Very nice looking !

3/13/2012, 08:34 PM
I assume the baseball, softball, and tennis teams will also get a new facilities,
Nope. The baseball, softball, and tennis stadiums are EXTREMELY nice and situated along the athletic riverfront in the same location as the new stadium. The tennis stadium in particular is one of the nicest in the nation.

Blue ain't one of 'em. But yeah, they need new digs. I mean, I'd be absolutely mortified if my team had to travel 3 miles to play in their home stadium.

Aye. The Brazos is a brown muddy disaster, but maybe we can get a good deal on a bajillion urinal cakes for gameday. :D

Here is Baylor Ballpark (Baseball)

Here is Getterman Stadium (Softball)

Hurd Tennis Facility (Tennis)

These facilities along with the Ferrell Center (Basketball), Betty-Lou Mays Field (Soccer), and the Simpson Athletic Center (All sports + football practice fields both indoor/outdoor) are all located on the south side of the Brazos river. The new stadium will be on the north side of the river immediately across from these facilities and Baylor Law School.

The equestrian center, track center, and golf course are all located elsewhere around Waco.

3/13/2012, 08:38 PM
Good looking stadium. That is it.

3/13/2012, 08:41 PM
EDIT...ahhh. Now I see. It's on the NORTH side of the river. So the other teams are safe from the juggernaut for now. So basically, they have to drain and fill in the swamp where they want the stadium. Take your skeeter repellent to Waco from now on...

I see what you're saying now about the other facilities. I didn't get that you thought they were on the south side.

Yeah, there are apartments sitting right in the middle of that site that will have to be brought down. The rest of that area is a swampy bog that will have to be drained. People have reported engineers out there the last few months dong tests and what not.

I assume that the draining of the swam is feasible.

3/13/2012, 09:24 PM
I saw these pics earlier today...

I think it's awesome. It's a great looking stadium, and a nice addition to the Big XII venues. Baylor is playing this right...who knows how much success will follow last season, so why not take advantage of the situation and build up the athletic program as much as possible.

While Baylor has been the doormat of the Big XII for much of it's inception, they currently do not reside at the bottom. If I were a Baylor fan, I'd be pretty dang happy with the way the program sits today. But, I'm not, so it sucks!!! :playful:

3/13/2012, 09:30 PM
I saw these pics earlier today...

I think it's awesome. It's a great looking stadium, and a nice addition to the Big XII venues. Baylor is playing this right...who knows how much success will follow last season, so why not take advantage of the situation and build up the athletic program as much as possible.

While Baylor has been the doormat of the Big XII for much of it's inception, they currently do not reside at the bottom. If I were a Baylor fan, I'd be pretty dang happy with the way the program sits today. But, I'm not, so it sucks!!! :playful:

Aye. It's not only an upgrade for Baylor but for the rest of the conference as well. Opposing fans will likely enjoy themselves much better at this new on-campus stadium than FCS. One of the neat things about away games is seeing the campus which I think a lot of people miss out on since our stadium is off campus.

3/13/2012, 09:44 PM
It's a very nice looking stadium, perhaps you can field a football team that's worthy of it, otherwise it's the nicest swap meet location ever created.

3/14/2012, 02:01 AM
It's to bad they didn't just keep it where it was and instead setup a fund for people who drop out after 7 years Van Wilderness and just finally allow them to get their degree in Republicanism. Building away from the hood is gonna hurt these kids. They are going to have to swim the Brazos to try and scalp $5 tickets that they got from Active Students that feel sorry for them. Hopefully opposing fans will give them a little extra so they can pay the bridge toll and they won't have to swim the Brazos to get Home.

3/14/2012, 06:01 AM
more room for us ou folks :D

3/14/2012, 07:58 AM
Drayton just took the bundle he made off of selling the 'Stros and dropped it on the Bears. Good for him. I only wish he hadn't gutted our ball club before he cashed in.

3/14/2012, 08:44 AM
Looks REALLY good to me !!!!

