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3/12/2012, 09:54 AM
Apparently, this was the go-to drug store for pill poppers who wanted their scripts filled, no questions asked. They sold three times the top-most-abused drugs than the nearby Walgreen's, Wal-Mart and another surrounding local store combined. The supplier cut them off and now the D.A. is getting involved.


Again, it seems that Ersland, some who believe is your champion of justice and righteousness was not much better than a degreed dope dealer.

3/12/2012, 09:55 AM
Again, it seems that Ersland, some who believe is your champion of justice and righteousness was not much better than a degreed dope dealer.

That wasn't the first thought that came to mind when I read this.

Rather, it was "No wonder this place was getting robbed." I mean, if you cater to a certain clientele, then you're going to get a certain clientele, whether they are there as legit customers or there with guns to steal drugs/money/drug money.

EDIT: And innocent till proven guilty on the Ersland accusation. He has been found guilty beyond reasonable doubt in murder, but not in anything else (yet). I'd have to say that the entire case discredited him greatly, though.

3/12/2012, 10:02 AM
EDIT: And innocent till proven guilty on the Ersland accusation. He has been found guilty beyond reasonable doubt in murder, but not in anything else (yet). I'd have to say that the entire case discredited him greatly, though.

His store was selling 3 times the amount of all of the surrounding stores combined. That isn't going to happen without some intervening cause. It certainly isn't the safety of the store itself or the welcoming atmosphere. Ersland can't be any more discredited. He lied to the police, he lied to investigators and even lied about being a combat veteran. I think that in his mind, he means well. I also think he's a sociopath who needs to be locked up.

3/12/2012, 10:08 AM
His store was selling 3 times the amount of all of the surrounding stores combined.

If it was his store, it's probably be out of business by now, with the way he was whining about going broke defending himself. He might have just been (and I'm pretty sure that this is the case) an employee at this place, not a part or full owner. As such, can you really hold him responsible for what was allegedly going on there? Would you hold that single mother hiding in the back of the store during the shooting who said Ersland saved her and her daughter's life responsible, just because she was working there too?

3/12/2012, 10:19 AM
Apparently, this was the go-to drug store for pill poppers who wanted their scripts filled, no questions asked. They sold three times the top-most-abused drugs than the nearby Walgreen's, Wal-Mart and another surrounding local store combined. The supplier cut them off and now the D.A. is getting involved.


Again, it seems that Ersland, some who believe is your champion of justice and righteousness was not much better than a degreed dope dealer.

The article states that the high sales of prescription drugs were over the last 2 years....I don't think Ersland was around during that time since the noble DA sought to have him arrested 3 years ago. I also think someone else owns the pharmacy, not Ersland. He11, Ersland may have been the reason they aren't stating the high sales were over a 4 or 5 year period. Now, surprise, surprise, our fine DA wants to get involved. Probably still trying to vindicate himself from the anticipated backlash over his handling of the Ersland case.

3/12/2012, 10:21 AM
If it was his store, it's probably be out of business by now, with the way he was whining about going broke defending himself. He might have just been (and I'm pretty sure that this is the case) an employee at this place, not a part or full owner. As such, can you really hold him responsible for what was allegedly going on there? Would you hold that single mother hiding in the back of the store during the shooting who said Ersland saved her and her daughter's life responsible, just because she was working there too?

He is ostensibly a professional. A licensed pharmacist. If he's getting 3-4 scripts from different docs for the same patients and still filling them, no questions asked, then yes, the buck stops with the professional on staff. Of course, the owner isn't blameless here and may have pushed Ersland in that direction, but a real professional wouldn't have fallen for it.

As for the "single mother," I really don't give two ****s about her being a single mother. If she knew she was complicit in putting dangerous and deadly drugs on the street, to a lesser degree, she's guilty.

--of course, I don't know anything I've speculated on here is the case, I just can't seem to come up with some reasonable explanation.

3/12/2012, 10:24 AM
Why dont you choose and Pick what ya copy and paste a Little More?

Ersland shootin happened in 09 ,, The article says

They have told the judge that the store over the last two years has sold more of the three most abused prescription drugs than a nearby Walmart, Walgreens and another store did combined.

Read more: http://newsok.com/oklahoma-citys-reliable-pharmacy-draws-official-scrutiny-on-narcotics-sales/article/3656902#ixzz1ousRBRnN

Go on and admit that you just wanted another chance to Bash the dude.

