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View Full Version : I'd be OK with it if Stoops were asked to resign...

12/11/2011, 07:26 PM
I'd be sad on the one hand, with how great he has been for OU, and sad that so much was seemingly left on the table.

On the other it is clear he has become his own worst enemy. He seems to be a great person, a good man, with his loyalty being an enviable quality of character. But it also appears, as so many have observed, to be an albatross.

The offensive line has been sub-par 4 of the last 5 years. Patton is not getting the job done. He needs to go.

Likewise, Norvell's crew has generally underperformed, minus 2008. His stints as record as co-o-coord or o-coord with both NU and UCLA were underwhelming. What made Stoops think he would be a difference-making contributor over and above being wide receivers coach? He needs to be demoted to position duties. If he won't take it, fired.

Heupel is not ready for o-coord. There isn't enough polish for the "egg" he laid this year. Demoted or fired.

Venables I think can still be co-d-coord, but his influence needs to be diminished in lieu of someone who can come in and shake up the defense. I'd take someone like a Dick LeBeau (Steelers d-coord) disciple... maybe his d-backs coach Carnell Lake.

Martinez clearly added no value. Gone.

If someone like Stoops getting paid CEO money, who in fact is running a multi-million dollar revenue generating enterprise, was reporting to a board of directors (instead of "leadership" that effectively, if not answering to him, is "lateral" to him), what do you think would be demanded of him after this last year's performance?

Here's what: Fix it, or take your buyout clause. And by fix it, it would be meant that, yes, heads need to roll and new talent brought in to revitalize the operation.

So I apologize for starting another one of these. I really intend it as observational, because I really think that if Stoops does not shake things up, the money men will start having their say. (And as was observed in another thread, when the money men get involved, it always gets messy.)

12/11/2011, 07:33 PM
This won't turn out well

12/11/2011, 07:36 PM
You misunderstand Bob Stoops. Much like the people on Hoarders - Buried Alive, Bob hoards coaches. He has an attachment to his coaches that affect his ability to see what he should do. I do not want Bob to leave, just get help for his hoarding syndrome. :very_drunk:

12/11/2011, 07:38 PM
Only asswipes call out an Offensive Coordinator with 9 wins and before he has even finished his Season. Incredible.

Also thinking an NFL Defensive Coordinator or someone with his credentials is coming to save the day is like spending your paycheck every payday waiting on your lotto numbers to hit.

12/11/2011, 07:39 PM

12/11/2011, 07:42 PM

12/11/2011, 07:48 PM
Only asswipes call out an Offensive Coordinator with 9 wins and before he has even finished his Season. Incredible.

Also thinking an NFL Defensive Coordinator or someone with his credentials is coming to save the day is like spending your paycheck every payday waiting on your lotto numbers to hit.

Really? People were fine for calling out Chuck Long after 12 win seasons.

I'm sorry 3 loss seasons at OU are bad seasons and really can't be defended. Especially the 3 losses we had were to horrific programs. All 3 of the losses would have easily been avoided if we simply had decent coaching instead of bad coaching. OSU had decent coaching this year that basically stayed out of the way of their players, and they had a successful season. If we had that level of coaching we would have been fine. We probably have 10 times the talent of an OSU.

12/11/2011, 07:49 PM
Really? People were fine for calling out Chuck Long after 12 win seasons.

I'm sorry 3 loss seasons at OU are bad seasons and really can't be defended. Especially the 3 losses we had were to horrific programs.

You don't have to apologize to me for being wrong. Baylor's QB just won the Heisman and oSu is in the consolation Game against Stanford and nearly made the MNC Game for playing so well this year.

You may think they are horrific programs but they both had some really big wins this year over more than just OU. They both have stepped up their game due to their Head Coaches and Players playing in this Conference. I know some folks think the SEC is the baddest *** Conference in America....but the Big XII still has some great Football Programs in it.

12/11/2011, 07:51 PM

12/11/2011, 08:04 PM
Sometimes you just got to put yer clarinet away and hope that next year they will let you play Tuba.


12/11/2011, 08:06 PM
i really and truly believe percentage wise... we have more idiot fans than any other school in the country...

12/11/2011, 08:06 PM
I do think there are issues and in some respects I think outliers like you might be what the doctor ordered. I don't say that because I agree with you but I feel that if there is some complacency in the coaching staff a little pressure might be in order.

But you are an outlier and if you weren't I'd be concerned. We have a coach who has won the Big 12 50% of the time. That is an absolutely outstanding statistic.

Our program was once at the top of college football (up until about 2004) and were surpassed by LSU, Bama, Florida, and USC but two of those four have now fallen to below our status.

