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1/10/2012, 05:59 PM
If they are, this question isnt aimed at you.

starclassic tama
1/10/2012, 06:03 PM
severe mental disability is the only explanation for someone not having alabama #1

1/10/2012, 06:46 PM
severe mental disability is the only explanation for someone not having alabama #1

Well that explains the majority of Poke fans, if everything I've read today is accurate. Went over on one of their boards earlier today(I know, I know--a total waste of brain cells) to get the pulse of the Okie Lite Nation in the wake of our championship and the derangement was so thick you could cut it with a knife, saying things like Bama would have been the third best team this year in the Big 12 and especially the way they try to continually exploit the airplane crash tragedy as reason for their loss in Ames and why they should get some kind of a pass for that game on that basis. I mean, using two dead coaches as pawns in this argument is downright sick. They had their chance on the field and blew it.

1/10/2012, 06:56 PM
Well that explains the majority of Poke fans, if everything I've read today is accurate. Went over on one of their boards earlier today(I know, I know--a total waist of brain cells) to get the pulse of the Okie Lite Nation in the wake of our championship and the derangement was so thick you could cut it with a knife, saying things like Bama would have been the third best team this year in the Big 12 and especially the way they try to continually exploit the airplane crash tragedy as reason for their loss in Ames and why they should get some kind of a pass for that game on that basis. I mean, using two dead coaches as pawns in this argument is downright sick. They had their chance on the field and blew it.

You have an in-state orange little sister school, Bammer man. You should know EXACTLY how it is to deal with delusion of being equal to an obviously superior football program.

Is it true that Auburn prides itself in its swimming, or diving or something odd? Well, in OSU's case, it's rasslin'. They have rasslin' championships, so they're better than us at football. I know, wtf, but Aubie fans probably try to use the same reasoning to explain why they're better at football --- because we dive and swim and have more national championships in all sports than you because of our awesome diving and swimming! Or something... I dunno. Isn't AU's pride and joy the pool?

They shouldn't hate you for being in the title game --- they should hate us for not giving them a better opponent to make a final statement before the final poll vote. If we were still undefeated, they might have had some argument for getting in. Alas, we lost two of our primary offensive weapons and we didn't put up a fight. meh.

Jason White's Third Knee
1/10/2012, 06:59 PM
Bama got beat by a team that got whipped last week.

I rest my case.

1/10/2012, 07:05 PM
Because they had their shot. They lost. I don't care if you lose to LSU or Iowa state, it's a loss and you shouldn't get a "do over" in college football. If you want to change things up in the conferences to figure out your best team, fine, but don't let two teams from the same confrence play for the championship.
I've thought all along that Alabama was the better team but they lost and shouldn't have had a chance at the championship. Pokes can say forever that they could/would have beat LSU but nobody will ever know for sure because of the way this panned out.

1/10/2012, 07:09 PM
Because they had their shot. They lost. I don't care if you lose to LSU or Iowa state, it's a loss and you shouldn't get a "do over" in college football. If you want to change things up in the conferences to figure out your best team, fine, but don't let two teams from the same confrence play for the championship.
I've thought all along that Alabama was the better team but they lost and shouldn't have had a chance at the championship. Pokes can say forever that they could/would have beat LSU but nobody will ever know for sure because of the way this panned out.

I would agree with you but then we'd both be wrong.;)

1/10/2012, 07:16 PM
You have an in-state orange little sister school, Bammer man. You should know EXACTLY how it is to deal with delusion of being equal to an obviously superior football program.

Is it true that Auburn prides itself in its swimming, or diving or something odd? Well, in OSU's case, it's rasslin'. They have rasslin' championships, so they're better than us at football. I know, wtf, but Aubie fans probably try to use the same reasoning to explain why they're better at football --- because we dive and swim and have more national championships in all sports than you because of our awesome diving and swimming! Or something... I dunno. Isn't AU's pride and joy the pool?

They shouldn't hate you for being in the title game --- they should hate us for not giving them a better opponent to make a final statement before the final poll vote. If we were still undefeated, they might have had some argument for getting in. Alas, we lost two of our primary offensive weapons and we didn't put up a fight. meh.

Delusion? Didn't Auburn win it all last year?

I mean....Alabama Fans still can't come near to the delusion we deal with here.

1/10/2012, 07:29 PM
Like it or not, it's all about timing. OSU lost later than Alabama to a much worse team. Spare me the argument about strength of schedule or quality wins - voters remember losses and have a short memory. I'm not saying it's right, I'm just saying it's true.

That said, Alabama beat LSU by 21 and lost to LSU by 3 for a net win of 18. Alabama's defense was suffocating and completely dominated LSU. No reason for me to think otherwise about this season - Alabama is the champion.

1/10/2012, 07:35 PM
Delusion? Didn't Auburn win it all last year?

I mean....Alabama Fans still can't come near to the delusion we deal with here.

