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12/26/2011, 05:51 PM
I seriously would like to know. I know nothing about their team/season.
I leave tomorrow for Des Moines to help my candidate in the Iowa caucus. I won't say who he is but he is not a yankee or either of the guys from texas.
Since I am going to be in Iowa for the game I need some insight (no pun intended) on our opponent in the Insight Bowl. I will be in Des Moines driving around in a car sporting OU & Sooner stickers so I would like to be prepared for smack. Who/what is their big rival, humiliating loss, recent bowl record? Is their coach a human or is he more like mack brown? Where are they tender? On what does their program hang it's hat or brag about?
I don't even know what type of offense they run. They are Iowa and in the Big X so I assume a real boring one.

BTW stay out of the left lane if you are North-bound on I-35 tomorrow, I will be in a hurry.

12/26/2011, 05:57 PM
Iowa State is a big rival and humiliating loss this year even though they weren't a very good team this year. Pretty good in bowl games, won the Orange a couple years ago, they prepare well. Ferentz is a good coach, gets quite a bit out of his players. Pro style Offense, pink visitors locker room.

12/26/2011, 06:08 PM
Here are two posts I made about Iowa on a thread now on page 5:

Iowa was held to 21 points or less in four of their five losses with only the game against Iowa State being a shootout, 41-44 (and the score was inflated due to going to triple OT, it was 24-all at the end of regulation). Other losses were to Penn State, Minnesota, Michigan State and Nebraska, so two of their five losses were to teams not ranked in the Top 25. They did not play Ohio State or Wisconsin.

Their QB, James Vandenberg was second in the Big 10 in yards passing/game (233.8) and was third in total passing yards (2306)(in comparison, he would have finished sixth and seventh in the Big XII in these two categories), throwing for 23 TD's, 6 INT's and was sacked 26 times.

Iowa went 1-3 vs Top 25, beating Tennessee Tech, Pittsburg, La-Monroe, Northwestern, Indiana, Michigan and Purdue. The Hawkeye defense stopped Michigan from tying the game on four attempts from the three-yard line to preserve the win, however, all four plays were passes since there was not enough time for Michigan to stop the clock on a failed rushing attempt.

Playing against Big 10 teams they were more conservative offensively than Oklahoma and have not faced a spread or prolific passing team like OU, OSU or Baylor.

The book on Kirk Ferentz in bowl games:

December 29, 2001
Alamo Bowl W Texas Tech 19 16

January 2, 2003
Orange Bowl L Southern California 17 38

January 1, 2004
Outback Bowl W Florida 37 17

January 1, 2005
Capital One Bowl W LSU 30 25

January 2, 2006
Outback Bowl L Florida 24 31

December 29, 2006
Alamo Bowl L Texas 24 26

January 1, 2009
Outback Bowl W South Carolina 31 10

January 5, 2010
Orange Bowl W Georgia Tech 24 14

December 28, 2010
Insight Bowl W Missouri 27 24

6-3 overall
1-1 in BCS bowls
2-1 vs. teams from the Big XII
He also has done something Bob has not, beaten LSU and Florida in a bowl game. Like Bob, he lost to USC in one.

12/26/2011, 06:22 PM
He was one of the field surgeons in MASH.

12/26/2011, 06:33 PM
A guide to Iowa fans for Sooner fans. (http://www.blackheartgoldpants.com/2011/12/16/2639900/a-guide-to-iowa-fans-for-oklahoma-fans)

For any Iowa lurkers that are lurking, here is a quick guide to Sooner fans for Iowa fans:

http://normantranscript.com/archive/x1448538417/g25800000000000000006dd89b518c6f0ef981adda6fa4cc47 3286cf1a0.jpg

You might have seen students like this on TV. Or adults like this:


Please know that this is not representative of our entire fanbase. You are more likely to encounter a Sooner fan in a coaches polo and visor so they can look as much like Bob Stoops as possible. Even some women, yes.