We're not going to perpetually be the top program (and when I say top program I don't even mean the best year after year but instead the best over a several year stretch). Nobody is. Bama and LSU won't. USC hasn't been. Florida hasn't been.

Your CEO analysis is way off. There are tons of programs around the country who are willing to pay millions upon millions a year to be competitive. We're not the only one paying our coaches big time money. Your assertion that Stoops should be fired is like an assertion that a very successful Fortune 500 company's CEO be fired because he's not producing like Microsoft. Guess what? That's a way to ruin whatever it is that has made your company very successful.

12/11/2011, 08:07 PM

Salt City Sooner
12/11/2011, 08:09 PM
i really and truly believe percentage wise... we have more idiot fans than any other school in the country...
I'd 'spek this twice if I could.

12/11/2011, 08:10 PM

12/11/2011, 08:12 PM
OP your a fu€king idiot

12/11/2011, 08:15 PM
i really and truly believe percentage wise... we have more idiot fans than any other school in the country...

Gotta go with your strengths.

12/11/2011, 08:16 PM

12/11/2011, 08:17 PM
I'll bet Stoops gets at least 1 letter asking him to resign after every loss. Probably even after wins that are not dominant enough.

12/11/2011, 08:19 PM
I'll believe these guys really mean what they say once they tattoo it on their forehead and get on National TV. Till then it's just a bunch of immature **** stirrers. How can you keep getting shot down on here everyday unless you have some sort of OCD? Answer is....you can't. Some of them are just not gonna let it go. It's been going on for 6 years.

12/11/2011, 08:19 PM
Gotta go with your strengths.

Yeah, But your only as good as your weakest link....

12/11/2011, 08:23 PM
Bob ain't going anywhere. Nor should he! Although, his staff needs a good shake up.

12/11/2011, 08:24 PM
Can you imagine these folks if we were actually a bad team?

12/11/2011, 08:24 PM
Yeah, But your only as good as your weakest link....



rock on sooner
12/11/2011, 08:29 PM
I'd be sad on the one hand, with how great he has been for OU, and sad that so much was seemingly left on the table.

On the other it is clear he has become his own worst enemy. He seems to be a great person, a good man, with his loyalty being an enviable quality of character. But it also appears, as so many have observed, to be an albatross.

The offensive line has been sub-par 4 of the last 5 years. Patton is not getting the job done. He needs to go.

Likewise, Norvell's crew has generally underperformed, minus 2008. His stints as record as co-o-coord or o-coord with both NU and UCLA were underwhelming. What made Stoops think he would be a difference-making contributor over and above being wide receivers coach? He needs to be demoted to position duties. If he won't take it, fired.

Heupel is not ready for o-coord. There isn't enough polish for the "egg" he laid this year. Demoted or fired.

Venables I think can still be co-d-coord, but his influence needs to be diminished in lieu of someone who can come in and shake up the defense. I'd take someone like a Dick LeBeau (Steelers d-coord) disciple... maybe his d-backs coach Carnell Lake.

Martinez clearly added no value. Gone.

If someone like Stoops getting paid CEO money, who in fact is running a multi-million dollar revenue generating enterprise, was reporting to a board of directors (instead of "leadership" that effectively, if not answering to him, is "lateral" to him), what do you think would be demanded of him after this last year's performance?

Here's what: Fix it, or take your buyout clause. And by fix it, it would be meant that, yes, heads need to roll and new talent brought in to revitalize the operation.

So I apologize for starting another one of these. I really intend it as observational, because I really think that if Stoops does not shake things up, the money men will start having their say. (And as was observed in another thread, when the money men get involved, it always gets messy.) Inf******credible! Rocks for brains, pecans for gonads and
toilet paper for anything else.....papershell pecans and single ply...........

12/11/2011, 08:30 PM

12/11/2011, 08:33 PM

12/11/2011, 08:35 PM

12/11/2011, 08:36 PM
The King went from toast of the town with back-to-back National Championships to the doghouse after three years in a row where the Sooners lost four games each season, followed by a 9-2-1 season. Bury Barry bumper stickers were a common sight. His teams then went on a three-year run of 11-1 teams, the first of which was yet another National Champion.

Would Gary Gibbs or any other coach have won #6 for us if Switzer had been asked to resign prior to the 1985 season?

12/11/2011, 08:37 PM
Can you imagine these folks if we were actually a bad team?
The same place they were late in the Gibbs, Schnelly and Blake years.....rooting for someone else or still crapping their diapers. It must be a sad, pathetic existence to expect nothing less than an undefeated season and national championship every season.

12/11/2011, 08:44 PM
People that expect us to win every game need to wake the **** up

Lott's Bandana
12/11/2011, 08:48 PM
Janis = über-incredible.

