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View Full Version : The Obamas: Do as we say not as we do

1/18/2012, 05:51 PM
http://cnsnews.com/news/article/first-lady-celebrates-b-day-steakhouse-featuring-28-obama-burger-kobe-beef-bacon-cheeseAnd this bitch has the gaul to run around telling us what to eat?

I can't wait for next year when these fools are gone.

Michelle Obama celebrated her 48th birthday Tuesday night with her husband and friends at a D.C. steakhouse where the menu features a $28 hamburger named "The Obama."

BLT Steak describes its "Obama" burger as an 8-ounce American Kobe burger with bacon, cheddar cheese, burnt tomato ketchup, and scallion mustard.

1/18/2012, 06:00 PM

there may be many good reasons not to support President Obama.

This is not one of them.

1/18/2012, 07:13 PM
http://cnsnews.com/news/article/first-lady-celebrates-b-day-steakhouse-featuring-28-obama-burger-kobe-beef-bacon-cheeseAnd this bitch has the gaul to run around telling us what to eat?

I can't wait for next year when these fools are gone.

Another ignorant racist teabagging wingnut. Now you're going to complain about what she gets for her birthday dinner? Get some facts @SSHOLE.


Defending Michelle Obama's splurge doctrine. When to say yes to fries and a shake

By Lynn Sweet on September 16, 2011 9:14 AM| No Comments

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- First lady Michelle Obama is no eating purist, nor has she ever pretended to not love her french fries even as she champions healthy eating.

"I splurge," she said Thursday, in a pre-emptive strike at critics ready to pounce at the sight of some fries getting within a few feet of Mrs. Obama. "It's a good thing."

The splurge confession is hardly news. She's been talking about how an occasional indulgence is OK since she launched her signature "Let's Move" anti-childhood obesity drive in 2010. There continues to be misunderstanding in some precincts, as recently as Thursday, and I suspect it is deliberate at this point. Mrs. Obama has been preaching balance for years now.

Mrs. Obama traveled to an Olive Garden restaurant in Hyattsville, Md., a Washington suburb, to tout a voluntary agreement made between the Partnership for a Healthier America -- the nonprofit created in connection with Let's Move that serves as its operating arm -- and Darden Restaurants, the company that runs the Olive Garden, Red Lobster, LongHorn Steakhouse and Bahama Breeze chains.

The restaurant company promised to start to cut calories, automatically serve healthier fruit and vegetable side dishes to kids, reduce sodium and, to decrease cola consumption, give kids free refills of low-fat milk.

While Darden will push to revamp the kids menu by July 2012, the company has a long-term goal of a 10 percent reduction of calories over five years and a 20 percent calorie cut in 10 years.

Darden is acting in the face of competition that has already pledged to improve products aimed at children, including McDonald's, which launched its plan to upgrade menu choices last July.

The headline on the Drudge Report over the AP story about the Darden deal was "No fries for you!" That led me to recall how in September, Glenn Beck at a "Right Nation 2010" convention in suburban Chicago said, "Get away from my french fries, Mrs. Obama."

In February, Mrs. Obama caught flak because of the White House Super Bowl menu, which included bratwurst, kielbasa, cheeseburgers and deep-dish pizza.

Her July milkshake at a Washington diner, the Shake Shack, found some journalists scrambling to figure out the hefty calorie count for their stories.

That's why, I figure, Mrs. Obama tried to inoculate herself against critics ready to pounce on her Thursday speech, where she was talking about how parents have to be good eating role models for their kids.

"So if we want them to develop healthy habits, then we can't order them the broccoli and the spinach and then turn around and have burgers and fries. Trust me, I tried it. It doesn't work. Doesn't play so well," Mrs. Obama said.

Her point Thursday -- and she has been consistent about this since the start of Let's Move -- is to use balance and moderation in making food choices.

"With that said, there is nothing wrong with occasionally splurging on treats and desserts, right? I mean, that's the fun of being a kid. And quite frankly, it's the fun of being human. And I certainly have done my share of splurging. I splurge. It's a good thing," she said.

1/18/2012, 07:17 PM
Another ignorant racist teabagging wingnut. Now you're going to complain about what she gets for her birthday dinner? Get some facts @SSHOLE.

Can you please explain what specific part of his post is racist and why? TIA.

1/18/2012, 07:28 PM
Another ignorant racist teabagging wingnut. Now you're going to complain about what she gets for her birthday dinner? Get some facts @SSHOLE.


It's not like SoonerNate published some piece about how she didn't actually give birth to her daughters.

1/18/2012, 07:29 PM
Can you please explain what specific part of his post is racist and why? TIA.

I just proved to you that she is not a hypocrite. So you must hate her and call her a bitch because she is black. I too can read into what you say anything I want like the right does all the time!

1/18/2012, 07:31 PM
It's not like SoonerNate published some piece about how she didn't actually give birth to her daughters.

Its not like Soonernate published some peiece about how she wasn't born in the US nor is a citizen.

1/18/2012, 07:34 PM
I just proved to you that she is not a hypocrite. So you must hate her and call her a bitch because she is black. I too can read into what you say anything I want like the right does all the time!

I didn't say it, can you read into that?

1/18/2012, 07:36 PM
Its not like Soonernate published some peiece about how she wasn't born in the US nor is a citizen.

Has Soonernate ever pumped articles written by some Obama birther?

