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12/11/2011, 03:14 PM
Tennessee trying to keep New Orleans from winning their Division today.

Low scoring Game.

Drew Brees killing my Fantasy Matchup.....Grrrrr.....

10-9 Titans.

12/11/2011, 03:46 PM
I think most of the people went ahead and jumped off the ledge.


12/11/2011, 03:47 PM
The game tonight should be interesting.

12/11/2011, 03:50 PM
I hope Robinson plays and Romo hits him for 4 TDs. I need some fantasy help today.

12/11/2011, 03:53 PM
Brees just got hammered! 5:00 left in the 4th.

12/11/2011, 04:07 PM
NOs ball....2:17 left. 22-17. Nice try by the Titans.

12/11/2011, 04:08 PM
Tennessee trying to keep New Orleans from winning their Division today.

Low scoring Game.

Drew Brees killing my Fantasy Matchup.....Grrrrr.....

10-9 Titans.

Speaking of the Saints, has anyone explained how the Saints and Packers are able to put up the numbers they do in the NFL? I mean, it's impossible to run these type of offenses in the SEC because the defenses are so good. One would have to conclude that it can't be done in the NFL either.

Or, maybe just maybe if your offense is good enough you can beat a great defense.

There's no doubt in my mind that if you cloned the Packers offense and put them in a Big 12 or PAC 12 team their accomplishments would be dismissed by SEC homers.

12/11/2011, 04:15 PM
Well.....thanks for killing the Saints win....lol

0:07 left....LMAO!

12/11/2011, 04:43 PM
Anyone see the ending of the Vikings game? Minny has it first and goal on the two yard line with 8 seconds left and Webb fumbles the ball while the defender had a head turning grip of his facemask. The officials kept the flag in their pockets and the Lions won the game.

Absolutely pathetic on the official's part. There's absolutely no way the officials didn't see the facemask. I can only guess that they were too scared to make the call in that situation. That's the only possible explanation.

Luckily in the NFL officials are held accountable and the official's office will comment/criticize these things.

This is exactly why the "officials shouldn't decide the game" logic is flawed. The officials absolutely had a responsibility to make a critical call and failed.

Edit: One more thing, I see some Vikings fans criticizing Webb for that fumble. Webb did exactly what he should have done - tried to make a play. Minny had no timeouts so there's not difference between a sack, an INT, or a fumble. In that situation all ball protection rules are out the window. You have to try to make a play.

Had Eric Moore done the same thing years ago I would have long forgotten that loss. Instead he ran out of bounds on fourth down with the game one the line. Dumbest OU play I've ever seen with the exception of the Mark Bradley play.

12/11/2011, 04:44 PM
Hey Rodgers!





12/11/2011, 05:13 PM
They're all dead Sir............


12/11/2011, 05:34 PM
There are Packer fans and then there are fans of the 31 teams that the Packers will crush into a fine powder that will blow helplessly in the wind.

Which fan are you? Because I am a Packer fan.

12/11/2011, 06:38 PM
I'm a robot.

12/11/2011, 06:50 PM
Guess our boys decided to get serious about playing defense. Bodes well for the righteous/pure of heart.

12/11/2011, 06:58 PM
I haven't seen anyone that could beat the Packers when it's all on the line. Whoever the AFC sends to the Super Bowl is a sacrificial lamb.

12/11/2011, 07:26 PM
Denver baby!! Another come from behind win. This team has got some serious swagger and confidence to it

12/11/2011, 07:34 PM
Denver baby!! Another come from behind win. This team has got some serious swagger and confidence to it

Yes, the TEAM had a good win. Tebow damn well didn't win it. He might make plays at the end of games but without a defense that's playing outstanding he'd probably be winless.

A real NFL QB doesn't wait until 3 minutes left in a game to put the first points on the board and with 90% of teams that'll get your butt beat.

I'm getting sick of seeing other teams fumble at the end of games, screw up onside kick receptions, etc. Either God really does want Tebow to win or he's the luckiest SOB on the planet. Sooner or later Tebow's pathetic play through the first 9.10ths of games will start to show up in the loss column.

