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1/26/2012, 09:32 PM
Now this is funny.


Some quotables:

Public Policy Polling just came out of the field with news that only 2 percent of Texas Republicans will vote for him for U.S. Senate.

"I'm surprised it's that high," said (Republican political consultant Brian) Mayes.

Normally when you're at 2 percent, the problem is that people don't know you. James has the opposite problem.

"It's not that people in West Texas don't like him," said Mayes. "It's that nobody likes him."

It says something that James recently admitting to taking "an insignificant amount" of money to play college football at SMU takes a backseat to his role in how Leach lost his job.

James alleged that Leach made his son practice with a concussion and stand in a darkened shed as punishment. James hired a PR firm to push the administration into firing Leach. The Tech administration, eager to get rid of an increasingly powerful coach due an $800,000 payday in his contract, happily played along.

"The first thing you would do if you were truly concerned with your son is not to call a PR firm," said Mayes.

James' vanity candidacy is a reminder that not all publicity is good publicity. James isn't the pretty girl in the bar. He's the guy who walks into a bar where all the women are friends with his ex.

1/26/2012, 09:48 PM
The more I see about this, the more I think James really is in denial about the public's opinion of him. Regardless, he's not going to be doing games next season, so we all win.

1/26/2012, 11:29 PM
The more I see about this, the more I think James really is in denial about the public's opinion of him. Regardless, he's not going to be doing games next season, so we all win.


1/27/2012, 12:39 AM
I vote for him as Mayor of Lubbock. They deserve each other.

1/27/2012, 02:24 AM
He's a total ******. I'm surprised that his PR firm hasn't informed him that he has no chance.

He never should have left ESPN. That was his only, and last platform for publicity.

Perhaps he and Trev Alberts can start a dart league at their local bar. They're both equally irrelevant.

1/27/2012, 02:27 AM
apparently dou....che is a bad word on soonerfans.com

Let me rephrase.

He's a total massengil.

1/27/2012, 02:35 AM
He's a total ******. I'm surprised that his PR firm hasn't informed him that he has no chance.

He never should have left ESPN. That was his only, and last platform for publicity.

Perhaps he and Trev Alberts can start a dart league at their local bar. They're both equally irrelevant.

I'd vote for Trev long before I'd ever vote for Craig James...and, as someone who's registered to vote in Texas, I will damn sure vote for a Democrat over him should he somehow pull a miracle out of his *** and win the Repub nomination.

1/27/2012, 08:23 AM
The fact that he's so oblivious to it goes to show just how much of an airhead he really is.

Curly Bill
1/27/2012, 08:35 AM
If he was on fire and I had water I'd drink it.

1/27/2012, 09:48 AM
The more I see about this, the more I think James really is in denial about the public's opinion of him. Regardless, he's not going to be doing games next season, so we all win.

Winnah, winnah!

1/27/2012, 10:16 AM
I like how things have come full circle sorta kinda.

Craig James used his ESPN leverage to get in Leach's ear.

Leach told him to eff off.

Craig James was used by Tech to get Leach fired before a big bonus was due.

Leach, after a vacation to sunny Florida, is back in coaching at Wazzu. Go Mikey!

Craig James uses his ESPN leverage to start a Senate campaign.

The Senate campaign was used by ESPN to get Craig James off-air.

Voters in Texas tell James to eff off.

1/27/2012, 01:34 PM
Craig James? Five dead hookers?

1/27/2012, 01:38 PM
If he was on fire and I had water I'd drink it.

You can drink fire...or firewater?

1/27/2012, 02:12 PM
I would vote for that marxist obama before voting for that brokedick CJ.

1/27/2012, 02:25 PM
Looking for more reasons to hate Craig?

DALLAS -- Republican U.S. Senate candidate Craig James earned more than $9 million in the past five years, most of it from capital gains on investments, according to tax returns he released Thursday.

During that time, the former ESPN football analyst also lost more than $800,000 from farm income and rental/real estate investments/trusts and royalties, documents show.

"It's important for me to open up so people can know all they can about me," James, 51, said at a news conference at Sammy's Bar-B-Q in Dallas. "There's a short period of time people have to get to know me.