Validated the existence of this thread.

12/11/2011, 09:07 PM

12/11/2011, 09:45 PM
I think we got trolled.

Peach Fuzz
12/11/2011, 09:47 PM
I'd be ok with you deleting your account. Hand in your ag-tag while you're at it.

12/11/2011, 10:08 PM
You are supposed to die before donating your brain to science.

12/11/2011, 10:11 PM
I don't think Bob Stoops needs to resign but maybe we need a few changes. Here is what I propose. Many of the posters here are unhappy with Josh H as OC and Brent V as DC I suggest they flip positions. Josh will handle the defense and Brent can instill the new overhauled offense we so disparately need Our secondary has been torched for too many big plays so give Wille Martinez a job in the Library. We then hire Mike Stoops as the new Head Coach. We can do this because we move Bob Stoops to his new position as OU Athletic Director. Then Joe Castiglione comes in to coach the secondary in the position vacated by Wille Martinez.

12/11/2011, 10:15 PM
Phuck u

12/11/2011, 10:18 PM


Do you want us to watch this whole clip? Does it have any relevance to anything besides just saying "weakest link?"

12/11/2011, 10:20 PM
Do you want us to watch this whole clip? Does it have any relevance to anything besides just saying "weakest link?"

Yes. They all know a hell of a lot more about football than SBOTN and that includes Lil Brat and Anne the Hostess even though one of them can't multiply 3x4.

12/11/2011, 10:23 PM
I think we got trolled.

I was kinda saying that about him tattooing his BS on his forehead. Thing is he trolled more than one post in the hour or so he posted today. It's just not much of a joke anymore IMO. We have a Bowl coming up and if he wants to be "Negative Nellie or Debbie Downer" He ought to just go troll the oSu Boards and pose as the aggie he is.

Even though some folks are upset with Dean and even some of us that just flatly support Stoops in whatever decision they decide to make between now and next September....there isn't any reason to be a punk *** like that. Even the folks that don't meltdown about a 9-3 outcome in the regular Season still hurt. I hurt for the players that did play up to their potential and had to watch as many of their Team mates were carried off the field for their last play as a Sooner. That just has to be hard to take. I hurt for the Coaches that really know who's hurt and want to play and they can't let them due to Drs. Orders. I hurt for Venables as I know he's as passionate as anyone about seeing his guys stop the oppositions Offenses. I hurt for Landry when he made those turnovers in the oSu Game and tried to shake the first one and then the second one until he realized that things were just not gonna go our way.

None of those guys played like they did in Tallahassee this year or Dallas or Manhattan to have a games like we did against Tech, BU or oSu. There were some really fantastic plays. The Tech Game and the BU Game could very well have been wins and just might have been enough to change attitudes when we were struggling in Stoolwater.

Folks say the Coaches should have made changes. They did make changes and many of them were followed by turnovers instead of success. It was hard to watch and that's why it hurt for all of us....not just a few.

SBOTN and a few others ought to stop. It's why I think losing SPEK on this board was a mistake but Phil obviously prefers this stuff over posters turning him red as a ghey roosters ***.

12/11/2011, 10:27 PM
I'll see you again tonight when I go to bed in my head movies. But this head movie makes my eyes rain.

12/11/2011, 10:46 PM
Richard, you crack me the **** up. Really.

12/11/2011, 11:08 PM
My biggest concern...We have ongoing injury related problems that need to be addressed in two ways, one being more emphasis on prevention, such as a whole new agility training approach, and we need more depth. We need backup players who are just as good as their counterparts.

12/11/2011, 11:15 PM

This video saves this thread :)

12/11/2011, 11:34 PM
Something had to be done. :D

12/11/2011, 11:44 PM
My biggest concern...We have ongoing injury related problems that need to be addressed in two ways, one being more emphasis on prevention, such as a whole new agility training approach, and we need more depth. We need backup players who are just as good as their counterparts.

How do we do this? The only programs that consistently field these types of teams use unethical and just-barely-legal recruiting tactics.

How do you feeling about over-signing, greyshirting, etc? How about deceiving 18yr olds, then taking a year of their football lives away from them? Because that is what you are advocating: doing anything and everything to win, as long as it narrowly fits within NCAA rules.

With regards to the agility thing, didn't we already discuss that there was no actual proof that being a ballerina decreased injuries. I mean, besides what you heard on the radio and read in an email?

12/11/2011, 11:55 PM
Hook, line, sinker.

The irony of people telling the OP that he's not very bright is hilarious.

Peach Fuzz
12/12/2011, 12:22 AM
Hook, line, sinker.

