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2/15/2012, 01:30 PM
I'll have to put this delicately, but I need to know if I need to take some action.

What should a guy do if he discovers his wife, umm...giving Cooter Jones a massage? Enter the room and offer to help, or just leave and let her finish (I chose the second option)? Am I doing something seriously wrong, or is this not because teh secks is bad? I should say that we are both older and she may be going through the "life change" that wimmens have, if that makes some kind of hormonal difference. I want to do the right thing here, so replies that just are stupid attempts at humor will be roundly ignored. :)

2/15/2012, 01:35 PM
Is Cooter Jones the next door neighbor or her friend at the fish taco stand?

2/15/2012, 01:45 PM
Is Cooter Jones the next door neighbor or her friend at the fish taco stand?

The latter. If it was the first one, I wouldn't have to ask what to do. :)

2/15/2012, 01:46 PM
I am probably too young to answer this effectively, but I have been warned by many older couples --- whether they be nursing home age, or near retirement, or just middle aged --- that couples that let themselves grow distant are usually married in name only after years of not sharing interests, time together, or just talking.

I am not trying to place blame here. It sounds like you're just trying to figure out what's going on.

IMHO, don't ignore this. There's a breach of trust here and from the short time I've been married, that seems to be one of the foundations of a relationship.

2/15/2012, 01:51 PM
Never pass up a boner or a bathroom.

2/15/2012, 01:54 PM
Well, I'm not sure I would consider the "M-thing" a breach of trust, but you're right I need to do something. It's just that she never really has liked to discuss such things, so I'm kind of at a loss how to approach the issue.

2/15/2012, 01:56 PM
Id boot the bitch to the Curb. Vet dont eat off the Buffet

2/15/2012, 01:59 PM
I want to make sure that my euphemism was understood correctly. There was no other person involved in said activity.

2/15/2012, 02:00 PM
Sorry, didn't know if you were using code words or something. If you are concerned, then you should talk. If you are not concerned, but still think that something is off, and want this relationship to last, give it your best shot! It's the day after Valentine's so you should be able to get some romantic crap on the cheap, but still be able to play the "thought that counts" card.

Do stuff together. Be spontaneous. And yes, you do need to talk, even if you don't like discussing things. Text or email if its easier, just talk.

Good luck! :)

Mississippi Sooner
2/15/2012, 02:01 PM
I want to make sure that my euphemism was understood correctly. There was no other person involved in said activity.

In that case, I stay and watch.

2/15/2012, 02:01 PM


2/15/2012, 02:01 PM
I want to make sure that my euphemism was understood correctly. There was no other person involved in said activity.

OK then hell get the hell out her way. Or join her
Ya never washed really fast in the shower?

2/15/2012, 02:02 PM

I figured that out after he hit me in the face with a wet mop .

2/15/2012, 02:06 PM
People masturbate. In and of itself, that isn't anything to worry about. Whether there is anything else in your relationship to worry about would be hard for us to answer, I would think. I wouldn't put too much into it (no pun intended).

2/15/2012, 02:19 PM
Sorry, didn't know if you were using code words or something. If you are concerned, then you should talk. If you are not concerned, but still think that something is off, and want this relationship to last, give it your best shot! It's the day after Valentine's so you should be able to get some romantic crap on the cheap, but still be able to play the "thought that counts" card.

Do stuff together. Be spontaneous. And yes, you do need to talk, even if you don't like discussing things. Text or email if its easier, just talk.

Good luck! :)

Well, I was using code words. :) But I could tell by the replies that they were too obscure, I guess. thanks for the advice, baj.

2/15/2012, 02:19 PM
People masturbate. In and of itself, that isn't anything to worry about. Ditto with exclamations points.

To the rest of your question, tell her it turns you on to think of her doing that. See how she responds and follow up accordingly.

She may be willing to let you get involved, but I doubt that will mean she stops taking care of her own business occasionally.

2/15/2012, 02:31 PM
I have to admit I thought she was giving ol' Cooter the neighbor guy the stinky dick too.

You "caught" her diddling herself? My advice? Pull out ol' Gus and get busy. Nothing wrong with it. She might even enjoy it.

Now where did I put my glasses?

