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View Full Version : 77 Disgusting Revelations

2/11/2012, 09:06 PM
This is from "offgridblogger" and would be pretty funny, if most of these revelation were not true.

There have been so many times we traditional Americans have been repulsed by what we have seen from this President, we have forgotten a lot of it. So I put together a list for you as a reminder:
1. Obama wants to “fundamentally transform” America: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvJJP9AYgqU

2. Obama says knowing when human life begins is “above my pay grade”: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOTfnz11kBk

3. Obama supported infanticide, voting against the Born Alive Infants Protection Act (and tried to cover up his votes):http://www.nrlc.org/ObamaBAIPA/WhitePaperAugust282008.html

4. Obama thinks having a baby is punishment: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nNbaig-D5pk

5. Obama supports gay marriage and repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, and is against Defense of Marriage Act: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6jQJuKI0Gf8&feature=fvwrel (For the facts about homosexuality see http://www.faithfacts.org/christ-and-the-culture/gay-rights.)

6. Obama thinks Americans are bitter by clinging to guns and religion: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o2h13OZHdmc

7. Obama ridicules the Bible and exposes his utter ignorance:http://antiobamassiah.wordpress.com/video-of-obama-comments-about-the-bible-that-are-unbelievable/

8. Obama bows and apologizes to foreign leaders, even our mortal enemies:http://www.capveterans.com/america_s_freedom_tea_parties_are_growing/id33.html,


9. Obama sends bust of Churchill home, insulting America’s strongest ally: http://thewesternexperience.com/2009/02/23/president-obama-returns-bust-of-sir-winston-churchill-back-to-britain/ (http://thewesternexperience.com/2009/02/23/president-obama-returns-bust-of-sir-winston-churchill-back-to-britain/)

10. Obama wants to punish success and spread the wealth around. (Is the top 10% of earners paying 71% of the taxes–and 49% of Americans paying no federal income tax not enough socialism for you, Mr. President?): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OoqI5PSRcXM

11. Obama snubs Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel, our strongest ally in the middle east:http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2010/03/25/president-allegedly-dumps-israeli-prime-minister-dinner/

12. Obama says Israel should return to its 1967 border. (Does he think we should give Texas back to Mexico too?):http://matzav.com/obama-calls-for-israel-palestine-talks-on-1967-borders

13. Obama scolds Supreme Court Justices at State of the Union Address while lying:http://www.politico.com/blogs/politicolive/0110/Justice_Alitos_You_lie_moment.html

14. Obama takes personal credit for killing Osama bin Laden (compare to George W Bush’s comments after capturing Saddam Hussein): http://savingcommonsense.blogspot.com/2011/05/contrasting-speeches-of-bush-on-saddam.html

15. Obama wants electricity rates to “skyrocket”:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HlTxGHn4sH4

16. Obama only talks to war commander once in 10 weeks. (How bizarre is it for the Commander-in-Chief not to communicate with his general during war time?):http://blogs.abcnews.com/politicalpunch/2009/09/gibbs-explains-why-the-president-has-only-talked-to-general-mcchrystal-once-in-10-weeks.html

17. Obama violates the War Powers Act. (Is he above the law?):

18. Obama wants to bypass Congress on the debt ceiling. (Does he think he is king?):http://www.cbsnews.com/8601-18563_162-20076575-6.html?assetTypeId=30&blogId=

19. Obama wants U.S. to submit our laws to the world court:http://www.wnd.com/?pageId=116552

20. Obama releases a birth certificate that is most likely a fake:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7s9StxsFllY&feature=youtu.be

21. Obama is a serial liar: http://www.google.com/search?q=obama+serial+liar&rls=com.microsoft:en-us:IE-SearchBox&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&sourceid=ie7&rlz=1I7GZHY_en