"Now I'm really opening up, trying to be as transparent as I can."

James jumped into the Senate race late last year, joining more than a dozen other Texans, including Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst, former Dallas Mayor Tom Leppert and former Solicitor General Ted Cruz.

On Thursday, James called on the other candidates to release their tax returns for the past five years as well.

"We must have the full confidence and trust of Texas voters, and that starts by proving we have nothing to hide," he said. "That kind of transparency will enable the public to decide who is best-qualified."

James is one of 10 Republicans seeking to replace Kay Bailey Hutchison in the Senate next year. The former Southern Methodist University running back is best-known for serving as an analyst for ESPN and for being the father of Adam James, a Texas Tech football player whose family said he was mistreated after being diagnosed with a concussion. Tech coach Mike Leach, who denied mistreating James, was fired in 2009.

From 2006 to 2010, James' tax returns show, his adjusted gross income was $9.2 million, with $1.2 million coming from wages, $7.2 million from capital gains and nearly $1.2 million from business income.

He had more than $250,000 in income taxes withheld, owed $585,000 and paid other taxes, the reports show.

James also gave $84,324 to charity.

Campaign staffers for Dewhurst, a millionaire who made a fortune in the energy industry, said they plan to release full tax returns for 2009 and 2010, as well as a detailed estimate for 2011, this afternoon. The campaign staff for Leppert said he will release his returns "in the coming days."

As for Cruz, who is a partner at a law firm, "if Dewhurst and Leppert would release their returns, Ted would be happy to do so as well," said James Bernsen, communication director for Cruz's campaign.

Read more here: http://www.star-telegram.com/2012/01/26/3691570/us-senate-candidate-james-earned.html#storylink=cpy

There's so many ways you can go with this, depending on your personal feelings and political ideologies:

1- He's made millions on capital gains.

2- He's only given $84k to charity of those millions.

3- Owed only about half a million of that in taxes?! That can't be right....

4- The whole Leach/Adam James thing

Some people have all the luck in life, don't they? The skills to be an NFL and college running back, millions in capital gains income, a cushy ESPN job... blehhh.

1/27/2012, 02:39 PM
Oh and lol at him trying to associate himself with humbled and humiliated Rick Perry:


Curly Bill
1/27/2012, 02:40 PM
I don't care that he's made a lot of money, I applaud him for that, and it doesn't bother me he hasn't given much to charity - that's his money & his business. But he's a piece of crap because of the whole Leach/Adam James dealio, so yeah I hope his political ambitions end in Super Fail.

1/27/2012, 03:22 PM
I don't care that he's made a lot of money, I applaud him for that, and it doesn't bother me he hasn't given much to charity - that's his money & his business. But he's a piece of crap because of the whole Leach/Adam James dealio, so yeah I hope his political ambitions end in Super Fail.

Exactly! You nailed it IMHO!

1/27/2012, 03:36 PM
I don't care that he's made a lot of money, I applaud him for that, and it doesn't bother me he hasn't given much to charity - that's his money & his business. But he's a piece of crap because of the whole Leach/Adam James dealio, so yeah I hope his political ambitions end in Super Fail.

I was getting ready to type that....well done.

I can't believe he makes that little at ESPN, that is truly amazing.

1/27/2012, 04:47 PM
more awesome Craig James stuff... he was calling the coaches DURING THE GAMES to tell them to play his son. There are ******nozzles, and then there are the Craig James variety of ******nozzle http://www.sportsbybrooks.com/espns-james-called-tech-coaches-during-games-29962

1/27/2012, 05:06 PM
Shortly before the whole thing came crashing down at Tech, I read that Adam James had a temper tamtrum in coaches offices (ie curse words) when informed that his practice performance demoted him to third string.

1/27/2012, 05:12 PM
Who is this Craig James person?

1/27/2012, 05:22 PM
Who is this Craig James person?

Anytime he's mentioned on the internet, someone says something involving five hookers

Harris County Sooner
1/27/2012, 06:23 PM
I never would have dreamed that Craig James KILLED FIVE HOOKERS AT SMU.

