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1/29/2012, 07:52 PM
Although this isn't Sooner football related, I figured I'd put it here so it could be seen.

There is a reason the Pro Bowl has become such a joke, and after watching 5 minutes of it I was reminded of that. I've seen non-contact pee wee football practice that is more physical than the Pro Bowl. What a joke.

1/29/2012, 07:54 PM
The joke keeps getting better and better. Sad.

1/29/2012, 08:13 PM
What did you expect? They play it in Hawaii. There isn't anything to play for and it's got more hitting than a game of touch football that is played in the SEC.

1/29/2012, 08:14 PM
Also...Aaron Rodgers just got tossed around like a rag doll. He should call his Insurance Agent.

1/29/2012, 08:32 PM
What did you expect? They play it in Hawaii. There isn't anything to play for and it's got more hitting than a game of touch football that is played in the SEC.

Maybe I am misremembering, but it seems like when I was younger, they actually played hard. Maybe I was just too young, and didn't know any better.

1/29/2012, 08:42 PM
Maybe I am misremembering, but it seems like when I was younger, they actually played hard. Maybe I was just too young, and didn't know any better.

Probably thought pro wrestling was for real too.

1/29/2012, 08:48 PM
Probably thought pro wrestling was for real too.

I'm tired of your lies. :D

Is professional wrestling real? Though the results are always predetermined, what happens in the match is not always perfectly scripted ahead of time. ChaCha!


1/29/2012, 08:50 PM
No, he's right. I recall the pro bowls back in the day to be a bit more closer to ACTUAL football. There was a pass rush so the QB had to actually throw the fb before 10 seconds. This crap is garbage and I'm not sure why they even bother. If you get hurt in this style of game, I'd be pissed.

1/29/2012, 08:57 PM

1/29/2012, 09:55 PM
No, he's right. I recall the pro bowls back in the day to be a bit more closer to ACTUAL football. There was a pass rush so the QB had to actually throw the fb before 10 seconds. This crap is garbage and I'm not sure why they even bother. If you get hurt in this style of game, I'd be pissed.

At least I'm not imagining things.

I've had it on (although I'm not completely paying attention), and I thought it was great when (at the beginning of the game) the crowd started booing.

Interestingly, as the game is closing in on the 4th quarter, and the score is close, it seems that the intensity level is going up. Maybe the 4th quarter will resemble some real football.

1/29/2012, 10:00 PM
In 1982, the score was 20-19. 20 years later, through most of the 3rd quarter, it's 38-35. Just from that snapshot, its easy to see how serious (or lack of) the game has become.

Scott D
1/29/2012, 10:02 PM
Why should it be serious? It's just an exhibition game.

1/29/2012, 10:04 PM
good ole Texan's coaching staff

1/29/2012, 10:08 PM
Why should it be serious? It's just an exhibition game.

By that logic, should any NFL pre-season "game" be serious? The NFL wants the fans to take this game serious, that's more of my point.

1/29/2012, 10:57 PM
It seems like the seriousness of it kind of comes and goes.

There have been some decent plays, funny plays and watching the announcers in those shirts try to make this interesting is good too.

1/30/2012, 12:14 AM
By that logic, should any NFL pre-season "game" be serious? The NFL wants the fans to take this game serious, that's more of my point.

Pre-season games are not serious except for the guys trying to avoid being cut. The outcome certainly doesn't matter.

I'm amazed they even have an NFL all-star game considering the violence of the sport. It works in hockey because the "defensive" players can play offense too, so everyone is happy in a 14-12 shootout (except the goalies). Not much win for the all-stars on defense in the NFL.

1/30/2012, 06:14 AM
Whenever AD is in a Pro Bowl lineup they all complain because he tries too hard.

Scott D
1/30/2012, 12:47 PM
By that logic, should any NFL pre-season "game" be serious? The NFL wants the fans to take this game serious, that's more of my point.

The NFL wants fans to either attend or tune in to watch their favorite players. They don't care if you take the outcome of the game seriously. Baseball already made the mistake of tying importance to their All Star Game, and it's on the ridiculous side. If the game is competitive enough, the players will take care of it. That being said, the Pro Bowl is a lot like the post bowl college games. Players want to look good in it, but the rules restrict a lot of what they can do.

1/30/2012, 02:02 PM
There used to be a preseason game between the NFL champ and a team of college all stars.
The NFL had a 3rd place playoff in the 1960s.

The Pro Bowl should follow those two games into oblivion.

1/30/2012, 02:13 PM
I think they need to work on getting Nike to do some really cool Uniforms and Helmets and maybe move the Game to the Continental US. Also....they can promote a Pro Bowl Theme Park outside the Stadium in the parking lot or near the Stadium that allows Fans to come see the History of the Pro Bowl and Stats....maybe even have retired Players do signings to promote the Game and help promote the idea that the Pro Bowl is how great players are honored in the Post NFL Season. They could move it to each NFL City every Year as the Super Bowl is a known venue prior to the Season so they can just allow the Onwers to promote another Football Event.

If they don't do something like this...the Pro Bowl will die.

I once saw a White Leather NFL Logo Jacket that had a Pro Bowl Patch sewn onto it. They then had every MVP of the Pro Bowl sign it. I could have bought that thing pretty cheap. I regret not buying it as if the Pro Bowl does die off.....it might be a pretty exclusive piece of memorablia that could end up being worth a bunch of dinero.

stoops the eternal pimp
1/30/2012, 02:22 PM
It's the same with the NBA All Star game..Watching some old ones on the NBA Channel, I watched on in the 70s were the players were after the referees for bad calls, etc..like a real game..What I think has changed:

1. Free agency/more lines of communication/etc has made these guys friends with each other...They may be playing with that guy next season, so they don't want to hurt them to bad..There isn't much genuine dislike these days between players of different teams like there was back in the day.

2. Money...Guys are making so much money they don't want to risk it and owners don't want them to either..I don't blame them..

3. It's a vacation for the players..they don't need it..

I think what would make it better is just make it a flag football game...might as well..

1/30/2012, 03:05 PM
I think what would make it better is just make it a flag football game...might as well..


1/30/2012, 03:27 PM
I would actually like to go to a pro bowl someday if it stays in Hawaii. If so, I would want it to remain laid back as it is today - not looking for a real game. But I admit it's not too interesting to watch on TV

1/30/2012, 05:05 PM
It's the same with the NBA All Star game..Watching some old ones on the NBA Channel, I watched on in the 70s were the players were after the referees for bad calls, etc..like a real game..What I think has changed:

1. Free agency/more lines of communication/etc has made these guys friends with each other...They may be playing with that guy next season, so they don't want to hurt them to bad..There isn't much genuine dislike these days between players of different teams like there was back in the day.

2. Money...Guys are making so much money they don't want to risk it and owners don't want them to either..I don't blame them..

3. It's a vacation for the players..they don't need it..

I think what would make it better is just make it a flag football game...might as well..

I was thinking that the NFL should embrace the fact that it's not a real game. Whether that means turn it into a flag football game, or allow camera's on the field and have all the players mic'd up (ala the old MTV Rock & Jock games), something should be done to make it more interesting.

Scott D
1/30/2012, 05:52 PM
I would actually like to go to a pro bowl someday if it stays in Hawaii. If so, I would want it to remain laid back as it is today - not looking for a real game. But I admit it's not too interesting to watch on TV

Actually it's a lot more restrictive than it was 20 years ago.

1/30/2012, 06:10 PM
pro bowl was in LA for many years. I went twice or maybe 3 times in the 60s.