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View Full Version : Stoops comments more on player problems

12/29/2011, 03:51 PM
Linky (http://www.tulsaworld.com/sportsextra/OU/article.aspx?subjectid=92&articleid=20111229_92_0_PRDSAL946450)

Asked whether he had, in fact, "put his foot down," Stoops spoke with a direct, forceful tone that suggested he could be talking to his own players.

"I put my foot down every year this time of year," he began. "There have always been guys that all of a sudden aren't back, or as people see all of a sudden they are transferring. Some of them have been told they need to transfer because I'm not renewing their scholarship. And for a variety of reasons, whether it be continual and habitual skipping class, not being eligible to play or suspended from practice for these academic reasons, or for drug testing reasons, or for walking out or skipping out on a weight room workout.

"You are here to go to school and be a heck of a football player, or at least try to be. And if you are not living up to those obligations, you are not earning your way and you are bringing the team down... I'm not saying all these guys, but some of them, that's what happens."

It sounds like Travis' comments got Stoops to be a little bit more public with how he handles crap like this... and I like it. I like knowing that unlike the fan grumblings and whispers, he isn't growing complacent with his bulging bank account or satisfied with past accomplishments or just a 10-win season.

12/29/2011, 03:58 PM
Here (http://newsok.com/ou-football-bob-stoops-says-sooners-defections-magnified-only-because-of-disappointing-season/article/3635862)'s another article on it.

12/29/2011, 04:01 PM
Bottom line, and I hope Stoops would agree with this, the coaches need to do a better job of evaluating talent. We have been good in some areas and not so good in others, and it's something that the staff has to remain constantly aware of. Recruiting is what makes programs good, and if we are being lazy or taking the easy way out rather than working hard and picking out the guys that the coaches think fit the best, then we need to re-apply ourselves to the recruiting trail and get things done.

12/29/2011, 04:05 PM
Weed out the bad apples.

12/29/2011, 04:08 PM
What's he saying? I don't think I like his condescending tone. I got my Masters from East Handkerchief...

12/29/2011, 04:12 PM
What's he saying? I don't think I like his condescending tone. I got my Masters from East Handkerchief...

At least he didn't say Little Sisters of Poor like tOSU's president did. tOSU's president said he gave a big donation to the Sisters after he said that :D

(in case you didn't hear, link (http://espn.go.com/college-football/story/_/id/6871317/ohio-state-buckeyes-president-gordon-gee-atones-little-sisters-poor-joke). a happy ending)

12/29/2011, 04:15 PM
I have a high school buddy who coaches ice hockey in the North East at an academically rigorous school. He also has two sons who are absolute dreams of kids, smart, courteous, truly caring. And yet, when dranking last year he gave me a wonderful quote. "It is impossible to overestimate the periodic stupidity of 18-22 year old males."

And those of us who had been such and remembered things like competitive rolling of burning tractor tires down long hills (alcohol was most definitely involved) nodded and accepted his words at face value.

Stoops makes a lot of money, but I'm not sure I'd trade him given that his livelihood relies on the performance, and behaviour issues, of a bannana boat load of knuckleheads. He must have a cast-iron stomach.

12/29/2011, 04:16 PM
What's he saying? I don't think I like his condescending tone. I got my Masters from East Handkerchief...

It's just another polite STFU that you continue to ignore. No big deal. Just ignore it like you have all the others....you'll be fine.

12/29/2011, 04:38 PM
It's just another polite STFU that you continue to ignore. No big deal. Just ignore it like you have all the others....you'll be fine.

No.. no... from Stoops it hurts a little. I always consider the source. That's why the others are ignored.

12/29/2011, 04:45 PM
At least he didn't say Little Sisters of Poor like tOSU's president did. tOSU's president said he gave a big donation to the Sisters after he said that :D

(in case you didn't hear, link (http://espn.go.com/college-football/story/_/id/6871317/ohio-state-buckeyes-president-gordon-gee-atones-little-sisters-poor-joke). a happy ending)

Gee's a complete fraud and always full of allsomeness when it comes to sticking his foot in his mouth.

At Vandy he was advocating Vandy dropping intercollegiate athletics altogether in an effort to play up to the highbrows.

12/29/2011, 04:46 PM
I wish the NCAA would change the rules so that coaches could interact with players who are on scholarship, enrolled, and all of that jazz year-round. All that offseason optional stuff is a crock and everyone knows it. If you're trying to be competitively balanced, they should have put their foot down long ago, before coaches salaries were $5 mil annually and TV deals are near the B-word (billion, sillies! not the other B-word)

12/29/2011, 05:04 PM
No.. no... from Stoops it hurts a little. I always consider the source. That's why the others are ignored.

It should hurt more than a little.....

I think he's coming right out and really telling just you to STFU....I think a little "Thank You" from Bob would have been nice. :D ;)


You still have a nice curveball......

12/29/2011, 05:14 PM
You talkin' to me? Well I'm the only one here. Jeffery Dahmer? I love that guy!

VA Sooner
12/29/2011, 05:19 PM
I like the way Stoops is handling it. And I'm sorry that T-Lew may have exposed some of what Stoops has been keeping under wraps, the professional that he is trying to be, but I feel much better knowing Stoops isn't complacent about what's been going on lately in the locker room and on the field. Weed out the bad apples... take out the ones holding the team down. More schollys for incoming players from high school and JUCOs and more competition from the walk-ons and let them earn their spots on the team.

