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View Full Version : Can we force Mizzou to stay in the Bevo9 for one or two more years?

12/15/2011, 11:19 PM
Apparently now that the inbreeds in Morgantown might have to stay in the Big East for another season, the Big12-whatever has tried to rescind Mizzou's previously granted right to leave for greener pastures. However, according to the ESPN ticker, Mizzou's chancellor Deaton has said that the assurances made to Mizzou cannot be taken back, and that they will be playing in the SEC next year "no matter what."

Is there any way that we can force Mizzou to remain in this hellhole for one more year? They'd give us 10 teams at least, and would also boost the conference's academic profile a bit more for an extra year now that A&M, Nebraska, and Colorado have left. Is the verbal release of Mizzou from the commissioner's office enough to allow them out, or can we force them to wait another year or two before going?


Peach Fuzz
12/16/2011, 12:03 AM
**** them

12/16/2011, 12:30 AM
Let schizo Mizzou go, not a problem...

12/16/2011, 12:45 AM
Losing Mizzou is a non factor. It'll be November and you'll be like "oh yeah, I forgot Mizzou wasn't in the conference".

12/16/2011, 02:50 AM
let em go

12/16/2011, 04:01 AM

12/16/2011, 06:09 AM
I can find no link to a source that states that the matter between the Big East and its former member, West Virgina, has been decided in favor of the Big East.

12/16/2011, 08:07 AM
I can find no link to a source that states that the matter between the Big East and its former member, West Virgina, has been decided in favor of the Big East.

If anything, I would think that the Big East expansion helps West Virginia. I don't see how a league named the Big East with a school from San Diego as a member can be considered viable.

12/16/2011, 11:30 AM
They're gone and they won't be coming back. I think the the Big 12 just wants this behind them and if that means playing with 9 team for a couple of years then so be it.

12/16/2011, 11:32 AM
Let em go get their a$$es handed to them every week.

12/16/2011, 11:54 AM

Did I type that loud enough? Once more:


Please consider this very true blanket statement when considering Mizzou's departure. Our TV contracts depend on us having a conference of 10 or more teams.

We cannot simply say "bye" to Missouri without having a replacement, whether that be West Virginia or someone else. ANYone else. We NEED ten teams, or our TV contract is invalid.

12/16/2011, 12:05 PM

Did I type that loud enough? Once more:


Please consider this very true blanket statement when considering Mizzou's departure. Our TV contracts depend on us having a conference of 10 or more teams.

We cannot simply say "bye" to Missouri without having a replacement, whether that be West Virginia or someone else. ANYone else. We NEED ten teams, or our TV contract is invalid.

Yes we can. It would be re-negotiated but it wouldn't mean we are thrown to the curb. We would want to re-negotiate if we added teams also.

12/16/2011, 12:30 PM
Yes we can. It would be re-negotiated but it wouldn't mean we are thrown to the curb. We would want to re-negotiate if we added teams also.

Yeah... re-negotiate for less money. That sounds like a wonderful idea in these harsh economic times where money is the driver of college football and every other conference is getting billions while we are small peanuts for a BCS conference :(

12/16/2011, 12:58 PM
Yeah... re-negotiate for less money. That sounds like a wonderful idea in these harsh economic times where money is the driver of college football and every other conference is getting billions while we are small peanuts for a BCS conference :(

Since I'm assuming neither one of us has seen or read the contract, we don't don't know what contingincies are already in place or what remedies could be enforced. If we are talking only a one maybe two year hole of one team then it might not be a big deal at all, compared to trying to hammer out a new contract or filing what would surely be a bitterly contested lawsuit against Missouri . So it's not a given that we lose money on the deal.

Tear Down This Wall
12/16/2011, 01:04 PM
Ah, there now...you see how simple it all is....

12/16/2011, 01:08 PM
Since I'm assuming neither one of us has seen or read the contract, we don't don't know what contingincies are already in place or what remedies could be enforced. If we are talking only a one maybe two year hole of one team then it might not be a big deal at all, compared to trying to hammer out a new contract or filing what would surely be a bitterly contested lawsuit against Missouri . So it's not a given that we lose money on the deal.

I promise I'm not trying to be Ms Contrarian or anything, but can you picture that negotiation?

ESPN: We are losing so much money on Bevo TV... of course we'd be happy to continue paying just as much for 9 teams in Texas' conference after our business arrangement with them has been such a colossal failure.

