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RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
12/28/2011, 01:05 PM
Gary Johnson, former Gov. of NM has announced he is running for president as 3rd partier, Libertarian.

12/28/2011, 01:09 PM
Gary Johnson, former Gov. of NM has announced he is running for president as 3rd partier, Libertarian.

Who's his top competition, Trump? :D

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
12/28/2011, 01:12 PM
Who's his top competition, Trump? :DTrump, Gingrich, Bachmann, or whoever gets the R nomination.

12/28/2011, 01:13 PM
Trump, Gingrich, Bachmann, or whoever gets the R nomination.

:mad: I meant for the third party spot, not actual competition, Rushie.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
12/28/2011, 01:16 PM
:mad: I meant for the third party spot, not actual competition, Rushie.2 entities pulling for the conservative vote in the general erection = re-erection for Dear Leader!

12/28/2011, 01:21 PM
2 entities pulling for the conservative vote in the general erection = re-erection for Dear Leader!

Well Rush, look on the bright side: If the one you call "Dear Leader" dies while in power, one of his children likely won't take over unlike in North Korea. :P

:D Although I would love to see your head explode at the thought of two little girls leading the American armed forces

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
12/28/2011, 01:27 PM
:D Although I would love to see your head explode at the thought of two little girls leading the American armed forcesThe National Police, you mean.

12/28/2011, 01:36 PM
Libertarian Johnson would probably pull as many votes from Obama as he would the pub nominee.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
12/28/2011, 01:40 PM
Libertarian Johnson would probably pull as many votes from Obama as he would the pub nominee.Oh sure he would. Much like the way Perot pulled votes away from Clinton...twice. haha

12/28/2011, 01:50 PM
The National Police, you mean.

We are Team America. Furk year!

12/28/2011, 01:59 PM
Oh sure he would. Much like the way Perot pulled votes away from Clinton...twice. haha

Perot wasn't pro-pot smoking was he?

12/28/2011, 02:03 PM
good for him! The two party system sucks donkey balls.

bipartisanship = low conservative taxes and liberal government services.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
12/28/2011, 02:04 PM
Perot wasn't pro-pot smoking was he?Go ahead and celebrate. Don't hold back. GLOAT!

12/28/2011, 02:24 PM
Go ahead and celebrate. Don't hold back. GLOAT!

I didn't vote for Obama. I voted for Clinton and McCain. I may vote for Johnson, not sure. I won't vote for Bachmann, Santorum, Paul, Perry, or that pizza guy.

And I voted for Gov. Arnold twice. See I vote for pubs sometimes. They gotta be pubs who believe in freedom.

12/28/2011, 02:44 PM
One would think that Paul would draw any serious Libertarian votes.

We'll know a lot more this time next week.

I would imagine that Santorum, Bachmann and Perry will all be gone by then. Santorum and Bachmann because if they don't win Iowa, having camped out there for the last 4 years, it'll be obvious that the voters are treating them as dingbats. Perry because the voters will have demonstrated that being pathetically stupid and a born again might get you elected governor of Texas, but won't work if more than half the voters can read.

Huntsman then becomes the wild card. Easily the most intelligent of the Republican candidates, can he stay clear of Newt's melt down and place at least a respectable 2nd to Romney in New Hampshire? Paul might pull out a surprise there, especially if he scores well in Iowa (NH is wildly devoted to personal liberty, so a lot of his message will resonate).

As weird as it seems, you can draw a map that leads to a Romney, Huntsman race with Newt limping along and Ron Paul gathering the harder right by default. Although that might disappoint more fundamentalist Republicans, it might also be a more dangerous ticket from Obama's point of view.

Sectarian clashes on the right side of the spectrum (although we don't really have either right or left in this country - both our major parties are grouped so close to the middle/trending right that foreign political science types have difficulty delineating any differences between them) help Obama without a doubt. But there is a lot of track left and this thing will likely get a lot more interesting before it's decided.

