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View Full Version : Stoops 12:05 Tuesday Press Conference

12/6/2011, 01:08 PM
I already miss them! Full of Stoop-isms - "It is what it is."

12/6/2011, 01:15 PM
I just can't make myself listen today. I get tired of him not answering any questions at all. I just want him to tell us that Mike is coming back and that will probably not be till after the bowl.

12/6/2011, 01:25 PM
Over/under set at 5 minutes.....How long it takes Stoops, after asked about the humiliation of playing in the Insight.com Bowl while the Pokes are in the Fiesta, to reply with "Before we got here, there weren't goin to many bowls around here." Up yours Bob, this is OKLAHOMA, with or without your smart-***! Maybe be real for ONCE. Say it stinks, say ur embarassed, say anything but a jab at the Blake years....cause your inablility to come up with good answers is getting TIRED

12/6/2011, 01:30 PM
I expect something along these lines:


12/6/2011, 01:36 PM
Over/under set at 5 minutes.....How long it takes Stoops, after asked about the humiliation of playing in the Insight.com Bowl while the Pokes are in the Fiesta, to reply with "Before we got here, there weren't goin to many bowls around here." Up yours Bob, this is OKLAHOMA, with or without your smart-***! Maybe be real for ONCE. Say it stinks, say ur embarassed, say anything but a jab at the Blake years....cause your inablility to come up with good answers is getting TIRED

Why don't you wait for him to actually say it before you rip into him for the imaginary quote you just made up?

stoops the eternal pimp
12/6/2011, 01:40 PM
Apparently, that's his schtick judging from the other thread..imagine scenarios and then react to said imagination.

12/6/2011, 01:47 PM
I have this scenario... where Rus and olevet are prancing about in togas in a flower-carpeted field of rolling hills...

12/6/2011, 01:48 PM
Why don't you wait for him to actually say it before you rip into him for the imaginary quote you just made up?

Apparently you don't listen to many of his post-horrible-loss press conferences. All he does is get pissy and take shots at 90's OU. It's bull****. The dude's arrogant....and can't just be real about the situation. Take ownership of it Stoops, damn. Get humble!

12/6/2011, 01:49 PM
Sooo, what has he actually said in this press conference?

12/6/2011, 01:50 PM
I have this scenario... where Rus and olevet are prancing about in togas in a flower-carpeted field of rolling hills...

Can I have my brain scrubbed now plzkthx?

stoops the eternal pimp
12/6/2011, 01:50 PM
Holy ****balls, where do they keep coming from?

12/6/2011, 01:51 PM
Usually someone posts a link.

12/6/2011, 01:52 PM
Apparently you don't listen to many of his post-horrible-loss press conferences. All he does is get pissy and take shots at 90's OU. It's bull****. The dude's arrogant....and can't just be real about the situation. Take ownership of it Stoops, damn. Get humble!

What happens after that?

12/6/2011, 01:53 PM
My clock says it's 12:52, and my calendar says it's Tuesday. So what has Bob said?

12/6/2011, 01:55 PM
Apparently you don't listen to many of his post-horrible-loss press conferences. All he does is get pissy and take shots at 90's OU. It's bull****. The dude's arrogant....and can't just be real about the situation. Take ownership of it Stoops, damn. Get humble!

You chose your name based on the number of cogent thoughts you have in a day?

C'mon. Bob does a little better than that.

12/6/2011, 02:03 PM
Sooooo anyone.....anyone....Bueller....anyone?

12/6/2011, 02:14 PM
Maybe there wasn't one this time?

Mississippi Sooner
12/6/2011, 02:16 PM
I heard that Stoops spent the entire press conference just flipping through a magazine and smiling bemusedly.

stoops the eternal pimp
12/6/2011, 02:18 PM
I bet he's talking about the coach's game plan to turn the ball over 5 times..

12/6/2011, 03:06 PM
He didn't have a press conference today, thus the "I already miss them":subdued:

12/6/2011, 03:09 PM
If you miss him so much, he's what I'll do: You guys post questions and I will grab random Stoops quotes through the years. We can have our own damn presser right here!

