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View Full Version : Craig James is GONE from ESPN!

12/19/2011, 05:52 PM
Ding dong, the witch is dead... or gone at least.

Link (http://newsok.com/craig-james-runs-for-us-senate-leaves-espn/article/feed/328378)

This is NOT intended to be political. There's an ObamaFest thread already for that.

This is intended to rejoice at the forcing out of a lousy commentator that should have been gone two years ago and that I hope NEVER returns to ESPN or anything else that I watch on TV.

He's gone! He's gone! Rejoice! Rejoice!

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
12/19/2011, 06:01 PM
Ding dong, the witch is dead... or gone at least.

Link (http://newsok.com/craig-james-runs-for-us-senate-leaves-espn/article/feed/328378)

This is NOT intended to be political. There's an ObamaFest thread already for that.

This is intended to rejoice at the forcing out of a lousy commentator that should have been gone two years ago and that I hope NEVER returns to ESPN or anything else that I watch on TV.

He's gone! He's gone! Rejoice! Rejoice!Well, he got rid of Mike Leach, who always caused us probs in Lubbock, but Tubbsy even beats us in Nomran, so yeah, the heck with Craig James, anyway, I suppose.

12/19/2011, 06:53 PM
I with you Badg and I will find whoever the frontrunner (come election time) is and donate to him or her and vote that way. He will NOT win if I have anything to do with it. He is as dishonest as the day is long. You don't call out the 3rd largest University in Texas and then run for the Senate and win. That is arrogant.

Lott's Bandana
12/19/2011, 06:58 PM
"We need someone from what I call real street, this is what separates me (from the other candidates)."

What the hell does "real street" mean?

12/19/2011, 07:06 PM
What the hell does "real street" mean?

I think it's to make him seem like he wasn't some rich boy hot shot that had a cushy ESPN job for the past several years in addition to making NFL and USFL (back when the USFL paid more than the NFL) money... so he's real street as opposed to wall street, but again, this is not intended to be a political discussion!

I just had to get on here and gloat, because the world of college football has finally been made right --- Mike Leach is at a program that will love him and appreciate him even more than those Techsters, and Craig James is OFF THE AIR.

Good bye and good riddance, pony boy!

jk the sooner fan
12/19/2011, 07:10 PM
i wouldnt get too excited, when his senate campaign crashes and burns - i'd be surprised if they didnt hire him back

12/19/2011, 07:11 PM
Judging his competition, looks like he picked the wrong time to join an election. He has made mistakes before though.

12/19/2011, 07:12 PM
I with you Badg and I will find whoever the frontrunner (come election time) is and donate to him or her and vote that way. He will NOT win if I have anything to do with it. He is as dishonest as the day is long. You don't call out the 3rd largest University in Texas and then run for the Senate and win. That is arrogant.
Let me know who his opponent is in the Repub Primary and Ill donate to em .

12/19/2011, 07:15 PM
I think it's to make him seem like he wasn't some rich boy hot shot that had a cushy ESPN job for the past several years in addition to making NFL and USFL (back when the USFL paid more than the NFL) money... so he's real street as opposed to wall street, but again, this is not intended to be a political discussion!

I just had to get on here and gloat, because the world of college football has finally been made right --- Mike Leach is at a program that will love him and appreciate him even more than those Techsters, and Craig James is OFF THE AIR.

Good bye and good riddance, pony boy!

You forgot the money he made getting paid to go to SMU.

Lott's Bandana
12/19/2011, 07:15 PM
The ESPN.com Comments below their article are awesome.

James has a questionable voting record... just check how he voted in college football. Horrible.

12/19/2011, 11:37 PM
He took all kinds of illicit benefits and soft money and under-the-table gifts when he was in college. How can he possibly fit in in Washington?

12/19/2011, 11:39 PM
He took all kinds of illicit benefits and soft money and under-the-table gifts when he was in college. How can he possibly fit in in Washington?

He won't, because Texas can't be stupid enough to vote for him.

Thus, he will lose his lucrative cushy ESPN job, Texas won't have a crappy senator (or at least one named Craig James) and badger's television will be a pony-free zone on Thursday nights... well, and bowl season too :)

It's like Santa came early for ESPN and its viewers or something, because after the Leach situation crap, you know they wanted a way to save face and have a clean break... perfect opportunity!

