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12/21/2011, 03:01 PM

Now this is border security

12/21/2011, 03:55 PM
And the award for pretentious twit of the year goes to... Mr. Canadian that can't keep his mouth shut!

Spoiler: Listen through the end and he and his wife get arrested because they just can't turn off their mouths.

I have been through customs a few times, and let me tell you --- EVERY statement ends with "sir" or "madam." There is no high and mighty "I have rights" questioning authority attitude to be had, especially in a foreign country.

Now, pretentious Canadian dude "I'm in law enforcement" "It's not like I'm from Iraq or something" "Why do I need to sit down" d00shebag should put this audio on a training video of how NOT to deal with border security.

I remember the first time I was in an airport. I was like 5 or so. Mom told my older brother and I right away --- absolutely NO joking, absolute cooperation and don't mention bombs.

12/21/2011, 11:42 PM

Now this is border security

Custom agents as a group are a bunch of *******s. I had my fill of them when I was in the service.

Lott's Bandana
12/21/2011, 11:57 PM
I asked a Border Agent in Victoria when Canada's independence was granted from England.

He didn't know, and asked around...the other agents were US.

He was embarrassed and I was silent from that point on.

12/22/2011, 12:04 AM
I asked a Border Agent in Victoria when Canada's independence was granted from England.

He didn't know, and asked around...the other agents were US.

He was embarrassed and I was silent from that point on.

Take victories in any form they come in :)

Serge Ibaka
12/22/2011, 04:49 AM
@ 7 min-ish:

He really doesn't make any real threat; sounded made-up. Maybe it was something non-verbal.

Regardless, what a dou**ebag.

12/22/2011, 09:43 AM
Stay in Canada if you can't keep control of your mouth.

12/22/2011, 04:20 PM
I love this audio.

12/22/2011, 04:28 PM
Both parties were in the wrong here. No doubt, this guy was an enormous ******. That said, the Agent in making a B.S. assault charge and inferring a threat from what was said was acting like a prick looking for bogus charges to arrest this guy on because he was annoying.

Salt City Sooner
12/22/2011, 04:28 PM
I've been through the U.S.-Canada border about 2 dozen or so times, & I have yet to have a problem in any manner. Just let them do their job & move on.

12/22/2011, 08:48 PM

Now this is border security

Profit! Is that you???

12/22/2011, 11:01 PM
Long and short of it--guy got screwed with because he had a smart mouth.

Is that a proper reason to detain him? Or is it just a means to assert authority and power over someone who pissed them off?

12/23/2011, 12:55 AM
Alternate long and short of it. Trying to act above the fray during a routine screening = cause for concern.

Him being a dick and getting appropriate treatment = icing on the cake.

12/23/2011, 01:05 AM
I haven't been across the Canadian border since the 80's. I recall coming back into the U.S. and all the border guard asked was where each of us in the car was born and if we bought anything while in Canada. Didn't ask for ID or anything.

Things back in the 80s were also pretty causal on the Mexican border too. Once Maria was coming back to the U.S. and they asked her:

What is another name for 10th grader?


What was the name of the ship that brought the first people from England to what is now the United States?

"The Mayflower"

And what did they call the people on the Mayflower?


The border guard laughed out loud and waved her on across.

12/23/2011, 10:07 AM
And what did they call the people on the Mayflower?


The border guard laughed out loud and waved her on across.

lol. reminds me of the green beret candidate screening weeks of hell documentary we saw a few nights ago. After hours of rolling in dirt and lifting heavy logs, a medic asks a candidate where he is.

"Hash browns?"

He was medically discharged immediately.

12/23/2011, 12:06 PM
Alternate long and short of it. Trying to act above the fray during a routine screening = cause for concern.

Him being a dick and getting appropriate treatment = icing on the cake.

I'm sorry do they train border guards to look out for Canadian smart-mouths? I wasn't aware that was a class which triggered suspicion. Have they found through studies that probable terrorists draw as much attention to themselves as possible at border checks? Somehow I doubt it.

However you want to couch it the border agents got their feelers hurt and responded by lording their power over someone. They let him make it personal. Good law enforcement officers never allow it to become personal.

Yeah, its hard. It's one of the most difficult jobs in America. But that doesn't mean we need to kiss their you know whats and say they've done well when they haven't. Especially considering the power they hold over people. The border guards are held to a higher standard of behavior because they are able to arrest, detain, interrogate and etc. They need to be held to appropriate and restrictive boundaries.

I will say that the officer who was doing the talking when he got inside was trying, for the most part, to keep it businesslike and do his job properly. But whichever border guard was laughing off camera and whoever was responsible for the rediculous escalation at the end did not. The whole "Are you making a threat?!" bull was like something out of a bad SNL skit.

Finally, your last sentence raises an additional concern. One which I hope I'm wrong about. It seems to indicate that you enjoyed it when this person was detained under (it seems to me from the tape) bogus charges. But whether the charges are bogus or not is beside the point. The sentence you wrote communicates to others that you derived some satisfaction from the use of force on another human being. I don't know if that's how you truly feel, but that's the truth of what you wrote.