The irony of people telling the OP that he's not very bright is hilarious.

what do you mean 'people'

12/12/2011, 12:28 AM
My biggest concern...We have ongoing injury related problems that need to be addressed in two ways, one being more emphasis on prevention, such as a whole new agility training approach, and we need more depth. We need backup players who are just as good as their counterparts.

The only way to do that is to not have any star players. :excitement:

12/12/2011, 01:01 AM
OP - Mental Health, seek professional help to improve yours.

12/12/2011, 01:49 AM
Can you imagine these folks if we were actually a bad team?

Ha! Thank God there was no internets back in the 90s!

12/12/2011, 08:52 AM
Only asswipes call out an Offensive Coordinator with 9 wins and before he has even finished his Season. Incredible.

Also thinking an NFL Defensive Coordinator or someone with his credentials is coming to save the day is like spending your paycheck every payday waiting on your lotto numbers to hit.

You mean asswipes like Bob Stoops who called out said o-coord after the oSu loss? Well played.

12/12/2011, 08:52 AM
You don't have to apologize to me for being wrong. Baylor's QB just won the Heisman and oSu is in the consolation Game against Stanford and nearly made the MNC Game for playing so well this year.

You may think they are horrific programs but they both had some really big wins this year over more than just OU. They both have stepped up their game due to their Head Coaches and Players playing in this Conference. I know some folks think the SEC is the baddest *** Conference in America....but the Big XII still has some great Football Programs in it.

OSU, Tech and Baylor are not great programs. OSU and KSU are the two worst programs this conference has ever had historically and Tech and Baylor aren't far behind. Losing to bad programs and getting schooled by an idiot coach in Mike Gundy is something that shouldn't happen at OU ever. OU didn't lose to OSU because of talent they lost because the other team was so much better prepared. It looked like OU didn't even look at a game OSU played this year with the offensive and defensive game plans they came up with.

12/12/2011, 08:53 AM
Stay stupid, my friend (and as far north as possible).

12/12/2011, 09:12 AM
You guys are sensitive. I mean in a skirt-wearing Nancy-boy sort of way. And you take yourselves WAY too seriously, you true Sooners fans you.

And your reading comprehension isn't exactly up to par. I didn't call for Stoops to resign. I said I would be ok with it if he did. As in, I would be emotionally secure and stable with the realization that OU would be just fine without him and going a different direction. Many of you don't seem to be quite as secure.

And you're missing the main point overall as well, which is this: What you and I think does not matter one whit. But you can't escape the fact that Stoops runs a multi-million dollar business. And there are big ticket folks around the university who I promise you are very concerned with how the season turned out.

And you can see 9 wins and 3 losses and say you are fine with it, and that I'm an idiot because I expect us to win every game. (Nothing could be further from the truth, by the way.) But sometimes you have to look beyond the wins and losses. What is the state of the program as a whole? More and more grumblings are surfacing from the folks for whom the game is really intended: the student athletes. That points towards some serious issues that need to be addressed. And I am sure Stoops will address them. How he addresses them, though, carries weight.

So you guys keep sticking your heads in the sand, keep engaging in knee jerk reactions to other people's opinions, and enjoy your trip out to the Insight Bowl.

And I'll just continue contributing to the program as I always have (you know... with that money thing), and I will continue expressing my moronic opinions.... which happen to counter-balance quite nicely your moronic opinions.

Thanks, and have a nice day.

12/12/2011, 09:15 AM
Stay stupid, my friend (and as far north as possible).

Heh. Nope. I'm afraid that you are going to have to put up with me continuing to pollute soonerfans.com boards and tailgates for a while. I'm having too much fun.

Hey, how about that home schedule next year. I think I'll make the 800 miles of travel down there for probably 4 or even 5 games next year. Should be a blast!

12/12/2011, 09:28 AM
Richard, you crack me the **** up. Really.

The LAS of the Football Forum.

12/12/2011, 09:36 AM
And as I said, Stoops get asked to resign all the time - just not by anyone that matters (i.e. only by morans like us). And as far as OU being just fine going in a different direction -- well, that's a crap shoot. It could easily turn out like RichRod going to Michigan or it could be the 2nd coming of the King. The thing I don't understand at all is why the folks that are so upset by the season *assume* that other people are fine with it and are a bunch of sunshine pumpers. I haven't seen 1 posting that implies anyone is fine with it. All I see are people that have different time-lines to make judgements. I will admit I'm a bit different because I respect what the team on the other sideline does and understand they work hard to and have good players and coaches and will win sometimes. And the talent levels are not as different as we would like to believe and are non-existant when our best players get hurt. Anyone that thought we would match-up with OSU with who we had available had not been watching games with a critical eye. I saw nothing the coaches could do other than maybe keep it a bit more competitive - an 'L' was a high probability outcome.