FSN: Look... your matchups aren't exactly bringing in the same eyeballs that they used to with Nebraska, Missouri and Texas A&M, but we'd just love to pay the same even though we have a clear out to giving you less money. We're just generous I guess.

12/16/2011, 01:15 PM
Does UCO have anything going on? Maybe they can join us for a year or two. The Big (that's so funny there is nothing big about it) 12-2-1-1+1maybe+1 more is such joke

12/16/2011, 01:27 PM
Does UCO have anything going on? Maybe they can join us for a year or two. The Big (that's so funny there is nothing big about it) 12-2-1-1+1maybe+1 more is such joke

Maybe BYU should come off its high horse and join us. I heard that talks with the Big 12 and Big East both broke down because they thought they were a program on the same level as Florida, Texas, Michigan, Ohio State... you know, big schools that have national fanbases but that have also won BCS and national championship games since 1984.

Perhaps since ESPN has BYU's contract anyway, there could be a joint arrangement to just add BYU to the Big 12 contract, while allowing them at least the same level of revenue stream that they had as an independent. They have their own TV thing as well, but so do the Bevos, so it's not a big deal to us as it was to the Big East.

The two quick fix options? Memphis and Tulsa. They have no major conference issues like West Virginia and are dying to get an invite to the big boy table.

12/16/2011, 01:34 PM
I've been saying for a while now to anyone who'd listen that we ought to invite Tulsa. They're already a decent team, and with the additional revenue they could really put together a solid program. They could be this year's Baylor in a few years.

12/16/2011, 01:38 PM
The re-negotiation will cause the contract to be for less money, but it will only be split 9 ways so WE HAVE NO IDEA WHETHER WE WOULD LOSE MONEY.

12/16/2011, 01:43 PM
IMO no way will the Big 12 consider adding any "filler" teams, nor should they. Even with a downward negotiated contract the pie will only have to be split 9 ways so on a school for school basis we could still remain even. Also there is the buyout money from Missouri that the Big 12 will receive. When all is said and done I think this will be a non-event from a monetary standpoint.

Salt City Sooner
12/16/2011, 01:46 PM
Maybe BYU should come off its high horse and join us. I heard that talks with the Big 12 and Big East both broke down because they thought they were a program on the same level as Florida, Texas, Michigan, Ohio State... you know, big schools that have national fanbases but that have also won BCS and national championship games since 1984.

Perhaps since ESPN has BYU's contract anyway, there could be a joint arrangement to just add BYU to the Big 12 contract, while allowing them at least the same level of revenue stream that they had as an independent. They have their own TV thing as well, but so do the Bevos, so it's not a big deal to us as it was to the Big East.

The two quick fix options? Memphis and Tulsa. They have no major conference issues like West Virginia and are dying to get an invite to the big boy table.
That little playing on Sundays thing was a major, major hangup with them. I highly suspect that had the 2 parties been able to get that resolved, they'd already have joined.

12/16/2011, 01:51 PM
I've been saying for a while now to anyone who'd listen that we ought to invite Tulsa. They're already a decent team, and with the additional revenue they could really put together a solid program. They could be this year's Baylor in a few years.

I really like Tulsa and all, and it would be awesome to see Big 12 action here every other week or however often they'd have games here, but (a) it's the smallest school in FBS, (b) the stadium seats about 30k, (c) we already own 100 percent of the Oklahoma marketplace via OSU and OU and that includes the Tulsa market and (d) they have no strong political allies or donors that would cause them to get Baylor'd into the Big 12.

If the Big East would stop stonewalling us, I'd love to see us get Louisville, but alas, the buyout clause is about to increase a ton, and there's still the timeline for exit that they are trying to strictly enforce.

The SEC has said in the past that they would not allow Mizzou to join till everything was cool with the Big 12. We might have to hold the SEC to that, even if Mizzou wants out early.

12/16/2011, 01:54 PM
That little playing on Sundays thing was a major, major hangup with them. I highly suspect that had the 2 parties been able to get that resolved, they'd already have joined.

I don't get why the Big 12 would raise a big stink over that. We hardly ever, if ever, host football games on Sunday. I think we have baseball and basketball on Sunday, but a lot of our geographic footprint is filled with fans who attend church regularly and probably would be 100 percent fine with having Sundays off, at least Sundays off from playing BYU, if not from the other schools.

