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Herr Scholz
2/6/2012, 11:08 AM
Normally a grandma doing karaoke and trying to dance is an internet win. In this case it was just sad and pathetic. I've never seen a 55-year old cheerleader before. Thankfully there were no closeups of her.

And I'm not an ageist. I enjoyed the shows from U2, Tom Petty, the Boss and the Stones. And Prince and McCartney and the Who. Just give me talented performers that will actually sing their songs instead of lip syncing, doing awkward dance moves and trying not to fall down. They should've gotten Metallica instead of that talentless skank. Just my opinion.



Mississippi Sooner
2/6/2012, 11:12 AM

I do NOT want to see the rest of that naked.

2/6/2012, 11:16 AM
I thought her trying to dance was quite comical and entertaining myself.

2/6/2012, 11:17 AM
I thought her trying to dance was quite comical and entertaining myself.

Our viewing party decided that her tight leather boots were probably cutting off her leg circulation and thus, she could barely move.

The blurry TV moment? That was NBC trying to edit out MIA's middle finger and naughty word and failing.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
2/6/2012, 11:21 AM
I liked her show a lot, but I like her music, especially some of the early stuff, which she performed last night.

2/6/2012, 11:32 AM
I liked her show a lot, but I like her music, especially some of the early stuff, which she performed last night.

I thought the actual show wasn't bad.. But like Herr said, the awkward dancing and lip syncing were too distracting.

2/6/2012, 11:40 AM
I thought the actual show wasn't bad.. But like Herr said, the awkward dancing and lip syncing were too distracting.


2/6/2012, 11:49 AM
Any chance we've reached the saturation point of these bloated and overwrought half-time extravapaloozas? If you want a rock concert, have a flippin rock concert, but stop trying to jam one into the middle of a football game. how many middle fingers and wardrobe malfunctions and rocking chair rockers until somebody says enough already? Ooops, I forgot! There's no such thing as enough of anything any more.

[ :livid: ] And stay off my lawn, ya little bastards! [/ :livid: ]

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
2/6/2012, 11:54 AM
I thought the actual show wasn't bad.. But like Herr said, the awkward dancing and lip syncing were too distracting.Well, I'm an Older-American, so I was pretty impressed with the physical prowess of a 55ish yr old woman, and her conditioning. My tv isn't as high-res as some of yours, probably, nor as big a screen as some, so I didn't really notice the gaffs. I expected lip-sync. WAY TO GO, MATERIAL GIRL!

2/6/2012, 11:58 AM
The only way I am ever going to see that fruity old hag perform is if someone pays me good cash to do it, and I mean over and above free tickets.

Why anyone would pay a plug nickel to see that dried out moldy fig is beyond me.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
2/6/2012, 12:01 PM
There will be penalties assessed for PILING ON!

(this IS a football thread, y'know)

2/6/2012, 12:01 PM
I enjoyed the show much more than other recent Super Bowl shows. I Didn't see the middle finger incident. I don't care about Madonna's dancing; she sounded great even if it was lip-synced and the dancers were great.

2/6/2012, 12:13 PM
The world needs 55 year-old women.

Just not in short skirts on TV.

Herr Scholz
2/6/2012, 12:21 PM
I still have a cramp from my sustained look of horror. She looked and especially moved like a mummified corpse. How anything beyond the piped in music can be described as "above average" is beyond comprehension.

2/6/2012, 12:21 PM
I'm not a Madonna fan. I don't own anything Madonna, however I did enjoy the show. You could tell that a lot of hard work and expense went into it. I didn't notice the MIA finger gesture thing but when I was told about it, I thought it was tacky.

2/6/2012, 12:32 PM
I think it wasn't one of her greatest performances but she's earned the right to finish off her career before some Doctor comes over to her house and gives her an overdose of Propofol. :D ;)

2/6/2012, 12:41 PM
She is hardly a talentless old bag. I guarantee that everybody on here would love for their wives to look that good and be in that fine a shape at that age.

