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1/2/2012, 01:33 AM
Can someone write some new good fighting music scripts for the band to play. Something like the USSR nation anthem or communist rebelation theme or something similar. It is so old and boring with the continuously with faster pace of the sme number of nodes.

Put it to be a final graduation project for tthe music/art student.

Can it be?

1/2/2012, 01:44 AM
Can someone write some new good fighting music scripts for the band to play. Something like the USSR nation anthem or communist rebelation theme or something similar. It is so old and boring with the continuously with faster pace of the sme number of nodes.

Put it to be a final graduation project for tthe music/art student.

Can it be?

The USSR national anthem is a great idea! Will this be played before or after they play "Fanfare for the Common Man" when Boren strolls out on the field?

1/2/2012, 02:51 AM
Just make sure it ends with ..... and the home ... of the ... Ruskies!

1/2/2012, 03:15 AM
I, for one, think socialist anthems will play really really well with the folks in central Oklahoma.

1/2/2012, 05:45 AM
We should change team colors too!! Constantly seeing crimson and cream gets sooo old and after the 2nd half begins to burn my eyes.

1/2/2012, 12:21 PM
Brian Britt does not approve this thread.

1/2/2012, 12:42 PM
The USSR national anthem is a great idea! Will this be played before or after they play "Fanfare for the Common Man" when Boren strolls out on the field?

No, the Baylor band already claimed a monopoly on "Fanfare for the Common Man" for when they introduce RG3's replacement at quarterback :D

Bawww, what will life be like at Baylor after RG3... prepare thy anus... and thy Zima.

rock on sooner
1/2/2012, 01:50 PM
I, for one, think socialist anthems will play really really well with the folks in central Oklahoma. This...

1/2/2012, 02:00 PM

1/2/2012, 02:22 PM
I have sent a link of this thread to Oliver North. You all are in big trouble.

1/3/2012, 11:11 AM
First down Iowa!
What should we play?

Boomer Sooner, do it. They won't see it coming.

our band blows... sorry

1/3/2012, 12:07 PM
"Boomer Sooner" is the greatest fight song in history and "Boola Boola" still wishes it was "Boomer Sooner". "Boomer Sooner" is the fight song that wins, "Boola Boola" is that other fight song. The Yale band can stick that in their trumpet case.

1/3/2012, 12:31 PM
On a sidenote, OP has a long thread going on their hatred of the Stanford band. It's actually kind of cute. They're actually considering making us their second-least favorite fanbase. Bawww, look at the widdle Pokes all grown up and seeing that there's actually much worse fanbases out there than one within their own state borders.

You mean a band can be disrespectful and classless in ways other than repeatedly playing their school fight song? You mean bands will actually have the nerve to play through your bowl trophy presentation and alma mater (reportedly that's what Stanford's did). You mean bands will have halftime shows dedicated to making fun of your home state in a disrespectful way? Ooooooooo! We had no idea! We suddenly are not as annoyed with hearing Boomer Sooner repeatedly! [hairGel]

1/3/2012, 01:31 PM
On a sidenote, OP has a long thread going on their hatred of the Stanford band. It's actually kind of cute. They're actually considering making us their second-least favorite fanbase. Bawww, look at the widdle Pokes all grown up and seeing that there's actually much worse fanbases out there than one within their own state borders.

You mean a band can be disrespectful and classless in ways other than repeatedly playing their school fight song? You mean bands will actually have the nerve to play through your bowl trophy presentation and alma mater (reportedly that's what Stanford's did). You mean bands will have halftime shows dedicated to making fun of your home state in a disrespectful way? Ooooooooo! We had no idea! We suddenly are not as annoyed with hearing Boomer Sooner repeatedly! [hairGel]


Also: So nice to see you de-oranged, badger! It must feel great to remove that crap from your posts.

1/3/2012, 01:48 PM

Also: So nice to see you de-oranged, badger! It must feel great to remove that crap from your posts.

Thanks... but now I must admit that I am in negotiations to potentially go orange again. You see, I have been ragging on OSU basketball ever since turning orange and we have this mens basketball game coming up about a week...

:( This is why I do not gamble with real money.

1/3/2012, 04:12 PM
I think the Stanford and Rice bands are everything that a college marching band should be at a football game. A&M can take their little dog and pony show to the parade ground where it belongs.

This stuff is not SRS BZNS, and is more fun than sitting on your hands watching a showtunes medley played at medium volume while people in fancy hats do side-steps.

There's a reason this happens at Rice and Stanford, which are two of the best academic institutions in the country, and it doesn't happen at Mississippi State.

1/3/2012, 04:37 PM

I want you to know, that if we get into some really heavy ****, I'll be behind you guys every step of the way.

1/3/2012, 04:41 PM
I think the Stanford and Rice bands are everything that a college marching band should be at a football game. A&M can take their little dog and pony show to the parade ground where it belongs.

This stuff is not SRS BZNS, and is more fun than sitting on your hands watching a showtunes medley played at medium volume while people in fancy hats do side-steps.

There's a reason this happens at Rice and Stanford, which are two of the best academic institutions in the country, and it doesn't happen at Mississippi State.