Please don't ask us to explain why the "Boomer" comes before the "Sooner" because we all know our state history and know that the reverse is true. Perhaps the cheerleaders decided to go in alphabetical order, or just held up the wrong sign long ago and it caught on. Regardless, it's "Boomer Sooner." And there's no explanation why.


You have a patron saint in Hay-Den, we have a King in Barry Switzer. Why? He won a lot.

This is the "Bud" in the "Bud, Barry and Bob" t-shirts you might see roaming around. All you need to know is that all three won national titles, so we love them.

You might get confused or just hear the "Bob Barry" part of the "Bud, Barry and Bob" thing, but that's OK, it's easy to get the B-words mixed up (once again, BOOMER before SOONER). Bob Barry is a late, but longtime radio announcer for OU football, so naturally, every Sooner fan thought they could personally do better. The truth is that they all coveted a paid gig where they could watch nothing but Sooner football 24/7.


Yes, you are hearing our band play that song from that musical about the singing and dancing cowboys, but to be fair, you guys had your own little musical number mentioning Iowa in "The Music Man." If your band starts blaring "You really ought to give Iowa a try" I will LOL.


We can certainly sympathize with your state's meth problem, but I can assure you that our fans are going to be addicted to beer, not meth. However, most of us definitely crave tobacco, so if you have asthma, bring an extra inhaler.

Unless the Sooner fan is old or disabled, and likely even if they are, they will be standing. This is even if every other person behind them is sitting and begging or demanding that they sit down. Just be lucky enough to not be behind a Sooner student, because they stand on the bleachers, not just the concrete in front of the bleacher. You can call security if you want, but it would just be better to condition yourself to stand for three hours, or sit in shame that an 80-year-old Sooner fan is in better shape than you.

Show a Sooner fan where to buy a beer and you'll have a friend for a day. Give a Sooner fan a beer and you'll have a friend for life. Yes, even if its Natty Light. We drink alcohol, even in alcohol-free university stadiums. Make a Sooner fan for life and they just might give you one of their 50 pocket shots to pour into your $10 stadium soda. Mmmm, vodka and stadium coke is much better than stadium coke...

You probably have heard something about our ongoing hate of the NCAA. Please be assured that we are nothing like your Big Ten overlords of THE Ohio State University. We just get caught with our hand in the cookie jar, that's all. And then we pay for the cookie. As I'm sure you all know, the fatsos at tOSU have been snacking on free cookies for years before getting caught. But yes, eff the NCAA.

A first-year professor admitted to me once that he once was in utter shock when he saw a stadium of 85k Sooners appear to give the nazi salute, before realizing that they were actually just holding one finger in the air. The university is desperately trying to give meaning to this thing now, with a "There's only ONE Oklahoma" campaign... but before then, it was just kind of holding one finger in the air I guess. It's for the OU chant... not to be confused with chanting OU, which we'll do a lot.

That probably about covers it.

rock on sooner
12/26/2011, 07:52 PM
Vandenberg not so good in up tempo...pretty good downfield...watch McNutt (big body, good hands) but don't overlook
#2 Keenan-Davis..no real story on RB..top 2 suspended...good chance our D can "do good".

On D, Hawkeyes haven't seen anything like our "O" when it is in gear. Heartburn for their DC, Sooners have to be on
their game (e.g. *, 3rd qtr KSU, etc.)

12/26/2011, 07:55 PM
Here's a post I made on the LT and Scout sites. Wasn't able to start a new thread here, so just been waiting for an appropriate thread to drop this in. Without further ado...

Iowa Essentials

I think we're far enough removed from both of our disappointing regular seasons to be able to start to focus more on our bowl game. With that in mind, here is what I think you need to know about the Hawkeye football program. My apologies if it get's a little lengthy (as it probably will).

Iowa has been a top 40 program historically with ups and downs over the decades. More recently, we're in top 20 range with our worst season(s) being around the .500 mark in the past ten years.