That said, what she did was a production and not a performance. She didn't sing a damn line, which I believe makes it the first lip-synced Super Bowl performance that I can remember. In that sense, she completely minimized her risk. I've seen her perform before (on tv shows and YouTube) and she always sings, but you can tell she's singing because the dancing she does causes her to be short on breath. I would've rather had that last night in addition to the performance. It seems, however, that a lot of viewers-- if not most-- were more smitten with the production and willing to overlook the lip-syncing. Me? I'd rather have both. You're only up there for 15 minutes. Sing the damn notes.

U2 is still the best Super Bowl performance I've seen, and by a long shot. Prince was probably 2nd.

2/6/2012, 12:58 PM
I'm not a Madonna fan. I don't own anything Madonna, however I did enjoy the show. You could tell that a lot of hard work and expense went into it. I didn't notice the MIA finger gesture thing but when I was told about it, I thought it was tacky.

This was exactly how I felt about it. Not a Madonna fan at all and never have been but I enjoyed the halftime stuff this time more so than I have in years. She did seem to move a bit awkwardly at times though but not enough to ruin the show for me. Didn't notice the finger gesture either.

texas bandman
2/6/2012, 01:00 PM
My wife is 50 and I wish she had half the moves of Madonna. :D

Dan Thompson
2/6/2012, 01:08 PM
Seems I lucked out and miss the whole thing. I didn't have the TV on.

2/6/2012, 01:20 PM
the Who

That tells me all I need to know about your musical acumen. The Who were once a great group, and they still play passably well. However, during the Super Bowl performance Roger Daltrey sounded, at best, like a mashed cat.

Yes, Madonna used a backing track. And yes, she's on the north side of 50. But I'd still nail her like a loose shingle.

2/6/2012, 01:30 PM
Madonna and the term "looking good" have no business in the same sentence.


2/6/2012, 02:20 PM
If she had a pulled hammy as reported, that was a pretty remarkable performance. And I'm no fan.

2/6/2012, 02:35 PM
I thought her show was typical Madonna. And I'm not a fan of hers. On the other hand, early 1980's, warmed over, poseur rock still beats anything the current crop of artistes could have put up. I found it interesting that several of the current gen were apparently included so they could learn and, when gravity and other forces of nature finally win their inevitable victory it's possible someone will be able to put on a performance.

Herr Scholz
2/6/2012, 02:43 PM
That tells me all I need to know about your musical acumen. The Who were once a great group, and they still play passably well. However, during the Super Bowl performance Roger Daltrey sounded, at best, like a mashed cat.
I'll grant you that. His voice isn't what it was. Still enjoyed seeing live music from a HOF band.

Yes, Madonna used a backing track. And yes, she's on the north side of 50. But I'd still nail her like a loose shingle.
Sure, if you like throwing a hot dog down an old hallway.

2/6/2012, 02:48 PM
****loads better than the pro bowl pregame show. Oh man, that was terrible.

Mississippi Sooner
2/6/2012, 02:54 PM
Let us harken back to 20 years ago, and a great halftime show. ;)


RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
2/6/2012, 03:23 PM

2/6/2012, 03:29 PM
My wife is almost 50, and she makes Madonna look like a toenail with that fungus ****.

I came in the house while that halftime deal was on, and it was so bad I was embarrassed for Madonna. Seriously, you guys going "it wasn't that bad," or even worse "I enjoyed it" need to really get out more often. That was the worse halftime show in the history of haltime shows.

jk the sooner fan
2/6/2012, 03:32 PM
has it been decided whether she was lip synching or not? my vote is yes

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
2/6/2012, 03:33 PM
My wife is almost 50, and she makes Madonna look like a toenail with that fungus ****.

I came in the house while that halftime deal was on, and it was so bad I was embarrassed for Madonna. Seriously, you guys going "it wasn't that bad," or even worse "I enjoyed it" need to really get out more often. That was the worse halftime show in the history of haltime shows.SAFETY...AND EXPULSION!

2/6/2012, 03:39 PM
has it been decided whether she was lip synching or not? my vote is yes

Three seconds after I started watching it you could tell. Then, when they did the whole Egyptian thing I had to change the channel. It was just too embarrassing.