I agree with all of this, but I do like to see a traditional band from time to time. The Stanford band looks like it's having a blast, and that is awesome. Having said that, there were some goofy looking mofo's in that band.

1/3/2012, 04:47 PM
I'm sure there are marching-band competitions around that people can attend if they're into that sort of thing. I look at it like competitive cheer-leading. There are people that are into it, but rarely are they the same people that are into football. They both remain attached to football and other sports, but I really don't know why. I've talked to band folks and cheerleaders who see the football games as an unfortunate side-effect of preparing for their "real job" of performing at competitions.

Fine, then take off and we'll get some fun people who want to be there and have a good time at a football game.

stoops the eternal pimp
1/3/2012, 04:53 PM
I enjoyed the Stanford band at the Sun Bowl..The way they made fun of OU and Oklahoma was funny...

But by half time, I was over it...Just kind of got stale.

1/3/2012, 04:56 PM
I want you to know, that if we get into some really heavy ****, I'll be behind you guys every step of the way.

Can I be "The Big Toe"......!

1/3/2012, 06:13 PM
I would love to see Boomer Sooner played even more to be honest.......

I believe they do need to update the tunes they play in between however.....the Mortal Kombat tune deals with a movie that was out when most of the kids werent even born yet. (etc).

Also, being a former band member the Stanford band is an absolute disgrace. Kinda like a deranged bunch of idiots with no musical skill whatsoever.

1/3/2012, 06:15 PM
Also, being a former band member the Stanford band is an absolute disgrace. Kinda like a deranged bunch of idiots with no musical skill whatsoever.

There's a fine line between making fun of others and going too far with insults. Rice is on the fun side and Stanford is on the insult side.

The day they meet Texas A&M is the day they die. No joke. If Rice was "conduct unbecoming of a band" in the 70s, the Aggies will absolutely murder 'em.

1/3/2012, 07:08 PM
Having said that, there were some goofy looking mofo's in that band.

They're too stoned to care.

1/3/2012, 07:18 PM
Can I be "The Big Toe"......!

Chicks dig me, because, I rarely wear underwear, and when I do, it's usually something unusual.

1/3/2012, 08:11 PM
Chicks dig me, because, I rarely wear underwear, and when I do, it's usually something unusual.

Is this YOU?

A Sooner in Texas
1/3/2012, 08:51 PM
I agree with all of this, but I do like to see a traditional band from time to time. The Stanford band looks like it's having a blast, and that is awesome. Having said that, there were some goofy looking mofo's in that band.

This more your speed, Sic?


1/3/2012, 09:32 PM
http://www.papuatrekking.com/uploads/images/fotky/Papua_tree_people_Kombai (9).JPG

Is this YOU?

No, I'm only black from the waist down.

1/4/2012, 10:17 AM
Brian Britt does not approve this thread.

Fire Brian Britt!!!

1/4/2012, 10:19 AM
Also, being a former band member the Stanford band is an absolute disgrace. Kinda like a deranged bunch of idiots with no musical skill whatsoever.

Thats their schtick! No one ever said they had musical talent. Sarcasm, dark humor and some creativeness is what I think of the Stanford band. Musical talent - never.

1/4/2012, 12:35 PM
I don't go to a football game to make sure all my 16th notes are on pitch during the thrilling rendition of the Saturday Night Fever theme.

1/4/2012, 01:21 PM
I was in the band because it was fun, and I got to go to all the home, away, and bowl games free for 4 years. :D

1/4/2012, 01:40 PM
Several years ago, UVa had a band similar to Stanford's. The Cavaliers played West Virginia in some no-name bowl when Mark Warner was governor, and they did some sort of outhouse gag as their halftime routine. The scramble band had pulled some tasteless pranks in the past, but evidently this stunt was shown on TV and Warner was furious. He even found a big UVa donor to endow a marching band program. Naturally, Jerry Brown can have no say over what that junior college* in Palo Alto does.

*Its offical name is the Leland Stanford Junior University.

1/4/2012, 05:38 PM
On a sidenote, OP has a long thread going on their hatred of the Stanford band. It's actually kind of cute. They're actually considering making us their second-least favorite fanbase. Bawww, look at the widdle Pokes all grown up and seeing that there's actually much worse fanbases out there than one within their own state borders.

You mean a band can be disrespectful and classless in ways other than repeatedly playing their school fight song? You mean bands will actually have the nerve to play through your bowl trophy presentation and alma mater (reportedly that's what Stanford's did). You mean bands will have halftime shows dedicated to making fun of your home state in a disrespectful way? Ooooooooo! We had no idea! We suddenly are not as annoyed with hearing Boomer Sooner repeatedly! [hairGel]

Stanford band played through our trophy presentation at the Sun Bowl. They band also made fun of Oklahoma at the halftime of the Sun Bowl. Their band is classless as we stayed at the same hotel as their band in El Paso. At least their head of the band didn't wear a skunk costume like he did at the Sun Bowl! :) The night they lost they were going through the hotel banging on doors. OSU fans were annoying in Tempe and Scottsdale on Saturday against OU fans which makes it even funnier they found worse fans! Too funny!