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View Full Version : Super Bowl bet: You can only bet once

1/4/2012, 12:26 PM
Declare your allegiance to ONE and ONLY ONE team... make the vBet before Saturday and ride your pony all the way to vBookie riches.

You can only bet for one team. Did everyone catch that? ONE. You cannot bet for every team. You cannot bet multiple times on one team or multiple times on every team.

Your instructions are quite simple:

1- Bet once.
2- Watch playoffs.
3- ???
4- PROFIT!!!!

This is a one-shot dealio. There are no takebacks, no second chances and you won't get paid till Feb. 5.

Who wins the Super Bowl?

There is only one correct answer.

1/4/2012, 12:44 PM
Some are going to get very wealthy off of this event.

Or, the fightin' Tebows will surprise everyone and we all lose big time :(

1/4/2012, 12:44 PM
Some are going to get very wealthy off of this event.

Or, the fightin' Tebows will surprise everyone and we all lose big time :(

1/4/2012, 05:53 PM
While I pray that Denver does it, I'm not confident enough in them. Their D needs to pick things up again and play like they did during the 6 game win streak

1/5/2012, 09:26 AM
As much as I love you all vBetting on my beloved Packers, I'm capping the 12 to 1 on them at 10 vBets.

For the crazy payout, choose one of the other 11 teams! Or... I guess you could get 1 to 12 payout when we inevitably win the Super Bowl... :D

1/16/2012, 05:46 PM
Hi everybody. Looks like the majority of us are losers and only four are left in the running. :(

1/24/2012, 09:04 PM
Nobody picked the Giants to win but 3 of us picked the Patriots! Cool idea by the way.

hawaii 5-0 for 10000

TexSpud for 5000

nighttrain12 for 100

1/24/2012, 10:21 PM
Nobody picked the Giants to win but 3 of us picked the Patriots! Cool idea by the way.

hawaii 5-0 for 10000

TexSpud for 5000

nighttrain12 for 100

The longterm bet before the season started I think pays out even more...but not sure if anyone chose the giants or patriots.

I think I got 12 to 1 payoff's worth of fun with this vBet. Still, would have liked my Packers to go all the way :(

2/7/2012, 08:07 AM
You're all losers!