Hawkeye fans are quite passionate and you'll likely see about 20-25,000 at the Insight Bowl. Most are good natured folks who just want to enjoy the festivities. There will be a few that don't handle their alcohol well, but typically we police our own fairly well and keep the jerks in their place.

The 2011 edition of the Hawkeyes has been a bit of a disappointment to quite a few fans. Not necessarily the 7-5 record, because we had to replace 8 seniors from last year who are now playing in the NFL (Clayborn, Ballard, Klug, Tarpinian, Sash, Stanzi, Reisner and Donahue), but rather due to losses to Minnesota and Iowa St. We also didn't seem to be able to compete very well with Michigan St. and Nebraska who basically lined up and pounded it down our throats (more on this a bit later). Chalk up the inconsistency due to the inexperience on the team. Things are looking up for next year due to an upgrade of the incoming talent.

As far as coaching philosophy goes, Ferentz tends to approach things in an NFL-minded manner. Some would argue that we have underachieved due to the number of players sent to the NFL (#8 in the nation) and a program that doesn't consistently reach that level. I would argue that we just haven't had enough gamebreakers to be able to put people away. Iowa emphasizes fundamentals and execution. When we have good talent and experience, the Hawkeyes are a really tough out for anyone in the nation.

The offense is about ball possession. Setting up the run game to then be able to take advantage with play-action passing. Coker is a bruising back that needs to run N/S to be effective. No lateral quickness whatsoever. He should look much fresher in the bowl game as he was beat to a pulp by the end of the season. We have a great one waiting in the wings (McCall), who broke his leg and then bitched on Facebook about lack of playing time once he got healthy and was suspended for the Nebraska game. When/if he comes back is anyone's guess, but the kid has a ton of ability. (edit: Since we're trying to keep up with you guys in the running back dept. you will now likey see a smattering of Canzeri (Finch-like), Johnson and Bullock. None of them are in triple digits for the season with Johnson being the most experienced. I have no idea what to expect from this bunch. I just hope they hold on to the ball. Canzeri is explosive, not as quick as Finch, but faster. Google his HS highlight reel for some good stuff.

Our QB has a great arm, but also has been maddeningly inconsistent. He's great at home and a total adventure on the road. Since we're the away team in Tempe I'll assume we get road Vandenburg for now and hope we can get a good running game going against you. When the kid gets to play at Kinnick, he's a very good QB, so it will be interesting to see just which player shows up. He has a good set of receivers to throw to in Iowa's all time best, Mc Nutt, Davis and Martin-Manley. TE has been a missing piece this year, but it looks like CJ Fiedorowicz has come on toward the end of the season in a program that has had some really good ones over the past several years.

Our OC can be very frustrating for many fans as it seems that if something is working well, he'll go away from it just to keep a balanced attack. We tend to run 50/50 run vs pass, but can get predictable especially when things aren't going well (go into a shell of sorts), with the exception of the Pittsburgh game where necessity forced us into an Oklahoma-like no huddle that allowed us to overcome a 21 point deficit in the fourth quarter with Vandenberg winging the ball all over the place.

On defense (in the past), it's been all about making a team one-dimensional by stopping the run, allow short, underneath passes and making a team drive the length of the field in a controlled manner only to settle for a FG when they can't put the ball in the end zone. With the DL talent we've had in the past, this worked very well. This year there has been a dropoff after having to replace three of the four starters. This has lead to teams being able to mount a power run game against us, committing more players to stop it and then getting burned in the passing game. Losing both safeties has been a very big deal although Bernstine has stepped up as a good SS. Where in the past Iowa has not had to blitz much to generate a pass rush, we've seen a lot more blitzing this year and for a team that isn't used to blizting, it isn't very pretty. Your best bet is to get to third and long where we give up first downs at an alarming rate. This isn't the same defense that Iowa fans are used to seeing.