2/15/2012, 03:03 PM
Yes, I was thrown off by your code wording :P

If you want the chick's perspective, make us feel loved and appreciated often.

1- Don't just use a flower bouquet as an apology gift.

2- If you know that something annoys us, even if you don't think it's that big of a deal or just silly, try not annoying us with it for once.

3- Just talk. It doesn't have to be meaningful conversation, just let your spouse hear your voice every once in awhile, especially if it isn't the words "iron my shirt" or "when's dinner gonna be ready?"

4- Do stuff together, and not just the necessary, routine stuff.

And it looks like your male colleagues are already giving you advice for how to handle what you originally brought up :D

2/15/2012, 03:11 PM
Yes it does baj...I maybe got my ego bruised for no reason. Hmmm. I guess it's just a little weird to find out something about your mate that you didn't know...and it's not like she was cheating on me or anything. Unless she was thinking about Matt Damon instead of me! :) I keed, I keed.

2/15/2012, 03:13 PM
Oh, and Dean...not a bad suggestion.

2/15/2012, 03:16 PM
Hey, at least you don't have to compete with a pushy cat for your spouse's attention! The cat preceded our marriage by about a year (although we did go to the kennel and pick it out together) and so along comes badger, this cat feels it is necessary to make it known that he is still NP's bed companion in really silly ways.

For example, this cat will walk all over NP, nestle on top of NP at night, and even lick NP's face while STARING DIRECTLY AT ME.

Score one of the hoo-mans though: When we adopted our two dogs, this cat has never been able to have free reign of anything ever again. Cat now has to mad-dash between locations... and what do dogs do when they see a tiny furry blur zoom by them? Hehehehehe. That cat hates us soooo much for adopting those dogs.

2/15/2012, 03:16 PM
There are 2 types of Peeps that masturbate
Those that admit it and then those that lie about it

2/15/2012, 03:23 PM
If you want the chick's perspective, make us feel loved and appreciated often.
I guess mine doesn't count?

2/15/2012, 03:32 PM
So you have never taken matters in hand when she wasn't around?

I would ask her about it and suggest she might let you watch next time as foreplay for the real thing . . .

2/15/2012, 03:44 PM
I guess mine doesn't count?

You totally count. I was just giggling at the fact that there were several guys that responded to a "question for you ladies" thread :P

2/15/2012, 04:05 PM
Wait. Is ol' Gus also one of your neighbors?

2/15/2012, 04:11 PM
Wait. Is ol' Gus also one of your neighbors?
Chunks was his dog's name.

2/15/2012, 04:14 PM
I wouldn't be threatened unless my wife had shut me down and then done it, that is, chose it instead of me.

Masturbation is tricky because it also involves fantasy. No one ever does that thinking about how great their digits feel.

Few people do it and think about their significant other, so there is the potential for hurt feelings.

The things that go on in a person's head are their own, too, IMO. Again, as long as you don't choose it over your mate, no harm done.

2/15/2012, 04:27 PM
This thread is making a mountain of a mole mound.

2/15/2012, 04:27 PM
I guess mine doesn't count?

Look at her being all chicky and crap. Heh. You guys are so predictable.

2/15/2012, 04:28 PM
This thread is making a mountain of a mole mound.

WTF do you know about it? I mean seeing a chick masturbate. Or even naked. In real life.

2/15/2012, 04:32 PM
Variety is the spice of life.

If it were me, I'd tell her it turns me on - just as 3g suggested - and that I want to suck on her breasts while she's doing it.

And if she doesn't have a toy that facilitates the activity, I'd buy her a top-of-the-line model. Don't forget the batteries.

2/15/2012, 04:33 PM
I wouldn't be threatened unless my wife had shut me down and then done it, that is, chose it instead of me.

Masturbation is tricky because it also involves fantasy. No one ever does that thinking about how great their digits feel.

Few people do it and think about their significant other, so there is the potential for hurt feelings.

The things that go on in a person's head are their own, too, IMO. Again, as long as you don't choose it over your mate, no harm done.

Yeah, I've never chosen it over her, and I guess it would be wrong to assume she would. It's possible she thought I was working, because I was in our home office. Now that I've had all this stellar advice (you people are like a support group) I'm going to bring it up tonight after the boy is asleep.