Screw what Boone said about Provo--- let's get the Mormons aboard to replace the Mizzous.

12/16/2011, 02:36 PM
big schools that have national fanbases but that have also won BCS and national championship games since 1984.

Was this a wink and a nod statement? Being their enrollment is greater than ours, they have arguably more of a national following due to the Mormon church, and they have won as many national championships since 1983 as both Texas and Ohio State?

12/16/2011, 03:29 PM
Was this a wink and a nod statement? Being their enrollment is greater than ours, they have arguably more of a national following due to the Mormon church, and they have won as many national championships since 1983 as both Texas and Ohio State?

My beloved spouse despises the fact that the AP voters chose BYU by virtue of their undefeated season in 1984 (or was it 1983) over OU's superior team that just had a loss, boo hoo, widdle iddy biddy loss means we're sooooo inferior to BYU's undefeatedness. ;)

Here's why I think BYU needs to a bit of humility to get into a BCS conference:

1- Big enrollment, who cares. South Florida has one of the largest undergrad enrollments in the country, yet the ACC wasn't begging them to join.

2- National prominence, meh. Harvard has more political clout than any other school. Yale maybe too. Zzzz.

The biggest thing is football. How big is your football clout. BYU is not a powerhouse, but it might become one with the right stage to perform on.

12/16/2011, 03:33 PM
Financially, I don't think it is a huge problem. As others have said, I don't think ABC wants to void the deal as it is clearly a transition period. If they void it, they might lose it to a competitor. They don't want that. There will be a lower negotiated payout split 9 ways so it may be a complete break even.

The schedule will have to be reworked as there can be a max of 4 games each week with at least 1 team on Bye. It will probably mean more games on TV for everyone else.

I don't see it as a big deal.

12/17/2011, 03:58 AM
Apparently now that the inbreeds in Morgantown might have to stay in the Big East for another season, the Big12-whatever has tried to rescind Mizzou's previously granted right to leave for greener pastures. However, according to the ESPN ticker, Mizzou's chancellor Deaton has said that the assurances made to Mizzou cannot be taken back, and that they will be playing in the SEC next year "no matter what."

Is there any way that we can force Mizzou to remain in this hellhole for one more year? They'd give us 10 teams at least, and would also boost the conference's academic profile a bit more for an extra year now that A&M, Nebraska, and Colorado have left. Is the verbal release of Mizzou from the commissioner's office enough to allow them out, or can we force them to wait another year or two before going?


Trying to change your mind on something you already made a decision on makes you look really childish. Mizzou has right to leave. Who cares.

12/17/2011, 11:03 AM
My beloved spouse despises the fact that the AP voters chose BYU by virtue of their undefeated season in 1984 (or was it 1983) over OU's superior team that just had a loss, boo hoo, widdle iddy biddy loss means we're sooooo inferior to BYU's undefeatedness. ;).

You might want to inform your spouse that we had two losses and one "tie". I use the quotes for the UT tie in the same way I use it for the UO "loss".

The argument was only valid prior to the bowl game. Voters mostly dismissed the tie because they knew we really won the game. The loss was explainable because Bradley was out and we played a freshman (Aikman) who threw three INT's.


For the youngins, Danny Bradley is Mark's father. Us old folks say Mark is Danny's son.

Also, I believe this is where things went sour between OU and Aikman. Fans were not at all forgiving of Aikman for the KU loss. He was inundated with hateful phone calls. Aikman, of course started the next year but I think after this KU game there was some bad blood there.

Anyway, the loss to Washington made any argument for us moot.

Scott D
12/17/2011, 12:16 PM
That little playing on Sundays thing was a major, major hangup with them. I highly suspect that had the 2 parties been able to get that resolved, they'd already have joined.

In the case of when the Big East was wooing them, it had less to do with the no playing on Sunday thing than the BYU wanting to keep all of the tv money from their home games (via their BYU network).

12/17/2011, 12:32 PM

12/17/2011, 03:47 PM
I vote that West Virginia be henceforth known as "Coal Aggies"

12/17/2011, 05:52 PM
If I recall correctly Missou leaves the Big 12 as the ONLY school to NEVER win a conference title in anything. Good riddance.

Scott D
12/17/2011, 06:55 PM
If I recall correctly Missou leaves the Big 12 as the ONLY school to NEVER win a conference title in anything. Good riddance.

A Tradition I expect they'll be fully capable of maintaining in the SEC.