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View Full Version : Wouldn't it be great to have a movie produced about OU?

1/28/2012, 01:54 PM
Wouldn't it be great to have a movie made about an OU legend player or coach, or a specific sooner team or tradition ? . I have seen many sports movies and i would think there would be plenty of real stories to be told .
There are great movies such as Rudy and others about college football and basketball .

It would add to OU's national image and i bet it would help in recruiting and adding to OU's national and international image. Why not? There are some famous oklahoma directors and am sure producers , not to mention actors . I graduated from OU in the nineties and am stationed abroad. I think OU deserves more PR and national and international attention /appeal than it is getting . Oklahoma is considered the top college football team according to many experts. I think OU's board and boosters and Alumni business leaders should look into this idea .Has this been considered before ? A great idea would be a movie about the winning streak (47) ,or a great overachieving player, coach etc..
why can't boren and the regents be more creative?

1/28/2012, 02:31 PM
Bob Stoops:
Well, boys ... I haven't a thing to say.
Played a great game...all of you. Great game.
(He tries to smile.)
I guess we just can't expect to win ‘em all.
(Bob pauses and says quietly.)
I'm going to tell you something I've kept to myself for years --
None of you ever knew Brent.
It was long before your time.
But you know what a tradition he is at Oklahoma...
(There is gentle, faraway look in his eyes as he recalls the boy's words.)
And the last thing he said to me -- "Bob," he said -
"sometime, when the team is up against it -- and the
breaks are beating the boys -- tell them to go out there
with all they got and win just one for Brent...
(Bob's eyes become misty and his voice is unsteady as he finishes.)
I don't know where I'll be then, Bob", he said - "but
I'll know about it - and I'll be happy."

1/28/2012, 03:07 PM
Had Jason White won the Big 12 and NC game in 2003, he would have been the perfect subject for such a movie. But you have to win the last game.

1/28/2012, 03:52 PM
Friday Night Lights was a pretty good sports movie and that team did not win the last game . . .

1/28/2012, 05:23 PM
Friday Night Lights was a pretty good sports movie and that team did not win the last game . . .

Scott D
1/28/2012, 06:11 PM
This thread lost credibility when the suggestion was made that Rudy was anything other than a god awful piece of crap that should have been left on the cutting room floor.

1/28/2012, 10:13 PM
I had to look at the date this thread was posted. I was surprised. If we would have played for the National Championship during the year of #12...now 'that' would have made a great movie. http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y86/OUmom/pop.gif

1/28/2012, 11:18 PM
This thread lost credibility when the suggestion was made that Rudy was anything other than a god awful piece of crap that should have been left on the cutting room floor.

come on , Rudy was a good movie !

1/28/2012, 11:26 PM
I'm going to have to agree with the Scott D on this one.

Also, if a movie was produced about OU, it would probably have a lot of inaccuracies to make the movie better. I would hate that.

Scott D
1/29/2012, 11:08 AM
come on , Rudy was a good movie !

Rudy was the Pearl Harbor of sports movies.

1/29/2012, 12:26 PM
If they made a movie about the book, "The Undefeated", that would be a terrific story.

1/29/2012, 02:35 PM
Some potential good OU movie topics

Bud Wilkinson
Joe Don Looney
Prentice Gautt
Marcus Dupree
Barry Switzer
Bob Kelso
The Game of the Century
Danny Hodge
Mark and Dave Schultz
Wayman Tisdale
2000 national championship season
the Selmon brothers

1/29/2012, 03:04 PM
I guess if you are going to throw in Dupree....you might as well toss in the King of Cars.

He's made his 3rd NFL Team Roster now....


Here's where he is calling to see if his Vette is waxed and ready for him after the game....


I can really see Rhett starring in Corvette Summer II.


1/29/2012, 04:03 PM
Didn't Schnelly predict movies would be made about the rocket-rise of Sooner Football under his guidance? Too bad the title for a movie concerning his tenure has already been taken:

Gone With The Wind

1/29/2012, 06:28 PM
Didn't Schnelly predict movies would be made about the rocket-rise of Sooner Football under his guidance? Too bad the title for a movie concerning his tenure has already been taken:

Gone With The Wind

Or..."Put that in your pipe and smoke it"....lol

Howie tried to change our motto to "Crimson and get Creamed". I think he just had a really hard time understanding some of our Traditions.


1/29/2012, 06:37 PM
this group may be producing one of these series for OU...




1/29/2012, 06:47 PM
How to kill a tree and avoid a Felony in the SEC would make a great movie.

1/29/2012, 08:00 PM
Although OU FB didn't start with Bud Wilkinson I've often thought a movie based on his coaching career would really be something to see, if done correctly. 47 game streak with Notre Dame bookends, Prentice Gautt and the integration thing, food poisoning in Chicage & all of that. Bud was so far ahead of his time, and he broke the coaching mold. A well dressed, eductaed, literate & mild mannered man, he was an innovator and changed the outside world's view of college fb and coaches.

Harris County Sooner
1/29/2012, 08:30 PM
Joe Don Looney based on his biography, "Third Down and Forever"?