Because you sure have pumped articles written by Trig Palin birthers. Waved it around and called everyone else a "wingnut."

I think a wingnut is someone who'll blindly post articles written by an idiot Trig Palin birther, just because in the moment the article suits his political fancy.

1/18/2012, 07:40 PM
Has Soonernate ever pumped articles written by some Obama birther?

Because you sure have pumped articles written by Trig Palin birthers. Waved it around and called everyone else a "wingnut."

I think a wingnut is someone who'll blindly post articles written by an idiot Trig Palin birther, just because in the moment the article suits his political fancy.

First off you dumb@ss, this is directed at you, i was coping YOU, try to keep up. Second, I have NEVER pumped articles written by Trig Palin birthers, you are lying. PROVE I DID. I have never believed that crap.

1/18/2012, 07:44 PM
First off you dumb@ss, this is directed at you, i was coping YOU, try to keep up. Second, I have NEVER pumped articles written by Trig Palin birthers, you are lying. PROVE I DID. I have never believed that crap.

Breathe deeply, and reread what I wrote. "blindly post articles written by an idiot Trig Palin birther."


"try to keep up" indeed.

If I paypal you $15, will you go to Target/Wal-mart and buy a mirror?

1/18/2012, 07:51 PM
First off you dumb@ss, this is directed at you, i was coping YOU, try to keep up. Second, I have NEVER pumped articles written by Trig Palin birthers, you are lying. PROVE I DID. I have never believed that crap.

But it's also possible that she never had that baby at all. I mean, if you read the emails and independent reports above and were asked if this woman were in labor with a special needs child, and that her water had already broken, would you believe it? Just put all the facts in front of you and ask yourself that question.

June 13th, 2011, Andrew Sullivan

1/18/2012, 07:57 PM
Breathe deeply, and reread what I wrote. "blindly post articles written by an idiot Trig Palin birther."


"try to keep up" indeed.

If I paypal you $15, will you go to Target/Wal-mart and buy a mirror?

No one ever on here has ever posted an article from someone who wrote Obama was not born in the US? Would you rather have the left be like the right and not read from people who have crazy theories, but want them to run for president?

1/18/2012, 08:01 PM

there may be many good reasons not to support President Obama.

This is not one of them.

I agree. SoonerNate, you gotta lay off the family. It's bad juju.

1/18/2012, 08:02 PM
No one ever on here has ever posted an article from someone who wrote Obama was not born in the US? Would you rather have the left be like the right and not read from people who have crazy theories, but want them to run for president?

You can PM me your paypal handle.

1/18/2012, 08:10 PM
First off you dumb@ss, this is directed at you, i was coping YOU, try to keep up. Second, I have NEVER pumped articles written by Trig Palin birthers, you are lying. PROVE I DID. I have never believed that crap.
How is the guy still on the board?

1/18/2012, 08:17 PM
You can PM me your paypal handle.

You didnt answer the question.

Unlike a plurality of wingnuts, we on the left don't pay attention to the kind of dribble, so I didn't know he wrote that crap.

1/19/2012, 09:32 AM
You didnt answer the question.

Unlike a plurality of wingnuts, we on the left don't pay attention to the kind of dribble, so I didn't know he wrote that crap.

You didn't answer my question either.

If I paypal you $15, will you go to Target/Wal-mart and buy a mirror?

1/19/2012, 09:47 AM
I lost a wingnut changing my air filter once on my 65 mustang....that's when you really learn how important it is to hang on to your wingnut.

1/19/2012, 10:06 AM
I think it's common for parents and adults to impose values and ideals on kids that they, themselves, never could live up to.

So, I don't really hate Michelle Obama for eating out at an unhealthy place. Just shows she's like every other adult we kids have had to deal with growing up, heh.

1/19/2012, 10:17 AM
How is the guy still on the board?Cause only Mouthy, Name calling conservative posters get bained
Pay Tention

1/19/2012, 10:38 AM
http://cnsnews.com/news/article/first-lady-celebrates-b-day-steakhouse-featuring-28-obama-burger-kobe-beef-bacon-cheeseAnd this bitch has the gaul to run around telling us what to eat?

I can't wait for next year when these fools are gone.

Stay classy.

Curly Bill
1/19/2012, 10:41 AM
Cause only Mouthy, Name calling conservative posters get bained
Pay Tention

Well, there's that, and I think it's someone's troll.

1/19/2012, 10:46 AM
Gotta be a troll.....but then again he /she could actually be that ****ing stupid for real.

Curly Bill
1/19/2012, 10:48 AM
Gotta be a troll.....but then again he /she could actually be that ****ing stupid for real.

Surely not?!?!

Frozen Sooner
1/19/2012, 11:16 AM
Cause only Mouthy, Name calling conservative posters get bained
Pay Tention

Horse**** and you know it.

1/19/2012, 01:07 PM
Horse**** and you know it.
No I dont "Know it"
Cause I usually stay the hell out of this forum

Ton Loc
1/19/2012, 01:51 PM
SoonerNate (aka Dale?) drags the best out of people...

You know, I actually enjoyed Dale and Ict's nonsense until they started in with the curse words and personal attacks.

1/19/2012, 03:09 PM
Another ignorant racist teabagging wingnut. Now you're going to complain about what she gets for her birthday dinner? Get some facts @SSHOLE.


But it is okay to call Palin and Bachman bitches and not be racist?