22. Obama lost over six billion dollars of our money on various solar scams, which its own administration admits were awarded without adequate due diligence, and which were a probable result of cronyism:


http://www.redstate.com/leon_h_wolf/2011/09/14/breaking-white-house-pressured-omb-to-approve-solyndra-loan-before-due-diligence-complete/, (http://www.redstate.com/leon_h_wolf/2011/09/14/breaking-white-house-pressured-omb-to-approve-solyndra-loan-before-due-diligence-complete/)


http://www.nypost.com/p/news/opinion/letters/wasting_green_on_greenies_no_more_Ty6EyjqLhb0hAHKg pRcR3L

23. Obama’s stimulus cost $278,000 per job:http://www.weeklystandard.com/blogs/obama-s-economists-stimulus-has-cost-278000-job_576014.html

24. Obama has blatantly ingnored the Constitution in at least 7 instances, proving that liberals are not interested in preserving the Constitution but destroying it:http://www.onenewsnow.com/Perspectives/Default.aspx?id=1437376

25. Obama was absent from the Supercommittee deliberations. This absence was unbelievable to me. Here was the chance to get something done on the deficit, and Obama was bouncing around the world condemning America. Just imagine how an strong leader in the White House would be engaged in that process.http://www.northstarwriters.com/2011/11/13/lack-of-obama-leadership-leads-to-supercommittee-failure/

26. Obama says he is the fourth best president in history (better than Washington, better than Jefferson, etc).http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TxvSjDkF7HE

27. Obama had close associations with outspoken hater of America Jeremiah Wright and an unrepentenat terrorist Bill Ayers. (No white Republican candidate would have gotten away with that!)http://www.americanthinker.com/2011/08/obama_the_affirmative_action_president.html



28. Obama signs National Defense Authorization Act which includes a new legal system in which citizen suspects could be imprisoned without trial indefinitely.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Defense_Authorization_Act_for_Fiscal_Year _2012,


29. Obama stops the Keystone pipeline and our offshore drilling but is party to allowing (through the Ex-Im Bank) subsidies to the Brazilian oil company and its offshore drilling, perhaps because his liberal pal George Soros owns shares. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=xWmsoAP-HoE#!,


30. The U.S. capital Christmas tree pays homage to Obama but not Jesus. http://cnsnews.com/news/article/us-capitol-christmas-tree-pays-homage-obama-not-jesus

31. During the Chrysler bankruptcy, Obama violated the Fifth Amendment and more than 150 years of bankruptcy law by illegally treating secured creditors worse than unsecured creditors.http://www.humanevents.com/article.php?id=32074

32. While running for President, Obama had promised that he would not have any lobbyists working in his administration. However, by February 2010, he had more than 40 lobbyists working in his administration. http://washingtonexaminer.com/politics/obama-makes-mockery-his-own-lobbyist-ban

33. In 2011, after Boeing had hired 1,000 new employees to work at its new factory in South Carolina, the Obama administration ordered Boeing to shut down the factory, because the factory was non-union. (Can a president really tell a company where to put a factory!?) http://www.nytimes.com/2011/04/21/business/21boeing.html?_r=3

34. The Obama administration pressured Ford to pull adds that told the truth about bailout money for General Motors and Chrysler.http://nation.foxnews.com/obama-administration/2011/09/27/wh-pressures-ford-pull-bailout-ad

35. The Obama administration used racially motivated actions to withdraw the case against Black Panthers who were intimidating voters. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/07/07/us/07rights.html

36. Obama outrageously ramped up the bureacracy by appointing numerous Czars, probably in opposition to the Consitution which gives the Senate right of approval for such posts.http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/59071-feingold-questions-obama-czars

37. Obama wants to rid the U.S. of private health insurance.http://www.breitbart.tv/uncovered-video-obama-explains-how-his-health-care-plan-will-eliminate-private-insurance/

38. The Obama administration gives over 1300 waivers to his own health care law. http://www.breitbart.tv/uncovered-video-obama-explains-how-his-health-care-plan-will-eliminate-private-insurance/

39. Obama puts self-described communists in his administration (including Van Jones, Anita Dunn, and others).http://www.breitbart.tv/uncovered-video-obama-explains-how-his-health-care-plan-will-eliminate-private-insurance/, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2FVEe7wCzs

read the rest here:

2/11/2012, 09:24 PM
You seem more bitter every time you post one of these.