Boomer Mooner
1/27/2012, 06:36 PM
I'm not sure the rumors that Craig James TORTURED AND THEN KILLED FIVE HOOKERS are all true. However, I will one up Curly Bills comments by saying after I drank the glass of water I would hold it rather than **** down the HOOKER KILLER'S throat if his guts caught on fire.

That's just me though.

1/27/2012, 07:24 PM
I can't imagine the kind of laws he would institute on prostitution if elected. Apparently he doesn't like paying his hooker bill

Scott D
1/27/2012, 08:55 PM
Thank god that sixth Hooker got away, otherwise the world would never know about Craig James and those five hookers.

1/27/2012, 10:52 PM
We should really break this down by the numbers:

1) The number of major college football programs that he's partially responsible for getting the NCAA death penalty imposed on. Also the number of yards he rushed for in Super Bowl XX

2) The percentage of voters who would vote for him.

3) The percentage of Texas Republican voters I could probably get without even living in Texas.

4) The number of kids he's tried to use his position to get unearned advantages for.

5) The number of hookers he killed at SMU.

1/27/2012, 10:57 PM
Technically, there were four hookers...one was a Siamese twin.

A Sooner in Texas
1/27/2012, 11:04 PM
Oh and lol at him trying to associate himself with humbled and humiliated Rick Perry:


That oughta work REALLY well. While our local legislators insist Perry hasn't lost any credibility as governor, the polls by voters say otherwise. Go right ahead, Craigie! Latch onto those Perry coattails and see how far you fall! Yay!!!!!!!

A Sooner in Texas
1/27/2012, 11:05 PM
And does this mean Rick Perry is a KILLER of HOOKERS by association?

Scott D
1/28/2012, 12:09 AM
And does this mean Rick Perry is a KILLER of HOOKERS by association?

You mean you never heard about his trip to Thailand?

texas bandman
1/28/2012, 11:30 AM
Is there a way that we can forward this thread to the James for senate campaign and the Texas attorney general? It's time the truth came out about those poor working girls. :D

1/28/2012, 04:40 PM
I don't care that he's made a lot of money, I applaud him for that, and it doesn't bother me he hasn't given much to charity - that's his money & his business. But he's a piece of crap because of the whole Leach/Adam James dealio, so yeah I hope his political ambitions end in Super Fail.
If I agree with you one more time I may have to ban myself!

1/29/2012, 11:43 AM
The more I see about this, the more I think James really is in denial about the public's opinion of him. Regardless, he's not going to be doing games next season, so we all win.

Has to be...surprised ESPIN kept him around that long after Leach...

1/29/2012, 12:02 PM
I could see him having a slim chance at state rep running in a Dallas area district but no way at a state wide office. All the Tech fans that I know were pretty upset over the situation he helped create over the firing of Leach. Most of them would make an effort to vote against him even if they rarely voted. So he may help "get the voters out" in a primary election, only those would be the voters against him.

Curly Bill
1/30/2012, 11:27 AM
If I agree with you one more time I may have to ban myself!

Welcome to the light! ;)

1/30/2012, 11:52 AM
It's unfortunate that Adam James came off as a spoiled brat that runs to Daddy when his Football Coach got pissed that he wasn't reaching his full potential.

Leach obviously didn't handle it well either.

You can't let these things end up being tried on twitter anymore.

It seems that now Craig and Mike have scarred their reputations over a kid that should have just made his own way through his College Career instead of call for his Father's help.

I'm not sure what Mike Leach could have done differently to avoid this whole sad drama or where things got really out of hand with Adam or his Daddy. Same with Mangino. It would be very interesting to read a book about what they think is wrong with Coaching College Football these days. Obviously we will never know the real story. I am glad we don't have to play their Teams anymore. Maybe we should thank Adam James for that....lol

Mississippi Sooner
1/30/2012, 12:02 PM
After skimming this thread, all I get out of it is that Craig James had something to do with FIVE DEAD HOOKERS.

I guess that means that the name of Craig James will be forever linked to DEAD HOOKERS.

It's a shame I guess, but if your name is Craig James, you really should try to avoid any DEAD HOOKERS but especially FIVE DEAD HOOKERS.