I assume that he's a bit older and had to put up with them long before they bought Cam Newton's daddy off, when their only national title was from like the 50s or something. Compared to the Crimson Tide, Bammer math or not, much like the state of Oklahoma, there is the crimson big brother and the orange little sister when it comes to football.

1/10/2012, 07:59 PM
Because they had their shot. They lost. I don't care if you lose to LSU or Iowa state, it's a loss and you shouldn't get a "do over" in college football. If you want to change things up in the conferences to figure out your best team, fine, but don't let two teams from the same confrence play for the championship.
I've thought all along that Alabama was the better team but they lost and shouldn't have had a chance at the championship. Pokes can say forever that they could/would have beat LSU but nobody will ever know for sure because of the way this panned out.

And they got another shot. They won. The rest of your logic is that they *shouldn't* have, but that's not reality.

1/10/2012, 10:08 PM
OSU would NOT have beaten Bama. That defense was amazing. Weeden would not have had 3 seconds to throw the ball all night. I don't know that I've ever seen as complete of a defensive domination as I saw last night at any level. Richardson would have gashed lOSUr's defense as well. Bama's smallest O-lineman was as big as any they saw all year in the BIGXII (6-5 311, 6-6 320, 6-1 294, 6-2 311, 6-6 335). Little Bother couldn't hold Bama's jockstrap.

1/10/2012, 10:10 PM
OSU would NOT have beaten Bama. That defense was amazing. Weeden would not have had 3 seconds to throw the ball all night. I don't know that I've ever seen as complete of a defensive domination as I saw last night at any level. Richardson would have gashed lOSUr's defense as well. Bama's smallest O-lineman was as big as any they saw all year in the BIGXII (6-5 311, 6-6 320, 6-1 294, 6-2 311, 6-6 335). Little Bother couldn't hold Bama's jockstrap.

All true, but they would have played LSU if they had gotten a shot :)

1/10/2012, 10:10 PM
Is Bama the best team this year, most likely yes. But when you have the sorry *** BCS that is supposed to "protect the integrity of the regular season" then there is no way you get a rematch. So...why then should we just submit to Bama being the champion? Isnt it funny about stupid the BCS makes a great sport

1/10/2012, 10:11 PM
OSU would NOT have beaten Bama. That defense was amazing. Weeden would not have had 3 seconds to throw the ball all night. I don't know that I've ever seen as complete of a defensive domination as I saw last night at any level. Richardson would have gashed lOSUr's defense as well. Bama's smallest O-lineman was as big as any they saw all year in the BIGXII (6-5 311, 6-6 320, 6-1 294, 6-2 311, 6-6 335). Little Bother couldn't hold Bama's jockstrap.

wasnt FSU a close to dbl digit favorite against OU in 2000? This is sports, you never know who is the best team on any given day

1/10/2012, 10:13 PM
Do they still make Bama Pies?

1/10/2012, 10:30 PM
Is Bama the best team this year, most likely yes. But when you have the sorry *** BCS that is supposed to "protect the integrity of the regular season" then there is no way you get a rematch. So...why then should we just submit to Bama being the champion? Isnt it funny about stupid the BCS makes a great sport

If the goal of the BCS is to match the best 2 teams while preserving the integrity of the regular season, then Bama should not have been in the NCG. Bama was probably the best team in the country this year, but that doesn't matter under the rules of the game. Watching the way LSUr played last night, it was pretty evident that OSU/Stanford/Oregon (in a rematch) or Wisconsin could have all probably beaten them.

1/10/2012, 10:34 PM

I know, I was excluded but yes, they are the champs.

1/10/2012, 10:53 PM
Protest votes. Bama could have won 50-0 and some voters would never have put them at #1. Heck, one of OSU's #1s came from Scott Wolf, the dude who had Boise at 1 for most of the season.

1/10/2012, 11:02 PM
Bama champion in my book. Just adding my two cents.

1/10/2012, 11:10 PM
Sure, MNC

NYC Poke
1/10/2012, 11:10 PM
You have an in-state orange little sister school, Bammer man. You should know EXACTLY how it is to deal with delusion of being equal to an obviously superior football program.

Is it true that Auburn prides itself in its swimming, or diving or something odd? Well, in OSU's case, it's rasslin'. They have rasslin' championships, so they're better than us at football. I know, wtf, but Aubie fans probably try to use the same reasoning to explain why they're better at football --- because we dive and swim and have more national championships in all sports than you because of our awesome diving and swimming! Or something... I dunno. Isn't AU's pride and joy the pool?

They shouldn't hate you for being in the title game --- they should hate us for not giving them a better opponent to make a final statement before the final poll vote. If we were still undefeated, they might have had some argument for getting in. Alas, we lost two of our primary offensive weapons and we didn't put up a fight. meh.

Nice avatar!