Where I am in total agreement with you is the concern of the program internals. Players grumbling or quitting or transferring is definitely a red flag. There will always be players unhappy with playing time, but it shouldn't be widespread and it shouldn't hurt team chemistry. And it's definitely an area coaches should have more of a handle - there is no opposing coach or team scheming against you. And it is human nature to bond as a unit when going through difficult situations such as camps/practice and games. If that is not happening, there could be a leadership problem. Note I say "could" - anything information that reaches me about team internals is a rumor.

12/12/2011, 10:26 AM
Can you imagine these folks if we were actually a bad team?

Yeah. They'd be the ones wearing orange.

Curly Bill
12/12/2011, 10:34 AM
Did someone send out the bat signal for everyone to leap to
Stoops' defense? He's supposedly a grown man, but some of ya act like he's 8 and you're his momma. It's kinda cute really. ;)

Bourbon St Sooner
12/12/2011, 10:56 AM
i really and truly believe percentage wise... we have more idiot fans than any other school in the country...

Unfortunately the evidence is mounting. We won the B12 3 of the last 4 years. We don't win it this year and now the whole coaching staff needs to go? really?

12/12/2011, 11:00 AM
Heh. Nope. I'm afraid that you are going to have to put up with me continuing to pollute soonerfans.com boards and tailgates for a while. I'm having too much fun.

Hey, how about that home schedule next year. I think I'll make the 800 miles of travel down there for probably 4 or even 5 games next year. Should be a blast!

It's all in fun. I am not exactly in love with Bob these days myself, but I don't want to risk getting someone worse.

Curly Bill
12/12/2011, 11:05 AM
It's all in fun. I am not exactly in love with Bob these days myself, but I don't want to risk getting someone worse.

...and by someone worse, you mean Vulnerables? ;)

12/12/2011, 11:30 AM
Patton needs to go. Venables needs to go. You can throw Martinez in there if you want, though I don't think he's a problem. Our DBs play more physical than they did before he arrived on campus. That they still play 10 yards off the LOS and blow assignments is something that I associate more with scheme, which is on Venables.

Josh is fine. He just had his first year as OC, and it was apparent he was trying to establish the run first throughout the season, with the exception of the OSU game. That his offensive line can't run block is on Patton, not Josh.

Ideally, I'd like to see a new DC, new OL coach, and a special teams coach. Those are 3 areas of ongoing concern for multiple seasons now.

12/12/2011, 11:42 AM
Just about the time you thought it couldn't get any dumber...

12/12/2011, 11:51 AM
I'd be OK if Dean went caveman on this thread just because that has become the most entertaining aspect of this board.

Ton Loc
12/12/2011, 12:38 PM
Did someone send out the bat signal for everyone to leap to
Stoops' defense? He's supposedly a grown man, but some of ya act like he's 8 and you're his momma. It's kinda cute really. ;)

Really, what should the response have been?

It would have been better if everyone had just ignored the post. But ignoring posts full of ignorance, wild accusations, and presumptions sort of take the fun out of message boards.

12/12/2011, 01:01 PM
You guys are sensitive. I mean in a skirt-wearing Nancy-boy sort of way. And you take yourselves WAY too seriously, you true Sooners fans you.

And your reading comprehension isn't exactly up to par. I didn't call for Stoops to resign. I said I would be ok with it if he did. As in, I would be emotionally secure and stable with the realization that OU would be just fine without him and going a different direction. Many of you don't seem to be quite as secure.

And you're missing the main point overall as well, which is this: What you and I think does not matter one whit. But you can't escape the fact that Stoops runs a multi-million dollar business. And there are big ticket folks around the university who I promise you are very concerned with how the season turned out.

And you can see 9 wins and 3 losses and say you are fine with it, and that I'm an idiot because I expect us to win every game. (Nothing could be further from the truth, by the way.) But sometimes you have to look beyond the wins and losses. What is the state of the program as a whole? More and more grumblings are surfacing from the folks for whom the game is really intended: the student athletes. That points towards some serious issues that need to be addressed. And I am sure Stoops will address them. How he addresses them, though, carries weight.

So you guys keep sticking your heads in the sand, keep engaging in knee jerk reactions to other people's opinions, and enjoy your trip out to the Insight Bowl.

And I'll just continue contributing to the program as I always have (you know... with that money thing), and I will continue expressing my moronic opinions.... which happen to counter-balance quite nicely your moronic opinions.

Thanks, and have a nice day.

I know I didn't get mad about the Stoops comment. It was mostly the dumbass position you took about Josh Huepel. You've just got zero reason to call for him to step down.