1/30/2012, 12:23 PM
I wonder where the bodies to the FIVE DEAD HOOKERS are buried

2/2/2012, 03:50 PM
Thought you all would enjoy this. (http://www.statesman.com/news/local/james-confronts-leach-controversy-2141825.html)

A tidbit:

"There are some people who won't understand this," James said. "There are some people, if they wouldn't defend their own son, I don't want their vote. I don't want to run with those kind of people. Keep your vote. But anyone who understands right is right, wrong is wrong, and it's never right to do wrong, you can't bully people — those are the people that I'm speaking to."

Look who's talking, helicopter parent that leverages his ESPN ties for playing time for his son against coaches, then with university administrators. :rolleyes:

2/2/2012, 03:58 PM
Also, I would like to assure people I'm not stalking Craig James. After reading all of the hilarious reports on Lane Kiffin's recruiting failure (late misses meant that his already small class that could be no more than 15 was actually only 12), I decided to see how Leach did. And he did great, apparently. Even got a four-star. Go Mike!

2/17/2012, 12:10 PM
Well, it looks like the Mikey wrongful termination suit is also over.

Link (http://espn.go.com/college-football/story/_/id/7585199/mike-leach-texas-supreme-court-denies-appeal-wrongful-termination-suit-vs-texas-tech)

This does not include the ESPN and James pr firm suits. However, all is well that ends well --- Leach is back coaching in a BCS conference and Craig James is off the air.

2/17/2012, 12:36 PM
As long as I did a Mikey update, I decided to see how Craig's campaign is coming.

Link (http://aol.sportingnews.com/ncaa-football/story/2012-02-08/craig-james-texas-us-senate-run-god-called-him-to-run)

A few tidbits:

James helped publicize the 2010 ESPN documentary "Pony Excess," which dusted off the scandal for fans who didn't know about it or had forgotten the details behind college football's most famous corruption case.

Can you imagine the conversation that ESPN had about that?

ESPN: We are going to need you for our 30 for 30 series on Pony Excess.
Craig: But... that might hurt a potential U.S. Senate campaign.
ESPN: We own you because you work for us, dumbarse. Now park your butt in from of the camera and tell the world that you got paid.

He didn't join the Republican primary until Dec. 19, a late start in a field already crowded with three-term Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst, former Texas Solicitor General Ted Cruz, former Dallas Mayor Tom Leppert, plus several others. Those candidates all had a long head start raising money and collecting endorsements.

To catch up, James said he's wearing out his pickup truck driving between Dallas, Houston and Austin meeting with "anyone who has money." He acknowledges he may have to raise money outside Texas and plans to ask former college and pro teammates, coaches and celebrity friends for support.

I just want to let anyone in Texas know that if you should vote Craig James as your senator that you will be the laughingstock of the nation that you already are with Rick Perry as your governor.

And finally this little closer:

James dismisses a suggestion he's considered a long shot and believes he was called by God to run for office.

"That doesn't mean God says, 'You're going to win, Craig,'" he said. "But I would far rather have done this than let God down and not do what he had called me to do."

The story also had an ad for this SN cover :D


2/17/2012, 12:49 PM
James dismisses a suggestion he's considered a long shot and believes he was called by God to run for office.

"That doesn't mean God says, 'You're going to win, Craig,'" he said. "But I would far rather have done this than let God down and not do what he had called me to do."

Perhaps the Almighty wants CJ to humiliate himself?

2/17/2012, 12:52 PM
Perhaps the Almighty wants CJ to humiliate himself?

God watches ESPN, but only because there is no alternative to watching live sports (those bastards are doming their stadiums now, yknow? Hard to watch from the sky these days!) so God wanted Craig James off the air :P

2/17/2012, 06:01 PM
The DFW area and East Texas will certainly not vote for him. He is going to be humiliated in the primary.

2/17/2012, 06:21 PM
Perhaps the Almighty wants CJ to humiliate himself?

You mean like turn the lash on himself? Talk about a huge pay per view event. :D

2/18/2012, 10:33 PM
Will be glad to vote for anyone BUT him when the primary comes up. Of course, they still haven't set a date yet....

2/19/2012, 12:48 PM
Will be glad to vote for anyone BUT him when the primary comes up. Of course, they still haven't set a date yet....

