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View Full Version : Remember Dennis Kucinich?

3/6/2012, 02:26 PM
Looks like the keeber elf's reign of terror is about over.

Link (http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/ohios-kucinich-kaptur-showdown-kicks-off-11-primary-contests-pitting-house-incumbents-in-2012/2012/03/05/gIQAcP3BtR_story.html)

The Republicans have really had some well-timed public anti-Democrat sentiment during the past few redistricting drawings. In 2000, Bill Clinton's sex scandal left voters with such a bitter taste in their mouth that they wouldn't even vote for a two-term incumbent vice president, not even in his home state.

In 2010, unemployment high, gas prices high and a lack of hope and change left voters angry and bitter at the Democrats once again, leading to another political shift in some states.

And this is the end result of controlling state legislatures in the census years: You get to redistrict in your party's favor, and the perennial presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich appears to be a victim of this cut throat process.

In a nutshell, Ohio lost two seats because the rust belt is rusting away at its population (the south welcomes you, northern transplants!), and as a result, incumbent Congress members are being forced to run against each other. The districts are highly competitive on both sides, not just Democrats, in some districts.

There was a legal challenge to the changes (as there inevitably always is), but it won't prevent tonight's primary showdown from ousting either Kucinich or his former Congressional ally. And not just any ally, but a 15-term Congresswoman.

The reason I smile at this is because I remember his campaigning for president as over-the-top silly. My liberal relatives of Oregon loved him, because one of his things was creating a "secretary of peace" and immediate removal of all troops from Iraq and Afghanistan, which the more sane candidates on both sides saw at 100 percent unfeasible at the time. Here's a few other things:

- As part of the late night rounds that candidates do, Kucinich's thing was talking to bachelorettes because he was the only candidate for president who was single. After being introduced to the (actresses of course) bachelorettes, an awkward kiss to their hands followed. Awk. Ward.

- He had the unenviable task of being before a then-popular Howard Dean at an Iowa candidate event, so his little voice was practically shouting (and repeating his name constantly so that you would remember it, I guess), even though he was speaking into a microphone. The crowd clearly did not give a sh!t about him, and were chanting "BRING ON DEAN!" after a few minutes.

- When Michigan had its delegates removed for moving up too early in the race primary-wise, guess which candidate ignored the fact that they would not matter... Kucinich.I remember reading an article on how a typical Democratic political event in Michigan in 2008 was basically a big long line of people waiting for food while Kucinich was off in the corner in front of a podium shouting into a microphone.

3/6/2012, 03:54 PM
I believe Kucinich is both a vegan and a socialist. As a meat eating capitalist, I can't really honor either position. but I will give him credit for being a tenacious s.o.b.

3/6/2012, 11:49 PM
He is down 58 percent to 38 percent. Apparently his 15-term opponent took Dennis' crazy idea of moving to Washington state to continue his political career and ran with it, and voters connected:

She compared his consideration of leaving Cleveland to the mid-1990s move by the city’s beloved football team, the Browns, and the 2010 departure of NBA superstar LeBron James.— two psychic blows still deeply felt in a place that bills itself as the “Sixth City” even though it’s fallen to the country’s 45th largest in the last 50 years .

“Looks like next in line to abandon us is Dennis Kucinich,” Kaptur’s narrator says in a radio ad.

It is not 100 percent in yet, but yet another example of how an elected official should never lose sight of the people who elected him/her.

3/7/2012, 12:30 AM
He is down 58 percent to 38 percent. Apparently his 15-term opponent took Dennis' crazy idea of moving to Washington state to continue his political career and ran with it, and voters connected:

It is not 100 percent in yet, but yet another example of how an elected official should never lose sight of the people who elected him/her.

Dennis loses his sight after each bong hit. :)

3/7/2012, 04:39 AM
Nawww, as he said, he will move to Washington state and run for Congress there...

3/7/2012, 05:17 AM
This is too bad, really. He was an independent voice in a town that has very fw of them either left or right.

3/7/2012, 08:49 AM
This is too bad, really. He was an independent voice in a town that has very fw of them either left or right.

Pshaw... anyone who doesn't preach the orthodoxy of the mainstream politicos must be certifiable.

3/7/2012, 11:18 AM
Unfortunately, the lady who defeated Kucinich is even more protectionist than he is.

I guess if you live in the rust belt, outlawing free movement of capital is your only hope.

3/7/2012, 11:21 AM
Kucinich was a bigger energy idiot than Obama...now that's saying something.

3/7/2012, 11:40 AM
Oh, night and day! Kucinich is beyond Jerry Brown. Hell, in comparison, Obama is like family.

3/7/2012, 11:46 AM
This is too bad, really. He was an independent voice in a town that has very fw of them either left or right.

Pundits were saying Kucinich's inevitable ouster was just a sign of political times --- no more chatty characters, just samey people that pander tons and such.

Really though, Ohio and the rest of the rust belt didn't need a rabble rouser, they need a representative, and Kucinich has a national agenda, not a local interest one... hence him looking far far west to "represent"

3/7/2012, 11:53 AM
Nawww, as he said, he will move to Washington state and run for Congress there...

Why can't these guys just go away and go in to the private sector? Congress was never meant to be a lifetime appointment. It was supposed to be a civic duty that you did briefly and then went away.

Now, they stay as long as they can, and then they become lobbiests for Warren Buffett companies that want to skirt taxes (just a li'l humor, a li'l joke). :)

rock on sooner
3/7/2012, 08:08 PM
Anyone hear what Dennis had to say in his concession speech? Throwing rocks at his
opponent, not graceful at all. Commentator said "He'll be back!"

3/7/2012, 08:46 PM
Anyone hear what Dennis had to say in his concession speech? Throwing rocks at his
opponent, not graceful at all. Commentator said "He'll be back!"

I did hear Dennis criticize her for her "unethical" campaign. She responded that they were friends before the campaign and they can be friends again after this period of "healing".

I love it when it gets to "healing".

rock on sooner
3/7/2012, 09:56 PM
I did hear Dennis criticize her for her "unethical" campaign. She responded that they were friends before the campaign and they can be friends again after this period of "healing".

I love it when it gets to "healing".

Certain strains of "communicable" ailments might be included in the "healing".:playful:

3/7/2012, 09:59 PM
Certain strains of "communicable" ailments might be included in the "healing".:playful:


I didn't follow the campaign but she must have gone after him.