3/12/2012, 10:25 AM
The article states that the high sales of prescription drugs were over the last 2 years....I don't think Ersland was around during that time since the noble DA sought to have him arrested 3 years ago. I also think someone else owns the pharmacy, not Ersland. He11, Ersland may have been the reason they aren't stating the high sales were over a 4 or 5 year period. Now, surprise, surprise, our fine DA wants to get involved. Probably still trying to vindicate himself from the anticipated backlash over his handling of the Ersland case.

Ersland was out on bond from 2009 until May of 2011. His bond said his conditional release allowed him to go to work, which at least, according to this:


he did. He didn't go to the pokey 'til May of last year. So Ersland worked there for 1 1/2 or so of those 2 years. Hard to imagine that enormous a spike in sales just happening in the last few months as to eclipse everyone in their area in such a way.

3/12/2012, 10:36 AM
Ersland was out on bond from 2009 until May of 2011. His bond said his conditional release allowed him to go to work, which at least, according to this:


he did. He didn't go to the pokey 'til May of last year. So Ersland worked there for 1 1/2 or so of those 2 years. Hard to imagine that enormous a spike in sales just happening in the last few months as to eclipse everyone in their area in such a way.

Well I was wrong...I thought Ersland was confined to his house while under house arrest and wasn't working.

I also have a little new found respect for Prater....even though I adamantly disagree with his 1st degree murder charges.

Prater, Judge Disagree In Ersland Case

Oklahoma County District Attorney David Prater and District Judge Tammy Bass-LeSure argued today over whether accused killer Jerome Ersland should have access to a firearm while at work if he makes the $100,000 bail the judge set.

Prater, who yesterday filed a first degree murder charge against Ersland after viewing videotape of the shooting of robber Antwun Parker, argued Ersland should be able to defend himself and fellow pharmacy employees if another robbery is attempted. The judge disagreed.
The hearing turned contentious when Prater asked the judge not to bar Ersland from access to a gun while at the store. He argued Ersland still has a right to defend himself and pharmacy employees if the store is robbed again.

He said the restriction either meant Ersland would be fired from his job or crooks now know it is "open season" at the pharmacy if Ersland is there. The district attorney said his position sounds crazy but under the law Ersland has the right to protect himself. Courtroom spectators applauded Prater's statement.
The judge refused to change her decision, saying Ersland can get another job. "If somebody wants to be around him, they are not going to have access to a gun," the judge said.
"That's wrong," Prater replied.

The judge ruled that Ersland, 57, of Chickasha will be under house arrest if he makes bail and can only leave his home to go to his doctor, see his attorney, go to court, go to the grocery store, go to restaurants, go to church and to work

Kind of interesting (and I never heard this reported) that Prater was adamant about Ersland's right to a gun while on duty. Changes my opinion on him some.

3/12/2012, 10:41 AM
...even though I adamantly disagree with his 1st degree murder charges.

It fits the legal description of the crime. You should know that early on, Prater offered Ersland a manslaughter plea with the entire sentence suspended and he turned it down (or so sayeth the courthouse rumor mill). This is a case which by all accounts should have been plead out. Prater is a solid D.A. There are no political sacred cows. There are no political witch hunts. He's doing his job, which is more than can be said for the previous D.A.

3/12/2012, 10:50 AM
It fits the legal description of the crime. You should know that early on, Prater offered Ersland a manslaughter plea with the entire sentence suspended and he turned it down (or so sayeth the courthouse rumor mill). This is a case which by all accounts should have been plead out. Prater is a solid D.A. There are no political sacred cows. There are no political witch hunts. He's doing his job, which is more than can be said for the previous D.A.

I hadn't heard about the plea option...obviously Box never thought a jury would convict Ersland. I am surprised if that is the case that Prater hasn't made that offer more public.

I didn't know much about Wes Lane but evidently the police didn't like him.

3/12/2012, 10:50 AM
They were pushing out the drugs as payola to keep from getting robbed again...


Since they know that can't shoot em anymore they were giving out extra scripts hoping for an OD...


3/12/2012, 10:51 AM
It fits the legal description of the crime. You should know that early on, Prater offered Ersland a manslaughter plea with the entire sentence suspended and he turned it down (or so sayeth the courthouse rumor mill).

Doesn't surprise me if true. Many, myself included, didn't think an Oklahoma jury would find him guilty of murder, even if the videotape showed that he went to get a second gun to start shooting at the teen again. It also doesn't surprise me because Ersland maintained 100 percent that he thought he was doing the right thing... and he probably saw the plea deal as admitting he did something wrong, which he will likely never, ever do.

3/12/2012, 11:00 AM
Would a felony conviction with a suspended sentence have cost Ersland his pharmicist's license? I know suspended sentences aren't usually expunged whereas a deferred sentence would be.