NYC Poke
1/10/2012, 11:12 PM
Could OSU beat Bama? I don't know, I'd like to find out.

Just about anyone could beat LSU the way they played. All due credit to Bama's D, LSU's "offense" was painful to watch.

1/10/2012, 11:16 PM
Could OSU beat Bama? I don't know, I'd like to find out.

Just about anyone could beat LSU the way they played. All due credit to Bama's D, LSU's "offense" was painful to watch.


Does the Opposing D force you to throw the Ball into the ****in ground 5 yard away from yer receiver while NOT having any pressure on the QB at the time? Or force the QB to throw a stupid shovel pass right into thier arms while you look stupid? Or constant throw behind the line of scrimmage when tou need 10 yards?

Face it Folk lsu made Bamas d look all world . Not sayin they wernt Dayum Good But Hell that Miles O made em look all Tebow and **** .

1/10/2012, 11:33 PM
I think this game kind of exposed what the SEC really is, a conference that focuses on defense at the expense of offense and what mediocre offenses they have. They aren't really that much better than the top teams in the other BCS conferences. Some of what happens in the SEC with offense is much like what happens with Boise State, they only have to "get up" for a couple of games a season so they can put extra prep into those. I kind of see offenses in the SEC in a similar way, there was one good offense in the SEC this season, Arkansas. So for Bama or LSU they know they aren't going to be stressed having to game plan for high flying offenses almost every week playing in the SEC and can game plan for the one good one they get a season, last year it was Auburn's offense. If they had to face offenses like OU, OSU, Baylor, Tech, A&M, K-State, Missouri and usually Texas week in and week out their defensive stats wouldn't look as good as they do. I think even Kansas and Iowa State probably had offenses that would be better than most of the bottom of the SEC. LSU showed just how top heavy the SEC was this season, everyone past Arkansas just looked bad pretty much all season.

Urban Meyer pretty much alluded to the same thing on a piece a few months ago about Oregon's up tempo offense, he said that if they would've had to prepare for OU with Bradford in one week they would not have fared near as well. Most offenses are about timing and rhythm, a 5-6 week layoff screws all of that up and gives the defense plenty of time to prepare. In this age most seasons there isn't a team that dominates both categories like there was 30 years ago. So yes, when a good defensive team with some offense has 5-6 weeks to prepare, they can win championships.

1/10/2012, 11:36 PM
The system is setup before the season starts and agreed to implicitly by all the teams. The system produced Bama. The whining about how Bama got there can feed into future seasons and how to tweak or completely junk the system. But this season is in the books and Bama '11 is just as legit as OU '00.

1/10/2012, 11:39 PM
When and where is the 'IF' game (I'd like to see it)

but those saying the LSU offense was 'painful' to watch..... it was not much different from the game that they won (it was a Bamer FG dude that came up short)

2012 is the gagillionth Bamer NC..... its okay

1/11/2012, 12:16 AM
I think some of you aren't following the rules of the OP. Disgraceful. :D

1/11/2012, 12:40 AM

Does the Opposing D force you to throw the Ball into the ****in ground 5 yard away from yer receiver while NOT having any pressure on the QB at the time? Or force the QB to throw a stupid shovel pass right into thier arms while you look stupid? Or constant throw behind the line of scrimmage when tou need 10 yards?

Face it Folk lsu made Bamas d look all world . Not sayin they wernt Dayum Good But Hell that Miles O made em look all Tebow and **** .

You do realize that LSU averaged 41 points per game in games against their 12 games against everybody but Alabama. They averaged 4.5 points per game in 2 games against us. LSU defeated the Orange Bowl Champion, the Cotton Bowl Champion, the Rose Bowl Champion, and even the BCS Champion on Nov 5th. Their offense certainly isn't the best country, but they were WAY better than they looked against us because of us.

1/11/2012, 01:00 AM
You do realize that LSU averaged 41 points per game in games against their 12 games against everybody but Alabama. They averaged 4.5 points per game in 2 games against us. LSU defeated the Orange Bowl Champion, the Cotton Bowl Champion, the Rose Bowl Champion, and even the BCS Champion on Nov 5th. Their offense certainly isn't the best country, but they were WAY better than they looked against us because of us.

Given all that (and your avatar), why isn't Bama your champion?

(Back on track ST :D )

NYC Poke
1/11/2012, 01:12 AM
You do realize that LSU averaged 41 points per game in games against their 12 games against everybody but Alabama. They averaged 4.5 points per game in 2 games against us. LSU defeated the Orange Bowl Champion, the Cotton Bowl Champion, the Rose Bowl Champion, and even the BCS Champion on Nov 5th. Their offense certainly isn't the best country, but they were WAY better than they looked against us because of us.