The only reason for it to happen is if the Head Coach thought he was in over his head. On top of that, until we lost 3 games, nobody was calling for Josh to be fired or demoted. They were excited about Wilson moving on and seeing what Josh could do as Coordinator. Josh is a first year OC. Nobody is going to make a change there unless Norvell leaves for a job somewhere.

Now. If you would be fine with Bob resigning fine. I just don't get why he would for one thing. I doubt he would because some guy named SoonerBoy or CurlyBill thought he should. It's so laughable that you all are nearly laughed off a message board. I think if anything changes in College Football it will be that Internet Posters will someday be held accountable for the stupid **** they say. Message Boards will more than likely become supported by the University's and the ones you'll be able to post at will be like amateur comedy clubs.

Curly Bill
12/12/2011, 01:04 PM
ST..you of all people talking about people laughed off a message board? That's rich! And incredibly ironic.

12/12/2011, 01:08 PM
Patton needs to go. Venables needs to go. You can throw Martinez in there if you want, though I don't think he's a problem. Our DBs play more physical than they did before he arrived on campus. That they still play 10 yards off the LOS and blow assignments is something that I associate more with scheme, which is on Venables.

Josh is fine. He just had his first year as OC, and it was apparent he was trying to establish the run first throughout the season, with the exception of the OSU game. That his offensive line can't run block is on Patton, not Josh.

Ideally, I'd like to see a new DC, new OL coach, and a special teams coach. Those are 3 areas of ongoing concern for multiple seasons now. Mack Brown just tried this approach. He lost to RGIII too.

Get real. Disassembling your Coaching Staff won't work.

12/12/2011, 01:24 PM
Mack Brown just tried this approach. He lost to RGIII too.

Get real. Disassembling your Coaching Staff won't work.

Yeah... I don't mind adding some new blood or shuffling folks around, but running everyone off may not be as helpful as you'd think.... We don't need Bob on one of these next year...lol!


12/12/2011, 01:27 PM
Hey, if the horns win their bowl game they will have topped the .500 mark over the last 2 years!

12/12/2011, 02:30 PM
Mack Brown just tried this approach. He lost to RGIII too.

Get real. Disassembling your Coaching Staff won't work.
So Mack's example is the example for all to follow? If we follow the Mack example as a cautionary tale, nobody would ever be accountable in their jobs. Get real, indeed.

Mack had to replace his DC. He didn't have a choice in that regard. He canned Greg Davis because they were horrible offensively last year and the pressure was just too much. However, as we have seen, the problem at UT was and remains personnel. With Gilbert Grape out this year, they basically started from scratch again.

OU has an ongoing problem with scheme and execution. You could argue to a lesser extent that we have a problem with personnel too, but by and large we have the talent to win the BXII every year. Scheme, execution, and in many cases personnel problems ultimately fall on the coaches.

Curly Bill
12/12/2011, 03:29 PM
So Mack's example is the example for all to follow? If we follow the Mack example as a cautionary tale, nobody would ever be accountable in their jobs. Get real, indeed.

Mack had to replace his DC. He didn't have a choice in that regard. He canned Greg Davis because they were horrible offensively last year and the pressure was just too much. However, as we have seen, the problem at UT was and remains personnel. With Gilbert Grape out this year, they basically started from scratch again.

OU has an ongoing problem with scheme and execution. You could argue to a lesser extent that we have a problem with personnel too, but by and large we have the talent to win the BXII every year. Scheme, execution, and in many cases personnel problems ultimately fall on the coaches.

But...but...but...you're not a D-I coach so how can you possibly know that?!?! LOL

12/12/2011, 03:57 PM

12/12/2011, 04:22 PM
There comes a point in some threads where you can tell that some folks are only here because they want to help run Frankenstien out of Town even though he has their frontal cortex

12/12/2011, 04:37 PM
They were excited about Wilson moving on and seeing what Josh could do as Coordinator.

Note a slam on Josh but I wasn't excited about Wilson moving on. I think he was a darn good offensive coordinator.

It's pretty much true everywhere but Wilson got a lot of hindsight criticism. You know what I'm talking about - the guy sitting behind you who always seemed to know that we should have passed right after a run was stuffed or vice versa.

Message Boards will more than likely become supported by the University's and the ones you'll be able to post at will be like amateur comedy clubs.

I'm gonna guess you're a young 'un. Back around '95 you actually saw message boards on the university's sports web sites. I'm pretty sure our own university's athletic site had their own. (I don't think it had been branded SoonerSports.com yet.) In addition the old weather dudes were OU students and ran a board from university's computers. Pretty quickly universities decided they did not want to be in the business of giving critics a forum. I can promise you we'll never go back to that.

