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View Full Version : He be helping his friends, again!

2/10/2012, 07:00 PM
When you friend donates as much money to the campaign and convinces the press he wants to pay higher taxes, you reward him (again) :obama icon:



2/10/2012, 09:40 PM
This is typical Left Wing hypocrisy.
Buffet already is battling the IRS over a $Million in back taxes....and he would like to pay more????!!!

2/12/2012, 03:46 PM
This kind of cronyism, whether it comes from the executive-branch or congress, needs to be plastered in every single major newspaper and show every single time it happens regardless of party.

2/12/2012, 04:14 PM
Following the logic of that article, we should be outraged at our own Oklahoma Attorney General who opted out of the settlement, accepting a fraction of what the 49 other states got. Boy, he must be in Buffet's pocket too!

2/12/2012, 04:29 PM
What a scum...investing a fortune in a struggling company...helps keep em afloat...then we bitch when he profits from his risk...

Two days prior to his investment the stock price was $6.30...anybody with any nut could have made 25% as of the 9th...if you bought at the Dec low of 4.99 you would be up 60% in 2 months....

Yep, he got a sweetheart deal...but when you are the money man you tend to get a good deal when a company is on the ropes....

2/12/2012, 11:57 PM
What a scum...investing a fortune in a struggling company...helps keep em afloat...then we bitch when he profits from his risk...

Two days prior to his investment the stock price was $6.30...anybody with any nut could have made 25% as of the 9th...if you bought at the Dec low of 4.99 you would be up 60% in 2 months....

Yep, he got a sweetheart deal...but when you are the money man you tend to get a good deal when a company is on the ropes....

It's a heckuva a lot easier to decide whether to nut up when you've got a warm fuzzy relationship with the guy in charge of the settlements.

2/13/2012, 07:20 AM
seems like a lot of Barfy's rich friends profit from his deCisions, including the convicted felon, george. Soros, and Buffett. Buffett also stands to make a lot of money from the pipeline decision, too.

2/13/2012, 07:50 AM
What a scum...investing a fortune in a struggling company...helps keep em afloat...then we bitch when he profits from his risk...

Two days prior to his investment the stock price was $6.30...anybody with any nut could have made 25% as of the 9th...if you bought at the Dec low of 4.99 you would be up 60% in 2 months....

Yep, he got a sweetheart deal...but when you are the money man you tend to get a good deal when a company is on the ropes....

He can take it all tax free as long as I don't have to hear about his secretary anymore...

2/13/2012, 09:26 AM
Meh, rich old farts like Buffett aren't long for this world. He's already said he's giving away most of his fortune, so no worries about a new generation of Waltons getting created or anything.

Remember that Simpson's episode where Marge paints Monty Burns naked to show that beneath the scary old rich guy was a fragile old man that was about to die? It's kind of like that.

2/13/2012, 10:26 AM
Are these people really complaining about how capitalism works?


Good job, comrade!

2/13/2012, 11:48 AM
A strong and principled person is consistent, and sticks with their promises.

Take Obama decrying the super PACs and the millions that they pour into political campaigns.
BAAAAAD, he says. Yoda must "outlaw"!
Oops......"me too now", he says.
NO "CHANGE" here!

2/13/2012, 12:50 PM
A strong and principled person is consistent, and sticks with their promises.

You mean like "I do" ?? (Gingrich)
or all of Mitt Romney's flip flops? (which is practically every position he's ever had?)

Is that all you got? That Obama changed his mind on Super Pacs?

