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12/8/2011, 04:16 PM
This is going on.....

States across America are known for more than just their proper names. In fact many states are given a nickname that often becomes interchangeable in its reference to the state. Well when it comes to which state is most worthy of staking a claim to a winter accessory's namesake, the gloves have come off as the battle for what state owns the rights to be called a mitten rages on. Many people refer to Michigan as the "Mitten State," because it's shaped like a mitten. Recently, Wisconsin started using an image of itself shaped like a mitten as part of its "Travel Wisconsin" winter tourism campaign, and some people with loyalties to Michigan are furious. So now a brand-new Midwestern rivalry has erupted on social media over what state has the right to be called the mitten state. When the Michigan site Awesome Mitten heard about the campaign, it voiced its outrage on Twitter. People are calling the new rivalry "Mittengate" on the Web, and the argument has spread to Facebook. Travel Wisconsin's Facebook page is flooded with Michigan residents who are enraged about the ad campaign. Well, they're angry in a Midwestern way. One person said, "Wisconsin is a wonderful state, but not the mitten state!" Another person wrote that Wisconsin should "lose the mitten, and stick to cheese." Some people are being less friendly, with one person saying Wisconsin is "the ugliest mitten [they've] ever seen." But as is so often the case, this rivalry comes down to football. Michigan State just lost to Wisconsin in the Big 10 Championship game, which led one person to tweet, "Wisconsin steals the Rose Bowl, now they want to steal our mitten too?" People on the Wisconsin side of the debate insist that the state is not trying to steal Michigan's sunshine. Tom Lyons, a PR specialist in Wisconsin, says, "Wisconsin is the left mitten. Michigan is the right mitten. Even children know that one mitten doesn't cut it when it comes to Midwest winters." Well, as far as rivalries go, we'll just have to see if this one lasts beyond the winter to find out who's the hands-down winner.


Mississippi Sooner
12/8/2011, 04:19 PM
Oklahoma looks like a giant meat cleaver. Which is pretty cool.

12/8/2011, 04:57 PM
I always thought it looked like a pot. Which is nice, too. Tasty things come in pots.

12/8/2011, 05:46 PM
Oklahoma, Texas, Florida, Hawaii. All stand out in a crowd,