3/14/2012, 09:25 AM
What's the glass pavillion-y thing at the bottom corner? Is that where all the trophies will be moved to?

3/14/2012, 09:32 AM
So where does the tarp go?

3/14/2012, 09:32 AM
What's the glass pavillion-y thing at the bottom corner? Is that where all the trophies will be moved to?

And the Big XII participation ribbons. They have tons of those from all the doormat years.

3/14/2012, 09:34 AM
Here is Baylor Ballpark (Baseball)

Heh. I remember going to see us play Baylor down there when this park consisted basically of the field, the dugouts, and what were basically high school bleachers with a tiny plywood press box on top of them.

3/14/2012, 09:43 AM
looks like they saved the press box...

3/14/2012, 09:50 AM
And the Big XII participation ribbons. They have tons of those from all the doormat years.

Not only that, but a giant glass structure in West Tx only makes sense about 2 months out of the year.

3/14/2012, 11:10 AM
Looks so good even a catholic would want to go there.

Herr Scholz
3/14/2012, 12:24 PM
Aye. The Brazos is a brown muddy disaster, but maybe we can get a good deal on a bajillion urinal cakes for gameday. :D

Ha. That was going to be my comment. You can't really present a new stadium design with brown water though.

Looks good. Nice upgrade. Good for Baylor.

3/14/2012, 01:36 PM
I see what you're saying now about the other facilities. I didn't get that you thought they were on the south side.

Yeah, there are apartments sitting right in the middle of that site that will have to be brought down. The rest of that area is a swampy bog that will have to be drained. People have reported engineers out there the last few months dong tests and what not.

I assume that the draining of the swam is feasible.

Dong tests?

WTH kind of place is this going to be, anyway?

3/14/2012, 04:14 PM
That's a real pretty stadium. Who are they going to put in the seats?


3/14/2012, 07:00 PM
I hope they're taking into consideration the wind blowing across the smell of the river in August right into the stadium. That and flooding since the stadium sits below the water line.

Other than that, a nice upgrade.

3/14/2012, 08:02 PM
They can even have their very own Heisman park now! Well, a Heisman sidewalk at least.

3/14/2012, 08:03 PM
I assume that the draining of the swam is feasible.

Hire Ron Zook as a consultant. He did a pretty good job of draining one Swamp already...

3/14/2012, 08:28 PM
If it weren't for Governor Ann Richards you guys would have never been in the Big 12. I wish we had tried for Arkansas or TCU back then.

3/14/2012, 09:09 PM
why are people concerned about this again? because sicem hangs around here?

3/14/2012, 09:47 PM
If it weren't for Governor Ann Richards you guys would have never been in the Big 12. I wish we had tried for Arkansas or TCU back then.
Oh for the love of almighty f'k God not this **** again. Are you serious and really that ignorant? You know what, I don't even want to get into this **** again. I don't. I really really don't.

Ann Richards didn't care a flying ****'s wheel about football or Baylor. She wouldn't lift a pinky to further Baylor's cause if a gun were held to her head.

3/14/2012, 09:48 PM
why are people concerned about this again? because sicem hangs around here?
Oh, I'm sorry. I could have been sworn that, on a daily basis, there are multiple threads about football programs other than OU on the football board. I hope that if any show up you'll post "Who cares?" in each and every one of them.

3/14/2012, 10:14 PM
a flying ****'s wheel

So many options with this. Thanks Sic'em, you just added to my foul vocabulary!!!

3/15/2012, 10:11 AM
I've been to that campus and the drinking water isn't even that clean. The water in that river looks horrible. That's not Baylor's fault, but it won't look near as good as those mockups simply because of the river. I like the idea though.

3/15/2012, 10:24 AM
So this is where the sale of the Lastro's money is going...

3/15/2012, 10:52 AM
Ban Baylor! Free Rand Paul!


Jason White's Third Knee
3/15/2012, 12:17 PM
I like the current stadium. It has a nice high school feel to it.