I believe that taking joy in other peoples suffering is wrong. I mean this guy is real. Out there living, breathing, walking around. If you actually met him would you rub this in his face? Talk about how those border agents really put him in his place?

I don't wish him ill and I don't enjoy the fact that another human being was hurt. That his freedom was taken away over some power play.

12/23/2011, 12:10 PM
And what did they call the people on the Mayflower?


The border guard laughed out loud and waved her on across.

LOL! Funny on so many levels!

1/1/2012, 12:06 AM
Why did the border agent tell the Canadian detainee how many "terrorists" they discover each month? I would think that is not information you would share with the public. I think what you have here is a pretty educated and intelligent individual with a smart mouth who was asked a really stupid question and he reacted like a typical smart person who is asked something stupid by someone he views as beneath him. However unlike most situations, this border cop possessed a lot of power and chose to use it and abuse it because the Canadian made him mad by objecting to his stupid question.

I think about the numerous times I have gone through security at airports and deal with TSA screeners. If they do something extra like pull your bag or randomly search your bag, all they need is a friendly TSA person who tells you everything he or she is about to do, and I am perfectly happy to cooperate with them. It's all about interpersonal skills. I flew through Boston when they instituted the new step of extra questioning by TSA, and the woman was as friendly and good-natured as possible, so it was no big deal. Give me a pr--k cop and I could easily be tempted to be smart.

1/1/2012, 01:41 AM
Do you believe that isn't a re-enactment?

Do you really believe that is an actual recording of those folks trip to an Outlet Mall in Niagara?

1/1/2012, 01:35 PM
Long and short of it--guy got screwed with because he had a smart mouth.

Is that a proper reason to detain him? Or is it just a means to assert authority and power over someone who pissed them off?

Dean would have banned him!

1/1/2012, 03:54 PM
I'm sorry do they train border guards to look out for Canadian smart-mouths? I wasn't aware that was a class which triggered suspicion. Have they found through studies that probable terrorists draw as much attention to themselves as possible at border checks? Somehow I doubt it.

However you want to couch it the border agents got their feelers hurt and responded by lording their power over someone. They let him make it personal. Good law enforcement officers never allow it to become personal.

Yeah, its hard. It's one of the most difficult jobs in America. But that doesn't mean we need to kiss their you know whats and say they've done well when they haven't. Especially considering the power they hold over people. The border guards are held to a higher standard of behavior because they are able to arrest, detain, interrogate and etc. They need to be held to appropriate and restrictive boundaries.

I will say that the officer who was doing the talking when he got inside was trying, for the most part, to keep it businesslike and do his job properly. But whichever border guard was laughing off camera and whoever was responsible for the rediculous escalation at the end did not. The whole "Are you making a threat?!" bull was like something out of a bad SNL skit.

Finally, your last sentence raises an additional concern. One which I hope I'm wrong about. It seems to indicate that you enjoyed it when this person was detained under (it seems to me from the tape) bogus charges. But whether the charges are bogus or not is beside the point. The sentence you wrote communicates to others that you derived some satisfaction from the use of force on another human being. I don't know if that's how you truly feel, but that's the truth of what you wrote.

I believe that taking joy in other peoples suffering is wrong. I mean this guy is real. Out there living, breathing, walking around. If you actually met him would you rub this in his face? Talk about how those border agents really put him in his place?

I don't wish him ill and I don't enjoy the fact that another human being was hurt. That his freedom was taken away over some power play.
Holy sanctimonious rant Batman!
Yes, I believe people who are acting out of the norm should be investigated. Acting like you don't need to be investigated is out of the norm.

Yes, I am glad he was inconvenienced for being a ******.

1/1/2012, 05:44 PM
Holy sanctimonious rant Batman!
Yes, I believe people who are acting out of the norm should be investigated. Acting like you don't need to be investigated is out of the norm.

Yes, I am glad he was inconvenienced for being a ******.

Agreed. First of all, it's just audio. We have no idea how much threatening action was taking place. You think the police are all mean and what not? Close your eyes and listen to the show Cops for 10 minutes. You'll hear a very similar dialogue. Rewind those ten minutes and watch all the actions the accused make to get their liberties "taken away on a power play."

Whiny bitch got what he deserved, and he apparently didn't learn his lesson.

1/1/2012, 08:57 PM
it's usually the same type of person that are willing to lay down like sheep for big brother

1/1/2012, 10:33 PM
it's usually the same type of person that are willing to lay down like sheep for big brother

You mean like vote for Obama just 'cause he half African?

1/1/2012, 11:27 PM
it's not the Obama voters saying this guy got what he deserved from border guards

1/2/2012, 02:52 PM
Whiny bitch got what he deserved, and he apparently didn't learn his lesson.

Careful, your teeth are showing.


1/2/2012, 06:02 PM
Holy sanctimonious rant Batman!

Definition of Sanctimonious: 1. Hypocritically pious or devout...

First, if you would be so kind, tell me what part are you arguing that I was so hypocitical about?

Second, not taking pleasure in other people's pain has nothing to do with being pious or devout. It has to do with being human.

Yes, I am glad he was inconvenienced for being a ******.

I would never describe an arrest as merely an "inconvenience".