12/12/2011, 04:39 PM

12/12/2011, 05:44 PM
I sure would NOT be ok with asking Bob Stoops to resign.However he does have some big challanges to face. I am still mystified by the TT game, and the Baylor loss hurt but they have RGIII and some other darned good players. The thing that was perplexing about the Baylor game were the coaching brain f--ts at the end. Sort of a Les Miles moment.

The OSU game was a clear indication that Bob had "lost" the team. They were dysfunctional from the git go and actually quit. We keep hearing about disention in the "locker room" and more "rumors" of player transfers. Right now, with those possible issues and the fact that "IF" talent level is a problem, I am not overly optomistic about next year. If the current committments hold we could get instant help with receivers but little help from true freshman at most positions.As for coaching changes, I have not liked what I have seen, but if talent is the problem?????

I have been watching OU football since the mid 1950s and have seen other ups and downs, that is part of all athletics, but this year was really unique.

stoops the eternal pimp
12/12/2011, 05:50 PM
I don't know if Richard has ever caught as many as he has in this thread.

Mississippi Sooner
12/12/2011, 05:52 PM
I don't know if Richard has ever caught as many as he has in this thread.

It amazes me that he catches so many of the same ones over and over again.

12/12/2011, 06:21 PM
I didn't read it, but I can already tell this thread sucks.

12/12/2011, 06:26 PM
I don't know if Richard has ever caught as many as he has in this thread.

Richard? You mean good 'ol Dick?

12/12/2011, 07:41 PM
"I don't always start an insane internet thread, but when I do, I call for the head of Bob Stoops."

12/12/2011, 09:56 PM
I know I didn't get mad about the Stoops comment. It was mostly the dumbass position you took about Josh Huepel. You've just got zero reason to call for him to step down.

The only reason for it to happen is if the Head Coach thought he was in over his head. On top of that, until we lost 3 games, nobody was calling for Josh to be fired or demoted. They were excited about Wilson moving on and seeing what Josh could do as Coordinator. Josh is a first year OC. Nobody is going to make a change there unless Norvell leaves for a job somewhere.

Now. If you would be fine with Bob resigning fine. I just don't get why he would for one thing. I doubt he would because some guy named SoonerBoy or CurlyBill thought he should. It's so laughable that you all are nearly laughed off a message board. I think if anything changes in College Football it will be that Internet Posters will someday be held accountable for the stupid **** they say. Message Boards will more than likely become supported by the University's and the ones you'll be able to post at will be like amateur comedy clubs.

"What color is the sky in your world, Cliff?"

If you'll get Boren on the line for me I will gladly state my opinion to him as well. And just what sort of "accounting" do you suppose will be made of me? Is it the stockade? Roadside cleanup? Pray tell what be my lowly fate?


You mean to say that all the people, "they all" I believe you stated, were excited to see Wilson go? Really? Speaking of accountable... What were your accounting methods by which you came to that conclusion? You know all Sooners fans? You know at least a healthy majority? By what standard did you make that determination? This board? Are you really going to sit there and tell me that this message board was your source of truth to determine that everyone wanted Wilson gone and Heupel elevated?

Well I wasn't consulted. In fact, I believe I stated my opinion that people were nuts for wanting the architect of the all-time scoring offense of modern history shipped off so that a green hotshot former player could get his chance. I think there were many others... yes, on this very board... of the same opinion. You checked with them too?

So it's ok with everyone that Wilson gets bussed off to a backwater, but poor little Josh is the kid in the helmet that always sits at the front of the bus and just needs to be given a chance to play kickball with the other kids with no one making fun of him? Have I got that about right?

And you came up with this all by your little lonesome. Well, aren't you a busy little beaver. Though, I think you may have missed a couple logs in your dam project there, Bucky.

Say, you might not want to wave your satin crimson thong at Josh so publicly. It's a bit unseemly.

How's that for comedy, princess?

12/12/2011, 11:11 PM
I don't know if Richard has ever caught as many as he has in this thread.

I am quite sure I have no idea to what you are alluding.

Surely you are not intimating that I am not to be taken seriously.

No! NO! Again I say NO!

I MUST be taken seriously on an internet message board, else my life have no meaning and my purpose diffuse silently and unseen into the ether of the universe....


12/12/2011, 11:12 PM
I mean... we're supposed to take everyone and everything seriously on teh innerwebs... right? I mean.. that's the rules... and stuff. Right?