12/11/2011, 07:45 PM
Tebow is teh win. Incredible how he just keeps leading guys and seemingly standing by his faith. He sure has taken more gruff over his personal life than his play over the years but now it seems to be that he's taking a lot of gruff over his play instead of his personal life. Either way...the guy posts wins as a QB.

It's kind of fun to watch.

12/11/2011, 07:45 PM
In my post I said nothing about Tebow. But since you brought it up, to say Tebow isn't helping us win is not true. Look at our record with Tebow and with Orton. Our defense is playing amazing also. This team might not be sexy or flashy but they're like the SEC. Ground and pound and play defense. Seems to be working

12/11/2011, 07:53 PM
It was a team win for Denver, but it was interesting to hear the NFL TV pregame crew talk about Tebow.

Mariucci, Faulk, Irvin, Warner, Sapp were saying Tebow has lots to learn --- but he's already learned what most quarterbacks usually learn last: how to come from behind in the 4th quarter and win.

12/11/2011, 07:55 PM
Next week should be extremely interesting with Denver vs. New England

12/11/2011, 07:56 PM
I'll still take New England in a heart beat but.....

12/11/2011, 07:58 PM
NE was my preseason pick to win the SB, but as a Denver fan my whole short life, I gotta root for us to spring the upset. Plus NE has a weak run defense imo, which plays into our strengths very good. And NE's OL is a joke

12/11/2011, 07:58 PM
It was a team win for Denver, but it was interesting to hear the NFL TV pregame crew talk about Tebow.

Mariucci, Faulk, Irvin, Warner, Sapp were saying Tebow has lots to learn --- but he's already learned what most quarterbacks usually learn last: how to come from behind in the 4th quarter and win.

Yeah when John Elway is coming around and taking notice....you can bet that he's pretty inspirational to a Team and a young QB. Nobody could win in the 4th qtr like Elway. I hated that he did it for Denver all those years but I damn sure watched it every time they would air the final 2 minutes every Sunday.

12/11/2011, 08:00 PM
Next week should be extremely interesting with Denver vs. New England

I don't see a Belichik coached team and Tom Brady going in there and being completely inept for 4 quarters. I imagine the Pats will score enough to put the Broncos out of the game before Tebow can resurrect another win in the final minutes.

12/11/2011, 08:21 PM
I am not giving anything to any team that plays the Broncos. I've watched every game this year, and there is no question Tebow is incredible in crunch time, but the heart of this team is the defense. (Maybe not the heart, but a big reason why they are winning now). I would like to add that Quinton Carter is the starting safety for the Broncos...it's nice to see a Sooner here doing well.

12/11/2011, 08:54 PM
Love seeing Carter blitzing from the safety spot....hope he seriously rattles Brady next week.

Man, those Denver receivers were more inept than Sam's Rams.

59 yard field goal to tie?!! Only in Denver.

12/11/2011, 09:04 PM
DM29 hobbled off with both? ankles injured on a rollover on the tackle.

12/11/2011, 09:04 PM
Uh-oh. Helping Demarco off the field. this doesn't look good.

12/11/2011, 09:41 PM
Prayers for DM.

12/11/2011, 10:03 PM
Tebow is teh win. Incredible how he just keeps leading guys and seemingly standing by his faith. He sure has taken more gruff over his personal life than his play over the years

That's flat out untrue. His personal beliefs have little to nothing to do with it. Tebow talks the talk of a humble man yet he seemingly does his best to encourage the media's infatuation with him.

I appreciate Tebow's faith but there's no reason 1) that they need him to circumsize young asian kids and 2) that the episode needs to be filmed and used as some sort of Tebow promotional video. Tebow hides his narcissistic traits behind a humble facade which I think makes him a hypocrite of the highest order.

If he were really a humble man he would do more than thanking God and his teammates. A really humble man would challenge the media's portrayal that he is the one responsible for these wins.