With that said, the bigger deficiencies this year rest on the offense. When they aren't able to possess the ball, then the defense has been on the field a lot longer and given up drives where in the past they wouldn't have. All the pieces are engineered to work together to win a game and that just hasn't happened enough this year.

Special teams play has also been spotty with a decent, but not solid placekicker who makes it to the 5 yd line on good days, a punter who will kick a nice, hanging 50 yarder one time and then shank the next, and coverage teams that just haven't been fast or big enough to limit opponents in the field position department. Our return game is not spectacular as it typically has been.

So bottom line for you guys is that Iowa has to play clean, well-executed football to have any chance of winning this game. They really haven't been able to do that for the most part this season. Hopefully a lot of growth can occur during bowl practice time or it could get out of hand in a hurry. I do take solace in the fact that Ferentz does usually have his guys ready to go by the end of December, but we just have so much ground to make up in quality of play that I'm not sure they'll be ready to go by then. Indicators to watch will be Coker (or whomever) getting 4-5 yards consistently in a north/south manner, Vandenberg being accurate in his delivery and an ability of our defense to stop your run game. If any of that doesn't happen (and the usual turnovers and penalties), then the Hawks will be in a world of hurt. If I were your OC, I'd put Millard in an I formation and just pound the ball up the middle. I think we actually match up with your spread attack better than this approach, especially with Jones not being a very mobile QB. On defense, I would just bring the kitchen sink until Iowa proves they can burn you.

Good luck to you guys and safe travels to those making the trip. Looking forward to some good discussion!

rock on sooner
12/26/2011, 08:02 PM
Well, Brewhawk, without Coker and a complete unkown at RB, I dunno what to say, but Ferentz seems to find someone.
Guess we'll see...we have so many injuries, transfers, attitude issues,...just hard to figure...will be fun to watch.

P.S., I'm in Des Moines so, well, you know.......

VA Sooner
12/26/2011, 08:45 PM
Brewhawk, thanks for the update. Agree... both teams licking their wounds and have something to prove. Let's hope they leave it all out on the field.

12/26/2011, 09:14 PM
Wasn't OU at one time this year anticipating an Iowa RB to transfer in?

12/26/2011, 09:17 PM
Badger... You forgot to mention that we yell Sooners at the end of the Anthem

12/26/2011, 10:49 PM

Thanks for posting this info. Interesting & informative.

12/26/2011, 11:25 PM
Iowa. My grand father was from Rising Sun, Iowa, which is so small I don't know where it is. The only thing I know for sure it that it get so damn cold in Iowa in the winter, (Iowa is closed in the winter due to weather) that there will be tons of Haweyes in Arizona for the game or simple to watch a checker match, anything to get out of Iowa for a few weeks in the winter.

12/27/2011, 02:31 AM
A guide to Iowa fans for Sooner fans. (http://www.blackheartgoldpants.com/2011/12/16/2639900/a-guide-to-iowa-fans-for-oklahoma-fans)

Please don't ask us to explain why the "Boomer" comes before the "Sooner" because we all know our state history and know that the reverse is true. Perhaps the cheerleaders decided to go in alphabetical order, or just held up the wrong sign long ago and it caught on. Regardless, it's "Boomer Sooner." And there's no explanation why.

Actually, the state history DOES explain it if you go back to the ORIGINAL Boomers! They were the group who got the Unassigned Lands in Indian Territory opened to white settlement. They were led by David Payne. It is also true that the vast majority of the Sooners were Boomers first. They felt that they should get the first selection of lands due to the fact that they had already been into the territory and staked their claims before, only to be run out by U.S. Army troops.


12/27/2011, 09:35 AM
Trivia: The movie Twister was set in Oklahoma but actually filmed in Iowa.

12/27/2011, 09:53 AM
BrewHawk, thanks for the post. Hope we all have a great time in Tempe, win or lose.

SoonerBacker, thanks for the link. Your explanation was better than mine would have been.

GDC, Twister was mostly filmed in Oklahoma. Stereotypically, most of the Iowa scenes involve cornfields.