And baj, that cat thing is just creepy. I know they are demons in disguise. I'm allergic (to a life threatening level), and they know it, and if ever one sees me they jump on me at once. Devils, I say!

Viking Kitten
2/15/2012, 04:40 PM
Serious answer for your serious question:

It's no big deal.

2/15/2012, 04:42 PM
Yeah, I've never chosen it over her, and I guess it would be wrong to assume she would. It's possible she thought I was working, because I was in our home office. Now that I've had all this stellar advice (you people are like a support group) I'm going to bring it up tonight after the boy is asleep.

And baj, that cat thing is just creepy. I know they are demons in disguise. I'm allergic (to a life threatening level), and they know it, and if ever one sees me they jump on me at once. Devils, I say!

Also, she may very well get turned on by watching you. On "bringing it up tonight"... maybe have some fun with it rather than having a clinical discussion about it.

2/15/2012, 04:44 PM
Also, she may very well get turned on by watching you. On "bringing it up tonight"... maybe have some fun with it rather than having a clinical discussion about it.

I'm anything but clinical when it comes to this kind of thing. I'll probably take about 10 minutes to get around to the subject. Funny how you can live with someone for so long and not know how to talk about certain things...

2/15/2012, 04:49 PM
WTF do you know about it? I mean seeing a chick masturbate. Or even naked. In real life.

I've read things.

2/15/2012, 04:55 PM

2/15/2012, 04:59 PM
Variety is the spice of life.

If it were me, I'd tell her it turns me on - just as 3g suggested - and that I want to suck on her breasts while she's doing it.

And if she doesn't have a toy that facilitates the activity, I'd buy her a top-of-the-line model. Don't forget the batteries.

3G suggested sucking on her boobage? That's ****ing hot.

stoops the eternal pimp
2/15/2012, 05:07 PM
This reminds me of the time I saw Johnny Mack and Dean diddling each other...

2/15/2012, 05:27 PM
This reminds me of the time I saw Johnny Mack and Dean diddling each other...

Only STEP could take a perfectly good thread (except for that thing Fraggle posted) and take it to the ****ter. Some things never change. :P

2/15/2012, 05:37 PM
Look at her being all chicky and crap. Heh.

I don't even know what that means.

2/15/2012, 05:48 PM
When you walked in on her you should have whooped your diddly out and joined in....

She'd get the message...

2/15/2012, 06:00 PM
More practically, you should take note of how long it took, and make sure your two-ways are at least as long

2/15/2012, 06:34 PM
I don't even know what that means.


2/15/2012, 08:17 PM
This reminds me of the time I saw Johnny Mack and Dean diddling each other...

I will **** you with my fist.

2/15/2012, 09:48 PM
I can't say I've ever been in that situation (although, come to think of it, I wish I had been).

If it were me, I would have stayed and tried to have her go into extra innings. But, I've never been shy about sex. I've been known to talk through many a session. And not small talk, or conversation either.

Ultimately, you know your wife the best, and if she's not comfortable talking about that kind of thing, then it sounds like you played it the right way.

To me though, sex isn't a taboo topic in an intimate relationship, so the more open you are, the bettah the sex. Keep in mind that I am divorced and distracted very easily by boobies, so I may not be the best at giving advice.

2/15/2012, 10:20 PM
A woman who masturbates is one that is still interested in sex. Wine her, dine her, but especially listen to her. My wife is going through the same thing. She is up for it all the time. I treat her well and things are good. The major thing is listen to her, touch her several times a day (especially in appropriately) and life will be good.

hawaii 5-0
2/16/2012, 12:49 AM
Tell her how excited it make you feel and you'd like her to show you how she likes it so you can help her next time.

Also show her how you like your pecker spanked.


2/16/2012, 02:08 AM
Reminded of two things.

1. In the film, The Girlfriend Experience, a high priced call girl services wealthy middle aged men from the world of finance. The routine is a date, where her job is to make them feel like they are interesting and likeable. And then there is the sex.