And that brings me back to football, how many NFL QB's could have as many games as Tebow has had with no points going deep into the fourth quarter and have any shot whatsoever to win the game? Not many.

I'll give Tebow credit. When it comes to the end of the game he's a gamer but he's done absolutely nothing to prove to me that he has a snowball's chance in hell of becoming an elite QB in the NFL.

12/11/2011, 10:25 PM
In my post I said nothing about Tebow. But since you brought it up, to say Tebow isn't helping us win is not true. Look at our record with Tebow and with Orton. Our defense is playing amazing also. This team might not be sexy or flashy but they're like the SEC. Ground and pound and play defense. Seems to be working

I never said that you said anything about Tebow. I wasn't trying to argue with what you said in your original post but I will argue with this post.

Very few NFL QB's would be given the opportunity to have a chance to win game after game after playing so poorly for the majority of the games.

You don't win in the NFL by playing SEC type offense unless you have the '85 Bears or '01 Ravens defenses and nobody in their right mind would argue that the QB's of those teams won the games for them.

The thing is that Tebow has shown little when facing normal NFL defenses. He is almost completely ineffective until the teams go into their late game prevent type defenses. Teams seem to be playing right into Tebow's hands. He not skilled enough to throw the ball against normally aligned NFL defensive backs.

I know nothing I'm saying is anything new to critics of prevent defenses but in Tebow's case I think it's even more ridiculous to go into these soft schemes. It gives Tebow enough time to run around and make plays.

12/11/2011, 10:55 PM
I haven't seen anyone that could beat the Packers when it's all on the line. Whoever the AFC sends to the Super Bowl is a sacrificial lamb.

I personally am hoping for Denver. If nobody else can make the fightin' tebows shaddap, the packers sure will be up for the task en route to going 19-0 :D

Can you imagine? It'd be like the highest rated super bowl ever, the tickets would scalp for even more than last year's steelers/packers matchup and there'd be silly ads with tebow tackling his mom for not aborting him or something.

12/11/2011, 11:38 PM
I personally am hoping for Denver. If nobody else can make the fightin' tebows shaddap, the packers sure will be up for the task en route to going 19-0 :D

Of course you're rooting for Denver. The score would be 28-0 with two minutes left in the game before Tebow decided to show up.

12/12/2011, 03:51 AM
I never said that you said anything about Tebow. I wasn't trying to argue with what you said in your original post but I will argue with this post.

Very few NFL QB's would be given the opportunity to have a chance to win game after game after playing so poorly for the majority of the games.

You don't win in the NFL by playing SEC type offense unless you have the '85 Bears or '01 Ravens defenses and nobody in their right mind would argue that the QB's of those teams won the games for them.

The thing is that Tebow has shown little when facing normal NFL defenses. He is almost completely ineffective until the teams go into their late game prevent type defenses. Teams seem to be playing right into Tebow's hands. He not skilled enough to throw the ball against normally aligned NFL defensive backs.

I know nothing I'm saying is anything new to critics of prevent defenses but in Tebow's case I think it's even more ridiculous to go into these soft schemes. It gives Tebow enough time to run around and make plays.

Tebow's receivers also had like 6 drops today, including what would've been an easy touchdown for Demaryius. I know people hate on his throwing and such, but he's making some nice throws lately and really starting to up his game. And when the game was on the line, he was perfect 7-7. There's something to be said for when the lights are the brightest he is shining

12/12/2011, 09:29 AM
Of course you're rooting for Denver. The score would be 28-0 with two minutes left in the game before Tebow decided to show up.

More like 50-0, Denver would be out of timeouts and our running backs would be too experienced (and too undrafted and league minimum'd) to screw up and run out of bounds.

Tebow would yell for the national audience to believe in him and they actually would.


... technically, pick-6's are touchdown passes.

Green Bay wins, 57-0! :D

12/12/2011, 01:53 PM
More like 50-0,

I thought about a score closer to that but I have to give Denver some credit. Their defense is playing really well. In fact, their defense is about 99% of the reason anyone is saying anything good about Tebow.