Yeah, but they averaged 41 points mostly against weak SEC defenses. Oh, sure, they beat Oregon at a "neutral" site (play the next one in Seattle and see if LSU thinks that is neutral) the first week of the season. LSU beat WVU, but WVU (with OSU's former OC as HC, and with far less talent) gained over 500 yards on them and turned the ball over a ton -- care to check OSU's turnover margin?

I think LSU and Bama are great teams, though the LSU that showed up for the BCS title game was a shadow of their former selves. But I would have liked to see OSU matched up with either of them. I think we match up better with LSU and Bama better than we do with Stanford, and we won that game.

"Oh, but they missed a field goal and gave it to you!"

Well, we missed a field goal* from a usually reliable kicker as time expired in a Friday night conference road game to spoil our dream season. If a missed kick is just luck, we've had it both ways.

And our defense you love to malign? We beat the Heisman-winning QB (we were up 49-3 at the end of the 3rd quarter) and the Heisman runner-up QB in the same season. What quality QBs have you faced?

Congrats on winning another snoozefest. I'm glad you finally got your kicking game together (might want to work on extra points, though). Those were really thrilling field goals.

*Many still think it was good; I am unconvinced.

1/11/2012, 09:45 AM
You do realize that LSU averaged 41 points per game in games against their 12 games against everybody but Alabama.

It was a great defensive performance. That being said, the 41 pts per game had a lot to do with LSU's defense forcing turnovers. There was not a single LSU game that I watched where I came out thinking, "Wow, that's a good LSU offense."

WVU outgained LSU 533 to 366. Oregon outgained LSU 335 to 273.

LSU won those games by forcing turnovers. They had an 8-1 turnover margin in those two games.

That LSU offense is below average. Jefferson and Lee are not good QB's by any stretch.

Not trying to downplay your defensive performance. It was very impressive but your assertion that LSU had an even average offense is simply wrong.

What happened to the days of Spurrier's Florida teams throwing the ball all over the place? What about the Manning brothers? Bama played a really good game on offense Monday but all in all the SEC has become anemic on offense. I suppose it's working but I don't buy the theory that you have to sacrafice offense to get great defenses.

And since I'm asking "what happened to" questions, what happened to the middle tier SEC teams? Ten years ago wasn't that the justification that you used to proclaim yourself the best conference even while Nebraska was spanking your best teams?

Also, what happened to the idea that a defensive minded / run oriented Nebraska team was outdated and "would never work in the SEC"?

1/11/2012, 09:54 AM
I think the biggest mistake is to assume that SEC defenses are all of the same caliber as LSU and Alabama. Those are two amazing defenses, but none of the other teams in the league come even close. The problem is lazy analysis by the media who claim that LSU ran it up on "SEC" defenses, when really they only faced one supremely talented defense and, per Tidefan, averaged 4.5 points and a 50% chance of getting shut out.

The same could be said in previous years of Big XII offenses. You had Tech, OU, OSU, Texas, Missouri and occasionally Baylor all rotating in having explosive passing offenses, but you can't compare those to an Iowa State or Colorado or Kansas and say the "Big XII" makes it hard to defend the pass. It's just lazy and bite-sized for people who aren't really paying attention but like to talk.

1/11/2012, 10:49 AM
When analyzing teams, we tend to just look at offense and defense separately without considering the whole effect. The best Big 12 teams, with their high powered offenses, could probably hang with and even win a one quarter game with the best SEC teams. Unfortunately for us, that's not how the game is played.

Dominant defenses (more than offenses) have a huge advantage because with all the 3 and outs they force, the defense gets on and off the field quickly, giving it time to rest. It was obvious that Bama's defense was just as dominant in the 4th qtr as it was in the first. LSU's defense, on the other hand was gassed by the 4th. Richardson's TD run was barely contended. Most of the 2nd half, Bama was controlling the clock with ball control offense against a worn out LSU defense. I also give a lot of credit to Bama's coaches for the offensive gameplan to pass on first down, which totally caught LSU by surprise. AJ made some great throws to move the tide down the field.

1/11/2012, 10:54 AM
Have OSU schedule Alabama like OU did in regular season, and see how they fair. This year they were VERY lucky, and had a quarterback older than most in the NFL. A one hit wonder, I do not think they can sustain the same success as last year.

1/11/2012, 11:00 AM

Does the Opposing D force you to throw the Ball into the ****in ground 5 yard away from yer receiver while NOT having any pressure on the QB at the time? Or force the QB to throw a stupid shovel pass right into thier arms while you look stupid? Or constant throw behind the line of scrimmage when tou need 10 yards?

Face it Folk lsu made Bamas d look all world . Not sayin they wernt Dayum Good But Hell that Miles O made em look all Tebow and **** .

That was an awful play by Jefferson, but I attribute it more to frustration caused by the bama d. They weren't giving him anything. He had a great season, and to say that LSU's offense is bad because of how they played in that one game is ridiculous. That bama defense was smothering. I just hope Stoops makes another trip to Tuscaloosa this off-season to seek guidance from Saban, and brother Mike can bring our defense back to it's 2001 level. We will NOT win #8 until the defense returns to dominance.