I'll start:


Stoops: He's got another year after this one to contribute and play. He's an excellent athlete who works hard. We just want to give him more opportunities to get on the field. I think he will give us more production.

12/6/2011, 03:10 PM
Holy ****balls, where do they keep coming from?

Stoops: That's fundamental, basic football that we can be better at. That's what we've got to get across to our team. To me, the biggest factor is we can play smarter than we're playing. We can play harder. Our guys wanted to play, they were prepared to play, but we have to learn to play at a higher tempo when we're playing.

12/6/2011, 03:11 PM
Can I have my brain scrubbed now plzkthx?

Stoops: The team thing would be to keep him at quarterback, ... But the guy's a junior and he's worked too hard here to do that. I believe he deserves an opportunity to be on the field.

12/6/2011, 03:12 PM
Sooo, what has he actually said in this press conference?

Stoops: You could point fingers all you want. But in the end, we are thin there and it has affected us to some degree.

12/6/2011, 03:13 PM
Why don't you wait for him to actually say it before you rip into him for the imaginary quote you just made up?

Stoops: We're more encouraged every day.

Mississippi Sooner
12/6/2011, 03:13 PM
Hey Bob! Charcoal or gas?

12/6/2011, 03:15 PM
Maybe there wasn't one this time?

Stoops: Sometimes it concerns you that when you have won for a period time, the players start thinking you have a right to win. You have to earn it every play, and I say that every week. We didn't go out there and do it last week, and TCU played harder and tougher than we did.

TCU really did. They destroyed UNLV. Poor UNLV.

12/6/2011, 03:15 PM
Coach, what happened? The team seemed to play uninspired on some really key games, Bedlam included. What do attribute that to?

12/6/2011, 03:16 PM
Hey Bob! Charcoal or gas?

Stoops: We've got an opportunity with six more [games] to win nine. We're going to do our best to win as many as we can. I mean, we can all add, right?

12/6/2011, 03:17 PM
Coach, what happened? The team seemed to play uninspired on some really key games, Bedlam included. What do attribute that to?

Stoops: I have no idea why Mark would have done that. I was as shocked as anybody in the stadium. How do you explain that? I don't know. That goes back to Pop Warner football. Mark should have made a better decision. I'm not going to sit here and go any further in front of the whole media, but it's as bad a play as there is.

12/6/2011, 03:19 PM
Why don't you wait for him to actually say it before you rip into him for the imaginary quote you just made up?

You must be Al Eshbach.

He's a big boy Kev, he can handle the pressure.

12/6/2011, 03:19 PM
Landy's play seems to really have dropped off since Ryan's injury. No touchdown passes since the Texas Tech game. Is that due to a change in the offensive scheme or is just bad QB play?

12/6/2011, 03:20 PM
What happens after that?

Stoops: I have total confidence in Chuck, and I think his track record speaks for him. The proof is in what they've done.

(and no I have no idea when he said these or what the context is)

12/6/2011, 03:20 PM
Landy's play seems to really have dropped off since Ryan's injury. No touchdown passes since the Texas Tech game. Is that due to a change in the offensive scheme or is just bad QB play?

Stoops: We have not been good. The players haven't been good. You can say whatever you want. I have done a lousy job.

(and yes these are actual Stoops quotes)

12/6/2011, 03:23 PM
Keep me coming. Those are great.

12/6/2011, 03:24 PM
Keep me coming. Those are great.

Stoops: He has not lived up to his responsibilities or expectations with the team or academically. He also hasn't followed through on the disciplinary measures that resulted in those areas.

12/6/2011, 03:24 PM
If given the opportunity, will you bring Mike back to coach in any capacity?

12/6/2011, 03:26 PM
If given the opportunity, will you bring Mike back to coach in any capacity?

Stoops: Hopefully it doesn't come to that. But it might. Heck, I may even be knocked out for part of it. But I know for a decent part of it I'll be awake and enjoying it.

12/6/2011, 03:27 PM
Hey Farva! Where's that place you like to go with all the goofy **** on the walls?

12/6/2011, 03:29 PM
Coach this has been a lot of fun, but for once could you give a direct answer to one of our questions?

