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12/3/2011, 11:48 PM
...I'm as critical as anyone about this coaching staff but let's keep this in perspective. There is a reason they tear down the goal post after beating us.

12/3/2011, 11:50 PM
Means nothing tonight. Got embarrassed on national TV. Got outcoached and outplayed, and for now, OSU is the better team.

12/3/2011, 11:59 PM
Oh, Jesus Christ. OUr history is second to none, but lets not use that to mask this performance tonight. Or the season for that matter.

12/4/2011, 12:21 AM
I agree with RDU, it was obvious to many at the beginning of the season that we should have been a powerhouse, however we played below our potential, I attribute that to coaching, and lack of preparation and motivation. They should have never allowed ESPN in the house, it did nothing but give everyone a big head, the sharks, under produced, and should never be referenced as sharks again. The games that we lost were embarrassing, and the loss tonight, although we were missing key personnel due to injuries, was based more on **** poor preparation and game planning. I'm sorry I love the OU football, and the University, but changes need to be made within the Coaching staff. I am willing to wager that BV will be gone taking one of the current coaching opportunities. Martinez needs to leave, and perhaps our conditioning coach needs to either leave or learn a new regiment. This season was a real eye opener in that others saw our potential, and we **** it away. Sorry just calling a spade a spade.

12/4/2011, 12:31 AM
...I'm as critical as anyone about this coaching staff but let's keep this in perspective. There is a reason they tear down the goal post after beating us.

17 & 18 year olds can care less about that. Only fans care about that...................and history buffs.

12/4/2011, 12:37 AM
I read a pretty detailed analysis of all currently available head coaching jobs today and did not see BV's name listed under the people that were of interest to even one of them.

12/4/2011, 12:39 AM
Agree with Frisco. Everybody knows OU's legacy. But that's not going to make the lay down for us nor should we want them to. What all those championships and history should mean is each team every year has a high bar to measure up to. The last few years the teams don't seem to be in that area. All teams have injuries but it seems we have an inordinate amount every year. And it seems we used to just fill in another player equally as good or better. Now we lose a player and nobody steps in. The eyes don't lie. Defense still is what it's about. Look at LSU, Bama, and others. Our D ain't even close. The offense can't score or even sustain a drive anymore so that just means the defense is spending more time on the field and they're not a unit that you want doing that.

MyT Oklahoma
12/4/2011, 12:42 AM
I agree with RDU, it was obvious to many at the beginning of the season that we should have been a powerhouse, however we played below our potential, I attribute that to coaching, and lack of preparation and motivation. They should have never allowed ESPN in the house, it did nothing but give everyone a big head, the sharks, under produced, and should never be referenced as sharks again. The games that we lost were embarrassing, and the loss tonight, although we were missing key personnel due to injuries, was based more on **** poor preparation and game planning. I'm sorry I love the OU football, and the University, but changes need to be made within the Coaching staff. I am willing to wager that BV will be gone taking one of the current coaching opportunities. Martinez needs to leave, and perhaps our conditioning coach needs to either leave or learn a new regiment. This season was a real eye opener in that others saw our potential, and we **** it away. Sorry just calling a spade a spade.

Seconded.. duly seconded. It's time for some changes.

12/4/2011, 12:55 AM
I'm pretty sure these are the same kinda platitudes Notre Dame fans muttered as their program regressed

12/4/2011, 12:57 AM
17 & 18 year olds can care less about that. Only fans care about that...................and history buffs.

B.S. You're out of your mind if you think historical pedigree doesn't matter to recruits and freshman. Why not just go to the college right down the street if history doesn't matter?

12/4/2011, 12:58 AM
Right now I think we lead the country in having 85 pussies.

12/4/2011, 01:14 AM
B.S. You're out of your mind if you think historical pedigree doesn't matter to recruits and freshman. Why not just go to the college right down the street if history doesn't matter?

It plays a role...................But money and shiny facilities play the bigger factor nowadays. Been to Oregon or Stillwater much? Not much tradition there.

12/4/2011, 11:54 AM
...I'm as critical as anyone about this coaching staff but let's keep this in perspective. There is a reason they tear down the goal post after beating us.

And what did it take to build that history??? That is what OU forgot about this season, culminating in last night's debacle. Look at Notre Dame: they have all kinds of history, and look what all that talk has gotten them. Continuing a great tradition means EARNING it every day. It means playing with the same intensity and hunger that those who DESIRE to achieve that level of accomplishment play with. OSU played with much higher intensity and desire: they EARNED IT.

The second I saw OU line up I knew our goose was cooked. The team looked flat, intimidated, unemotional; in contrast, OSU looked hungry, focused, and confident. OU reminded me of a complacent, soft Rocky Balboa about to get his butt handed to him by Clubber Lang. I wasn't even that ticked off at the end, because in the back of my mind I knew that if OSU punched us in the mouth we would not be able to respond. We strode on the field with a sense of entitlement and left with nothing. I hope the players and coaches, as they sat dazed and confused in the locker room, heard and felt the celebration outside. I hope that felt like a dagger through the heart. And to those who keep saying "be thankful, think about the 90s"...it is that very mindset that will promptly return you there.

The only thing I want to say about this great history is that last night this OU team was completely unworthy of it.