You lose me as I just don't believe that it's the Executive Branch that is screwing up the Country.

Using 9-11 and the emotions of it and getting Congress to authorize one of the most expensive military actions in our Nations History and trying to bring Democracy to a bunch of people who really didn't seem to care if we stayed more than 10 minutes after they hung Saddam seemed pretty damn crazy. Power and corruption followed and then our Country goes into the ****ter right after the guy who started it was finished with his 8 years as POTUS.

To expect the next POTUS to clean it all up in less than 4 years while the last administration continues to try and hold up legislation is sad. If the GOP had put someone other than McCain and Palin as the GOP Candidates....Possibly we would be sitting here in a much different position.

The GOP lost the last election on purpose IMO as they knew if they had won...they really would be responsible for the financial collapse.

Now you are stuck with Obama for 8 years because of the massive screw up and the inability to find OBL and either bring him to justice or bury him at Sea.

Now Obama is completing Bush's agreement to leave the Middle East and end the War on Terror.

Look how much it's cost us.

Your outrage is hardly warranted. The real outrage is why the GOP is allowing themselves to get hammered and why many of us are looking and hoping that a 3rd party in this Country develops between now and the 2016 Elections. If all we have is a Democratic Party and the fractioning GOP in 2016....it will be an even sadder predicament than what we face right now IMO.

2/11/2012, 09:33 PM
You seem more bitter every time you post one of these. - No, not at all.

We need to be reminded what we have endured these past 3 years.

2/11/2012, 09:58 PM
You seem more bitter every time you post one of these. - No, not at all.

We need to be reminded what we have endured these past 3 years.

What we have endured these last 11 years. If you are forgetting the years after 9-11....you certainly have zero interest in the number of our Military that haven't come home to their families and the ones that have come home to Families not whole. We have all supported Blue Star Moms, the many boxes of baby wipes, candy and things our guys who went overseas asked us to help them with as our Military was unprepared for a 10 year War. You are forgetting the people who died in the Towers and the Families and friends who have endured after the loss of so many innocent yet brave that died because of the act of terror inflicted on not only them....but all of us.

This isn't about the GOP and what they lost. This is about all of us and how the actions and decisions that have been made over the last 11 years has affected all of us.

Bitter....you bet. But not because of the last 3 years. Bitter because of how it's taken so long and involved trying to build other countries up while the US continues to waste away.

We should have left Iraq years ago and OBL should have been captured or killed years before Obama was elected. Obama was elected because the Bush Administration wasn't either able to put and end to it all or didn't want to put an end to it all. Obama ran a campaign that promised to put an end to it all and he damn near has done exactly that.

Quit being bitter that he's gotten some things that needed to be done....done.

None of the current GOP Candidates seem to be telling us what they intend to do....they just keep telling us how they intend to spend time and resources going backwards trying to undo what the American People really wanted.

If they don't listen...they won't get elected and Obama will be a two term POTUS.

He's getting ready to make the next GOP Candidate look even worse than McCain / Palin in 2008.

If he does....it's time that the GOP begin to listen to Americans instead of post dribble like this.

It will be a lesson in politics.

2/11/2012, 09:59 PM
Ugh. When will pubs stop shooting themselves in the foot.

Stop mixing your crazy nonsense in with legitimate policy differences.

When your sources are (I stopped reading after the first 3 retard sites, only took me to #7):

You alienate regular, rational people. You have SOOOO much rational stuff to disagree with prezzie on, but you can't help yourself can you?

2/11/2012, 10:01 PM
Ugh. When will pubs stop shooting themselves in the foot.

Stop mixing your crazy nonsense in with legitimate policy differences.