The call girl, played by Sasha Grey, is being interviewed by a writer. She is describing her most recent date, and explains that he didn't ask for regular intercourse. "He wanted me to masturbate to orgasm, and just wanted to watch."

2. There's something to this, as I also recall a hooker who serviced disgraced TV evangelist Jimmy Swaggart described how he didn't seek intercourse but just wanted to watch her pleasure herself. The turn on was to see her turned on.

2/16/2012, 08:44 AM
Hey, at least you don't have to compete with a pushy cat for your spouse's attention! The cat preceded our marriage by about a year (although we did go to the kennel and pick it out together) and so along comes badger, this cat feels it is necessary to make it known that he is still NP's bed companion in really silly ways.

For example, this cat will walk all over NP, nestle on top of NP at night, and even lick NP's face while STARING DIRECTLY AT ME.

Score one of the hoo-mans though: When we adopted our two dogs, this cat has never been able to have free reign of anything ever again. Cat now has to mad-dash between locations... and what do dogs do when they see a tiny furry blur zoom by them? Hehehehehe. That cat hates us soooo much for adopting those dogs.

Are you using the word as some sort of code word......???

2/16/2012, 08:59 AM
Where did you catch her? I mean, was she in the bed, in the tub, in the shower, on the dinner table? Perv...er, curious minds want to know...

2/16/2012, 09:36 AM
Serious answer for your serious question:

It's no big deal.


2/16/2012, 09:42 AM
If you have a jacuzzi tub, introduce her to the water jets. If you don't have one get one...you'll be golden forever.

2/16/2012, 09:52 AM
If you have a jacuzzi tub, introduce her to the water jets. If you don't have one get one...you'll be golden forever.

Golden? ****ing perv. That **** crosses the line.

2/16/2012, 10:06 AM
Golden? ****ing perv. That **** crosses the line.;)

2/16/2012, 10:18 AM
Just wanta let Yall know that I am not a common Perv. Im a Professional, so that means Ima Provert

Just so we clear.

2/16/2012, 10:41 AM
Just wanta let Yall know that I am not a common Perv. Im a Professional, so that means Ima Provert

Just so we clear.Howard has a PhD in Pervertism. I just have my associates.:D

2/16/2012, 10:50 AM
Howard has a PhD in Pervertism. I just have my associates.:D
Just dont lump me in with the common folk :tennis:

2/16/2012, 11:27 AM
Do you ask permission to rub one out?

2/16/2012, 03:09 PM
If she needs to masturbate you are doing something wrong. She's probably got someone on the side that she's thinking about while she's doing it.

2/16/2012, 03:26 PM
If she needs to masturbate you are doing something wrong. She's probably got someone on the side that she's thinking about while she's doing it.

I don't buy this at all. Do you never wax your dolphin?

2/16/2012, 03:30 PM
I don't buy this at all. Do you never wax your dolphin?

yes, but a man has needs.

2/16/2012, 04:00 PM
yes, but a man has needs.

I'm sure many a woman would argue the same thing :D

2/16/2012, 05:40 PM
Simple answer; What would you want if she walked in on you?
A little Golden rule application here. (no shower references please! :playful:) And the "do on to others" part really applies!

2/16/2012, 06:59 PM
Just dont lump me in with the common folk :tennis:

Cept you need a stunt dick now....!

2/16/2012, 07:13 PM
:congratulatory::congratulatory::congratulatory::c ongratulatory: You guys make me feel young. The times are a changing.

2/16/2012, 07:50 PM
I still can't figure out why there is some sort of issue here. Are you that insecure that finding your wife jilling around a bit is such an affront to your person and marriage?

The appropriate thing would have been to ask if you she would like some company. If not then just quietly leave the room and leave her alone. What's the big deal?

2/16/2012, 09:02 PM
It's awfully easy to decide what you'd do once the situation is already on your mind, and you have plenty of time to think about it. I don't blame him a bit for being a bit confused by it at first.

2/16/2012, 10:04 PM
I still can't figure out why there is some sort of issue here. Are you that insecure that finding your wife jilling around a bit is such an affront to your person and marriage?

The appropriate thing would have been to ask if you she would like some company. If not then just quietly leave the room and leave her alone. What's the big deal?

jilling. heh.