12/6/2011, 03:30 PM
Stoops: Hopefully it doesn't come to that. But it might. Heck, I may even be knocked out for part of it. But I know for a decent part of it I'll be awake and enjoying it.

HAHAHAHA!!!! Great answer to that question.

12/6/2011, 03:30 PM
Coach this has been a lot of fun, but for once could you give a direct answer to one of our questions?

Stoops: It maybe typifies our whole year. We've been fighting and scratching and clawing through it all. I appreciate the guys for that.

12/6/2011, 03:32 PM
I have this scenario... where Rus and olevet are prancing about in togas in a flower-carpeted field of rolling hills...

I just about shot snot!!!

12/6/2011, 03:32 PM
Hey Farva! Where's that place you like to go with all the goofy **** on the walls?

Stoops: While we deny many of the allegations made in the lawsuit, our attorneys will continue to try and resolve this matter, ... It is our expectation that this lawsuit will not unduly disrupt our family or professional duties and responsibilities.

12/6/2011, 03:35 PM
Bob, once and for all: Dogs or Cats. Which do you prefer?

12/6/2011, 03:37 PM
This thread took a turn for the better, what are feelings on that coach?

12/6/2011, 03:37 PM
This thread went from sh*tty fo *****ng awesome,

12/6/2011, 03:39 PM
COACH!! ST with "I'm blogerific"

Baj had to change her sig and avatar. What do you attribute that too?

12/6/2011, 03:40 PM

are gonna eat those fries?

12/6/2011, 03:44 PM
Bob, once and for all: Dogs or Cats. Which do you prefer?

Stoops: I don't root for either team, but in the end, I have to be happy for Dan and the way he's building that program. They continue to make improvements. I'm sure this is a big step for them.

12/6/2011, 03:45 PM
This thread took a turn for the better, what are feelings on that coach?

Stoops: I don't believe as much as you write about it, you truly know how down it was and how poor and how bad it was,

12/6/2011, 03:45 PM
COACH!! ST with "I'm blogerific"

Baj had to change her sig and avatar. What do you attribute that too?

Stoops: It's not one of those injuries that heals even in four or five weeks. It's one of those that takes a significant amount of time. It's just unfortunate. It was kind of a funny fluke injury where he just got tangled up with Travis Wilson, I think. And it was a pass skeleton, where it wasn't even much of a contact drill. He just got kind of tangled up with him. It doesn't take much sometimes.

12/6/2011, 03:46 PM

are gonna eat those fries?

Stoops: To me, it'd be way too premature right now for that to happen. That's something that will be talked about and discussed

12/6/2011, 03:49 PM

"TheresOnlyOne" scored a -57 on his wunderlick, can you explain how he is eligble to post here?

12/6/2011, 03:53 PM

"TheresOnlyOne" scored a -57 on his wunderlick, can you explain how he is eligble to post here?

Stoops: He's the best. You can say all you want about him. He makes the plays that matter, and you see it every week.

12/6/2011, 03:55 PM

"TheresOnlyOne" scored a -57 on his wunderlick, can you explain how he is eligble to post here?

I have a B.A. from the University of Oklahoma. Not to get catty or trying to be a smart-***. Just wanted to clarify that I'm not an idiot.

12/6/2011, 03:56 PM

I think BBJ just stole your red lobster...

12/6/2011, 03:57 PM
I have a B.A. from the University of Oklahoma. Not to get catty or trying to be a smart-***. Just wanted to clarify that I'm not an idiot.

Stoops: Each day he's gotten more and more confident, knocking the rust off. Larry brings a lot of energy defensively, just with his attitude and all. Having him available to play to some degree hopefully will be a boost for us

12/6/2011, 03:58 PM

I think BBJ just stole your red lobster...

Stoops: I'm sure possibly all the extra work probably could be bothersome to him healthwise, and he just decided he wants to move on. Good for him. He'll have a successful career in whatever he does.