2/6/2012, 04:16 PM
Let us harken back to 20 years ago, and a great halftime show. ;)


I just vomited in my mouth - which was more enjoyable than seeing that.

Please, PLEASE let them NEVER have a reunion again. I'll probably get negged all to hell for saying this, but I'd probably rather see Uterus win another title before seeing that... I know... I know...

2/6/2012, 04:17 PM
has it been decided whether she was lip synching or not? my vote is yes

Milli Vanilli would've been jealous.

2/6/2012, 04:20 PM
I don't care one way or another about almost any pop music, and Madonna falls in line with pretty much all of that.

But here are my thoughts (because I know you're all waiting breathlessly):

1) I would second the question "Has it been verified that she was lip-synching? From the very start I was extremely suspicious -- and am still extremely suspicious -- but has it been verified by a legit source? I'm NOT saying "innocent until proved guilty," I'm just looking for confirmation. Anyway, if she indeed was (and my strong guess is "yes, she was"), that's unjustifiable, IMO. If they want to call it a dance routine, then fine, but not pretend crap.

2) The "production" element of the show was phenomenal. I don't care about the music and don't particularly care about this either, but it won me. Amazing what would have gone into pulling something like that off.

3) As has been mentioned by at least one and probably would be seconded by most of us, I absolutely wish they'd kill all of this crap and just play football and keep it that way. Unfortunately, this is the price of "success" of the NFL as a league and the Super Bowl having become more of a cultural event than a sporting event. It's too bad, but it's here to stay. And the more middle fingers, wardrobe malfunctions, controversy, and buzz just generally that it continues to create will ensure that it stays and grows from here. I don't like it any more than you do, but here's reality.

2/6/2012, 04:50 PM
I liked it.

Given the setting and time constraints the halftime performance cannot afford a lull. Madge delivered non-stop energy. Madonna had a grand entrance, good stage design with the dynamic floor-as-screen, a couple of surprises with the drum line and Cee Lo Green, and finished with a bang. The best halftime show in a long time. Only Prince a few years back was as memorable.

2/6/2012, 06:07 PM
I thought it was Ok as well. Not enough to ever go back and watch again (even for the Freedom Bird that was flown)

2/6/2012, 06:13 PM
i thought it was great.

2/6/2012, 06:53 PM
Who the **** are you people?

2/6/2012, 07:01 PM
I for one was shocked to see Joan Rivers lip syncing Madonna songs.

That said, Nikki Minaj makes my pink parts tingle.


2/6/2012, 07:02 PM
I liked it. This doesn't surprise me...

2/6/2012, 07:08 PM
I for one was shocked to see Joan Rivers lip syncing Madonna songs.

That said, Nikki Minaj makes my pink parts tingle.


You know what this broad would look like if you turned her upside down? A pound of liver. Go to the grocery store and look at a pound of liver. If you still get all bonerfied then oh well.

jk the sooner fan
2/6/2012, 07:08 PM
i think if you generally like madonna - you were probably at least "ok" with the performance

and..well you know the flip side - i havent heard one person that doesnt like her say "oh wow, that was great"

the music aside- i thought the whole thing was visually "pleasant"

2/6/2012, 07:10 PM
i thought the whole thing was visually "pleasant"

You were drunk, weren't you?

I Am Right
2/6/2012, 07:11 PM
Sooner Football Thread?

2/6/2012, 07:20 PM
Sooner Football Thread?

I think Madonna could score on OU's secondary... happy?

You know what this broad would look like if you turned her upside down?

I'm willing to investigate

2/6/2012, 08:09 PM
I apparently missed the memo in which everyone was instructed to reveal that they are ghey.

2/6/2012, 08:39 PM
Lady Gaga's ink face and tatoos turns me off and also big belly and below of Beyonce.

2/6/2012, 09:30 PM
That helmet Madonna was wearing was supposedly 20+ lbs so imagine what she could do with a regular sized helmet. :D

jk the sooner fan
2/6/2012, 10:10 PM
You were drunk, weren't you?

noooo, i only had 2 drinks ;)

2/6/2012, 10:29 PM
Who the **** are you people?