2/16/2012, 10:17 PM
:congratulatory::congratulatory::congratulatory::c ongratulatory: You guys make me feel young. The times are a changing.

I hate to even open this can, but I have to ask, what about this topic "makes you feel young"? Also, people have been rubbin' 'em out since the dawn of the penis, so in that regard, times are the same. There's nothing new under the sun, so enlighten me on this.

2/16/2012, 11:41 PM



2/17/2012, 08:35 AM
If she needs to masturbate you are doing something wrong. She's probably got someone on the side that she's thinking about while she's doing it.

that's not exactly right, but whatever

Lott's Bandana
2/17/2012, 09:46 AM
Did the lights dim when she plugged it in and flipped the switch to "on"?

If so, your feelings of inadequacy are warranted.

2/17/2012, 09:52 AM

I recommend you put it in the butt.

2/17/2012, 09:55 AM
I still can't figure out why there is some sort of issue here. Are you that insecure that finding your wife jilling around a bit is such an affront to your person and marriage?

The appropriate thing would have been to ask if you she would like some company. If not then just quietly leave the room and leave her alone. What's the big deal?

Dear Sicem,

Wrong thread. Please stick to discussions about political philosphies and the such - you know, something you know at least something about? Getting sexual advice from you is like getting underwear shopping advice from me.

2/17/2012, 10:56 AM
Sorry, didn't know if you were using code words or something. If you are concerned, then you should talk. If you are not concerned, but still think that something is off, and want this relationship to last, give it your best shot! It's the day after Valentine's so you should be able to get some romantic crap on the cheap, but still be able to play the "thought that counts" card.

Do stuff together. Be spontaneous. And yes, you do need to talk, even if you don't like discussing things. Text or email if its easier, just talk.

Good luck! :)

My gut aches from laughing so hard. And it's only funny because it was said by a woman. Badger, I think my mental picture of you just became "Pat" from SNL.

2/17/2012, 11:48 AM
OK, discussion results:

a) She was in the bedroom, I walked in from our home office room. I did the right thing, she would have been embarrassed to have me barge in on her;
b) I was right, she thought I was working and wasn't interested. I told her I wasn't working, but in any case I'm never too busy that she can't at least ask. Usually I'm interested more often than she is, so that's why this threw me for a loop, that's why I was wondering about possible hormonal changes;
c) She is not sure she's down with the me joining her thing, but she'll consider it -- she was brought up in a very strict household where such things were "never done" let alone discussed, so it's kinda difficult. Also if I'm there anyway, she'd probably rather ask for "that other thing" that she likes and that I don't mind doing...
d) we do have a jacuzzi tub, and yes she's tried the water jets. Of course, so have I.

Thanks for the positive advice, esp. from the ladies. I'll ignore the others, you know who you are. :)

Oh. And some of you are pervs and dirty old men. You know who *you* are. :D

2/17/2012, 11:58 AM
You've used the jacuzzi jets?

2/17/2012, 12:50 PM
My gut aches from laughing so hard. And it's only funny because it was said by a woman. Badger, I think my mental picture of you just became "Pat" from SNL.

Never been to a SF.com tailgate, eh? I'm a short blond chick, not a "Pat."

Let me assure you that I bought my own spouse's V-Day gifts before the post-holiday sales... but in retrospect after NP mistakenly forgot them before flying out, I probably could have saved a few cents by just buying them afterward. I could have also munched them all down and gotten cheap replacements. :D

I was right, she thought I was working and wasn't interested.

This is mas importante, dudes --- let your chick know you're interested. :)

2/17/2012, 01:52 PM
c) She is not sure she's down with the me joining her thing, but she'll consider it -- she was brought up in a very strict household where such things were "never done" let alone discussed,

That she knows of...

2/17/2012, 02:01 PM
There's one question I have that I don't think has been answered/stated. How old are y'all? You keep talking about "the change" and **** and this makes me curious.

2/17/2012, 02:15 PM
You only need two words here... TAKE NOTES!

Its a free lesson on how to make her.... well you know.

2/17/2012, 02:22 PM
Never been to a SF.com tailgate, eh? I'm a short blond chick, not a "Pat."