I wonder if they forced him out and Craig just used this as an excuse to kick start a senate campaign... meh.

12/19/2011, 11:43 PM
He won't, because Texas can't be stupid enough to vote for him.

*cough* Rick *cough* Perry

12/19/2011, 11:44 PM
*cough* Rick *cough* Perry

Good point! But once again, this is NOT A POLITICAL THREAD. :mad:

12/19/2011, 11:45 PM
Good point! But once again, this is NOT A POLITICAL THREAD. :mad:

I just have a bit of a cold, sorry. *cough*

12/20/2011, 01:21 AM
They made room for Corch Irvin Meyers, I'm sure they'll find enough room to hire back Mr. James.

hawaii 5-0
12/20/2011, 01:39 AM
No comment.

Big grin.


12/20/2011, 02:14 AM
He took all kinds of illicit benefits and soft money and under-the-table gifts when he was in college. How can he possibly fit in in Washington?

Sarcasm right?

12/20/2011, 04:09 AM
Sarcasm right?

Nah. None. None at all.

OK. Maybe just a little bit.

12/20/2011, 04:20 AM
Nobody in Texas is going to take a guy who got paid to play for SMU, especially SMU, seriously when he tries to be all populist/man of the people.

12/20/2011, 08:35 AM
Since I live in Texas, maybe I'll be lucky enough to get the chance to vote against him.

Jason White's Third Knee
12/20/2011, 08:44 AM
This guy taints everything he touches.

He thrives off the "pony express" business and it was that very bunch that got SMU the death penalty.

He was a horrible bleacher dad at TT, whining to the coaches about Adam's playing time. By all accounts Adam is lazy prima donna... Apparently a liar too. The very successful Mike Leech gets canned and now TT stands to lose some considerable funds.

He sucked at ESPN and now he wants to take his fine decision making to help run our nation? Disgusting.

But really, how could he be any worse than the clowns that are in there now?

12/20/2011, 09:53 AM
I too am rejoicing over the liberation of Thursday night football! :excitement:

http://rds.yahoo.com/_ylt=A0PDoYBJofBOdRMAHpSjzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTBpcGszamw 0BHNlYwNmcC1pbWcEc2xrA2ltZw--/SIG=12tg8f4ac/EXP=1324421577/**http%3a//annoyingorangefanon.wikia.com/wiki/Peanut_Butter_Jelly_Time_Banana

Edit: So, I can't properly post a .gif but my banana is still dancing.

Bourbon St Sooner
12/20/2011, 11:41 AM
The fact that he left ESPN on his terms rather than ESPN canning him says a lot about that network as an organization - and none of it good.

12/20/2011, 11:46 AM
The fact that he left ESPN on his terms rather than ESPN canning him says a lot about that network as an organization - and none of it good.

I would like to think that this was just the public saving-face move on Craig's part and that he was gonna be gone soon regardless. The fans will never forgive him for taking Leach away from football, Leach is back in football without having to abandon the ESPN lawsuit (I would love it if the Gameday Wazzu flag starting calling on ESPN to pay up, hehe) and Tech football is in the sh!tter.

rock on sooner
12/20/2011, 11:46 AM
The fact that he left ESPN on his terms rather than ESPN canning him says a lot about that network as an organization - and none of it good. I'm thinking that James watched the tapes on
some of the games he called and figured that he should git while the gittin's good! Makes me happy that I can watch
third tier games and NOT have to listen to him............

12/20/2011, 11:50 AM
I thought killing 5 hookers would preclude him from running for public office?

Why would you say things like that, that Craig James killed five hookers at SMU? Saying Craig James killed five hookers at SMU on the internet could spread a false rumor that Craig James killed five hookers at SMU. Then people all over the internet will be falsely posting that Craig James killed five hookers at SMU and eventually people may start to believe that Craig James killed five hookers at SMU. We can't have the voters thinking that Craig James killed five hookers at SMU, that may influence their vote because now they'll think that Craig James killed five hookers at SMU.

good stuff in ESPiN MSG boards

12/20/2011, 11:53 AM
The story of Craig James' life:

Craig: I want money to play football.
Texas: No.
Craig: I want money to play football.
OU: No.
Craig: I'll accept whatever you're paying the lowliest walk-on lineman.
SMU: Sold! For zero dollars. Maybe some Dallas business guy will take pity on you and cough up a few bucks.