3/12/2012, 11:14 AM
Would a felony conviction with a suspended sentence have cost Ersland his pharmicist's license? I know suspended sentences aren't usually expunged whereas a deferred sentence would be.

I don't know...good question...

I would think he would get a double wammy...convicted felon....plus he committed the felony while on the job...the review board would probably frown upon that...

3/12/2012, 11:19 AM
To look at the bright side, Ersland at least showed those little thugs not everyone is a cowering pushover.

3/12/2012, 12:01 PM
To look at the bright side, Ersland at least showed those little thugs not everyone is a cowering pushover.Werd.

3/12/2012, 12:27 PM
To look at the bright side, Ersland at least showed those little thugs not everyone is a cowering pushover.

5 fewer shots and we'd have the same result for the thugs and Ersland would be a free man.

3/12/2012, 04:08 PM
In other news, the POS thief is still dead.

3/12/2012, 04:09 PM
In other news, the POS thief is still dead.

Is he a thief if he didn't steal anything?

The attempted thief is still dead.

3/12/2012, 08:00 PM
Kind of interesting (and I never heard this reported) that Prater was adamant about Ersland's right to a gun while on duty. Changes my opinion on him some.[/QUOTE]

Okie, Prater was a Norman police office for several years before he decided to go to law school. He knows a lot more about the streets than most. I think Prater knows Ersland would be a target to work and be forbidden to have a gun.

I think Ersland sunk himself with the tall tales and lies. Listen to Ersland's police interview. The man sounds mentally challenged or at least mentally over the hill in the way that the old guys who sits around the Main Street barber shop might sound. I think his defense did him an injustice by not pushing the mental health angle and mental trauma angle because I think Ersland has some issues.

3/12/2012, 09:52 PM
Okie, Prater was a Norman police office for several years before he decided to go to law school. He knows a lot more about the streets than most. I think Prater knows Ersland would be a target to work and be forbidden to have a gun.

I think Ersland sunk himself with the tall tales and lies. Listen to Ersland's police interview. The man sounds mentally challenged or at least mentally over the hill in the way that the old guys who sits around the Main Street barber shop might sound. I think his defense did him an injustice by not pushing the mental health angle and mental trauma angle because I think Ersland has some issues.

Actually, the defense had two PhD clinical psychologists who were going to testify as to how a person behaves under extreme stress. Both of these guys are the top experts in their field in the area. One is nationally recognized for his endeavors in other areas (mainly psychosexual evals, which I've hired him to perform before).

Trouble is that when you're presenting expert testimony, your experts have to submit reports to the prosecution so that the prosecution can ask for a Daubert hearing if there's something wrong with the expert's conclusions. The defense team never submitted those reports to the Prosecution. They said those reports didn't exist and in their appeal, they say that the exclusion was wrong because these experts weren't talking about Ersland having some mental disease or defect, it they were reporting on how a generic ordinary person would react to the stress of being robbed repeatedly.

At any rate, the Court gave Ersland's attorneys a chance to come up with reports even after the state's motion to exclude them and no such reports were presented.

3/13/2012, 09:03 AM
Doesn't Bass-Lesure have legal problems of her own?

3/13/2012, 09:13 AM
Doesn't Bass-Lesure have legal problems of her own?

Yeah, some form of adoption fraud. She's already plead guilty. Last week, I think.

3/13/2012, 09:39 AM
Doesn't Bass-Lesure have legal problems of her own?

What does she have to do with this case?

She resigned on March 1st. Hasn't had much to do with the Ersland case since she recused quite some time before the trial.

Judge Elliott was the trial judge and he's doing just fine.

3/13/2012, 09:50 AM
Is he a thief if he didn't steal anything?

The attempted thief is still dead.

When you're part of an armed robbery, thief is probably the best you're gonna get.

Like I said, he's still dead.

3/13/2012, 10:26 AM
Apparently, this was the go-to drug store for pill poppers who wanted their scripts filled, no questions asked. They sold three times the top-most-abused drugs than the nearby Walgreen's, Wal-Mart and another surrounding local store combined. The supplier cut them off and now the D.A. is getting involved.


Again, it seems that Ersland, some who believe is your champion of justice and righteousness was not much better than a degreed dope dealer.
Back to the OP.
1. If the patients have the scrips why is it the pharmacies fault for filling them?
2. Are the sales of other drugs higher at that pharmacy than others? I other words maybe the pharmacy is just busier now as a result of what happened, the community showing support?