We're the ones that saw just how bad a half time show can be...

last year.

2/6/2012, 10:56 PM
has it been decided whether she was lip synching or not? my vote is yes

I'm sure she had at least a backing track. It sounded a little too "produced" for a totally live performance. That said, a backing track isn't a bit unusual anymore, as sad as that is to say.

Compared to the absolute train-wrecks of the past several years, it was a good halftime. The problem is that they're trying to cram too much into an incredibly tight window of time.

Besides, WFT does anyone have to complain about? You had a remote with a mute button and the ability to change the channel at any time. It isn't like you paid $3600 for a Super Bowl ticket. All you had to do was plop your a$$ in a chair and pop the top on a coldski.

2/6/2012, 11:42 PM
I wouldn't say that I was a fan of her's, but that was Madonna as a slight resemblance of her old self. I saw her show on the Blond Ambition tour (bought the tickets for my psycho gf at the time as a grad gift) and that show was HUGE. Last night was pretty sad. It just plodded along for the most part. My guess is that she was trying to show that she is the original, not Gaga. I sincerely hope that she was dealing with a bad hammy. She almost fell on her ***.The only cool part was the set. Why couldn't she have done something from prior to 1990? And, oh yeah, her new song sucks balls. My 4 year old was dancing to it. Is that her new target demographic?
Sadly, it was a better show than last year's horrific suckitude.

2/7/2012, 12:35 AM
Life is strange. She was obviously trying to out-Madonna Lady Gaga.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
2/7/2012, 01:24 AM
That helmet Madonna was wearing was supposedly 20+ lbs so imagine what she could do with a regular sized helmet. :DWhere did you learn that helmet weight?haha

2/7/2012, 04:25 AM
The super bowl halftime show should be moved to the Pro Bowl game, it would fit better with the atmosphere of the game.

2/7/2012, 08:42 AM
Who the **** are you people? and where in the hell is soonerfans.com at?

2/7/2012, 08:52 AM
My wife is almost 50, and she makes Madonna look like a toenail with that fungus ****.

have to agree with you there...Mrs. Dean is fantabulous

jk the sooner fan
2/7/2012, 09:26 AM
Life is strange. She was obviously trying to out-Madonna Lady Gaga.

yeah after you make a stage entrance in an egg - it's really hard to top that

2/7/2012, 09:34 AM
You guys are a bunch of haters. I'd totally hit it.

2/7/2012, 10:04 AM
Overall it was a fine production, but a bit sad that no actual singing occurred. Liked the Like A Prayer with the choir background vocals and Cee Lo was cool, but the rest was pretty meh, and her new song was turrible. I think the problem you are running into is that there really are not that many performers out there that can appeal to a wide enough cross-section of the population. So the Superbowl folks hire a headliner, but also feature other performers to draw in more of an audience.

I'm just not sure if we'll ever see one band or one artist completely featured again. They are also running out of people that can headline a superbowl as well. It's always interesting to see who it is when they announce every year though. Will be interesting to see who they get for New Orleans.

2/7/2012, 10:17 AM
I enjoyed it & think she did very well.

2/7/2012, 12:07 PM
**** Will be interesting to see who they get for New Orleans.
Mark my words: It will suck with a special New Orleans style of sensational suckitude, self-indulgence, and self-congratulation sure to nauseate anyone who doesn't love New Orleans and many who do.

Mississippi Sooner
2/7/2012, 12:21 PM
Mark my words: It will suck with a special New Orleans style of sensational suckitude, self-indulgence, and self-congratulation sure to nauseate anyone who doesn't love New Orleans and many who do.

If it invokes the name Katrina in any way, shape or form, I may hurl.

2/7/2012, 12:38 PM
They should get Willis Prudhomme and the Zydeco Express performing "Crawfish got Soul"

2/7/2012, 12:58 PM
If it invokes the name Katrina in any way, shape or form, I may hurl.

Me too!
Although... a better idea might be to take a drink every time the K word gets mentioned. Dead drunk by half time!

