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7/4/2004, 05:01 PM
I know.............hard decision. I liked The Stand. It was the first one I read. I think the books full of short stories are my favorites though. Different seasons rocked!

7/4/2004, 06:44 PM
The Stand, for me. I've read it three times, and I never do that with books

Two others I liked a lot:
It - 95% of the book I liked but it really fell down at the end.

Pet Sematary - that book scared the bejeebers out of me.

7/4/2004, 08:14 PM
Dead Zone.

Reason? It's the only one I've read. :D

7/4/2004, 08:55 PM
Carrie, Salem's Lot, The Shining

7/4/2004, 10:21 PM
#1 The Stand - obvious best
#2 Dead Zone

7/4/2004, 11:11 PM
The Stand. I haven't read a lot of King, but that one is one of my all-time favorites.

The worst: I was trapped in a rainy lakeside cabin for a weekend and read a copy of "Gerald's Game" that was left behind by someone. The only thing worth reading was the epilogue.

7/5/2004, 01:36 AM
The Stand. I haven't read a lot of King, but that one is one of my all-time favorites.

The worst: I was trapped in a rainy lakeside cabin for a weekend and read a copy of "Gerald's Game" that was left behind by someone. The only thing worth reading was the epilogue.
The worst is the fairy tale one about a dragon. I couldn't get through a whole chapter. Oh, The Green Mile was pretty good too.

7/5/2004, 09:17 AM
Best: Needful Things
Worst: Rose Madder It's the only one I just couldn't finish cause it sucked so much.

7/5/2004, 09:26 AM
The Stand and The Shining are two of my favorite novels. In his collection of short stories in Nightmares and Dreamscapes there are quite a few I dig. Dolan's Cadillac, Suffer the Little Children, and the Ten O'Clock People are good.

7/5/2004, 10:32 AM
Put me on The Stand's bandwagon, too. Like others, it's one of the few books I've ever re-read. (well, with the Dark Tower series)

When I first read it, I was 12 or so, staying the summer at my Mom's. My bedroom had a smoke detector, with a red LED that blinked just enough to draw your attention every damn time. Creeped me out.

7/5/2004, 12:45 PM
I have to admit that The Stand is my favorite, particularly the long version. I have read both versions, and the longer one goes into a lot more detail.
I also like the Dark Tower series, but there was one I missed. Can't remember which one though.

Beano's Fourth Chin
7/5/2004, 01:15 PM
Dead Zone.

Reason? It's the only one I've read. :D

Holy moley.

I also have only read one of his books. The Dead Zone.

7/5/2004, 01:27 PM
The Stand, Dead Zone,Pet Cemetary,It,Christine,The Shining.

The Langoliers to me sucked, but the movie was just as bad....that's one i never could get into for some reason.

7/5/2004, 01:32 PM
Holy moley.

I also have only read one of his books. The Dead Zone.
Shhhhh! Do you want people suspecting we're the same person again?

I mean, I finally threw them off the scent with that whole "Enrico" buisness...;)

7/5/2004, 02:01 PM
The Stand was good. I also liked The Green Mile.

7/5/2004, 05:15 PM
1) IT
2) The Stand

Eddie Money
7/6/2004, 07:45 AM
The Dark Tower series is my favorite, and the Drawing of the Three is my favorite of that.

I also love The Stand, and Black House, which he co-wrote with someone, is the most disturbing piece of fiction I have ever read, but greatness.

7/6/2004, 07:49 AM
Needful Things if I had to pick just one book.

But the Dark Tower series is by far his best work.

7/6/2004, 07:52 AM
The Stand, Needful Things, and Different Seasons are all personal favorites...

But I can remember being in 7th grade or so, reading the uncut version of The Stand, and being unable to put it down... And then developing a cold about halfway through...

Cujo, Carrie, The Dead Zone, It, all great books... Haven't read any of the new stuff since right after Needful Things...

I just hate when they turn when one of his books into a movie, for generally that means the flick will succ... Cujo was the one of the worst movies I ever saw...

7/6/2004, 08:06 AM
and yet Shawshank Redemption was actually quite close to the book. One of the only book to movies I've ever seen that did justice.

Sexy Sooner Angel
7/6/2004, 08:39 AM
1. Carrie
2. The Shining

Here is a really weird story. I was reading Pet Cemetary years ago at my dad's house. (he lives in the country) and right about the part when the cat dies I heard a cat scream outside and some dog barks. Unfortunately I didn't get up and go check it out immediately because I couldn't put the book down. When I finally went outside I saw that the neighbors dogs killed my dad's cat. It was really sad and really freaky that it happened at that same point. After that I couldn't finish reading the book.

