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View Full Version : Buddy the dog to vote in New Mexico

3/5/2012, 02:16 PM
To bad his owner owned up to voter registration fraud.

I hope they hammer the **** out of this guy. What he did was premeditated.

An Albuquerque, New Mexico man says he successfully registered his dog to vote in Bernalillo County.

The dog owner said he saw a voter registration booth on the University of New Mexico's campus a few weeks ago and decided to see how easy it would be to register his dog to vote.

He said he was trying to expose the problems with the registration system.

He received the dog's voter registration card in the mail Wednesday.

"They should verify. Somebody should have verified this information and somebody should have come out and took a look at exactly who it was. But I made up a birth date, and I made up a social security number and I had a voter registration card in my hand for Buddy two weeks later," the dog owner said.

When asked for comment the Bernalillo County Clerk's Office said state law does not require proof of your Social Security number, your date of birth, or even your name, and added what this man did is voter fraud.

They also said they strictly look over all the applications that come from third-party registration agencies before sending out registration cards.

Still, Buddy the dog made it through the system.


3/6/2012, 12:40 AM
Dang! That dog was about to vote for McCain again!

3/6/2012, 04:27 AM
Stoup: How is this different than ACORN or the New Black Panthers? These guys mostly got a free pass...yet few seemed genuinely outraged...

3/6/2012, 06:45 AM
Stoup: How is this different than ACORN or the New Black Panthers? These guys mostly got a free pass...yet few seemed genuinely outraged...

OH NO! ACORN stole the election and the New Black Panthers are intemidating voters into voting democrat! Another rightwing website talking point. Notice how the white girl in the background is TERRIFIED!!


3/6/2012, 07:07 AM
Here is your voter fraud!

James O’Keefe Commits Voter Fraud

January 19, 2012 at 12:01 pm Ed Brayton

In an attempt to prove the existence of voter fraud, James O’Keefe and his merry band of costumed pranksters actually committed voter fraud in New Hampshire last week. They went into polling places and requested ballots in the names of recently deceased people, and a few of them were actually given ballots. Here’s the video:

You’ll notice that almost all of the people they claimed to be died very recently. And some of them weren’t even dead at all, despite their claims. Robert Beaulieu, for example, is 24 years old and very much alive. More importantly, as Talking Points Memo notes, they actually committed voter fraud by doing this.

Now election law experts tell TPM that O’Keefe’s allies could face criminal charges on both the federal and state level for procuring ballots under false names, and that his undercover sting doesn’t demonstrate a need for voter ID laws at all.

Federal law bans not only the casting of, but the “procurement” of ballots “that are known by the person to be materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent under the laws of the State in which the election is held.”

Hamline University law professor David Schultz told TPM that there’s “no doubt” that O’Keefe’s investigators violated the law.

“In either case, if they were intentionally going in and trying to fraudulently obtain a ballot, they violated the law,” Schultz said. “So right off the bat, what they did violated the law.”

They did all of this to prove that it’s really easy to cast fraudulent votes, but they showed nothing of the kind. They did show that it’s possible to get a ballot without showing ID, but there just isn’t any evidence that it actually happens, and certainly not in numbers that would make any difference.

Election law expert Rick Hasen, who writes the Election Law Blog, joked in an email to TPM that O’Keefe’s team should “next show how easy it is to rob a bank with a plastic gun.”

“Who in their right mind would risk a felony conviction for this? And who would be able to do this in large enough numbers to (1) affect the outcome of the election and (2) remain undetected?” Hasen wrote.

Other election experts agreed that the video doesn’t change the substance of the debate over whether the minimal threat of in-person voter fraud is worth the impact that such laws can have on minority and poor voters.

“The fact that activists can engage in a stunt is not a reason for reform,” Samuel Issacharoff, a professor of constitutional law at New York University Law School, told TPM. “It means nothing. Why would anybody want to do this? It proves that they don’t update their dead voter information as quickly as they might, but so what? To pull this off on a large scale, you’d need coordination, and presumably somebody would have heard about it.”

And in fact, that happened while making that video:

Someone did, in fact, catch on to the scheme when a man dressed in a suit and tie tried to vote as a dead man known to the poll watcher. The man left before police arrived and said the poll watcher would “soon find out” why he tried to vote under a fake name, the Boston Herald reported Tuesday night.

And that’s one of the reasons why there’s a pretty good likelihood of getting caught. The people who work at the polls are locals who tend to know a lot of people. If you show up and try to get a ballot from one of them and they happen to know that person, you’re going to be in trouble. And that’s one of the reasons why there’s no evidence of this actually happening. In fact, the Republicans make accusations every election year about dead people voting, but when they’re actually investigated it almost always turns out to be clerical errors rather than voter fraud:

Georgia: In 1998, Georgia investigators pointed to a vote cast by Alan J. Mandel, despite his death the year prior. When officials looked into the matter, according to the Washington Post, they realized that the votes had been cast by Alan J. Mandell (with two L’s), a man still very much alive, and poll workers had simply marked off the wrong name.

California: When Michael Huffington lost to Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) in the 1994 Senate race, he contested his defeat by alleging voter fraud, including supposed votes cast by dead people. According to Seattle Post-Intelligencercolumnist Lou Cannon, “A check by voting registrars in two populous counties (Alameda and Fresno) found that this claim was based on clerical errors in which voters signed their names on the wrong lines.”

Maryland: An investigation into a claim that 89 dead Marylanders had voted in the 1994 election proved spurious when FBI officials were unable to find any such cases. According to Timothy P. McNally, the special agent in charge of the FBI’s Maryland-Delaware field office, the closest evidence they came to finding fraud was when they “found one person who had voted then died a week after the election.”

New Hampshire: Following allegations that dead people had voted in New Hampshire’s 2004 general election, a subsequent investigation turned up little evidence. When officials sent postcards to the homes of possible “dead voters,” only one was returned as undeliverable; the woman in question died after Election Day but before she received the postcard.

There’s really only one likely way that the results of an election could be manipulated and that’s by rigging the electronic voting machines, something that all the Republican-advocated anti-voting policies does nothing to stop. Voter impersonation is virtually unheard of. There is one and only one reason for such policies: they make it harder for people, especially poor and minority people, to vote. And that is not a bug, it’s a feature.

3/6/2012, 12:10 PM
OH NO! ACORN stole the election and the New Black Panthers are intemidating voters into voting democrat! Another rightwing website talking point. Notice how the white girl in the background is TERRIFIED!!


Apparently you haven't seen that New Black Panther video on the web sites you frequent.
No suprise here!