3/15/2012, 12:44 PM
Ban Baylor! Free Rand Paul!


I don't think you know anything let alone the first thing about Baylor, the Noble Noze Brotherhood, or Rand Paul.

3/15/2012, 02:21 PM
SicEm, the stadium plans look really nice. This renovation happening at this time is a perfect celebration following a great football season for your school, and its a good reflection on our conference.

3/15/2012, 04:43 PM
and yet they are set to be in the cellar once again, with a half empty brand new stadium!


3/15/2012, 06:14 PM
Please use that open end to install a ridiculously huge jummbotron.

3/16/2012, 05:04 AM
I don't think you know anything let alone the first thing about Baylor, the Noble Noze Brotherhood, or Rand Paul.

Noble? LMAO. College **** Stirrers patterned after characters from the movie and TV series M.A.S.H.?

It's been done way better. Baylor doesn't have anything exclusive. Most of them aren't really even Texans. Mostly transplanted East Money.

You have a decent Med School and sports there are erratic.

Keep on dreaming. That Stadium is nothing more than something that the Big XII Conference should have required from BU long before considering their entry into the Big XII. BU is lucky to be in the Big XII, just as lucky as the Honarary RGIII is to be a Hiesman Noze Member. What a laugh. It took winning a Hiesman to get into the big nose and mustache club with Dubya?


3/16/2012, 07:44 AM
That Stadium is nothing more than something that the Big XII Conference should have required from BU long before considering their entry into the Big XII. BU is lucky to be in the Big XII, just as lucky as the Honarary RGIII is to be a Hiesman Noze Member. What a laugh. It took winning a Hiesman to get into the big nose and mustache club with Dubya?


Well done good and faithful slave all you're doing is what you ought to have done

3/16/2012, 08:17 AM
...with Baylor's new stadium. St. McLane dropped himself off a check for the new stadium today. Groundbreaking is due this summer. The absolute best part is that he has naming rights, but he chose not to name the new stadium after himself. Instead, he simply wants it called "Baylor Stadium." That is AWESOME. Baylor Stadium>Drayton McLane Stadium.

The Gaylord Fokkers could take a lesson in selfless generosity from the guy. Wait, those publicity-strokin' whoremongers? Never happen.

Congrats on the exciting upgrades, SicEm!

3/16/2012, 08:20 AM
What a waste of money.....Looks really nice.

Don't understand all the negativity.

3/16/2012, 11:08 AM
Oh, I'm sorry. I could have been sworn that, on a daily basis, there are multiple threads about football programs other than OU on the football board. I hope that if any show up you'll post "Who cares?" in each and every one of them.

You lost me when you said, "football programs". :D

starclassic tama
3/16/2012, 12:49 PM
wow what's with all the baylor hate? i for one hope they fill up their new stadium every week, lose to OU every year, but go to a bowl game.

3/16/2012, 02:39 PM
Just keeping **** real. I've always hated Baylor. I've usually never had to hope they fill up their Stadium every week, lose to OU or see them go to a Bowl Game. I'm pretty sure it's not gonna happen again for awhile no matter whether they build their new architectural nightmare to fill with fans or not. So it's not really hate. It's just business as usual. I just think SicEm hasn't realized that his School did maybe win some games last year and even won an Alamo Bowl but let's face it....it's the Alamo Bowl and they were playing a PAC 12 Team that was 7-5 finishing 7-6 after the track meet with the bears.

It's a 45,000 seat Stadium. It's something that maybe out shines Tulsa University's Stadium now but seriously.....is it something that has folks outside the BIG XII going....."Wow! Nice Stadium!". Probably not. If anything....it's more like..."This is as good a thing as could be built in Texas? I mean....We are talking about a Texas Based Football Program right? Isn't everything in Texas supposed to be huge? 45,000? Are you kidding me? They say they might expand it to 55,000 but if they can't fill 45,000 with their own fans, they probably won't ever need it".

