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View Full Version : Big XII-II-I+I-I+I Bowl Tie-Ins are...

12/5/2011, 12:13 AM

Not just the matchups this year, but Texas, Texas and more Texas, with a couple of run-down Ol-timey West silver-mining ghost town scorpion traps thrown in for good measure.

Really. The best tie-in as a conference we have is San Diego and a cold-weather destination to the NY Pinstripe Bowl. Congrats, ISU! I bet they are legitimately thrilled, as they should be.

Let's put it this way: Putrid unranked Ohio State and putrid unranked Florida for having such spectacularly bad seasons (yes, much worse than ours) are "punished" with what? The freakin' Gator bowl. Does anybody here really think we got the better end of that deal? I mean, I understand everyone has personal tastes, but give me the beach (you know, ones with actual ocean as opposed to the roar of the number 9 green next to a freakin' cactus) anytime over North Mexico.

I've had it. Dissolve the Big XII. Permanently. It failed. It's over. Try again.

Thanks for letting me get that out of my system. I feel better now.