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View Full Version : stoops should read this forum

11/20/2011, 11:58 AM
I would like to think he would read it and get the picture. But hes so arrogant i don't think he would.

jk the sooner fan
11/20/2011, 12:39 PM
right, because a bunch of yocals posting on the internet surely know best

11/20/2011, 12:41 PM
I would like to think he has better things to do with his time.

11/20/2011, 12:43 PM
Oh sweet jesus. Its like watching the special olympics in high definition on here now.

11/20/2011, 12:45 PM
I would like to think he has better things to do with his time. It's obviously not coaching pass defense.

11/20/2011, 01:07 PM
I would like to think he would read it and get the picture. But hes so arrogant i don't think he would.

so you're saying, you coached an undefeated pee wee team in 1957 and know all there is to know?

you're a ****ing idiot, infact, 1/2 the people posting right now are ****ing idiots who are just fuming because they think they're right. Maybe I need to put Bud's quote back in my sig.

11/20/2011, 01:09 PM
right, because a bunch of yocals posting on the internet surely know best

Most everyone here seems to know Venables can't coach pass defense. Stoops doesn't seem to have a clue about it.

11/20/2011, 01:11 PM
I would like to think he would read it and get the picture. But hes so arrogant i don't think he would. Bob Stoops reading this forum would change nothing.

11/20/2011, 01:21 PM
Bob Stoops reading this forum would change nothing.Except make him laugh at some of the stupid **** that gets said on here.

But he would know the secret to CDIAB, so there is a plus.

11/20/2011, 01:54 PM
Oh sweet jesus. Its like watching the special olympics in high definition on here now.You're really not being fair to the Special Olympians.

11/20/2011, 01:55 PM
Bob Stoops reading this forum would change nothing.

He could care less as he still makes his 5mil a year and he can have a couple of turds each season while receiving a raise every year...every year while his team and coaches continue to make the same mistakes and have the same problems season after season...he is living off a MNC that happened over 10 years ago...

11/20/2011, 01:56 PM
He could care less as he still makes his 5mil a year and he can have a couple of turds each season while receiving a raise every year...every year while his team and coaches continue to make the same mistakes and have the same problems season after season...he is living off a MNC that happened over 10 years ago...

That sounds like he is way smarter than the folks here.

11/20/2011, 02:01 PM
That sounds like he is way smarter than the folks here.

Agreed what a deal he has! He would be stupid to leave or change anything.

11/20/2011, 02:17 PM
It costs a lot of money to be Baylors B!tches.

11/20/2011, 02:27 PM
I don't know a lot about football, but, IMO, our secondary is lost. Heck, as just an observer, I would say our defense, in general, looks lost compared with the likes of LSU and Alabama.

If you are happy with 2-3 losses a year, then I think Stoops is doing fine. I guess that's good enough for me though.

11/21/2011, 09:43 AM
I would like to think he would read it and get the picture. But hes so arrogant i don't think he would.I think he's well aware that a lot of the fans are spoiled rotten, he doesn't need this board to tell him that.

stoops the eternal pimp
11/21/2011, 09:48 AM
He already posts on this board using the name Soonerus

Sooner in Tampa
11/21/2011, 09:48 AM
There seem to be a lot of people who are fine with the idea of having a $5M dollar a year coach that continues to lay eggs against **** poor teams. (Baylor is not included--this year)
We lay at least one turd a year out there and folks are fine with that...

I am not an advocate to firing Stoops by any means, but dammit, I am tired of losing games that we should win EVERY ****ING YEAR!!!!!

11/21/2011, 09:48 AM
Easy to spot the ones on the Bandwagon.....!

11/21/2011, 11:02 AM
There seem to be a lot of people who are fine with the idea of having a $5M dollar a year coach that continues to lay eggs against **** poor teams. (Baylor is not included--this year)
We lay at least one turd a year out there and folks are fine with that...

I am not an advocate to firing Stoops by any means, but dammit, I am tired of losing games that we should win EVERY ****ING YEAR!!!!!
Welcome to every other team in college football. It happens.

11/21/2011, 11:04 AM
You're really not being fair to the Special Olympians.

Gold sister. Mother****ing gold.

11/21/2011, 11:13 AM
Someone once posted that their friend or co-worker tried to give Bob Stoops coaching advice while standing in an autograph line... something about defending against some type of offensive spread. Stoops apparently told him that he should do exactly that when he coaches his own football team.

So anyway, there's no doubt in my mind that Stoops would not be impacted in the least by reading this board. He's probably already hearing a lot as-is from angry fans though... big boosters usually have a way of contacting administrators and coaches when they're unhappy in their "investment," heh.

Keller Sooner
11/21/2011, 11:17 AM
Yep, Joe C. should make it mandantory that Stoops read this board every day. Afterall, some of the greatest football minds of our time post here. :sneakiness:

11/21/2011, 11:23 AM
Good God! Someone left the door open and stupid has run wild!!!

11/21/2011, 11:29 AM
Yep, Joe C. should make it mandantory that Stoops read this board every day. Afterall, some of the greatest football minds of our time post here. :sneakiness:

Hell, if I wasn't born a girl, I could have not only played football at OU, I could have coached it, too. Alas, no girls have ever coached or played football at OU. :(

:D You guys have NO excuses. Plenty of guys have played and coached at OU, but YOU haven't. :D

11/21/2011, 11:54 AM
This is one of the top 5 most stupid posts I've ever seen. If I were Stoops, I'd lock myself in a closet and stick myself in the eyes with an ice pick followed by sticking my own head in the toilet and flushing it before I read this message board.