Let me assure you that I bought my own spouse's V-Day gifts before the post-holiday sales... but in retrospect after NP mistakenly forgot them before flying out, I probably could have saved a few cents by just buying them afterward. I could have also munched them all down and gotten cheap replacements. :D

This is mas importante, dudes --- let your chick know you're interested. :)

No offense, but the "romantic crap on the cheap" comment could only be uttered by a human with majority male hormones (kidding)

As for your advice, With my wife I am the initiator 99.999999 percent of the time although she admits to "wanting to all the time". She says it's hard for her to initiate (fear of rejection even though I never have) . If she is representative of the average female then your advice should go the other way.

2/17/2012, 02:25 PM
Just whip out the ol' hog and say in your sexiest voice, "This one works better, baby."

Then have her go make you a sandwich.

2/17/2012, 02:29 PM
No offense, but the "romantic crap on the cheap" comment could only be uttered by a human with majority male hormones (kidding)

It's ok man. Keep in mind that this is the intraweb and so the foul mouthed rants that I sometimes type out are things that my dainty lady voice would never utter outloud in person. I usually have to clarify my gender status on here for that reason. One of the most funny moments were when I posted a pic of shirtless AD as my avatar (a poster said that I might want to rethink that as someone might get the wrong idea about me, and someone immediately was like "ja, her husband might have a problem with that.")

About the only time there's no confusion is when I try to be a mediator between all of you boys fighting about whatever and I'm like "Be nice." :P

2/18/2012, 11:35 AM
OK, discussion results:

a) She was in the bedroom, I walked in from our home office room. I did the right thing, she would have been embarrassed to have me barge in on her;
b) I was right, she thought I was working and wasn't interested. I told her I wasn't working, but in any case I'm never too busy that she can't at least ask. Usually I'm interested more often than she is, so that's why this threw me for a loop, that's why I was wondering about possible hormonal changes;
c) She is not sure she's down with the me joining her thing, but she'll consider it -- she was brought up in a very strict household where such things were "never done" let alone discussed, so it's kinda difficult. Also if I'm there anyway, she'd probably rather ask for "that other thing" that she likes and that I don't mind doing...
d) we do have a jacuzzi tub, and yes she's tried the water jets. Of course, so have I.

Thanks for the positive advice, esp. from the ladies. I'll ignore the others, you know who you are. :)

Oh. And some of you are pervs and dirty old men. You know who *you* are. :D


9er, 9er, 9er, among the important lessons I learned at OU was: never over-analyze rock-n-roll lyrics, acid trips, and sex. With the discussion you and your wife had, it will now take some real work to parlay your discovery into some mystery, spontaniety, and spice.

Ok, buy a couple of silk scarves at a department store. When the time & atmosphere are right, tell her that you're going to blindfold her. Once you have her blindfolded on the bed, use the other scarf to tie one of her hands to the bedpost. Tease her a bit with light foreplay and then tell her she's been a bad, bad girl. You caught her pleasuring herself, without you, so now she'll just have to do it blindfolded with her one free hand. Talk dirty and be bossy. If she wants the real stimulus package, she'll have to earn it.

Sex toy is stage two.


2/18/2012, 12:51 PM
I hate to even open this can, but I have to ask, what about this topic "makes you feel young"? Also, people have been rubbin' 'em out since the dawn of the penis, so in that regard, times are the same. There's nothing new under the sun, so enlighten me on this.

Because I feel like girls today are freaks. They dont want to do anything alone it feels like. But I dont want to go into too much detail because there are people on here I know and see in daily life.

2/18/2012, 04:17 PM
We're both in our 40s, Dean.

And SJS has apparently been directing pr0n in his spare time.

2/19/2012, 01:26 PM
We're both in our 40s, Dean.

And SJS has apparently been directing pr0n in his spare time.

Blindfolding, tying up, and teasing your wife is pron? Really?

In some religions and a half dozen states that's merely consumating the marriage.;)

Take off the coat, loosen the tie, and unbutton the top button, Mr. Sooner Lawyer 09.

I'm 100% pro bono and suggest your situation demands a quid pro quo.... she be tying you up and teasing you in due course.

2/19/2012, 02:03 PM
Sex toy is stage two.