The Republicans are still trying to find the least racist way to redistrict in their favor, if I recall correctly.

2/19/2012, 01:06 PM
^ maybe they
y can just follow the Illinois model. It achieved making Dem districts more winnable, forcing incumbent Reps to face each other, extending heave Dem districts into the Rep suburbs, to diminish the Rep voters, and try to gain some of the seats they lost in '08. Jessie Jackson's district runs from South Chicago, west to the suburbs. The Welfare Dems in Chicago may out number the Rep votes in those suburbs, which is what the corrupt Dem pols in Illinois want to do - marginalized the white voters.

2/19/2012, 03:22 PM
Politics Board.

2/20/2012, 12:00 AM
I'm wondering why anyone would think he's qualified to be Senator. What has he done in political circles? Nothing. He's got no creditability, and no experience.

2/20/2012, 12:12 AM
I'm wondering why anyone would think he's qualified to be Senator. What has he done in political circles? Nothing. He's got no creditability, and no experience.

That's what I have been thinking to myself. Hope he loses.

2/20/2012, 08:12 AM
The important question is, if he loses the senate race, does he go back to ESPN? I'm not sure which is the worse outcome.

2/20/2012, 08:17 AM
The important question is, if he loses the senate race, does he go back to ESPN? I'm not sure which is the worse outcome.

A backwards step after moving forward? Only Craig James :P

2/20/2012, 09:52 AM
The important question is, if he loses the senate race, does he go back to ESPN? I'm not sure which is the worse outcome.

I've heard they don't want him back.

2/20/2012, 10:13 AM
I've heard they don't want him back.

Hey, neither do the viewers :D

And now... an extra middle finger to Craig James: Wazzu donations and season ticket sales have gone up since Leach's hiring :)

Link (http://crosscut.com/blog/crosscut/20790/WSU-giving-gets-a-boot-forward-with-new-coach/)

“We have already sold out all of our new suites and premium seating before the construction of them even began,” Moos said. “When construction is complete there will be 21 suites and 1,200 club seats and low seats.”

The 21 suites sold for up to $50,000 each, while the 1,200 club seats sold for $1,700 to $2,000.

“We would not have sold the amount of season tickets or gotten the amount of donations if it weren’t for the Mike Leach hiring,” Moos said.

So anyway, to keep this discussion football-related and not political, a hearty HA HA to the most hated man in west Texas. Mikey is succeeding in college football despite your best efforts to derail his coaching career.

Scott D
2/20/2012, 07:17 PM
The important question is, if he loses the senate race, does he go back to ESPN? I'm not sure which is the worse outcome.

Nah, Lynn Swann didn't.

2/23/2012, 02:11 PM
Man, this board is soooo dead that I'm gonna do a Craig James campaign update:

The debate topic is about... um, "choices." (http://keranews.org/post/craig-james-being-gay-choice)

He also ensured that Rick Santorum will not get any votes in Texas:


Well... that was lame and entirely too political for this football forum. Here's a radio interview with Mike Leach:

Linky (http://www.cougcenter.com/2012/2/23/2818602/wsu-cougars-washington-state-mike-leach)

EDIT: It's 18 mins long but I'm 4 minutes in and it's good to hear his voice again talking football :)

2/24/2012, 11:53 AM
Another thing on Leach, this time from an ESPN blog:

Linky (http://espn.go.com/blog/pac12/post/_/id/35105/mike-leach-talks-quarterbacks-philosophy)

Love the comments on the bottom. It seems that Leach is universally loved... which makes the guy considered to be the one to get him ousted at Tech universally loathed :D

2/26/2012, 03:17 AM
Every time I log on and I see that this thread is still alive I just want to say:

Screw Craig James.

2/26/2012, 03:32 AM
ESPN Classic is playing the heck out of "Pony Excess." It was on back-to-back last night, and again tonight.

2/26/2012, 08:47 AM
EDSBS (http://www.everydayshouldbesaturday.com/2012/2/24/2821652/the-many-controversies-of-craig-james#storyjump)

2/26/2012, 09:46 AM
Has he killed any hookers lately?

3/2/2012, 03:36 PM
Your weekly Leach/James update!