That's kind of how I see it. Seeing it drawn on paper doesn't really do it for me. I've been to K-State's Stadium and couldn't believe they haven't come up with some dough to at least get rid of the folding chairs.

If the Big XII is going to attract two more Schools they are going to need to expect a bit more from these lower level bottom feeders like Baylor IMO.

3/16/2012, 03:12 PM
and yet they are set to be in the cellar once again, with a half empty brand new stadium!

HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! They did just beat us, or was that just a nightmare?

3/16/2012, 03:13 PM
I don't hate baylor. What's the use of it?

3/16/2012, 03:23 PM
I want Baylor to get better. I hope they beat at least all their non conference team opponents, and it wouldn't bother me any if they beat Texas and oSu, for that matter.

Me...I'm saving all all my hate for Texas. http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y86/OUmom/smilies/pop.gif

Lott's Bandana
3/16/2012, 03:49 PM
Whorn fans will ask you why it isn't called:

Stadium of Baylor

3/16/2012, 07:28 PM
Looks like a great place to watch a game when the sun is up.

3/16/2012, 07:32 PM
Where is the Beer vendor gonna be?:unconscious:

3/16/2012, 07:58 PM
I want Baylor to get better.

Kansas City Chiefs Fans want to win a Super Bowl but we all need to just face the obvious sometimes.

3/16/2012, 08:00 PM
Me...I'm saving all all my hate for Texas. http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y86/OUmom/smilies/pop.gif

Somethings are always going to be rock solid like that though so I think that there is plenty of it for even any Team in Fexas.

Just sayin'

3/16/2012, 08:16 PM
They did just beat us, or was that just a nightmare?

What exactly does that have to do with Baylor fixing to be a bottom dweller again?

Lets look at the last ten years (2002-2011). Sure not a lot of data, but it gives a good idea....

Overall record: 46-74 (0.3833)
(all losing seasons except for 2010 and 2011)

Current Stadium Capacity: 50,000
Average attendance: 35,041
Average Capacity %: 70.08%

2010: Record: 7-6
2010: Average Attendance: 40,064
2010: Average Capacity %: 80.13%

2011: Record: 10-3
2011: Average Attendance: 41,368
2011: Average Attendance: 82.74%

Even in the best two seasons that Baylor has had since 1985 (9-3) and 1986 (9-3) they cannot even get close to selling out their current stadium.

I understand with them averaging 35,041 in attendance per game the last 10 years would put them at a capacity crowd of 77.87% in that new stadium.

They just lost the best football player in Baylor history....they are about to drop right back to their normal 4-8 seasons.....so they can build a brand new stadium all they want....wont change the fact that they will still have a very tough time selling out!

3/16/2012, 10:47 PM
I don't hate baylor. What's the use of it?Yeah, I'd have to care more to muster up hatred.

King Barry's Back
3/18/2012, 08:31 PM
what a waste, do they think a new stadium is magically going to make Baylor a good team?

Isn't that what plenty of sideline observers said when T. Boone built the new shrine to aggie-dom in Stillwater?

And guess what? Baylor is already a good team. They even beat us.

If Baylor builds a state-of-art facility, it is going to help them. End of story.

Will they end up owning the Big 12? Probably not, but if they end up being good enough to beat us 3x per decade, and Texas a couple of times as well, it will be worth it to them.

3/18/2012, 08:34 PM
Isn't that what plenty of sideline observers said when T. Boone built the new shrine to aggie-dom in Stillwater?

And guess what? Baylor is already a good team. They even beat us.

If Baylor builds a state-of-art facility, it is going to help them. End of story.

Will they end up owning the Big 12? Probably not, but if they end up being good enough to beat us 3x per decade, and Texas a couple of times as well, it will be worth it to them.

Durka Durka!!!!

Baylor has had one mediocre year and one good year back to back...for the first time since 985 and 1986...and you think they are a good team?

Oh, wait, RG3 left....Baylor is going to suck *** once again!