3/13/2012, 10:32 AM
Back to the OP.
1. If the patients have the scrips why is it the pharmacies fault for filling them?
2. Are the sales of other drugs higher at that pharmacy than others? I other words maybe the pharmacy is just busier now as a result of what happened, the community showing support?

1) It depends. If patients are showing up with 3-4 scripts for the same meds from different doctors and no questions are being asked, then yeah, that's a problem.

2) Let's just put it this way. The *supplier* actually elected to stop selling these drugs to this store. When a supplier chooses to make less money, you can bet something is amiss.

3/13/2012, 10:37 AM
1) It depends. If patients are showing up with 3-4 scripts for the same meds from different doctors and no questions are being asked, then yeah, that's a problem.

2) Let's just put it this way. The *supplier* actually elected to stop selling these drugs to this store. When a supplier chooses to make less money, you can bet something is amiss.
So what you are saying is that you don't have a clue what you are talking about but like to gossip like a blue hair.

Ton Loc
3/13/2012, 12:46 PM
So what you are saying is that you don't have a clue what you are talking about but like to gossip like a blue hair.

You asked two questions. (Both dumb) He provided two answers. Somehow this equates him to a gossip blue hair.

3/13/2012, 12:51 PM
So what you are saying is that you don't have a clue what you are talking about but like to gossip like a blue hair.LMAO! Exactly. Now, look at the lib below ya chiming in. I wish some people could step back and see just what kind of a ****ing moron they look like...

Ton Loc
3/13/2012, 01:10 PM
LMAO! Exactly. Now, look at the lib below ya chiming in. I wish some people could step back and see just what kind of a ****ing moron they look like...



3/13/2012, 02:12 PM
You asked two questions. (Both dumb) He provided two answers. Somehow this equates him to a gossip blue hair.
Wow, you're quite the winner aren't you.
There was nothing dumb about my questions. Very valid unless you are on a witch hunt. Keep trying though.

3/13/2012, 02:51 PM
So what you are saying is that you don't have a clue what you are talking about but like to gossip like a blue hair.

Alright genius, educate us. Why would the supplier decide to stop supplying narcotics to a pharmacy which is doing three times the sales of the surrounding Wal-Mart, Walgreen's and independent stores combined?

3/13/2012, 02:58 PM
Alright genius, educate us. Why would the supplier decide to stop supplying narcotics to a pharmacy which is doing three times the sales of the surrounding Wal-Mart, Walgreen's and independent stores combined?


3/13/2012, 03:26 PM
Alright genius, educate us. Why would the supplier decide to stop supplying narcotics to a pharmacy which is doing three times the sales of the surrounding Wal-Mart, Walgreen's and independent stores combined?
I don't know but neither do you and that's my point. Until there are more facts you are just making stuff up as you go.

3/13/2012, 03:28 PM
I think conjecture is perfectly acceptable on a message board.

Condescending Sooner
3/13/2012, 04:44 PM
Doesn't surprise me if true. Many, myself included, didn't think an Oklahoma jury would find him guilty of murder, even if the videotape showed that he went to get a second gun to start shooting at the teen again. It also doesn't surprise me because Ersland maintained 100 percent that he thought he was doing the right thing... and he probably saw the plea deal as admitting he did something wrong, which he will likely never, ever do.

Ersland knew immediately what he did was wrong. That's why he lied to the police and planted evidence on more than one occasion.

Ton Loc
3/13/2012, 07:18 PM
Wow, you're quite the winner aren't you.
There was nothing dumb about my questions. Very valid unless you are on a witch hunt. Keep trying though.

I don't know but neither do you and that's my point. Until there are more facts you are just making stuff up as you go.

You being a retard of the highest order. Stirring up **** that isn't needed.

Common sense should lead you to answers to both of your questions. You're lacking in this area. Unless you're being a *** just for the sake of being an ***. Which is acceptable.

3/13/2012, 07:28 PM
You being a retard of the highest order. Stirring up **** that isn't needed.

Common sense should lead you to answers to both of your questions. You're lacking in this area. Unless you're being a *** just for the sake of being an ***. Which is acceptable.Really?...Let's hear your "common sense" answers to both of the questions then.

Ton Loc
3/13/2012, 07:34 PM
I think mid's response was the best answer. Besides, who asks questions, but at the same time says no one knows anything. Keep your mouth shut if you already know you're going to roast whatever answer you get. It is the definition of ignorance.

Turd, you of all people understand what being an *** is about.

3/13/2012, 07:38 PM
I think mid's response was the best answer. Besides, who asks questions, but at the same time says no one knows anything. Keep your mouth shut if you already know you're going to roast whatever answer you get. It is the definition of ignorance.