1/11/2012, 11:09 AM
Bama was not my champ because they didn't win their conference. I would like to see a way for conferences to be allowed (or mandated?) to finagle their conference championship games to match the two two teams in their conference. This would eliminate this nonsense of a team "benefitting" from not having to play in their conference title game. Unfortunately, the rules don't allow it. Two loss, overmatched, Georgia gets to play LSU for the conference title when all in the world know that the top two teams in the league are LSU and Bama.

If LSU verse Alabama could not even be the title game matchup for their own conference championship, what ridiculous system allows it to be the national title game?

By the way, I didn't think OU should have made the title game in 2003, but I also didn't think Kansas State should have been allowed to play for the conference championship that season because they had two losses. They didn't earn a spot in that game. Yet they won the game and a conference championship. Makes no sense.

1/11/2012, 12:39 PM
Bama got beat by a team that got whipped last week.

I rest my case.

That is my new reason number two - my number one is that LSU, like Alabama, beat everyone they played - and they played the toughest schedule of every team that can say the same.

And then there is my wife, who was damn near born on the LSU campus. That's my reason number three. Harmony at home is a GOOD thing.

1/11/2012, 01:14 PM
If you wanna crown 'Em then crown their a$$! They are who we thought they they were!

1/11/2012, 01:18 PM
1. Because they lost to LSU in the regular season...isn't the regular season suppose to mean something? Not in 2011!

2. Because they did not even win their conference, hell theydidnt even win their division.

3. Their schedule was full of cupcakes. Not one bcs aq conference foe outside if the SEC.

Look at any rematch throughout history of cfb... many that lost the first game won the second!

Bama is the first MNC since before 1936 to not be a conference champion!

1/11/2012, 01:19 PM
I would have kind of been fun watching Weeden run for his life on Monday night and throwing several picks. Weeden doesn't like pressure and I'm sure he would have gotten plenty Monday night. Weeden is a very good quarterback but Bama is unreal on defense and I'm sick and tired of hearing these OSU fans talk about them beating Bama. OSU barely beat Stanford which was killed by Oregon on their home field. I know anything can happen on a given night as we found out in Ames, Iowa this year but all of my money would have been on Bama. Dominating performance.

1/11/2012, 01:27 PM
Bama is the legitimate BCS mythical national champion, because however fair or not the system is, it IS the system.
And I can never feel bad about somebody humilitaing Les and the LSU fans like Bama did.
But only OU can ever be "my" champion.

Mississippi Sooner
1/11/2012, 01:30 PM
I just wonder what it was like on Bourbon Street that night. LSU fans can be obnoxious enough when they win (especially against another SEC team), but I wonder what it was like for them to lose in New Orleans.

1/11/2012, 01:34 PM
I just wonder what it was like on Bourbon Street that night. LSU fans can be obnoxious enough when they win (especially against another SEC team), but I wonder what it was like for them to lose in New Orleans.

Just a bunch of drunk hillbillies chanting SEC SEC.

Mississippi Sooner
1/11/2012, 01:35 PM
Just a bunch of drunk hillbillies chanting SEC SEC.

And throwing stuff and trying to pick fights, I'm sure.

1/11/2012, 01:37 PM
I just wonder what it was like on Bourbon Street that night. LSU fans can be obnoxious enough when they win (especially against another SEC team), but I wonder what it was like for them to lose in New Orleans.

I kinda wanted to go out there to congratulate the Tide fans for sparing me several months of LSU fans blathering about the greatness of the tigahs. But I did not go out. I don't think LSU gans did much partying. I must say, however, that I find LSU fans more tolerable as losers than as winners, and some of their comments about their team and coach after the beatdown were sensible or humorous.

1/11/2012, 01:42 PM
3. Their schedule was full of cupcakes. Not one bcs aq conference foe outside if the SEC.

Penn State <joke about their relevance here.>

1/11/2012, 03:41 PM
Lsu would give up some yards against oSu but still beat them 40 something to 20. The correct teams were in the BCS and the best team won.

Bourbon St Sooner
1/11/2012, 04:33 PM
I just wonder what it was like on Bourbon Street that night. LSU fans can be obnoxious enough when they win (especially against another SEC team), but I wonder what it was like for them to lose in New Orleans.

Reports are it was drunken fight city. I guess Central Lockup stayed busy all night.

Dale Ellis
1/11/2012, 04:37 PM
If they are, this question isnt aimed at you.
So why does LSU have to beat Bama twice to be the national champs (once on Bama's home field) yet Bama only has to beat LSU once?

Same thing in 2000. OU goes to KSU and spanks them, but then has to go into KC and beat KSU again to be the Big 12 Champs.