I went straight to stage two. Make sure to find the smallest "toy" they have and tell her it was the largest they have.

Not really, I bought my wife the Jack Hammer 10000. D size batteries are running about the same as the OEC bill...:D


2/20/2012, 09:03 AM
Okay, here is some expert advice.

During one of your intimate love making sessions when she is somewhat vulnerable bring it up in a nice way. Tell her the truth that you walked in her and you decided to give her privacy. But also tell her that you thought it was one of the sexiest things you have encountered. Tell her it is perfectly normal and that you don't mind. Make sure you tell her you love her and you think she is sexy.

Now here is the tricky part. You don't want to come out and say or ask her to do it in front of you. Ask her if she will take her hand and guide you so that you can be a better lover. At some point bring her hand in let her do the rest. Your job is to hold her and tell her you love her. No self pleasure at this point. Baby steps. You might be surprised and add a new routine to your love making.

You can buy me a beer later.

PS. If she says she is uncomfortable with any of this drop it and move on.

2/20/2012, 04:37 PM
And then PIITB.

You can buy me a beer later, too. Just because I'm a cool guy.

2/20/2012, 04:52 PM
The thought of a 40 year old woman double clicking the mouse absolutely disgusts me.


2/20/2012, 05:17 PM
I am slightly disappointed in you, Sicky. I am posting all of these Baylor basketball events on vBookie lately and you're ignoring them in favor of a thread on... yeah.

2/20/2012, 06:53 PM
The thought of a 40 year old woman double clicking the mouse absolutely disgusts me.


Momma is 47. If you saw her double-click the mouse you'd be creaming your scrawny knee in about a nanosecond.

2/20/2012, 07:15 PM
The thought of a 40 year old woman double clicking the mouse absolutely disgusts me.


I suspect, Sic em, you having a fling with a 40-year-old woman would do wonders....an aye-opening experience.

Viking Kitten
2/21/2012, 11:53 AM
Actually, what's disgusting is the thought of Sicem watching a 40-year-old woman double click the mouse.

2/23/2012, 12:44 AM
Male self-pleasure came out of the bedroom (and into the kitchen) with Portnoy’s Complaint. But is female masturbation really the last remaining sexual taboo? Women are “as hidden as our clitorises,” writes Nancy Friday, the female sexuality pioneer, in the twenty-fifth-anniversary edition of My Secret Garden, her best-selling book about women’s sexual fantasies.

In her research, Friday wrote, she found not a single woman who claimed never to masturbate. Yet, more than two decades after her book first appeared in 1973, she was still receiving letters from women thanking her for writing it because “I thought I was the only one.”

But that was in 1998—not exactly the sexual dark ages, but a few beats before the advent of nearly universal broadband access (essential for the “explosion of free porn online,” as a recent New York magazine cover story put it, that took place in the mid-2000s) and, not coincidentally, the spread of upmarket sex-toy retailers such as Babeland, which opened up a well-lit storefront in my family-friendly neighborhood a few years ago on the same block as a gourmet hot-dog shop and a trendy maternity-clothes boutique.

In 2009, Self magazine reported that 75 percent of women between the ages of 18 and 25 and 63 percent of women 26 to 35 had looked at online porn. (For older women, the figures were just under 50 percent.) Open any women’s magazine—not only Cosmopolitan—and you’re likely to find a reference to masturbation as part of a normal sex life.

If Joycelyn Elders were surgeon general today, her notorious comment about promoting masturbation as a form of safe sex would be unlikely to get her fired.

From The New Republic

2/23/2012, 01:00 AM
To me though, sex isn't a taboo topic in an intimate relationship, so the more open you are, the bettah the sex. Keep in mind that I am divorced and distracted very easily by boobies, so I may not be the best at giving advice.

AMEN brother..course wasn't getting while I was married...so divorce is better..still no sex but not headaches either!!!!

now the subject at hand....my perverted opinion is guys like to see women masturbate because it brings sex to our level...pure pleasure...no love, no kid making..just plain on "Yah that feels GREAT!"...

2/23/2012, 01:09 AM
I'm surprised....5 pages and NOT one...

Where are the pics? seriously....