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View Full Version : New Years Day...and no bowl games.

1/1/2012, 01:25 PM
Nothing. Just the sluggo NFL hogs.

Geez. New Years is for college.

1/1/2012, 01:33 PM

1/1/2012, 01:33 PM
A quirk of the calender . . .

1/1/2012, 01:54 PM
This is exactly why Sunday Christmases and New Year's suck out loud.

Thank God it will be another 5 years before it happens again.

1/1/2012, 01:55 PM
Annoying as hell. I don't watch Neffel, other than to occasionally check our guys progress after moving on.

1/1/2012, 01:57 PM
Just the sluggo NFL hogs.

1/1/2012, 08:08 PM
We'll be at the Gator Bowl tomorrow, our first cold day of the year, apparently. Now where the hell did I put that parka, it might hit 40, I'm gonna freeze my beehind off. Not necessarily a bad thing, I suppose.

1/1/2012, 08:11 PM
Too many bowl games these days. I liked it when you had a great season, you played on New Year's Day. And for us that meant prime time at the Orange Bowl.

1/1/2012, 08:24 PM
Having at least one a day from Christmas to New years was always a treat IMO. ESPN has changed that tradition. The other day we had like 7 Bowl Games in one day! It was OK but I didn't really even do a good job of bouncing back and forth between them. Another thing is that we now have DVRs so we can always record all these games and spread them out if we want....but really it would have been better if ESPN had scheduled them all a bit differently.

They are now a Bowl Monopoly and the only way Fans will put an end to this BS is to just quit watching and let the market share fall. if they can't get sponsors and ratings....they will either stop covering them and let other Majors bid on the games or new Companies will figure out a way to cover them on a pay per view type situation maybe.

I think the way things panned out this year really sucks.

1/2/2012, 10:49 AM

1/3/2012, 08:03 AM
Tell that to the billion dollar tv contracts. Literally, billions of dollars.