1/29/2012, 09:23 PM
Tommy Harris: How I ate lightning and crapped Thunder


1/30/2012, 12:48 PM
come on , Rudy was a good movie !

You're right, it put ND in a bad light and showed how bias and discriminatory that Notre Dame was/is. I disliked ND even more after that movie.

1/30/2012, 10:27 PM
"rudy"... ugh... terrible.

1/31/2012, 11:44 AM




1/31/2012, 01:37 PM
I always thought this would make a great short film. It's about the blown call by the replay both at the end of th Oregon game. I tried searching for the thread this was located. But to no avail. Who ever wrote this did a great job IMO. If anyone knows who wrote this, give them credit. Or post the thread it was writtin.

Sunday Morning 9/17/06
After taking any flipping mode of transportation out of the Cheating hell whole Called Eugene Oregon, two friends are noticed Talking over a barbed wire fence separating two oil fields near Norman Oklahoma

(Mike) Boomer

(Scott) Sooner

(Mike) Hey Scott did you see the game yesterday?

(Scott) Sure did…Seemed like we got jobbed to me.

(Mike) No doubt Scott, no way you just “Miss a Call” like that. Something stinks here. Hey honey what’s for dinner? (Sara pulled up in her H3) We got my cousin’s come’n over to christen the new kegerator.

(Sara Mike’s wife stepping out of her Crimson H3) Boomer

(Mike/Scott) SOONER

(Sara) Fried duck of course, with Ocra and Mashed Potato’s and Brown Gravy…Oh yeah and Butter Milk Biscuit’s with honey.

(Scott) I’ll bring the sweet tea. Damn still can’t believe we got worked like that. Better get going see ya guys. Boomer!

(Mike and Sara) SOONER! (Mike) See ya tonight Scott.

Sunday Night 9/17/06
At the Christening of the Kegerator

(Mike coming in after counting how may thousands of gallons his wells pumped up, walks into the house) Boomer

(Sara) Sooner Hey babe when is every one gonna start showing up? I need some help putting out all this duck…Winn Dixie had a sale…go figure.

(Mike) Sure babe, just checking the pressure on this Kegerator. Aint she a butte babe. My cousin down at the paint store mixed a darn good Crimson if you ask me.

(Sara) Yeah its real nice honey now please helps me put this food out already.

(Scott comes ripping thru the front door out of breath almost spilling the 2 Gatorade coolers full of sweet tea.) Boomer! (Gasp)

(Mike and Sara) SOONER!

(Scott) Turn it on channel 8 they are showing an article on how that crooked sum bitch in the booth only got one frame to view. Can you believe that?

(Mike) Hey babe remember when I had you look up that “Pac 10” replay rule on line last year. After that seedy game out in UCLA...

(Sara) Yeah babe it says’s “that the replay official will take as much time as required to make the right call. This includes but not limited to video feeds from all networks covering the game. All feeds are tested and retested prior to kickoff. It is the Home team’s responsibility to ensure all feeds are accessible to the replay official.”

(Scott) Where did you find her? Does she have a sister?

(Mike) which means he cheated either way…An official that doesn’t abide by the rules he is enforcing is a cheater in my book...

(Sara/Scott) YEAH!

(Jon Mike’s cousin comes up to the screen door) Boomer!

(Mike/Scott/Sara) SOONER!

(Jon) Did you all hear…?

(Mike) Yeah were watching it now…Like I said this morning this thing Stinks to high heaven.

(Jon) No doubt, something’s fishy here. Hey where’s the Kegerator. I heard Jimbo down at the paint store hooked you up.

(Mike) Sure did she is a mighty fine shade of Crimson if you ask me. But I am waiting till everyone gets here. Hey babe, pour Jon some sweet tea while we wait.

(Jon) No Ice please.

(Joey, Sara’s cousin, and Sue, Mike’s second cousin) BOOMER!

(Mike/Scott/Sara/Jon) SOONER!!

(Joey) Sorry were late, Sue drove her H3 over a well cap again, so I picked her up in the H2. And plus I had to watch the news did you hear…

(Sue) Hey Sara need some help... (Walks toward the kitchen)

(Mike) Sure did we were just talking about that.

(Scott) You were that’s weird. Man I hope no one ever goes back to that hell whole again…they had to cheat us to keep the ratings I bet. We were wining so everyone turned it over the Raymond reruns…Probably ****ed off some ABC Big wigs and then slipped him some cash to keep the game going.

(Mike) Hey hon check that out for me will ya…And why don’t you bring the sweet tea out with some more glasses…we are still waiting for a few more to come.

(Sara from the kitchen) Sure thing I’ll Google it…

(Mike) I can’t watch this crap anymore. Sara! When is Jinny and Jimbo git’n here?

(Sara with the sweet tea and Sue trailing with a tray of glasses) Pretty soon. Hey I read that ABC is bound by the contract of the game to cover from whistle to whistle and they were 17 minutes over the scheduled time when they kicked the onsides kick with a 1:20 left. To put this in perspective. The texASS and Browneye game that was a blow out a week ago ran 45 minutes over time. So I doubt they were really pressed for time. Who wants Ice?