2/7/2012, 01:00 PM
They should get Willis Prudhomme and the Zydeco Express performing "Crawfish got Soul"

Or Bonerama plus Trombone Shorty.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
2/7/2012, 01:27 PM
I want Beausoleil, Fats Domino, Irma Thomas, Ernie K-Doe, Lloyd Price, and the Dixie Cups in there, doing whatever they can still do.

2/7/2012, 01:40 PM
There are a bunch of haters here but its not surprising. I think why many people are mad is because of the people she had performing with her. If she would have had Bruce Springsten or Elton John performing with her you probably would have had no issues with the performance. I think conservative people are mad it was Hip Hoped out. Also - have you ever tried to sing 4 songs in a row while dancing and doing cartwheels across the stage? I'm not to aware of anyone who can do that - especially at her age. She did a great job! I have thrown a lot of concerts and shows and most artist lip synchronize in huge events like that - especially in a venue that was not built for singing. They were trying to make sure they had a high energy, seamless, flawless show that would appeal to a wide (90,000,000) market and anyone putting a show like that can not risk microphone malfunctions while 200 people are running across a stage. If you really want to hear Madonna sing (which I'm sure most haters would not care to do anyway) then go see her in concert.

2/7/2012, 02:31 PM
There are a bunch of haters here but its not surprising. I think why many people are mad is because of the people she had performing with her. If she would have had Bruce Springsten or Elton John performing with her you probably would have had no issues with the performance. I think conservative people are mad it was Hip Hoped out. Also - have you ever tried to sing 4 songs in a row while dancing and doing cartwheels across the stage? I'm not to aware of anyone who can do that - especially at her age. She did a great job! I have thrown a lot of concerts and shows and most artist lip synchronize in huge events like that - especially in a venue that was not built for singing. They were trying to make sure they had a high energy, seamless, flawless show that would appeal to a wide (90,000,000) market and anyone putting a show like that can not risk microphone malfunctions while 200 people are running across a stage. If you really want to hear Madonna sing (which I'm sure most haters would not care to do anyway) then go see her in concert.
I'm conservative and I would have enjoyed seeing a rapper more than Madonna. What's your point?

2/7/2012, 02:32 PM
Where did you learn that helmet weight?hahaFox News Megan Kelly did had someone in the know on TV talking about the Super Bowl and the Halftime performance and the Commercials.

2/7/2012, 02:43 PM
Or Bonerama plus Trombone Shorty.

Rebirth Brass Band

Dash Rip Rock if they're still around.

2/7/2012, 02:49 PM
I'm conservative and I would have enjoyed seeing a rapper more than Madonna. What's your point?

I'm intelligent enough not to judge anyone with a broad stroke brush. Conservative was probably the wrong word - maybe older people or people who smash their self into a box because someone told them that's where they should be - would be a better description. I guess watching Fox News dis Madonna all day made me put all conservatives into one, small, closed minded circle. My bad!

What rapper would you have liked to see that would have been appropriate for a Super Bowl half time show?

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
2/7/2012, 03:02 PM
I'm conservative and I would have enjoyed seeing a rapper more than Madonna. What's your point?I'm conservative and like the show a lot. I'm not a fan of springsteen, or rap, FWIW. haha

2/7/2012, 03:10 PM
There are a bunch of haters here but its not surprising. I think why many people are mad is because of the people she had performing with her. If she would have had Bruce Springsten or Elton John performing with her you probably would have had no issues with the performance. I think conservative people are mad it was Hip Hoped out. Also - have you ever tried to sing 4 songs in a row while dancing and doing cartwheels across the stage? I'm not to aware of anyone who can do that - especially at her age. She did a great job! I have thrown a lot of concerts and shows and most artist lip synchronize in huge events like that - especially in a venue that was not built for singing. They were trying to make sure they had a high energy, seamless, flawless show that would appeal to a wide (90,000,000) market and anyone putting a show like that can not risk microphone malfunctions while 200 people are running across a stage. If you really want to hear Madonna sing (which I'm sure most haters would not care to do anyway) then go see her in concert.

Seek professional help.

2/7/2012, 03:15 PM
I'm conservative and like the show a lot. I'm not a fan of springsteen, or rap, FWIW. haha

Again - my mistake. I admitted now let's move on.