12/27/2011, 10:17 AM
Good luck to you guys and safe travels to those making the trip. Looking forward to some good discussion!

Welcome Brewhawk. Thanks for giving Stoops his start in college football... but I'm sure my male counterparts would rather thank you for ex-Iowa cheerleader Carol Stoops :)

As long as you're here, care to share any dirt on Iowa State or our Big 12 traitors from Nebraska? :D

12/27/2011, 12:21 PM
Wasn't OU at one time this year anticipating an Iowa RB to transfer in?Yep. Brandon Wegher. http://oudaily.com/news/2011/jan/13/former-iowa-running-back-brandon-wegher-plans-tran/

Looks like that idea lasted about two months.


Then he went back to Iowa and got hisself arrested.


12/27/2011, 02:50 PM
Trivia: The movie Twister was set in Oklahoma but actually filmed in Iowa.

Part of it was filmed in Wakita. They have a little museum for it.

12/27/2011, 02:57 PM
Trivia: The movie Twister was set in Oklahoma but actually filmed in Iowa.

Trivia: The movie Bridges of Madison County was set in Iowa and it actually was filmed in Iowa.

Iowa is the only state that the name begins with two vowels.

It's eastern and western boundaries are defined by rivers, Missouri and Mississippi.

Iowa is also home to . . . Quaker Oats.

12/27/2011, 03:40 PM
Trivia: The movie Twister was set in Oklahoma but actually filmed in Iowa.
Not true.

12/27/2011, 03:42 PM
James T. Kirk was born in 2233 in Riverside, Iowa.

12/27/2011, 03:43 PM
Not true.

Depends on how you look at it. Some of it was filmed in Canada also.


12/27/2011, 03:49 PM
Depends on how you look at it. Some of it was filmed in Canada also.

Well, I saw first hand a car pull into our gallery in Hominy that summer driven by one Carey Elwes. I was painting the sidewalk at the time. He got out, shook my hand and went inside and bought one of my paintings. He had just dropped off Helen Hunt, Bill Paxton, Jamie Gertz and his mother at the historic Drummond home in said town.
They were in the area filming the movie twister.:subdued:

12/27/2011, 03:51 PM
The thing that is cool about that cast is that Phillip Hoffman became the biggest star. Terrible movie btw.

12/27/2011, 03:51 PM
Yep. Brandon Wegher. http://oudaily.com/news/2011/jan/13/former-iowa-running-back-brandon-wegher-plans-tran/

Looks like that idea lasted about two months.


Then he went back to Iowa and got hisself arrested.


Ominous Stoops quote from second article: “We’ve got a few backs as it is, so we’ll be OK.”

12/27/2011, 04:29 PM
Additional trivia...

Hawkeye comes from the protagonist in James Fenimore Cooper's Last of the Mohicans

John Wayne was born in Winterset (in Madison County)

Kinnick Stadium is the only stadium named after a Heisman award winner

Iowa has had four Heisman runner ups (Duncan, Karras, Long and Banks)

Iowa City used to be the state capital

Each Iowa farmer produces enough food to feed 155 people

12/27/2011, 05:40 PM
The thing that is cool about that cast is that Phillip Hoffman became the biggest star. Terrible movie btw.

I guess you don't know who Helen Hunt is . . .

12/27/2011, 06:20 PM
I guess you don't know who Helen Hunt is . . .
Yeah I do. And where is she now? And let's put her body of work up against Phillip's. I'm talking critical success here too. Not just popular slack jaw films.