Craig: I want more playing time for my son.
Leach: No.
Craig: I want more playing time for my son.
Leach: I already said no.
Craig: My son got locked in a shed and I want more playing time for my son.
Tech: We'll fire Leach right before he gets his big bonus for that! ...but we don't give a crap about your son's playing time, either.

Craig: I want a more prominent spot at ESPN than Thursday night football.
Craig: I want to call my son's bowl game despite the Leach situation since I was already assigned to it.
Craig: Eff you guys! I'm running for Senate!
ESPN: Eff you too... but we'll let you resign before we fire you.

12/20/2011, 12:21 PM
Nothing but good will come of this.

Lott's Bandana
12/20/2011, 01:06 PM
Nothing but good will come of this.

It does reek a little of David Lee Roth pursuing a solo career, eh?

Frozen Sooner
12/20/2011, 01:12 PM
It does reek a little of David Lee Roth pursuing a solo career, eh?

You trying to say "Eat 'Em and Smile" wasn't a triumph?

12/20/2011, 01:16 PM
I wonder if people call him Pony Boy?


jk the sooner fan
12/20/2011, 01:20 PM
This guy taints everything he touches.

He thrives off the "pony express" business and it was that very bunch that got SMU the death penalty.

He was a horrible bleacher dad at TT, whining to the coaches about Adam's playing time. By all accounts Adam is lazy prima donna... Apparently a liar too. The very successful Mike Leech gets canned and now TT stands to lose some considerable funds.

He sucked at ESPN and now he wants to take his fine decision making to help run our nation? Disgusting.

But really, how could he be any worse than the clowns that are in there now?

Tom Leppart is a pretty good candidate......imo

12/20/2011, 01:26 PM
I think I'm going to be in the minority here but I kind of like Craig James (in a manly color analyst sort of way). As announcers go he isn't as good as some better than others. At least Craig James brings a little enthusiasm to the booth which is more than I can say for some others. I would wager he isn't the only helicopter parent pushing for more PT for his kid, just the most high profile.

12/20/2011, 01:33 PM
I will admit... I would hate him and his commentary a lot less if he wasn't the reason Mike Leach got fired. He's said he didn't want Leach to get fired... well, you were stupid enough to give them cause to fire him!

True story: My best friend once told me that my house was gonna get TP'd. I was like "Oh, that sound fun. Can't wait!" So, she went and told the others that I wanted it TP'd... and then they never did. I was kind of disappointed. It's like "hey friend, why did you have to open your mouth? Didn't you know that they only TP houses that don't wanna be TP'd?!"

Such was the case with Craig James. He wanted his son to get more playing time, so he wanted to work a level above him, to get some type of control in the situation. Instead, he gave Tech the excuse they desperately wanted to get outta paying Leach the money he earned... you know, for being the all-time winningest coach in program history, giving Tech the chance to host ESPN Gameday and get the highlight of the century in beating your big brother supreme program in the state Texas at home as your fans rush the field not once, not twice, but THRICE?!

If Craig James is not guilty of getting Leach canned, he is guilty of being stupid.

12/20/2011, 01:34 PM
My horrible bowl season waiting period has been graced with joyous news. No more James at ESPN has brightened my day and given me a renewed sense of hope that OU will fix its looming turnover problem.

12/20/2011, 01:36 PM
You trying to say "Eat 'Em and Smile" wasn't a triumph?

Eat Em and Smile was pretty good, thanks to Steve Vai and Billy Sheehan. It was everything from Skyscraper on that blew...

Lott's Bandana
12/20/2011, 01:39 PM
I think I'm going to be in the minority here but I kind of like Craig James (in a manly color analyst sort of way). As announcers go he isn't as good as some better than others. At least Craig James brings a little enthusiasm to the booth which is more than I can say for some others. I would wager he isn't the only helicopter parent pushing for more PT for his kid, just the most high profile.


I daresay you probably open your SPAM as well...


RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
12/20/2011, 01:49 PM
The story of Craig James' life:

Craig: I want money to play football.
Texas: No.
Craig: I want money to play football.
OU: No.
Craig: I'll accept whatever you're paying the lowliest walk-on lineman.
SMU: Sold! For zero dollars. Maybe some Dallas business guy will take pity on you and cough up a few bucks.