Thank god T-Lew decided to break his "vow of silence" just in time. Go to Tempe with a pared down team but much better psyche... Corey Nelson will have to get used to the fact that the dead weights had to go (see posted article on SoonerNation.com)... the rest of the transfers are for personal reasons and I can respect that.


12/29/2011, 09:36 PM
And those of us who had been such and remembered things like competitive rolling of burning tractor tires down long hills (alcohol was most definitely involved) nodded and accepted his words at face value.
Never did that but I vaguely remember waking up next to a trash dumpster in the O'Connell's parking lot after a night of Everclear punch....
My friend and I were talking about stuff like that at dinner before he left for the South Pole last month, it's amazing with all the crap we did in our youth we never got into any legal trouble or accidents (cars/motorcycles) when doing that type of stuff.

12/30/2011, 12:39 AM
I don't see this as much as bad athletic skill evaluation as not having the right information for good intellectual/psychological evaluation. Today's coaches are much more limited in their direct time with the recruits. Yes, they can talk to HS coaches and administrators and other so-called advisers, but are they getting honest answers to their questions. Is a HS coach really going to tell a college coach that the kid has incredible talent but refuses to go to class and acts like a prima donna at practice?

I'm glad that Stoops is culling the herd but hope that the need to do so is greatly diminished from now on.

12/30/2011, 02:17 AM
Bottom line, and I hope Stoops would agree with this, the coaches need to do a better job of evaluating talent. We have been good in some areas and not so good in others, and it's something that the staff has to remain constantly aware of. Recruiting is what makes programs good, and if we are being lazy or taking the easy way out rather than working hard and picking out the guys that the coaches think fit the best, then we need to re-apply ourselves to the recruiting trail and get things done.

I say coaching is more important than recruiting. Look at teams that always get top recruits, example Florida State.

jkm, the stolen pifwafwi
12/30/2011, 03:03 AM
I don't see this as much as bad athletic skill evaluation as not having the right information for good intellectual/psychological evaluation. Today's coaches are much more limited in their direct time with the recruits. Yes, they can talk to HS coaches and administrators and other so-called advisers, but are they getting honest answers to their questions. Is a HS coach really going to tell a college coach that the kid has incredible talent but refuses to go to class and acts like a prima donna at practice?

I'm glad that Stoops is culling the herd but hope that the need to do so is greatly diminished from now on.

I think the bigger issue is whether a college coach could afford the credibility hit to demand a drug test before they got an offer.

12/30/2011, 03:32 AM
Bottom line, and I hope Stoops would agree with this, the coaches need to do a better job of evaluating talent. We have been good in some areas and not so good in others, and it's something that the staff has to remain constantly aware of. Recruiting is what makes programs good, and if we are being lazy or taking the easy way out rather than working hard and picking out the guys that the coaches think fit the best, then we need to re-apply ourselves to the recruiting trail and get things done.

You should pass this on up to Stoops himself. Tell him to do a better job of predicting how a Teenager is going to pan out for the next several years on and off the field.

Peach Fuzz
12/30/2011, 05:19 AM
This thread makes my head hurt. Carry on.

12/30/2011, 08:47 AM
I loved it..

12/30/2011, 11:10 AM
Okay, so I'm the parent of a bone-headed 18yo boy. Some days it takes all of the love, patience, and experience I have as a parent to deal with this kid. Some days I have to pray for patience and guidance. Some days are great and I see glimpses of the wonderful man he can potentially grow into.
Teenager are hard. Teenage boys are even worse. Teenage boys who are away from home for the first time, who don't have a parent watching them 24/7, who are around a bunch of other bone-headed idiots all day long and want to emulate them have got to be beyond ridiculous.
Honestly, if I were an assistant coach, I probably would have knocked someone's teeth out by now. When I think about it, I don't think Stoops or any other coach in all of CFB really make enough money to have to put up with that **** all the time.
Instead of speculating, second-guessing, or anything else, I'm just gonna pray that Bob and staff make the best decisions they possibly can and when its obvious they were wrong, they get it fixed.

12/30/2011, 03:25 PM
I feel like a broken record, but until proven otherwise, Bob will right this ship! I love this article. If you add in the phrase, "you dumbass!" to the end of every paragraph, it makes sense. Bob just doesn't really have the time, nor the inclination, to always spell every thing out for the media and whiny *** fans.

12/30/2011, 04:53 PM
I feel like a broken record, but until proven otherwise, Bob will right this ship! I love this article. If you add in the phrase, "you dumbass!" to the end of every paragraph, it makes sense. Bob just doesn't really have the time, nor the inclination, to always spell every thing out for the media and whiny *** fans.

A thing of Beauty....!!

12/30/2011, 06:43 PM
I think Bob will right the ship also.

I don't think, however, that malcontents that barely or never played are the problem. They are a problem, but not THE problem.

12/30/2011, 08:00 PM
I feel like a broken record, but until proven otherwise, Bob will right this ship! I love this article. If you add in the phrase, "you dumbass!" to the end of every paragraph, it makes sense. Bob just doesn't really have the time, nor the inclination, to always spell every thing out for the media and whiny *** fans.

Hear, hear!

Well said!

12/30/2011, 08:21 PM
That's the second or third time I've heard him mention failed drug test. Do we know who?