12/27/2011, 08:27 PM
All I know is a niece's fiance has a last chance for redemption in this game. The Hawkeyes lost to ISU (his wife's to be alum), and with an a$$hole uncle (a season ticket holder for a non-existant species of rodents) gloating in a picture with a statue of a pig is too much for him to endure. Now I am being asked to hold up the honor of OU by swearing to this Dutch fat-ankled stud by admitting that Stoops is the greatest. Since I no longer (OK, I never did outside of the sandlot) play the game and have no control of tne BV & JH a$$clown shows, what do you think I should do in the unlikely event that OU loses? The choices are as follows: say, 1) we are OU and are not interested in games not being played for the crystal, (see Alabama vs Utah), 2) we don't make excuses but we were without our best running back, the greatest receiver in NCAA history, his heir apparent, a hammer, and a ton of nails, 3) those Hawkeyes know how to win the big games. :very_drunk:

12/28/2011, 07:49 AM
Here are two posts I made about Iowa on a thread now on page 5:

Iowa was held to 21 points or less in four of their five losses with only the game against Iowa State being a shootout, 41-44 (and the score was inflated due to going to triple OT, it was 24-all at the end of regulation). Other losses were to Penn State, Minnesota, Michigan State and Nebraska, so two of their five losses were to teams not ranked in the Top 25. They did not play Ohio State or Wisconsin.

Their QB, James Vandenberg was second in the Big 10 in yards passing/game (233.8) and was third in total passing yards (2306)(in comparison, he would have finished sixth and seventh in the Big XII in these two categories), throwing for 23 TD's, 6 INT's and was sacked 26 times.

Iowa went 1-3 vs Top 25, beating Tennessee Tech, Pittsburg, La-Monroe, Northwestern, Indiana, Michigan and Purdue. The Hawkeye defense stopped Michigan from tying the game on four attempts from the three-yard line to preserve the win, however, all four plays were passes since there was not enough time for Michigan to stop the clock on a failed rushing attempt.

Playing against Big 10 teams they were more conservative offensively than Oklahoma and have not faced a spread or prolific passing team like OU, OSU or Baylor.

The book on Kirk Ferentz in bowl games:

December 29, 2001
Alamo Bowl W Texas Tech 19 16

January 2, 2003
Orange Bowl L Southern California 17 38

January 1, 2004
Outback Bowl W Florida 37 17

January 1, 2005
Capital One Bowl W LSU 30 25

January 2, 2006
Outback Bowl L Florida 24 31

December 29, 2006
Alamo Bowl L Texas 24 26

January 1, 2009
Outback Bowl W South Carolina 31 10

January 5, 2010
Orange Bowl W Georgia Tech 24 14

December 28, 2010
Insight Bowl W Missouri 27 24

6-3 overall
1-1 in BCS bowls
2-1 vs. teams from the Big XII
He also has done something Bob has not, beaten LSU and Florida in a bowl game. Like Bob, he lost to USC in one.

Of course, those LSU and Florida teams that Coach Stoops lost to would have killed ANY of Coach Ferentz's teams.

12/28/2011, 08:52 AM
Here are two posts I made about Iowa on a thread now on page 5:

Iowa was held to 21 points or less in four of their five losses with only the game against Iowa State being a shootout, 41-44 (and the score was inflated due to going to triple OT, it was 24-all at the end of regulation). Other losses were to Penn State, Minnesota, Michigan State and Nebraska, so two of their five losses were to teams not ranked in the Top 25. They did not play Ohio State or Wisconsin.

Their QB, James Vandenberg was second in the Big 10 in yards passing/game (233.8) and was third in total passing yards (2306)(in comparison, he would have finished sixth and seventh in the Big XII in these two categories), throwing for 23 TD's, 6 INT's and was sacked 26 times.

Iowa went 1-3 vs Top 25, beating Tennessee Tech, Pittsburg, La-Monroe, Northwestern, Indiana, Michigan and Purdue. The Hawkeye defense stopped Michigan from tying the game on four attempts from the three-yard line to preserve the win, however, all four plays were passes since there was not enough time for Michigan to stop the clock on a failed rushing attempt.

Playing against Big 10 teams they were more conservative offensively than Oklahoma and have not faced a spread or prolific passing team like OU, OSU or Baylor.