Didn't like it then, and don't like it now, although I did thoroughly enjoy watching that bunch of inbread coon asses getting rump humped by the tide.

1/11/2012, 08:08 PM
Yeah, but they averaged 41 points mostly against weak SEC defenses. Oh, sure, they beat Oregon at a "neutral" site (play the next one in Seattle and see if LSU thinks that is neutral) the first week of the season. LSU beat WVU, but WVU (with OSU's former OC as HC, and with far less talent) gained over 500 yards on them and turned the ball over a ton -- care to check OSU's turnover margin?

I think LSU and Bama are great teams, though the LSU that showed up for the BCS title game was a shadow of their former selves. But I would have liked to see OSU matched up with either of them. I think we match up better with LSU and Bama better than we do with Stanford, and we won that game.

"Oh, but they missed a field goal and gave it to you!"

Well, we missed a field goal* from a usually reliable kicker as time expired in a Friday night conference road game to spoil our dream season. If a missed kick is just luck, we've had it both ways.

And our defense you love to malign? We beat the Heisman-winning QB (we were up 49-3 at the end of the 3rd quarter) and the Heisman runner-up QB in the same season. What quality QBs have you faced?

Congrats on winning another snoozefest. I'm glad you finally got your kicking game together (might want to work on extra points, though). Those were really thrilling field goals.

*Many still think it was good; I am unconvinced.

We faced Tyler Wilson who passed for 510 yards and put up 42 points on Texas A&M vs 438 yards and 30 points that Weeden put on TAMU. That same Arkansas team held KSU to 16 point while Okla St beat gave up 45 points to KSU at home. Arky beat TAMU by 12 points, and KSU by 13 points. OSU beat TAMU by 1 and KSU by 7. Its fair to say you are an Arky level (I'd bet on Arky beating you if we could make that happen, BTW) and we monkey stomped them. So did LSU. We and LSU beat them by a combined score of 79 - 31.

Why do you say that LSU was a shadow of ther former self? The script of the "snoozefest" was nearly identical as Nov 5th except we made 5 of 7 FG's instead of 2 of 7 and instead dropping 2 TD passes at the goal line, we only dropped only this time and Trent punched one in. Alabama beat themselves the first time, and didn't the second time. It's as simple as that. You saying you match up better with either us or LSU better than Stanford is hilarious, dude. You match up with a team that beat Oregon with ease vs the team Oregon dominated? Um -alrighty then!

We know your swinging gate pass defense sucks, but you haven't faced anything close to the OL's and RB's you'd get with Bama or LSU. Do you really think your defense could have stopped either one of our running games? You brag about beating the "Heisman Trophy winning QB", so did KSU and TAMU did too - again, two teams that Arky beat by double digits.

We're having this conversation because OU had a ton of injuries and fell apart at the end of year and because Texas and Texas Tech are struggling. OU is my second favorite team, and like always, this is your once about 8 years or so triumph over them. Congrats on your "great" season, but don't forget why you are where you are. You squeaked by KSU, TAMU, Stanford, and lost to 6-7 team* that beat 2 teams with a winning record. Alabama dominated everybody on the schedule this year, except LSU in Nov. For a month and half all we've heard from OSU fans is how we didn't deserve to be in the NC game and how you were going to laugh when LSU beat us again. Alabama proved to anyone with eyes that we are clearly better than LSU (the team that beat the Orange Bowl Champion, the Rose Bowl Champion, the Cotton Bowl Champion and even the BCS National Champion in Nov.) and I will not apologize if you think it was boring or a snoozefest. It was exciting as hell to me and I enjoyed every single second of it.

*You think you're better than LSU and Alabama and you need an asterisk to explain that you really believe your missed FG against said 6-7 team was actually good? Humorous...

1/11/2012, 08:40 PM
Here goes the common opponents... Does that mean OU is actually big 12 champs sinceOU beat ISU?

1/11/2012, 08:46 PM
Here you go tide fan...

OSU beat ULL by like 40 points.
ULL beat North Texas by 20 points.
Alabama beat North Texas by 40.

Does this mean OSU beats Bama by 10?

1/11/2012, 08:54 PM
Here goes the common opponents... Does that mean OU is actually big 12 champs sinceOU beat ISU?

Hey man, he asked! -lol

1/11/2012, 09:01 PM
So why does LSU have to beat Bama twice to be the national champs (once on Bama's home field) yet Bama only has to beat LSU once?

Same thing in 2000. OU goes to KSU and spanks them, but then has to go into KC and beat KSU again to be the Big 12 Champs.

Didn't like it then, and don't like it now, although I did thoroughly enjoy watching that bunch of inbread coon asses getting rump humped by the tide.

That's just the way it ends up sometimes. Michigan State beat Wisconsin in reg season, but Wisconsin beat the B10+2 CG. Same thing with FL-FSU in '96 In '99 we had to beat Florida twice to win the SEC Championship. Best of 3 just doesn't exist in football...

