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View Full Version : Think Boise St is kicking themselves?

Hot Rod
12/1/2011, 09:52 AM
Do you think it would've made a difference, with them not losing to TCU, and being undefeated right now? I can see them being above Houston (#6) at the #5 spot, but could this undefeated Boise St team have jumped Alabama, Okie St, Stanford, and VT? They were as high as #4 at one time. Just thinking how much that loss meant and did they actually have a shot this year at the BCS title with all these one-loss teams? I definitely know, regardless, they'd be rallying for one with the undefeated record.

12/1/2011, 09:58 AM
I think they would be at 3 right now and we'd be having a Boise or Bama discussion. I actually think Boise might have deserved to get the nod this year because the Mountain West is mildly better than the WAC and because they beat the mighty SEC champ Georgia.

I am usually a Boise hater but with OU, OSU, Stanford, and Oregon blowing it, I wouldn't have seen a reason to deny them as an undefeated team.

12/1/2011, 10:27 AM
This Boise team actually kept losing ground as the season went on. They aren't nearly as good as past seasons and I think the voters saw that week to week. I think they would be below Ok State and Bama for sure with their schedules.

12/1/2011, 10:35 AM
I actually like Boise, but don't think they would have made the title had they beat TCU - nor should they. They are not as good this year as last year and as usual, didn't have the quality schedule to be considered. I'm sure they are still disappointed about the TCU game because they would have been a lock for a BCS bowl and now they are almost locked out. They certainly are as good or better than several teams that will be going.

12/1/2011, 10:36 AM
Heh. "Kicking" themselves. Heh.

I don't know about State, VTech, or Stanford, but I think def below Alabama.

hawaii 5-0
12/1/2011, 10:38 AM
Boise St. = Aggie St. North


12/1/2011, 11:23 AM
I think they would be in the serious conversation to jump Bama if they had taken care of business like they normally do.

12/1/2011, 11:28 AM
Boise hasn't been blowing out teams with their usual gusto. It's amazing how ordinary they look when they have to play hard for more than 2 drives every week.

Mad Dog Madsen
12/1/2011, 11:29 AM
I don't think they're kicking themselves at all... They're prolly glad they're headed to the Las Vegas Bowl. :topsy_turvy:

12/1/2011, 11:59 AM
Georgia is their only win over a ranked opponent this year.

12/1/2011, 12:04 PM
Think Boise St is kicking themselves?

Wouldn't matter...they wouldn't connect anyway!!!!

I'll be here all week.

12/1/2011, 12:30 PM
Dude, EVERY one-loss team is kicking themselves! They all (bammer included) have to rely on a computer now instead of their on-field play to determine if they can go to the biggest game in the country. If only they won that one game that they lost, they'd be IN!

(Somewhere, a Cougar in Houston is breaking stuff while cursing)

12/1/2011, 01:04 PM
(Somewhere, a Cougar in Houston is breaking stuff while cursing)

I'm sure there are delusional Houston fans, but I wonder if majority of their fans believe they should be considered for the title. I think they would get crushed.

12/1/2011, 01:15 PM
I'm sure there are delusional Houston fans, but I wonder if majority of their fans believe they should be considered for the title. I think they would get crushed.

Nah, it's just kind of weird to be talking about who the best one-loss team is and who the BCS will chose among the one-loss teams to face the sole undefeated team in the country, because nobody views UHHHHHH as an undefeated team worthy of mention. Watch, we'll be matched with them in the Fiesta and they'll run a Mount Rushmore or Liberty Bell or Manmade-structure-of-national-note play against us :mad:

12/1/2011, 01:40 PM
Nah, it's just kind of weird to be talking about who the best one-loss team is and who the BCS will chose among the one-loss teams to face the sole undefeated team in the country, because nobody views UHHHHHH as an undefeated team worthy of mention. Watch, we'll be matched with them in the Fiesta and they'll run a Mount Rushmore or Liberty Bell or Manmade-structure-of-national-note play against us :mad:

I think/hope it will be Stanford in the Fiesta. Houston seems like a great fit for the Sugar. I just wonder if the Pokes might get that bowl. I guess it depends on how fall they drop after our victory. Personally, I always hope that we beat them so bad they consider giving up football, but that's just me.

Scott D
12/2/2011, 11:59 AM
I'm sure there are delusional Houston fans, but I wonder if majority of their fans believe they should be considered for the title. I think they would get crushed.

Nah, it's just kind of weird to be talking about who the best one-loss team is and who the BCS will chose among the one-loss teams to face the sole undefeated team in the country, because nobody views UHHHHHH as an undefeated team worthy of mention. Watch, we'll be matched with them in the Fiesta and they'll run a Mount Rushmore or Liberty Bell or Manmade-structure-of-national-note play against us :mad:

Notice how it's always weird crap going on in years that LSU is involved in the title chase late.