This is a year in which anyone running as a Republican should beat Obama by 20 points. A true landslide of Reaganesque stature and yet, due to a virtual lack of any candidates (I include not only those who are running, but those who aren't. Who could have run this year on the R side who would have galvanized the faithful? Boehnner? It's a party with few ideas and fewer champions), the Republicans will be lucky to pull off a 3-5 point victory.

12/28/2011, 04:19 PM
It's no wonder that Iowa clings so desperately to its "first in nation" status --- those candidates probably spend a fortune in that state to get a head start on campaigning.

Since it doesn't look like skipping Iowa is an option anymore, New Hampshire really must hate Iowa now. In the past, candidates would forgo Iowa to get a head start on New Hampshire... quite likely that they're all spending a majority of time in Iowa, instead.

Another opportunity to once again say: The feds need to put their foot down. Create a national primary day, or at the very least, determine the order of primaries yourself. The feds set the national election day, they should also be able to set the primary days.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
12/28/2011, 04:28 PM
The R's ought take up having a single day for primary erections. They could get that done at the convention, I would think. I don't think that is under control of the fed. govt, but instead a party issue, and/or a states' issue. Whoever knows how that works should chime in here.(I know, one could prolly Google it up)

12/28/2011, 06:35 PM
Gary Johnson, former Gov. of NM has announced he is running for president as 3rd partier, Libertarian.

if he gets more than 1.1% of the vote he will set a record for libertarian canidates

12/28/2011, 07:55 PM
Johnson would pull very few votes but Paul would make sure Obama is re-elected...

12/28/2011, 10:38 PM
The R's ought take up having a single day for primary erections. They could get that done at the convention, I would think. I don't think that is under control of the fed. govt, but instead a party issue, and/or a states' issue. Whoever knows how that works should chime in here.(I know, one could prolly Google it up)

Both national parties try to have some control of when the primaries are, but it's the states legislatures that decide when they are going to hold primaries. The only thing the national party can do is not count them in the delegate count.

12/28/2011, 10:44 PM
Johnson would pull very few votes but Paul would make sure Obama is re-elected... If the Rs put anyone but Paul or Romney in there, I'll abstain.

12/29/2011, 12:52 PM
Johnson is himself aware that his position on same-sex marriage may pull votes away from the major party candidates, particularly from President Obama.

“I’m the only one advocating for marriage equality,” Johnson told The Daily Caller. “If I were gay, that would really be an important issue for me.”

Johnson added, “What I’m being asked right now is, ‘Aren’t you going to ensure Obama’s re-election?’”

“I may well take more votes from Obama because of gay rights,” he conceded, but also “because of the war, because of the war on drugs, you can really go down the list.”

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
12/29/2011, 01:08 PM
Nobody does entitlements like the D's, and that is why most D voters stick with their party.

12/29/2011, 03:53 PM
It's always been interesting to me, Rush, that the stereotypes are that Republicans are money grubbing, souless *******s who'd drive over a homeless mother and her starving children to get to happy hour at the country club on time. And that Democrats are selfless strivers after the most good for the greatest number types who'd give you the shirt off their back.
And then the rhetoric from Dems is that they can't understand why more people don't 'vote their economic interest' and rah, rah labor unions demanding more money. Always the money. Whereas Republicans drone on and on endlessly about individual liberty and 'values' .
'Twould appear, if one wished to rush to a conclusion, that perhaps the stereotypes got confused somewhere along the way.

12/29/2011, 03:55 PM
'Twould appear, if one wished to rush to a conclusion, that perhaps the stereotypes got confused somewhere along the way.

The parties have changed over time, so it's not completely about stereotypes, or realities. For example, Republicans are proud to be the Party of Lincoln, and that moniker actually meant that for the longest time, many blacks voted Republican. Not so much anymore.

12/29/2011, 04:26 PM
I suppose I was merely slamming the rhetoric of the lowest-common-denominator types like Begala.