1/11/2012, 09:13 PM
LSU showed just how top heavy the SEC was this season, everyone past Arkansas just looked bad pretty much all season.


6 teams ranked in the final BCS poll
4 top 10 teams ranked in final BCS poll
5 teams with 10 wins or more

#1 Alabama 12-1
#2 LSU 13 - 1
#6 Arkansas 12-2
#9 South Carolina 11-2
#16 Georgia 10-3
#25 Auburn 8-5

1/11/2012, 10:41 PM
Alabama was the better team...but LSU beat them in Tuscaloosa and was the SEC champion. Hard to say Alabama is the national champs, but I didn't care about it enough to read through everything in this thread.

1/11/2012, 11:15 PM
I didn't get a vote....but if I did, they would get it.

1/12/2012, 12:58 AM
In the current system, the BCS winner = champion.

In the end, I think it comes down to whether you believe the purpose of the title game is to put #1 against #2 or to determine the best team of the season. Usually these are not mutually exclusive concepts, but I think they were this year just as I thought they were in 2006 when the talking heads of the sports media were calling for a rematch of Ohio State/Michigan for nearly identical reasons. When the final BCS poll came out and the voters jumped Florida up to #2 from #4, I figured the purpose of the game had really shifted to serving as a method for determining the best team of the season rather than simply match up who popular opinion believed #1 and #2 would be.

When you boil it all down, those unhappy with the 2006 rematch believed that we'd already determined that Ohio State was better than Michigan. What we weren't sure about then, was whether Ohio State was better than Florida. That year, the championship was decided on the field when Florida proved the analysts wrong and exposed the weakness of the Big Ten to secure their title and start the SEC's run of championship wins.

This year, the SEC benefited from the same logic that would have denied them a shot at the title in 2006. Of course Bama isn't to blame in all this, at the end of the day it was the poll voters who failed to ensure that the BCS would determine the best team in the country this season. Instead, they gave us a rematch with a result that forces us to question the worth of the regular season when determining this season's champ. In the end, maybe those upset with the outcome can take solace in the fact that such a result may lead us closer to significant postseason changes.

1/12/2012, 05:21 AM
Bama deserves props. They are proving year after year that oversigning and treating kids like factory pieces is the way to championships. Congrats on winning oversigning bowl part 2. Your ESPiN cronies should be proud as well for pimping their all sec investment.

Any over/under on the number of "medical redshirts" this king of ethics has next year?

Bama and LSU... where saying some kids "don't pan out" means that they signed better athletes in the next year's class.

However, please keep thumping that chest, celebrating the fact that an athlete's educational future comes secondary in your program.

No argument that youre the MNC winners, but its still mythical. Throw #50 up on that trophy pile. ;)

1/12/2012, 06:32 AM
Because they still have a dozen or so they claim that they never paid for and are still in hock for those.

Dale Ellis
1/12/2012, 10:12 AM
That's just the way it ends up sometimes. Michigan State beat Wisconsin in reg season, but Wisconsin beat the B10+2 CG. Same thing with FL-FSU in '96 In '99 we had to beat Florida twice to win the SEC Championship. Best of 3 just doesn't exist in football...

Don't get me wrong, I'm glad Bama won, although I do have a major problem with some of the NC's you guys claim, I read that if OU claimed all the championships they could the way Bama does, we'd have around 16 NC's.

Dale Ellis
1/12/2012, 10:14 AM

6 teams ranked in the final BCS poll
4 top 10 teams ranked in final BCS poll
5 teams with 10 wins or more

#1 Alabama 12-1
#2 LSU 13 - 1
#6 Arkansas 12-2
#9 South Carolina 11-2
#16 Georgia 10-3
#25 Auburn 8-5

The SEC is the best conference, I don't know why some try to argue that. Having said that, for the love of Toomer's Corner, please stop claiming all these bogus titles. As I stated if OU claimed all the titles they could instead of just the AP and BCS, we'd have around 16 NC's. That is my only problem with Bama and their fans.

1/12/2012, 05:14 PM
So why does LSU have to beat Bama twice Because they played em twice.to be the national champs (once on Bama's home field) yet Bama only has to beat LSU onceGiants played Patriots twice, so if you want a playoff, dont be surprised if this is a trend if it happens in college.?

Same thing in 2000. OU goes to KSU and spanks them, but then has to go into KC and beat KSU again to be the Big 12 Champs.
Your right, we shouldn't have a conference championship game. I like it better this way anyway.
Didn't like it then, and don't like it now, although I did thoroughly enjoy watching that bunch of inbread coon asses getting rump humped by the tide.


1/12/2012, 07:21 PM
The SEC is the best conference, I don't know why some try to argue that. Having said that, for the love of Toomer's Corner, please stop claiming all these bogus titles. As I stated if OU claimed all the titles they could instead of just the AP and BCS, we'd have around 16 NC's. That is my only problem with Bama and their fans.

