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View Full Version : Dad teaches his daughter a serious lesson for her Facebook rant

2/10/2012, 03:47 PM


I thought it was pretty awesome. You can go to his fb page and see peoples comments he has a link at the start of the video.

2/10/2012, 04:02 PM
i think this is the link:


Viking Kitten
2/10/2012, 04:04 PM
I don't have problem with disciplining your spoiled brat kid. Shooting a perfectly good laptop seems a little stupid. Maybe, you know, you could just take the laptop away and give it to someone else?

2/10/2012, 04:20 PM
That family has some issues that go beyond a spoiled kid.

2/10/2012, 04:24 PM
My thoughts are both back to my own teenage-girl-on-internet-too-busy-in-high-school-to-breathe life, as well as my current status as an adult.

My parents were 100 percent oblivious to my Internet use. I could have downloaded porn, or allowed myself to be stalked by a 60 year old, or bad mouthed every adult within 100 miles and they would never have found out. Fortunately, that was still the era of 28.8k dial-up modems so I probably wouldn't have made it very far. These days, I highly recommend anyone with kids using computers to keep the compy in a public location that kids cannot hide the monitors from, closely monitor Internet usage not just from stalkers or bad content, but also from unwanted expenditures via the credit card they just swiped from your wallet or the amazon account you forgot to sign out of, hehe.

I think parents often do overestimate the amount of free time that their children have. Schools regularly assign hours of homework each night (busy work that takes tons of time to finish because EVERYTHING MUST BE WRITTEN IN COMPLETE SENTENCES OR HAVE A MATH ANSWER THAT IS PROPERLY LABELED THAT SHOWS ALL OF YOUR WORK) and there's extracurricular activities that you're planning to put on the college application, as well as house chores and time that you need to just take a deep breath after spending hours confined to a desk at school being told to STFU and pay attention to the boringest film strip in the history of learning that nobody learns anything from because the cassette tape that accompanies it has worn down to the point that the voice sounds like something outta Charlie Brown.

Like adults, kids need a way to vent sometimes and will say and do things that were not intended to be read or listened to. This sounded like one of those instances. Am I saying that there shouldn't be any recourse for making such a rant public? Absolutely not. It's best to learn from an early age how the Internet is forever (you can still see the Aggie Yell Leaders singing about their Tra La Las or the Baylor Beer Thief, despite their best efforts to remove them if you search for it) from an early age rather than when you're losing your job for mass-sending an award nomination forum for the "biggest tits." (see other South Oval thread for that one).

I was quite surprised to see the guy shoot up the laptop, but this guy is an IT guy, so I'm sure he realizes that just donating the laptop to charity is a no-no (like the Internet being forever, technology has a way of retaining information even when you clear the "Recycle Bin" 20 times).

Overall, I can see the guy wanting to punish his daughter for what sounded like a very mean spirited, entitled bratty rant that should not have been public, but I think handling it in a similarly public way was probably not the best way to handle this.

2/10/2012, 04:40 PM
Also, a few media outlets have tracked daddy down since it went VIRALVIRALVIRAL and he said that he and daughter had a discussion about the punishment and that they came to an understanding on it. Much better solution than getting out the belt like that Texas judge. Sounds like they'll work through this.

Daughter was probably stunned that she got caught and probably quite ashamed too.

2/10/2012, 10:36 PM
I got the feeling those bullets were not for the laptop.

2/10/2012, 11:04 PM
. . . after spending hours confined to a desk at school being told to STFU and pay attention to the boringest film strip in the history of learning that nobody learns anything from because the cassette tape that accompanies it has worn down to the point that the voice sounds like something outta Charlie Brown.

Ummm . . . they don't use film strips anymore, at least no school I know. I fished several boxes of film strips out of the trash, also saved a projector from the dumpster (in a lockdown, wooden box w/carrying handle, must weigh 30 pounds). The reason they were throwing the stuff away is because . . . they could.

I have seen school storerooms (and one school breezeway) where old but still-working computers and CRT monitors are stacked like cordwood because the schools can't throw them away (considered toxic waste in your average landfill).

2/10/2012, 11:08 PM
My parents neither cared nor knew what I did on the internet.

I sort of sympathize with the girl. She was a smart-*** little **** who needs to be disciplined, but I never had any chores growing up. We were a "each person take care of their own ****" type family and everything else fell to my mother (like cooking).

The problem is that you can't say that one parenting method is better than another. Some kids need a lot of heavy-handed discipline and others do not. Parents need to be intuitive and understand their children enough to adjust their parenting accordingly. I put a lot more limitations on myself than my parents ever did, but I never gave them a reason to worry either. I suspect that if I had started getting into trouble then things would be different.

My sister is the polar opposite of me, and they did have some issues with her...nothing bad but certainly more than me. They were a lot more strict with her than they ever were with me. I had free reign to do as I pleased when I pleased.

2/10/2012, 11:25 PM
Looks like one A-hole raised another A-hole. Big surprise there. The losers are everybody who has to watch this crap.

Just bc you know how to post a video of yourself on the internet doesn't mean its a good idea.

2/10/2012, 11:30 PM
Never make YouTube Videos when you are mad and weilding a .45ACP. It makes you look a bit unstable. Of course....dressing like Pistol Pete does too. :D

2/11/2012, 06:55 AM
Some people should not be allowed to breed.

2/11/2012, 08:32 PM
Getting your sperm shoplifted by some Woman can lead to you shooting a laptop.

2/13/2012, 10:25 AM
That's either one little IT cowboy or one really big adirondack chair. His legs are dangling like a little kid's!

2/13/2012, 10:32 AM
And he should have had her working on that ****ty lawn.

2/13/2012, 03:29 PM
what is this "internet" thing everyone keeps talking about? newest fad, like cabbage patch kids or vans?

jk the sooner fan
2/13/2012, 04:09 PM
my thoughts are that he's just as childish in his approach as the child he's trying to teach a lesson

is it asking too much to put down your damn cigarette before you put your dirty family laundry all over the internets?

2/13/2012, 10:18 PM
The problem is that you can't say that one parenting method is better than another.
Yeah you can. There's actually studies and proven theories on the subject.

Chuck Bao
2/14/2012, 03:15 AM
Yeah you can. There's actually studies and proven theories on the subject.

Heh! I will go with the theory that this isn't the best way to deal with a spoiled brat whining on the internet about having to do some chores around the house.

Ton Loc
2/14/2012, 01:51 PM
That dude is seriously messed up. I know his daughter seems horrible, but thank god I didn't have the internet and facebook when I was a kid. Damn, I could have caused some serious problems.

2/14/2012, 11:30 PM
If you can't out think a 15 year old spoiled brat (that you raised), you are in trouble...