12/6/2011, 04:14 PM
Bawwww... no more questions for Stoops to answer? ;)

12/6/2011, 04:20 PM
I have a B.A. from the University of Oklahoma. Not to get catty or trying to be a smart-***. Just wanted to clarify that I'm not an idiot. yes but I've met lots of people with B.A.'s and even Masters....but they are still idiots.....haven't you?

12/6/2011, 04:22 PM
Sure I have. And there are millions of brilliant people without them. Guy just attacked my intelligence....what other ammunition did I have?? Lol

12/6/2011, 04:24 PM
Our guys seem life less at times....do women weaken the legs??

12/6/2011, 04:25 PM
yes but I've met lots of people with B.A.'s and even Masters....but they are still idiots.....haven't you?

Stoops: They all have skill ability. They are all guys who work hard and they have the respect of their teammates. They are all bright guys, and you put that all together and you have a group of great quarterbacks.

12/6/2011, 04:26 PM
Sure I have. And there are millions of brilliant people without them. Guy just attacked my intelligence....what other ammunition did I have?? Lol

Stoops: Everyone said, 'That was a recipe, this is how everyone will do it,'

12/6/2011, 04:27 PM
Our guys seem life less at times....do women weaken the legs??

Stoops: We didn't push it. I'm not going to detail it for you.

12/6/2011, 04:30 PM
How long does it take to qualify for The Catacombs?

12/6/2011, 04:30 PM

Its rumered that SoonerTerry didn't finish highschool lives in a trailer park and has to climb a telephone pole to get on the net. How is he even in the game?

12/6/2011, 04:34 PM
Stoops: I have no idea why Mark would have done that. I was as shocked as anybody in the stadium. How do you explain that? I don't know. That goes back to Pop Warner football. Mark should have made a better decision. I'm not going to sit here and go any further in front of the whole media, but it's as bad a play as there is.

Ooooh, I remember that one.

Nice sig by the way.

12/6/2011, 04:40 PM
How long does it take to qualify for The Catacombs?

Stoops: We're in good shape and the guys understand the plan. It just gets down to making plays and handling the different wrinkles.

12/6/2011, 04:41 PM

Its rumered that SoonerTerry didn't finish highschool lives in a trailer park and has to climb a telephone pole to get on the net. How is he even in the game?

Stoops: You guys probably forgot how he played those first 12 games

12/6/2011, 04:42 PM
Ooooh, I remember that one.

Nice sig by the way.

I don't remember a lot of these, but it's funny how a lot of the stuff he says doesn't change over the years, just the names here and there.

12/6/2011, 04:45 PM
Stoops: I have no idea why Mark would have done that. I was as shocked as anybody in the stadium. How do you explain that? I don't know. That goes back to Pop Warner football. Mark should have made a better decision. I'm not going to sit here and go any further in front of the whole media, but it's as bad a play as there is.

Now that's one time where he didn't hold back.

Poor Bradley, all the good things he did at OU and he'll be remembered for that one play...

Well, I still think of his daddy first then that play second...

12/6/2011, 04:55 PM

Its rumered that SoonerTerry didn't finish highschool lives in a trailer park and has to climb a telephone pole to get on the net. How is he even in the game?

BTW one of these is true.

12/6/2011, 04:56 PM

Does the honey badger realize how strange that nickname is?

12/6/2011, 05:13 PM

Does the honey badger realize how strange that nickname is?

Stoops: When a guy's really good, he's really good. We realize that, and we realize that everything runs through him. When you look at not only the passing but also the run game, it all goes through him. He's a big factor, and we've got to really defend him.

12/6/2011, 05:31 PM
Coach it's been rumored that you purposefully tanked the game on Saturday to ensure that you'd get to play your Alma Mater in a bowl game. Is that the real reason for this the poor play?

12/6/2011, 05:41 PM
Coach it's been rumored that you purposefully tanked the game on Saturday to ensure that you'd get to play your Alma Mater in a bowl game. Is that the real reason for this the poor play?

Stoops: With all my Iowa ties, I do my best to watch the game indifferently. But you have to be happy for Dan. He's been building that program and that sure is a big step for them.

12/6/2011, 06:02 PM

Someone screamed "OSU's Defense wins Championships" I think they meant Championship.