7/6/2004, 09:01 AM
The best: The Stand (first novel I ever read) and The Wizard and the Glass
Theworst: Insomnia. The only SK book I could not finish.

3/12/2007, 11:04 AM
The Langoliers to me sucked, but the movie was just as bad....that's one i never could get into for some reason.

Just saw the movie this weekend on Sci-Fi. I only stayed with it because I knew if they showed these "monsters" they were gonna leak really stupid. Boy was I right.

And I don't care what anyone says, Balki can act his *** off. :D

3/12/2007, 11:22 AM
Hate to join the crowd on this one but yeah, hands down, it goes to 'The Stand'.

For whoever it was that mentioned 'Black House' earlier, that's actually somewhat of a second part/continuation of another story King co-authored with Peter Straub, author of 'Ghost Story' and many others (which I highly recommend). The first part, 'The Talisman', is the story of young 'Traveling Jack' Sawyer and his pivotal introduction into "other worlds than these" (cue Dark Tower tie-in long before 'The Gunslinger' hit print, yet another testament to how deep the universe of the Tower and the Rose goes).

Fantastic story. And for fans of the Dark Tower series, in my opinion, a must read. For those not familiar with Roland of Gilead, don't sweat it. It's a wonderful tale that stands on its own two feet just as easily and proudly as King's masterpiece, The Stand.

Worth every minute and penny spent.

3/12/2007, 11:28 AM
Another thing for those that've read the Dark Tower... Spoilers ahead.

Am I the only one that got a sour taste on recurring resident badass Randall Flagg/Robert Farren/Walkin' Dude gettin' totally bent over like a two dollar prostitute? Going from constant evil presence across a number of books to punk bitch in what seemed like a few pages? That was weak sauce. You guys catch that same groove?

3/12/2007, 11:37 AM
1. The Stand
2. Cujo

3/12/2007, 12:19 PM
The Stand, Deadzone, Different Seasons, and Pet Semetary.

3/12/2007, 12:31 PM
I love pretty much everything he has done (outside of gerald's game which i couldn't finish). Dark Tower Series is amazing.

You guys should check out Heart Shaped Box by Joe Hill (stephen king's son)

just finished it this weekend and was very impressed.

3/12/2007, 12:34 PM
I'm reading it now. :)

it's good.

I still hope they do an HBO series based on the Dark Tower books. In my lifetime.

3/12/2007, 05:09 PM
1. Pet Semetary. I've never been more scared reading a book, EVER!
2. Salem's Lot.

3/12/2007, 05:14 PM
- Stand.
- It.
- Different Seasons. (Well, Apt Pupil, Shawshank, and The Body...)
- The Bachman Books. (Two of my favorite King works, all-time, are Rage and The Long Walk.)


Frozen Sooner
3/12/2007, 05:24 PM
The Stand is his magnum opus.

I find much of his later work to be bloated.

3/12/2007, 05:48 PM
Shawshank. good movie, too.

3/12/2007, 06:51 PM
The Dark Tower series as a whole, but The Waste Lands if we're narrowing it to one book.

3/12/2007, 07:26 PM
1) Pet Semetary (was the first SK book I read 15 years ago, and I haven't read it again because I'm seriously scared to)
2) The Stand
3) The Long Walk (spek to ouskull)

3/12/2007, 10:24 PM
1. The Stand
2. The Green Mile (audio book read by Frank Muller and the movie also are favs)
3. Dark Tower (whole series, but really loved Drawing of the Three)
4. Different Seasons
5. The Talisman

I could pretty much go on and end up listing them all, except Tommyknockers.

3/13/2007, 12:26 AM
nightmares and dreamscapes. what a beauty that book is.

3/13/2007, 12:28 AM
The Stand extended version. Friggin' awesome.

3/13/2007, 12:30 AM
The Dark Tower series is my favorite, and the Drawing of the Three is my favorite of that.

I also love The Stand, and Black House, which he co-wrote with someone, is the most disturbing piece of fiction I have ever read, but greatness.

black house is actually really good. co-written by peter straub.

Big Red Ron
3/13/2007, 12:46 AM
Green Mile
The Stand
The langoliers (Four Past Midnight)

3/13/2007, 01:46 AM
The man in black fled across the desert .... and the "Gunslinger" followed.

3/13/2007, 01:48 AM
Another thing for those that've read the Dark Tower... Spoilers ahead.

Am I the only one that got a sour taste on recurring resident badass Randall Flagg/Robert Farren/Walkin' Dude gettin' totally bent over like a two dollar prostitute? Going from constant evil presence across a number of books to punk bitch in what seemed like a few pages? That was weak sauce. You guys catch that same groove?

I felt the Flag just met his kryptonite...

3/13/2007, 07:43 AM
all of these posts and not one mention of The Tommyknockers.

underrated book IMO.