12/12/2011, 11:53 PM
The fact is...................... OU has a head coach who won a natl title 11 years ago with players recruited for the previous coach. He has had the most potent offense..... 2 , count'em two Heisman trophy winners........ he has had several ALL-Americans and award winners etc... He has had classes that have had 3 out of 4 selected in the FIRST round of the NFL draft. Given those facts and the results which includes losing more close games than winning shows a deficiency in HEAD coaching. When the talent on the field is equal.... and you continue to lose the games THAT IS COACHING....period! Stoops needs to make changes or move on. He is paid 5 MILLION..that is MILLION dollars a year. That is ridiculous in and of itself but that said............... That is not a salary worthy of paying a person who cannot look past the "we just win our conference" theory.

12/14/2011, 06:22 PM
I am quite sure I have no idea to what you are alluding.

We all have known this for quite sometime. We are just wondering when you are gonna figure it out and start really just reading and soaking in some meaning.

12/14/2011, 06:42 PM
The fact is...................... OU has a head coach who won a natl title 11 years ago with players recruited for the previous coach. He has had the most potent offense..... 2 , count'em two Heisman trophy winners........ he has had several ALL-Americans and award winners etc... He has had classes that have had 3 out of 4 selected in the FIRST round of the NFL draft. Given those facts and the results which includes losing more close games than winning shows a deficiency in HEAD coaching. When the talent on the field is equal.... and you continue to lose the games THAT IS COACHING....period! Stoops needs to make changes or move on. He is paid 5 MILLION..that is MILLION dollars a year. That is ridiculous in and of itself but that said............... That is not a salary worthy of paying a person who cannot look past the "we just win our conference" theory.

Your theory has been proven wrong as many times as right. Some Coaches go into a slump and it's maybe due to attracting a Travis Lewis. These players all want to go to the NFL and hit the big time. it's hard to decide who is who as they come into the program. I think sitting a few of them from time to time might be the answer more than changing out the Head Coach. The Head Coach we have is fine. He has seen many of his Staff move on to other jobs instead of stay. Now folks think the answer is to dump the ones that have been a part of keeping us in the hunt. I'd say it's really the other way around. I'd dump a few of the newbs that don't seem to fit. You can't buy a Win but you can keep a winner happy. Bob would probably be happy to take 5-6 anywhere else that would pay him but IMO....he's happy here. What I see him not happy about is the play of our players. I'm pretty sure that's where all of this BS like yours starts too. The players lose a game and then you blame the Coaches....then the Coaches get fired and you wish you had STFU about the Coach when you find out that a good Coach attracts a lot of good players. A bad Coach attracts a few but not enough to keep you in the hunt for MNCs.

I'll take a guy that's been there 4 times over a guy that walked into one. Most folks realize that John Blake was completely wrong and that Bob got those players to believe they could win. They were at the edge of the cliff that some fans think Bob is at right now. Bob isn't even close to the cliff that John Blake lived on every year he was involved in Coaching.

If you could toss out money and be guaranteed a MNC....it would have already been done. People who live in reality understand that this isn't about how much you pay a guy. It's about winning and doing what's excepted of you. Bob has done that and you are bat **** crazy if you think that firing him is gonna make things all better. It's what you are implying and it's pretty stupid.

12/15/2011, 02:06 AM
The fact is...................... OU has a head coach who won a natl title 11 years ago with players recruited for the previous coach. He has had the most potent offense..... 2 , count'em two Heisman trophy winners........ he has had several ALL-Americans and award winners etc... He has had classes that have had 3 out of 4 selected in the FIRST round of the NFL draft. Given those facts and the results which includes losing more close games than winning shows a deficiency in HEAD coaching.

I would say the award winners are a sign that our coaches are doing something right. We've been very effective at developing QB's. (I'm not as sold on Landry Jones as many but he's still a well above average QB.) That's translated into undefeated regular seasons and appearances in national title game. I think we've been very successful in the W/L column.

As for the 3 out of 4, we had ONE year where that happened. It was also a year where we had unprecedented injuries that knocked 2 of the 4 first round picks (and the two best offensive players) out for the season. One (Gresham) didn't play at all and the other (Bradford) played a small part of a couple of games.

That team also had a weakness on the offensive line (despite the presence of Trent Williams).

If you think have 3 of the top 4 draft picks automatically makes you the favorite for the national championship then I think you're dead wrong.

12/17/2011, 01:30 AM
ST..you of all people talking about people laughed off a message board? That's rich! And incredibly ironic.

I know you know that I do actually like you as a person....but I've not had to much reason to ever agree with your one liners you throw out at Stoops and the Team. I usually let you just roll on instead of get into it with you. So you are right....it is ironic and rich that I continue to just ignore the stuff you toss around on this board. I do it because you are a good guy most of the time. You just have a screwed up way of enjoying Sooner Football and there's no real crime in that.