12/6/2011, 06:17 PM
I have a B.A. from the University of Oklahoma. Not to get catty or trying to be a smart-***. Just wanted to clarify that I'm not an idiot.
The two are not mutually exclusive.

Dan Thompson
12/6/2011, 06:36 PM
"They just out coached and out played us." So, how are you going to fix the coaching situation?

12/6/2011, 06:38 PM
So, how are you going to fix the coaching situation?

Stoops: We started doing some maneuvers flying upside down, getting right to the edge of mach speed and doing some loops. Then we did the cork screw vertical climb and nose-dived into some turns. It was just amazing.

And with that, Stoops rolls his eyes at you all and leaves the podium. Good night!

Dan Thompson
12/6/2011, 06:42 PM
I expected him to say he landed with the tail-hook up,

because he was trying to fly the damn thing with the wings folded.

12/6/2011, 07:08 PM
Thanks coach,

can I have those fries now?

12/6/2011, 07:41 PM
Coach: Has Mark Mangino ever took you out to dinner and paid for your meal too?

Also...a follow up question....If you didn't eat all of your meal, did Mark polish yours off or did he just order something to go in case he had a pang on the ride Home?

12/6/2011, 09:44 PM
Over/under set at 5 minutes.....How long it takes Stoops, after asked about the humiliation of playing in the Insight.com Bowl while the Pokes are in the Fiesta, to reply with "Before we got here, there weren't goin to many bowls around here." Up yours Bob, this is OKLAHOMA, with or without your smart-***! Maybe be real for ONCE. Say it stinks, say ur embarassed, say anything but a jab at the Blake years....cause your inablility to come up with good answers is getting TIRED

Yep, Bob has taken a page from the current admininstrations playboook.


12/6/2011, 10:44 PM
I should do a Mike Leach press conference tomorrow :)

12/6/2011, 11:23 PM
I should do a Mike Leach press conference tomorrow :)

Best idea today

12/7/2011, 11:34 AM
Modador: OK people, Mike Leach has arrived at the podium. Coach Leach, would you like to give an opening statement?

Leach: It’s kind of like doing surgery with a chainsaw instead of a scalpel. We had pieces and parts flying everywhere. It turned out in our favor. We’ve just got to clean it up the next time around.

(from after his first win as coach at Texas Tech, over New Mexico)

Welcome back to coaching, Mikey!

12/7/2011, 11:36 AM
Thanks coach,

can I have those fries now?

Leach: I don’t think so. The people are incredibly similar. They’re very friendly people here. The weather’s nicer here. The mountains are shorter here.

12/7/2011, 11:39 AM
Coach: Has Mark Mangino ever took you out to dinner and paid for your meal too?

Also...a follow up question....If you didn't eat all of your meal, did Mark polish yours off or did he just order something to go in case he had a pang on the ride Home?

Leach: Nobody truly knows what went on in Kansas, but my suspicion is Mark's in the middle of a witch hunt, which is unjustified. Heaven forbids somebody should ask the guys to pay attention and focus in, and for the sake of all his teammates and coaches and everybody else, pay attention. Well, there's different ways to ask a guy to do that, and sometimes after you've asked him a number of times you raise the bar.

12/7/2011, 11:40 AM

Leach: I expect you to score.

Mississippi Sooner
12/7/2011, 11:42 AM
Coach, can you strike the Captain Morgan pose for us?

12/7/2011, 11:45 AM
Have you and Craig James ever had a beer together?

12/7/2011, 11:51 AM
Coach, can you strike the Captain Morgan pose for us?

Leach: I guess so John, but you know...we could tackle somebody and it might make a difference.

12/7/2011, 11:52 AM
Have you and Craig James ever had a beer together?

Leach: Everybody's all surprised every time this stuff happens. It surprises me everybody gets surprised, because it happens every year like this that there are surprises. The most surprising thing would be if there weren't any surprises. So therefore, in the final analysis, none of it's really that surprising.

12/7/2011, 11:59 AM

12/7/2011, 12:02 PM

Leach: Oh I don't know. We haven't played worth a damn.

