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View Full Version : Face the Nation 3-11-12

3/11/2012, 10:51 AM
Mewt is on saying its time to leave Afghnastan. No **** Sherlock! Don't we wish GWB hadn't started this Nation Building Mission that President Obama was left to deal with?

We now are seeing a 60% increase in heroin importation into the US because of our 10+ years of involvement there. He makes me sick. Bush and our Military were well versed in just what a problem that place becomes for everyone that had ever gotten themselves deeply involved in their problems.

I even believe folks still blame the CIAs involvement with OBL during the Soviet Occupation there. Those Dates were December 24, 1979 – February 15, 1989 (9*years, 53*days).

1981-1989 all Ronald Reagan Years. Followed by 4 years of GHB. I do believe the World is better without the Hussien's but still think that the People of Iraq would have eventually taken him out much like Moamar lost Libya and Egypt took out their leadership. When we go there and get involved in what has been a back stabbing / a$$ stabbing culture for thousands of years we then see them focus on us as there problems instead of them thanking us for staying out of it but supplying them with the Weapons they needed to turn things around themselves.