The book on Kirk Ferentz in bowl games:

December 29, 2001
Alamo Bowl W Texas Tech 19 16

January 2, 2003
Orange Bowl L Southern California 17 38

January 1, 2004
Outback Bowl W Florida 37 17

January 1, 2005
Capital One Bowl W LSU 30 25

January 2, 2006
Outback Bowl L Florida 24 31

December 29, 2006
Alamo Bowl L Texas 24 26

January 1, 2009
Outback Bowl W South Carolina 31 10

January 5, 2010
Orange Bowl W Georgia Tech 24 14

December 28, 2010
Insight Bowl W Missouri 27 24

6-3 overall
1-1 in BCS bowls
2-1 vs. teams from the Big XII
He also has done something Bob has not, beaten LSU and Florida in a bowl game. Like Bob, he lost to USC in one.

Looks like he beat Miles, Meyer, Leach, Spurrier, and Pinkel....Mack and Pete beat him though...if OU isn't ready to play they will get beaten in this game...

12/28/2011, 09:34 AM
Iowa has had four Heisman runner ups (Duncan, Karras, Long and Banks)

:P oh yes, we Sooner fans are very familiar with Mr. Long's work.

12/28/2011, 04:08 PM
James T. Kirk was born in 2233 in Riverside, Iowa.

Somewhat interesting about that is they never say what town he was born in on the show so Riverside claimed him and the show's creator said it was fine and they ran with it. I think they have a festival for him in the summer.

12/28/2011, 05:52 PM
That's easy. The Hawkeyes are who we think they are.

12/28/2011, 08:23 PM
Somewhat interesting about that is they never say what town he was born in on the show so Riverside claimed him and the show's creator said it was fine and they ran with it. I think they have a festival for him in the summer.

Where do you live? I'm from Clear Lake originally.

12/29/2011, 10:00 AM
Well, I saw first hand a car pull into our gallery in Hominy that summer driven by one Carey Elwes. I was painting the sidewalk at the time. He got out, shook my hand and went inside and bought one of my paintings. He had just dropped off Helen Hunt, Bill Paxton, Jamie Gertz and his mother at the historic Drummond home in said town.
They were in the area filming the movie twister.:subdued:

Dont tell me you didnt have a good quote for him!!

http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BODE3OTg4NTI5Nl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNjA2MzgxNA@@._ V1._CR167,0,688,688_SS80_.jpg

12/29/2011, 10:08 AM
Heh! It's funny but I saw his Explorer park in the reflection of the store front window, and I saw the Atlas spread across the dash.
He was nice but he said "dude" a lot. I thought that word was kinda on the outs but maybe it was starting up again "on the coast dude."

12/30/2011, 02:58 PM
Somewhat interesting about that is they never say what town he was born in on the show so Riverside claimed him and the show's creator said it was fine and they ran with it. I think they have a festival for him in the summer.

I thought they mentioned it in the newest movie??? Maybe not.

And Phillip Seymore Hoffman's morning dumps can act better than Helen Hunt.

Jason White's Third Knee
12/30/2011, 03:20 PM
Thanks Badger! I learned a lot.

12/30/2011, 05:23 PM

Good Luck tonight Sooner Fans!


12/30/2011, 05:50 PM
Iowa is a yankee state. That's all you need to know.

12/30/2011, 05:57 PM
Iowa is a yankee state. That's all you need to know.

Yes, and they still believe that Abraham Lincoln's interests were freeing the slaves. And that he was a Great President... All hail the King

12/30/2011, 05:58 PM

Good Luck tonight Sooner Fans!


Good Luck to you too. Bob Stoops once tried to tackle Billy Simms.......FAIL

12/30/2011, 11:52 PM
I thought they mentioned it in the newest movie??? Maybe not.

And Phillip Seymore Hoffman's morning dumps can act better than Helen Hunt.

They may have in the newest movie, I haven't seen it. They claimed it quite a while back.

12/31/2011, 02:08 AM
The Hawkeyes are the 2nd place finishers at the 2011 Insight bowl.