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View Full Version : Iranian "students" at it again...

11/29/2011, 07:43 PM
Remember when those ***** stormed the US embassy back in '79 :mad: ?

Well, their worthless kids are at it again. This time they've trashed the UK embassy. Of course they burned Old Glory for good measure. Good thing the US hasn't made the mistake of relocating an embassy in that ****hole of a country! Questions I am pondering...

Shouldn't the "students" be in class somewhere?
Didn't the British embassy have armed guards?
So where are the dead bodies?
Where are the riot police with the tear gas, water cannons, and rubber bullets?
When will Israel knock that p.o.s. country on its butt?

Chanting moslems rioting on tv brings out my bad side.

11/29/2011, 08:04 PM
There was apparently warning and the Brits decided that vacating the premises beats the heck out of slaughtering a bunch of dumb kids and ending up in a tense negotiation to peacefully be allowed to leave the country.

11/29/2011, 08:33 PM
Probably right. Too level-headed for me. Compromise: Get the embassy folks out, then send the cruise missiles in. Everybody wins!

11/29/2011, 08:33 PM
Remember when those ***** stormed the US embassy back in '79 :mad: ?

Well, their worthless kids are at it again. This time they've trashed the UK embassy. Of course they burned Old Glory for good measure. Good thing the US hasn't made the mistake of relocating an embassy in that ****hole of a country! Questions I am pondering...

Shouldn't the "students" be in class somewhere?
Didn't the British embassy have armed guards?
So where are the dead bodies?
Where are the riot police with the tear gas, water cannons, and rubber bullets?
When will Israel knock that p.o.s. country on its butt?

Chanting moslems rioting on tv brings out my bad side.

Do I agree with them storming embassies and taking prisoners? No.

However, the British and United States helped overthrow their government in the 1950's and installed a government that was very oppressive, secret police and all. When they finally overthrew him, the United States backed Saddam Hussain when he went to war with them saw no problem when he used chemical weapons on them.

Now they have had countries on either side of them invaded by a country that has talked about military action against them.

I can see how they're just a little pissed off at us.

11/29/2011, 08:43 PM
Let's see... was it the Iranians that sent human waves of kids into Iraqi minefields to clear them out? When they got rid of the Shah, they really picked a nice bunch to take over.

The thing is, I imagine most of the Iranian people are like most of us. They think about paying bills, raising kids, what they're gonna do this weekend. But their mullahs, rioting "students" and nutty prez sure do get under my skin.

p.s... the day the US does more than talk about military action against Iran, well it's been 32 yrs and counting...