12/7/2011, 12:06 PM
Coach Leach: What's your favorite menu item at McDonald's?

12/7/2011, 12:28 PM
Coach Leach: What's your favorite menu item at McDonald's?

Leach: It's a little like breakfast; you eat ham and eggs. As coaches and players, we're like the ham. You see, the chicken's involved but the pig's committed. We're like the pig, they're like the chicken. They're involved, but everything we have rides on this.

Bourbon St Sooner
12/7/2011, 01:34 PM
Coach, all your responses are awesome, but are they tainted somewhat by that traffic cone orange in your avatar and sig?

12/7/2011, 01:55 PM
Coach, all your responses are awesome, but are they tainted somewhat by that traffic cone orange in your avatar and sig?

Leach: It's interesting to me that all these Aggies—whether they're at A&M or here—are sitting around with halos over their heads and they have some divine expertise on fanmanship. I just don't believe that's the case. For the record, I think our fans are better than the Aggie fans.

:mad: and if you haven't figured it out already, i lost an avatar, sig, status AND vBookie bet with our two resident pokes. you can go over to vBookie and view their latest Poke events :mad:

12/7/2011, 03:42 PM
Mike Leach is very disappointed that he didn't get asked more, so he'll just leave you with the top soundbites of his intro presser at Wazzu yesterday:

"People ask me, why ‘Washington State?' And once I get past in the back of my mind thinking ‘well that's a stupid question (cheers) and then … I roll that through my mind and I don't say it. And then I immediately blurt out the obvious answer…‘the commitment to excellence in every phase of the university, the excitement around the community, and that fact that you can win here and win big I believe.”

"I'm thrilled to be back coaching. I've enjoyed my two years, but that's a different dimension than coaching offers. Coaching… There's nothing like the unity and working together with the team, you've got players, you've got coaches, and fans building a program into the best it can be with everybody doing the best they can. I think that all for all and all for one' is the part you miss the most. I mean there's big challenges but there's big payoffs too. The journey and the battle I think is exciting.”

"I'm excited to be here, and I'm excited to stay here, and we're off to a great start in building great things. But none of that happens without the partnership of the fans and the people in the stands. It can't just be done by players and coaches. Its where fans and the entire university share in the whole experience where it's most rewarding where things really take off and start reaching different levels. That's what's exciting to me and I think that's all going to ignite and everybody's going to have a fun ride in the course of it. But you go into that stadium and there's all kinds of fans that are sharing and appreciating the whole experience. It's a lot of fun and I'm sure that's going to be the case here.

12/7/2011, 03:52 PM


The Leach part starts at 7:00.

Leach said that the Wazzu athletic director had a hotel on the top of the island that he had to bike four miles to from where he lived and he said "He hired me anyway!" :)

12/7/2011, 03:54 PM
"I've never been a big opening statement guy, because I find that the media asks whatever they want anyway."

12/7/2011, 03:56 PM
(asked about five-year plans) "I tend to have one-day plans, which is win one game a week"

On why his family chose Wazzu:

"My kids were like 'oh, let's go there, it has snow! (pause as audience laughs)... well, there's no snow today..."

12/7/2011, 04:34 PM
I would like to see what Leach would do at OU!!

12/7/2011, 04:39 PM
A pirate in Pullman? Those people are going nuts over him.

12/7/2011, 04:40 PM
Mike is close to the Ocean again....he can begin to build his Pirate Ship now.


12/7/2011, 05:22 PM
Mike is close to the Ocean again....he can begin to build his Pirate Ship now.


I dunno man... Pulman is practically in potatoland:


It's Washington that he should have gone to --- that's in Seattle. Pullman is way the eff on the other side of the state.

12/8/2011, 12:03 AM
Badger is having way too much fun in this thread.

12/8/2011, 10:03 AM
Yes, amazing how I can hijack a "grrr i hate stoops press conferences" thread first by posting 10-year-old Stoops quotes and then by posting random Mike Leach stuff and telling people where Pullman is on the map.

Interested in having a presser with any other coach today? How bout Mack Brown? Anyone wanna interview Mack Brown? :D