Craig: I want more playing time for my son.
Leach: No.
Craig: I want more playing time for my son.
Leach: I already said no.
Craig: My son got locked in a shed and I want more playing time for my son.
Tech: We'll fire Leach right before he gets his big bonus for that! ...but we don't give a crap about your son's playing time, either.

Craig: I want a more prominent spot at ESPN than Thursday night football.
Craig: I want to call my son's bowl game despite the Leach situation since I was already assigned to it.
Craig: Eff you guys! I'm running for Senate!
ESPN: Eff you too... but we'll let you resign before we fire you.NIIIICE!

12/21/2011, 04:52 PM
This story just took a turn for the suck.

Link (http://newsok.com/craig-james-attorney-seeks-depositions-from-book-publishers/article/3633909)

ESPN college football analyst Craig James has filed complaints against the publishers of Mike Leach's book, “Swing Your Sword,” and “Double T -- Double Cross” by Michael Lee Lanning.

Of course, that should read FORMER espn analyst :)

And how does Leach's attorney respond?

While currently this complaint doesn't involve Mike (Leach), I can only surmise that Mr. James is attempting to save face from his previous actions that may affect his upcoming senatorial campaign...I believe that citizens of Texas know the real Craig James, and the truth will put this matter to rest.

Citizens of Texas, do YOU know the real Craig James? :)

12/21/2011, 08:02 PM
[QUOTE=badger;3427949]He won't, because Texas can't be stupid enough to vote for him.

After living in Texas for over 30 years, I think I'd take the over on Texas stupidity.

Boomer Mooner
12/21/2011, 09:16 PM
This story just took a turn for the suck.

Link (http://newsok.com/craig-james-attorney-seeks-depositions-from-book-publishers/article/3633909)

Of course, that should read FORMER espn analyst :)

And how does Leach's attorney respond?

Citizens of Texas, do YOU know the real Craig James? :)

I think this is going to backfire on ponyboy and probably sell some more books for Leach as well.

Not sure I believe all the stories about Craig James killing 5 hookers at SMU though. I think the rumor about Craig James killing 5 hookers at SMU has probably been blown out of proportion some.

12/21/2011, 09:55 PM
I think this is going to backfire on ponyboy and probably sell some more books for Leach as well.

Not sure I believe all the stories about Craig James killing 5 hookers at SMU though. I think the rumor about Craig James killing 5 hookers at SMU has probably been blown out of proportion some.

All the proof I need is the fact that if you google "Craig James hookers" you see multiple returns. MULTIPLE! Thus, must be true :D

12/21/2011, 11:10 PM
Meanwhile, Mikey is on the verge of signing a pretty sweet deal in Wazzuland:

Link (http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/cougars/2017066942_coug22.html)

On top of that, he's getting recruits to commit without even having them take a visit.

Link (http://insider.espn.go.com/blog/ncfrecruiting/west/post?id=1436)

Advantage: Mikey

In the meantime, enjoy this Craig James campaign video:


Are you all done throwing up? At least there's a brief Sooners-on-SI-cover cameo :P

12/24/2011, 11:56 AM
Just because I love the fact that Mikey is back in college football and Craig James is out, yet another rub-it-in-the-face update on Wazzu Coach Mike Leach:

Link (http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/cougars/2017075941_leach23.html)

He spoke at halftime of a WSU basketball game and the fans game him a standing ovation, but Leach apparently is getting away from the ex-coach's commitment list and going after a few names of their own... probably a good thing, since Wulff led them to less victories than I have fingers.

According to Cougfan.com, the Cougars just received commitments from Culver City (Calif.) High teammates Khalil Pettway, a 6-4, 205-pound linebacker, and 5-10, 175-pound receiver Alex Jackson, each of whom had some BCS-level offers.

Earlier, WSU got a commitment from a Miami defensive back, 5-11, 190-pound Feddie Davey.

"A whole bunch of players have kind of opened their minds and listened to our message," Leach said.

"They're excited about the Cougs and what we have to offer."

Time for the Pac 12 to suddenly have NO DEFENSE :D

And just for additional lulz:

“If it’s controversial to have the highest graduation rate in the country and to go to 10 straight bowls and to improve every year and win a bunch of bowl games and not have your players get in trouble and not get NCAA violations, then I’m controversial. I’ll just have to live with it.”

Vegas Sooner
12/24/2011, 03:34 PM

12/24/2011, 06:22 PM
finally, some good news in the world of college football.