Turd, you of all people understand what being an *** is about.Mmmm Hmmm...

Ton Loc
3/13/2012, 07:49 PM
About time we're on the same page. Regardless, we're still Sooner fans.

3/13/2012, 08:09 PM
I don't know but neither do you and that's my point. Until there are more facts you are just making stuff up as you go.

No no.. you want to be an ***, that's fine. What's your alternate theory? You asked the questions, now someone answers and that's white hair gossip? Go ahead, tell me how I'm wrong. Let's see how this plays out.

3/13/2012, 11:46 PM
Ersland was out on bond from 2009 until May of 2011. His bond said his conditional release allowed him to go to work, which at least, according to this:


he did. He didn't go to the pokey 'til May of last year. So Ersland worked there for 1 1/2 or so of those 2 years. Hard to imagine that enormous a spike in sales just happening in the last few months as to eclipse everyone in their area in such a way.

Probably had to start filling all those questionable RX's in order to afford the defending shyster's legal fees.

3/14/2012, 01:18 AM
I don't really understand why there is any talk about the pharmacy selling narcotics or not if you are trying to relate it to whether or not the pharmacist was guilty or not guilty.

I do know that when I took a Concealed Carry Class that this case came up. The people giving the class were all Law Enforcement Officers and in their opinion the major thing wrong was that the Pharmacist even if the kid he shot a 2nd time had come around and threatened the Pharmacist with his Weapon again...where the Pharmacist lost any chance of getting a not guilty verdict was that after he shot the guy, he turned his back on him. How many folks are going to turn their back on a shooter if they think that he might come around and threaten you again with his weapon?

The answer is zero.

Also even if you disagree with "zero" as the right answer in this case, it would be a pretty high percentage of folks that would give you a "Guilty" verdict after any District Attorney had you in Court against 12 of your peers.

You can disagree, you can say the law is wrong, you can even have yourself a little hissy fit about it all but one thing they would all caution you about is that you are probably going to go to prison and maybe even face the Death Penalty if you do what this Pharmacist did. Their Recomendation to any of you who think differently would be to sell your guns and even quit your job as a pharmacist as you aren't making good choices when it comes to basically double tapping a person that even though guilty of robbing your store, you had no right to shoot him if he was defenseless. The act of turning your back on someone that threatened you then leaving the pharmacy and returning and turning your back on him again to get another gun will land you with premeditated Murder.

If you own a gun, I seriously would suggest taking the gun courses and staying up to date with the law if you don't want to end up in prison like this Pharmacist did.

The only thing that would have saved the Pharmacist was if after he went back for that other gun...if the shooter had gotten up on his feet where the camera could have shown him threatening the Pharmacist a second time, the Pharmacist could have proved he shot him again in self-defense the 2nd time.

It's sad that kid robbed the store as IMO he's truly responsible for getting himself shot. I'm also feeling bad for the Pharmacist as he made some good choices that day but going back over to that kid and facing him with another weapon instead of maybe dropping back for cover until the police got there was a serious mistake on his part. I surely hope people learn something from this instead of argue about it and report each others posts about it.

3/14/2012, 01:56 AM
This case ( the shooting) is an odd kind of morality play that for some reason seems to be splitting down political lines with the same people on the same sides as most of the other threads. Kind of interesting.

For my part, ( let me start by saying I am very opposed to the death penalty) I don't believe ersland should be in jail for this. I think he is looney, but I disagree strongly with what has happened to him, and I will never support this DA.

Ersland was simply working that day. He didn't ask those guys to rob him. If you try armed robbery, it should be implicit that you are forfeiting your life should the robbery go bad.

I hate that that boy is dead and his last act in this earth was committing a violent crime, but HE chose that, not ersland.

Erslands mistake was not turning his back, it was having cameras. A citizen protecting their property and life should not be held to some arbitrary enough force laws. There is no justice in him being in prison for defending himself. I wish the jury had saw it differently. A lot of families are ruined over that boys decision to committee crime.

As for the pharmacy stuff, if he is guilty, he should be punished.

3/14/2012, 06:50 AM
The self defense angle goes out the window when you come back to the perceived danger, then turn your back on it while retrieving a second weapon.

With your second amendment right comes a great deal of responsibility. That means you have to know the law about when you can use your weapon and when you can't or you could go to prison. If you don't agree with the law or won't obey it, you have no business owning guns.

3/14/2012, 08:32 AM
No video camera, no conviction. Or even a trial. And I agree with Xing, the little thug POS ain't ever gonna rob another pharmacy again, and that's a good thing.