2/7/2012, 03:22 PM
Seek professional help.

Lol - I get professional help everyday working hard in our community on the misunderstood North Side (TU)Sooner - come get some professional help with me - we need it!

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
2/7/2012, 04:28 PM
What duz that Modonna woman know about show biz, anyways?

2/7/2012, 04:47 PM
There are a bunch of haters here but its not surprising. I think why many people are mad is because of the people she had performing with her. If she would have had Bruce Springsten or Elton John performing with her you probably would have had no issues with the performance. I think conservative people are mad it was Hip Hoped out. Also - have you ever tried to sing 4 songs in a row while dancing and doing cartwheels across the stage? I'm not to aware of anyone who can do that - especially at her age. She did a great job! I have thrown a lot of concerts and shows and most artist lip synchronize in huge events like that - especially in a venue that was not built for singing. They were trying to make sure they had a high energy, seamless, flawless show that would appeal to a wide (90,000,000) market and anyone putting a show like that can not risk microphone malfunctions while 200 people are running across a stage. If you really want to hear Madonna sing (which I'm sure most haters would not care to do anyway) then go see her in concert.
You are right about one thing. She played it safe. And she probably did so because the Black Eyed Peas were such a disaster the year before. Of course, they were a disaster in large part because they did not want to take advice from the people who had worked Jerry World for concerts before and relied too much on their own sound guy who wasn't familiar with the venue. Oops!

However, most artists do not lip sync, regardless of the venue (with obvious exceptions made for something like American Bandstand or Soul Train). She was, I believe, the first one to lip sync a Super Bowl halftime show. With a wireless mic, and especially the kind of setup she uses, there's no danger of somebody tripping on a cord and disconnecting her mic. She would have most certainly been gasping for breath at times like she does in her live performances, but there were ways to minimize the dancing, still put on a show, and still be able to sing. It's not like her songs are vocally challenging anyway, whether she is 23 or 53.

Like I said, it was a great production, but not much of a performance.

2/7/2012, 06:28 PM
You are right about one thing. She played it safe. And she probably did so because the Black Eyed Peas were such a disaster the year before. Of course, they were a disaster in large part because they did not want to take advice from the people who had worked Jerry World for concerts before and relied too much on their own sound guy who wasn't familiar with the venue. Oops!

However, most artists do not lip sync, regardless of the venue (with obvious exceptions made for something like American Bandstand or Soul Train). She was, I believe, the first one to lip sync a Super Bowl halftime show. With a wireless mic, and especially the kind of setup she uses, there's no danger of somebody tripping on a cord and disconnecting her mic. She would have most certainly been gasping for breath at times like she does in her live performances, but there were ways to minimize the dancing, still put on a show, and still be able to sing. It's not like her songs are vocally challenging anyway, whether she is 23 or 53.

Like I said, it was a great production, but not much of a performance.

OK bro - check this out - ""Lip-Syncing at Super Bowls in History

However, lip syncing is not a new concept for the Super Bowl.

In 2009, pregame show producer Rickey Minor told The Associated Press that Jennifer Hudson and Faith Hill were in fact lip syncing for their pregame performance of the National Anthem for the Super Bowl because he requested they do so.

"That's the right way to do it," Minor told The AP. "There's too many variables to go live. I would never recommend any artist go live because the slightest glitch would devastate the performance."

The AP also reported that Whitney Houston's unforgettable rendition of the National Anthem in 1991 for the Super Bowl was also lip-synced."

That was just from a simple Google search - and most people don't admit they are lip-syncing - in any case - all promoters want their show to be flawless - and with something ad influential as the super bowl lip sincing may be necessary to make that possible. I threw a show with Snoop Dogg - Shirley Ceaser - Nappy Roots - David Banner - and every single one of them had their lyrics playing as they rapped/sung over them. It was a safety net just in case they messes up and It was like it was rule of thumb. All I can speak on is my experience and lip syncing is a normal occurrence.

2/7/2012, 07:03 PM
You guys are a bunch of haters. I'd totally hit it.

And you'd totally get a virus.