Mike Leach is still on the lookout for walk-ons to make impacts, it seems.

Linky (http://washingtonstate.scout.com/2/1162688.html)

CONNER JOHNSON DIDN'T know what the future had in store for him. He threw for a ton of yards his senior season, for a coach known to groom outstanding quarterbacks. And at 6-5 and 220 pounds, he possessed a frame that screamed big time. Yet no scholarship offers were on the table. Signing Day loomed and his dream of playing college ball looked cloudy. Then the phone rang.

On the other end of the line was a college coach. And not just any college coach. It was Mike Leach.

And... for the hated guy, he dropped his book lawsuit.

Link (http://lubbockonline.com/crime-and-courts/2012-02-29/james-drops-deposition-effort)

Craig James and his attorney, Mike O’Brien, have withdrawn their petition in Collin County District Court to depose the publishers of “Swing Your Sword,” written by Mike Leach, and “Double T — Double Cross,” by Michael Lee Lanning.

So eff Craig James... Mike Leach is installing... a SAND PIT!

Link (http://oregon.scout.com/2/1163221.html)

A Texas Tech offensive lineman, rejoicing in the elimination of the sand pit after Mike Leach’s departure from the program, told the Lubbock Avalanche-Journal it was it “deadly,” and that a round of standing broad jumps in the sand turned his legs to Jell-O.

Beyond fitness and mental toughness, there’s a third reason for the pit: Punishment for a late arrival, a missed class, lack of hustle, or other miscue.

“I think it was about equal,” Tech linebacker Julius Howard once said when asked about the pit’s split between training and punishment. “We worked on it during the summer for skills, but during the season it was punishment. We had to roll in it …,” he told the Avalanche-Journal. In the same story, center Justin Keown said, "There's not words to describe how bad I hated it.”

And now we all know why Tech had a losing season :P

Anyways, pirate Mikey is back, and Sen. James will NEVER happen :D

3/5/2012, 04:24 AM
James said he's wearing out his pickup truck driving between Dallas, Houston and Austin meeting with "anyone who has money."

So, he's reliving his recruiting process?

Boomer Mooner
3/7/2012, 08:56 PM

3/7/2012, 10:05 PM

3/7/2012, 10:11 PM
Leach update:


I think Wazzu fans support the zero tolerance policy. They don't want crap associated with the program... and its likely house cleaning from the loser Wulff era.

3/9/2012, 05:32 PM
He set the rules.... follow them. If you don't.. pack your bags.

He got Texas Tech to the #2 team in the country at one point, so he must be doing something right, just don't let soccer moms like Craig James interfere and he may make your useless team more relevant than a flag that shows up on gameday every week.

3/9/2012, 05:47 PM
Totally agree, and after giving sissy Adam James so many second chances to not be such a diva, I don't expect him to be anything less than zero-tolerant of misbehavior.

I mean, the guy just uprooted his family from Florida after uprooting them from Texas. He's got his shot at redemption after ESPN and My Little Pony tried to ruin his career. He's not effing around!

3/9/2012, 07:22 PM
Well I just lost my love for Daryl Johnston. Said in the Dallas paper that he backed ****** bag James.

Curly Bill
3/10/2012, 01:28 PM
Well I just lost my love for Daryl Johnston. Said in the Dallas paper that he backed ****** bag James.

Oh Daryl say it ain't so It's prolly just a professional courtesy, but still...

Jason White's Third Knee
3/11/2012, 08:32 AM
Well I just lost my love for Daryl Johnston. Said in the Dallas paper that he backed ****** bag James.

Oh Daryl say it ain't so It's prolly just a professional courtesy, but still...

CJ is probably blackmailing Moose.

3/11/2012, 08:44 AM
I can't understand why Craig and his Son haven't been run out of Fexas and why his name is still on the 1st page of the football forum. It would be cool if everything regarding the James Gang slid back into the Gulf of Mexico and disappeared like that oil spill did.

3/11/2012, 10:56 AM
Totally agree, and after giving sissy Adam James so many second chances to not be such a diva, I don't expect him to be anything less than zero-tolerant of misbehavior.
It burnt my *** something fierce watching that guy make a few plays against our defense this year. Barf.