(Mike) It’s getting stinkier I tell ya. This aint over.

(Jimbo Mikes Cousin and Jinny Sara’s third cousin twice removed and Mike’s first wife) BOOMER!

(Mike/Scott/Sara/Joey/Sue) SOONER!

(Jimbo) Did…

(Mike and crowd) well duh we murmur murmur…

(Sara) uh honey Kegerator?

(Mike) Oh yeah. Everybody I would like to unveil the BOOMER SOONER KEGERATOR…She plays Boomer Sooner when you pull the handle. And I must say It’s might fine shade…

The crowd downed a keg and a half that night, most still very bitter about the outcome of the game the previous day. Oh yeah and very drunk.

Monday Morning 09/18/06
Before eating breakfast with his family Mike’s gets the paper off the front porch

(Mike) WHAT THE #@!%!!!

(Sara) Boomer!

(Mike) SOONER!

(Sara) What’s wrong honey?

(Mike) They say this bastard feels bad about the call, and the Pac 10 is going to issue a statement later today.

(Sara) God will punish him with AIDS honey after blowing Phil Knight but he wont know for another fiver years long enough for all those homo bastard PAC 10 Ref’s to get it at there bi annual Zebra Butt Love circle Jerk…

(Mike) HONEY! The kids…I do understand though

(Eric, Mike and Sara’s oldest son 12) Boomer! (Yawn) what going on?

(Mike/Sara and Even, their youngest son who is at the table waiting on breakfast) SOONER!

(Eric) Why don’t they just ask the replay assistant who was helping the replay homo that loves little boys and…

(Mike) boy you want a whooping? No talking like that at the table. But yeah hon. can you look that up for us…

(Sara from the kitchen) Sure thing babe. How hot is it gonna be today hon?

(Scott comes bust’n thru the door) Boomer (Gasp)

(Mike/Sara/Eric/Evan) SOONER!

(Scott) Did you read…? (Gasp)…The paper…Ohh (Noticing Even reading the sports section.)

(Mike) Yeah Scott…A little late as usual…come on lets go check on the wells.


(Sara) Here guys here is a thermos of coffee for ya... And I was On the SI (Sooner Insighter) Website and Good ol JR ran in to the Assistant at the WWE Pay per view on Sunday night and will have an article in the P.M. post…

(Scott) Thanks Sara…Do you have a sister?

(Mike) Come on. They broke the mold after her. Get in the hummer!

Monday evening at dinner

(Mike) Boomer!

(Sara) Sooner!

(Mike) Did the SI post the JR story yet? What’s for dinner?

(Sara) Sure did sweetie. JR ran in to the assistant that works for ABC that was in charge of the replay feed. He assured him that every angle from all feeds was at his disposal and the replay equipment had no problems what so ever. He assumed that Reise, now the bastards got a name, the official just missed the call. There was no equipment malfunction at all. And duck is for dinner. You all got drunk and passed out before we could eat last night. We got 8 roasted ducks to finish off. Plus a half a vat of taters.

(Mike) Reise huh. That …

(Sara) Oh yeah he has also been getting death threats from Sooner fans.

(Mike) You got to be kidding me! He is really starting to try and cover this crap up. “Oh pity me, I am old and decrepit” That’s BS!

Mike goes to the BOOMER SOONER KEGERATOR and pours himself a tall one as he listens to the blissful hymn of Boomer Sooner. Still in disbelief of what has transpired over the past few days walks around his back 40 trying to make sence of it all…but like most American’s CAN’T… and with a vengeful cry he yell’s BOOMER!!!
And the reply comes from miles around SOONER!! Mike wanders back to his easy chair on the deck thinking, “That sure is a fine shade of Crimson”.

Now some of you Duck fans might take this as a dig on us Okie’s and have a good laugh about it. But what we and the rest of the college football world are laughing at is…YOU…the Duck fan’s that see this as a “Great Victory over the storied Sooner Football Program”. This was nothing more than a home town robbery by some local hick’s that blamed it on a bad TV set. And if you all believe that, I got some great Mountain View real-estate outside of Chickasha for sale. The “Sooner” you all get your Ref rules changed and a team that can compete without help from people like Uncle Gordo, we(and other BIG NAME schools) might consider coming back to Fraudzen. Until then keep this “victory” close to your hearts…because it will be a very long time before you all have a game that was this big for your program. This “victory” for the Duck’s and how it came about did more damage to the UO program than the “loss” did to the Sooners. And have fun playing the Community Colleges during your pre PAC-10 schedule for a while.


I had saved this on a file in my laptop. But didn't have the thread.

1/31/2012, 08:19 PM
No thanks, football movies are the worst. I've never seen a good one, bodies in slow motion grasping at air while .......you can fill in the rest. Oddly enough, it's pretty hard to find a bad boxing movie except for the Rocky horsecrap. Stallone did better pron in his younger days which was very, very, very bad and laughable.

1/31/2012, 10:12 PM
I guess if you are going to throw in Dupree....you might as well toss in the King of Cars.

I guess the ESPN documentary counts as far as a movie about Dupree.