If Alabama claims titles like everybody claims we do, we'd have 26 according to college football data warehouse. The only title the university claims that I don't really agree with is 1941. I can't see claiming any after the AP era that either the of major polls AP/UPI/BCS didn't name you a champion. I would claim 13 if it were up to me, which is what the NCAA recognizes. However, I have no problem claiming championships that came before the BCS. In 1920s and 30's the Tournament of Roses inter-sectional matchup of the best football team from both sides of the country had become the de facto national championship game. The winners of those Rose Bowls claim the victory as National Champions. ND, USC, Michigan, Army, Minnesota, Stanford, and others (not even counting the Ivy League schools that do as well) and many others all claim pre AP titles. Why does everybody single out Alabama to bash for this? Alabama has been nationally prominent since 1925, and accomplished more over a full body of work than any team out there except possibly ND. That is just a fact. 1915 is the only year before 1949 that Oklahoma is even considered for a MNC by any ranking system. Cornell is widely recoginized as the MNC that year by being selected by numerous rankings. I bring this up because is I believe if OU was recognized by the vast majority of systems as the Champion that year, they'd claim it just like Bama, USC, ND, Michigan, and rest do, and they would justified in doing so. OU has been one of the strongest programs in all of football since 1950, and holds numerous records that will likely never be broken. In fact, I believe Alabama, OU and ND are the on a whole 'nother level since the beginning of AP poll, and their records and championships reflect that. Being that ND hasn't been relevant in nearly 25 years, the argument is really only between Bama and OU. In today's football, them not being in a conference should count against them.

Now, with that said - Football didn't start in 1936 with the AP Poll, and I don't think any team should ignore their accomplisments before 1936. There's a old newspaper headline from Jan 1926 proclaiming "Alabama Defeats Washington Winning National Grid Championship", but because it doesn't say AP, we're supposed to ignore the accomplishment? I don't think so. Unless everybody else that claims pre-1936 MNC's all got together and and stopped claiming pre-1936 titles, why should we? Why should we only claim 9 while ND, Michigan and USC claims more using pre 1936 titles? Michigan claims 11 titles, and only three of them has been since 1936, but Alabama takes all the crap about bogus titles. Explain that one to me???


1/12/2012, 09:56 PM
The best team ended up #1. The second best team ended up #2. After that who knows.


1/12/2012, 10:06 PM
Tidefan it is all about how Bama has gone about claiming titles.

USC gets their fair share of criticism too. That said Bama not too long ago added a NC to their total nearly 70 years after the season past.

OU could claim as many as 23 if they wanted to. All but one of them being after 1936. OU only claims their AP/UPI/BCS titles.

I am happy that Bama won....but they should not have been there in the first place IMHO.

1/12/2012, 10:10 PM
Oh and since we are on history...

For more years than not, the national championships were awarded before bowl games. And even if that team lost their bowl game, they were still deemed NC.

The reason they did this was because the NCAA had a rule stating that no team could go to a bowl game two consectutive years. It was at a time when there was less than 10 bowl games too.

1953 or 1954 is one year I will point out. Maryland won the national championshp but lost to OU in the Orange Bowl.

1/12/2012, 10:12 PM
Like Oklahoma in 2000... I say you can't say you'd beat them if you can't score on them.

1/12/2012, 10:15 PM
But teams did score on Oklahoma in 2000 and even Bama this year. Just not much.

LSU had an anemic offense to say the least.

Bama did have a very good defense... Best money could buy!

1/13/2012, 07:25 AM
But teams did score on Oklahoma in 2000 and even Bama this year. Just not much.

LSU had an anemic offense to say the least.

Bama did have a very good defense... Best money could buy!

LOL - You've got a lot of Bama hate don't you, man?

1/13/2012, 07:38 AM
It's a little ridiculous to claim anything before the AP got involved in '36. It was chaotic as hell. After that AP should be the standard, up to the BCS era. Pretty freaking simple.

1/13/2012, 11:56 PM
It's a little ridiculous to claim anything before the AP got involved in '36. It was chaotic as hell. After that AP should be the standard, up to the BCS era. Pretty freaking simple.

Yeah, because college football national championships have been oh so clear cut and undisputed since 1936!;)

I'll say it again, I have no problem claiming any champonship recognized by the NCAA, although I do question why the Houlgate System championship is claimed by Alabama in 1941. In fact, I would prefer to drop that one because it wasn't awarded by the AP/UPI/BCS since its after 1936. However, again, I'll be glad to give up our's when ND, USC, Cal, Illinois, Georgia Tech, Pittsburgh, Minnesota, Stanford others claim titles before 1936 stop claiming their's. In fact, I won't be satisfied until we catch Princeton!;)