1/2/2012, 06:41 PM
Definition of Sanctimonious: 1. Hypocritically pious or devout...

First, if you would be so kind, tell me what part are you arguing that I was so hypocitical about?

Second, not taking pleasure in other people's pain has nothing to do with being pious or devout. It has to do with being human.

I would never describe an arrest as merely an "inconvenience".
sanc·ti·mo·ni·ous (sngkt-mn-s)
Feigning piety or righteousness

The dictionary is fun

He was not arrested, he was detained.

1/2/2012, 07:18 PM
sanc·ti·mo·ni·ous (sngkt-mn-s)
Feigning piety or righteousness

The dictionary is fun

He was not arrested, he was detained.

So what part of what you've said makes it okay for you to enjoy this person's pain Scout?

1/2/2012, 07:46 PM
So what part of what you've said makes it okay for you to enjoy this person's pain Scout?
Wow. Perhaps you should look up "pain" while you have that dictionary out.

1/2/2012, 07:49 PM
So what part of what you've said makes it okay for you to enjoy this person's pain Scout?

He's human.

1/2/2012, 08:20 PM
He's human.

Yeah, means we make mistakes. So. It doesn't mean that we don't try to get better.

There's a difference between slipping in the mud and wallowing in it.

1/2/2012, 08:25 PM
Wow. Perhaps you should look up "pain" while you have that dictionary out.

Again, what part of this answer makes it okay for you to enjoy another person's pain Scout?

1/2/2012, 08:29 PM
sanc·ti·mo·ni·ous (sngkt-mn-s)
Feigning piety or righteousness

The dictionary is fun

He was not arrested, he was detained.

Watched the video a few days ago, so maybe I'm just remembering something which wasn't there, but I recall that he was first detained for questioning, then arrested on a charge of assault (a B.S. one that should be dismissed at that).

1/2/2012, 08:37 PM
Watched the video a few days ago, so maybe I'm just remembering something which wasn't there, but I recall that he was first detained for questioning, then arrested on a charge of assault (a B.S. one that should be dismissed at that).

Yeah. He's arrested late in the audio. The border patrol agent says, "Hands behind your back..." Then his girlfriend starts crying.

1/2/2012, 08:44 PM
Yeah. He's arrested late in the audio. The border patrol agent says, "Hands behind your back..." Then his girlfriend starts crying.So, what's your point?

1/2/2012, 11:25 PM
Yeah, means we make mistakes. So. It doesn't mean that we don't try to get better.

There's a difference between slipping in the mud and wallowing in it.

You've got the wallowing down. Try to understand justice.

1/3/2012, 06:48 PM
You've got the wallowing down. Try to understand justice.


You dare talk to me about justice!

So it's justice for SCOUT to call me a liar ("feigning piety") when he doesn't know me from Adam and doesn't care a whit for the truth of the matter? I see, that's justice for you. Bull.

It's fine for him to take some sort of sadistic pleasure in another persons suffering. To you that's "human". Bull.

He acts like a general two year old and you guys pile on. Laughing it up at someone else's expense and you have the nerve, the hubris, to call it "just". Bull.

You wouldn't know justice if it came up and bit you on the behind.

1/3/2012, 06:49 PM
Careful, your teeth are showing.


Hey, it's my dog! :D

He seriously thinks he's a little wolf, except without the aggressive behavior. He howls like one and fights his brother like one.

1/3/2012, 07:17 PM
Try to understand justice.

Justice. What you and most men call Justice these days is nothing more than the rule of the jungle. The Big fish eat the little ones and the little ones had best sit down and shut up. Bull, that's power that's not justice.

It wasn't justice 2000 years ago and its sure as heck not justice now. Justice is not whatever cockamamy bull the border guards pulled to effect an arrest here. And justice certainly doesn't stoop to punish things so rediculous as being a smart mouth.

1/3/2012, 07:27 PM

1/3/2012, 07:39 PM
No. I won't.

Why don't you go accuse someone else you don't know of lying for fun. Or pull the wings off some flies. Or whatever helps your type get through the day.

1/3/2012, 07:56 PM

You dare talk to me about justice!

So it's justice for SCOUT to call me a liar ("feigning piety") when he doesn't know me from Adam and doesn't care a whit for the truth of the matter? I see, that's justice for you. Bull.

It's fine for him to take some sort of sadistic pleasure in another persons suffering. To you that's "human". Bull.

He acts like a general two year old and you guys pile on. Laughing it up at someone else's expense and you have the nerve, the hubris, to call it "just". Bull.

You wouldn't know justice if it came up and bit you on the behind.

I'm having a pretty good laugh right now.

Are you mad Mountain?

1/3/2012, 07:58 PM
human rights only matter when it's someone i like.

1/3/2012, 08:00 PM
human rights only matter when it's someone i like.

LOL. :)

1/3/2012, 08:06 PM
Are you mad Mountain?

Why would it matter to you 52?

But no, I'm actually having a pretty good time. I like a good fight.

1/3/2012, 08:16 PM
You seem overly upset about something that is small potatoes.

We obviously have loving guards that don't want to offend anyone....and we have 12,000,000 visitors here to prove it.