When your sources are (I stopped reading after the first 3 retard sites, only took me to #7):

You alienate regular, rational people. You have SOOOO much rational stuff to disagree with prezzie on, but you can't help yourself can you?

Exactly...good post

2/11/2012, 10:29 PM
The worst part is that I am DESPERATE to vote pub. I have grave concerns over most of Obama's domestic and international policies, especially when it comes to foreign relations (Israel, Russia, Iran...) and economic strategies (stimulus, Obamacare...). But I contrast that with the right's social stances. Its frightening. Why can't a gay dude fight and die for my freedoms? I thought we all decided that "separate but equal" was stupid and wrong? Its stupid and wrong against minorities, but not gays? Big government is BAD, except when used to deny people freedoms based on religious ignorance...

I can't vote Libertarian, bc Ron Paul thinks Iran having the Bomb is cool. Pubs want freedom from the govn't, except when stripping away freedoms from certain Americans using the govn't. Dems think social theory trumps social reality. Meh, Meh, and MEH.

2/11/2012, 11:07 PM
The worst part is that I am DESPERATE to vote pub. I have grave concerns over most of Obama's domestic and international policies, especially when it comes to foreign relations (Israel, Russia, Iran...) and economic strategies (stimulus, Obamacare...). But I contrast that with the right's social stances. Its frightening. Why can't a gay dude fight and die for my freedoms? I thought we all decided that "separate but equal" was stupid and wrong? Its stupid and wrong against minorities, but not gays? Big government is BAD, except when used to deny people freedoms based on religious ignorance...

I can't vote Libertarian, bc Ron Paul thinks Iran having the Bomb is cool. Pubs want freedom from the govn't, except when stripping away freedoms from certain Americans using the govn't. Dems think social theory trumps social reality. Meh, Meh, and MEH.

If Ron Paul's stance on WMDs had been in place after 9-11....we wouldn't have gone to War in Iraq....there would still be sanctions against them and Saddam and his kids would still be running swords through the bellies of the folks who should have grown some balls and killed those ****heads in their sleep instead of asking us to do the dirty work for them.

So...as much as I agree with you about Ron Paul....he does have a point.

Don't live in fear....just do something about the folks that actually threaten you and beef up your borders and protect yourself from the folks who don't wish to understand why we are the greatest Country in the World.

2/11/2012, 11:21 PM
If Ron Paul's stance on WMDs had been in place after 9-11....we wouldn't have gone to War in Iraq....there would still be sanctions against them and Saddam and his kids would still be running swords through the bellies of the folks who should have grown some balls and killed those ****heads in their sleep instead of asking us to do the dirty work for them.

So...as much as I agree with you about Ron Paul....he does have a point.

Don't live in fear....just do something about the folks that actually threaten you and beef up your borders and protect yourself from the folks who don't wish to understand why we are the greatest Country in the World.

I hear you. But he also doesn't believe in a border fence, stating that a fence could be used by a future govn't to fence Americans IN. I understand his stance, and respect his viewpoint, but strongly disagree with it. Its that theory vs reality thing again that I have such an issue with especially with dems. In a world of suitcase nukes, how can you have such a porous border? It essentially becomes a values game. Which is more valuable: securing the border in order to prevent rampant illegal immigration and preventing terrorist from transporting nuclear weapons into our country, or raw American freedom.

I totally understand, say, a Sicem perspective that holds raw freedom paramount. Its a rational viewpoint that appreciates the sacrifices and values of the the hundreds of thousands who have laid down their lives so that I have the privilege of posting on this message board. However, I feel that in the modern world of dirty bombs and anti-American sentiments some sacrifice must be made in order to preserve our way of life. That includes border security.

My .02, and I respect anyone coherent who views things differently.

2/11/2012, 11:37 PM
My .02, and I respect anyone "coherent" who views things differently.

Not much of that going on in this thread. The stupid hurts.

2/12/2012, 12:23 AM
I hear you. But he also doesn't believe in a border fence, stating that a fence could be used by a future govn't to fence Americans IN. ... Which is more valuable: securing the border in order to prevent rampant illegal immigration and preventing terrorist from transporting nuclear weapons into our country, or raw American freedom.


So to be clear, do you favor a fence around the entire perimeter of the U.S.?

2/12/2012, 01:05 AM
For now, just around the the part of the country that is ridiculously porous and the entry point to ~20 million undocumented people.

I assume you are pointing out the ability of terrorists to infiltrate the country from Canada. This is true, but Canada is a much more difficult place to gain access to (insert whatever you want) than Mexico.

Maybe one can float in from Cuba, but since border security is a matter of % access, that seems a bit ridiculous.

So no, not around the entirety of America. But one can start with the place that ~20 million people have illegal crossed. Once secure, or upon another relevant threat, other access points can be addressed.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
2/12/2012, 01:30 PM
Remember what Obeary says and does in NOVEMBER 2012.

2/12/2012, 08:44 PM
The worst part is that I am DESPERATE to vote pub. I have grave concerns over most of Obama's domestic and international policies, especially when it comes to foreign relations (Israel, Russia, Iran...) and economic strategies (stimulus, Obamacare...). But I contrast that with the right's social stances. Its frightening. Why can't a gay dude fight and die for my freedoms? I thought we all decided that "separate but equal" was stupid and wrong? Its stupid and wrong against minorities, but not gays? Big government is BAD, except when used to deny people freedoms based on religious ignorance...

I can't vote Libertarian, bc Ron Paul thinks Iran having the Bomb is cool. Pubs want freedom from the govn't, except when stripping away freedoms from certain Americans using the govn't. Dems think social theory trumps social reality. Meh, Meh, and MEH.You are basically forced to vote for one hypocrite or the other. To me, it is an easy decision. One party champions personal responsibility while the other runs away from it.

I find it rather ironic that you say this. The mantra of the GOP throughout the 1990s with regards to health care reform was "personal responsibility." Time and again Republicans (even Oklahoma's own Don Nickles) introduced legislation which mandated individuals purchase health insurance from private insurance companies.

They detested the idea of a Canadian style single payer government "Medicare for all" type plan and in each bill stated repeatedly that it was a hallmark of conservative ideals that citizens be responsible and purchase insurance and since 32,000,000 people didn't have the personal responsibility to act like adults, the federal government would mandate they do so.

So finally after 20 years of trying to pass a variant of the single payer system, the Democrats finally endorsed the GOP "personal responsibility" plan, passed it only to find the GOP abandon their long held belief in "personal responsibility" in favor of anarchy and personal irresponsibility.

I could post lots of links and excerpts of the actual proposed GOP legislation, but I've been told that's annoying. So you'll either trust me on this or can Google it up. But it is true, the Democrats are now the party of "personal responsibility" using the model championed by the GOP for more than the last two decades (1989 was the start of this GOP push btw).

President Obama appreciates your support.

2/12/2012, 11:46 PM
Ugh. When will pubs stop shooting themselves in the foot.

Stop mixing your crazy nonsense in with legitimate policy differences.

When your sources are (I stopped reading after the first 3 retard sites, only took me to #7):

You alienate regular, rational people. You have SOOOO much rational stuff to disagree with prezzie on, but you can't help yourself can you?

good post.

there are people on the left who act the same way on here.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
2/15/2012, 10:50 PM
Which of the 77 outrages is your fave?

2/15/2012, 11:09 PM
Oklahoma has 77 counties. Coincidence? I think not.

2/16/2012, 09:31 AM
Remember what Obeary says and does in NOVEMBER 2012. The sad part is most will not remember.....and the others just turn cheek.

2/16/2012, 11:25 AM
Oklahoma has 77 counties. Coincidence? I think not.

http://rlv.zcache.com/there_are_no_coincidences_just_conspiracies_bumper _sticker-p128595326927884530z74sk_400.jpg