If I ever came to this message board for football advice I'd lose faith in humanity. Thank God he doesn't read this crap.

11/21/2011, 11:56 AM
This is one of the top 5 most stupid posts I've ever seen. If I were Stoops, I'd lock myself in a closet and stick myself in the eyes with an ice pick followed by sticking my own head in the toilet and flushing it before I read this message board.

If I ever came to this message board for football advice I'd lose faith in humanity. Thank God he doesn't read this crap.

Something the liberal from the great NW and I can agree on 100% Good jorb.

11/21/2011, 11:58 AM
I am not an advocate to firing Stoops by any means, but dammit, I am tired of losing games that we should win EVERY ****ING YEAR!!!!!

Welcome to every other team in college football. It happens.

We should beat every team we play, because odds are that we will be ranked higher and have, at least on paper, better athletes. It's the thing about being a Sooner--the level of play, the expectations, the history and, yes, the losses to teams that we are "supposed" to beat. We are supposed to beat just about every other team in CFB.

11/21/2011, 11:58 AM
Something the liberal from the great NW and I can agree on 100% Good jorb.

I think we would have agreed on my disdain for the 'Occupy Portlanders' as well.

11/21/2011, 12:00 PM
We should beat every team we play, .

That's also what the fans of Texas, USC, Florida, Bama, LSU, Ohio St, Michigan, Nebraska, Penn St, Oregon, Wisconsin, and a few others say. Problem is...the math doesn't pencil out.

11/21/2011, 12:01 PM
That's also what the fans of Texas, USC, Florida, Bama, LSU, Ohio St, Michigan, Nebraska, Penn St, Oregon, Wisconsin, and a few others say. Problem is...the math doesn't pencil out.I know. I may not have made my point very well. But when you're a powerhouse, the majority of games you lose are ones you "should have" won.

Sooner in Tampa
11/21/2011, 12:31 PM
I know. I may not have made my point very well. But when you're a powerhouse, the majority of games you lose are ones you "should have" won.
Texas Tech is on line 1...

11/21/2011, 12:40 PM
Texas Tech is on line 1...Yes, that falls in the category of games we "should have" won. What's your point?

11/21/2011, 12:46 PM
Just simply call into his weekly radio show:

"Hey Coach Stoops, this is Hank from Gotebo and from my days as an all-star seventh grade player here are a few suggestions..."

Sooner in Tampa
11/21/2011, 12:51 PM
Yes, that falls in the category of games we "should have" won. What's your point?
As a powerhouse, there are games that you should always win (ala TTU) BUT, there are games that you "CAN" lose (ala Baylor with RG III).

I think Baylor is a great example of a game that we "SHOULD" win, but couldn't. I personally think the masses wouldn't be so upset if we had won the TTU game and then lost this one.

I don't know if I explained if very well...

Some games...it just hurts more to lose..

11/21/2011, 12:53 PM
I have read the posts on this thread and come to the conclusion that most of the posters here have taken this too far. What a lot of people tend to forget, or so it seems, is this is just a game!!!! It is not something that is a life or death situation. Am I disappointed that we lost, yeah I am. Does it affect what I am doing overseas? Not in the least. You forget that this team has won 8 games so far with the toughest strength of schedule of any team in the top ten in the BCS. I think we are darn lucky to have Bob Stoops as the head coach!!!!! Look at 95% of the other teams in the country and see how many have won as many games as he has in the past 10 years. Then count your lucky stars he is OU's head coach. BOOMER SOONER!!!!

11/21/2011, 12:55 PM
I would like to think he would read it and get the picture. But he's so arrogant i don't think he would.

But..but..that would make him both arrogant & stupid...

11/21/2011, 01:00 PM
Of course it's ridiculous to think he should give a rat's azz about this board, much less consult it for coaching advice.

On the other hand, I didn't have to stay at a Holiday Inn last night to know that using a timeout with 40 seconds to go and Baylor with the ball was just about the stupidest coaching decision I've ever seen.

David Earl
11/21/2011, 01:08 PM
I would like to think he would read it and get the picture. But hes so arrogant i don't think he would.


11/21/2011, 01:08 PM
I think its fine to discuss the performance of the team and its coaches. That's what fans do. In the big scheme of things it matters less than a bottle of cow pizz what our opinions are. Nobody in OU's administration will act on the criticism by the more rabid, unrealistic fans.

What amuses me are the posters who act suprised by this behavior and find a personal need to defend the coaching staff by ridiculing those fans that have less than glowing words for the players and staff. The program is supposed to inspire passion. That's how they get fans to pay $2000
for season tickets and to cough up many more millions in donations.

But using emotion as a tool to help drum up support for your organization is a 2 edged sword. You can't expect to cash in on the positive aspect when things go well but never have to deal with the negative backlash when things don't go well. And remember fostering high expectations is a high reward/high risk plan........just like in financial investing.

I do agree that on the college level players should be off-limits.

Sooner in Tampa
11/21/2011, 01:15 PM
I think its fine to discuss the performance of the team and its coaches. That's what fans do. In the big scheme of things it matters less than a bottle of cow pizz what our opinions are. Nobody in OU's administration will act on the criticism by the more rabid, unrealistic fans.

What amuses me are the posters who act suprised by this behavior and find a personal need to defend the coaching staff by ridiculing those fans that have less than glowing words for the players and staff. The program is supposed to inspire passion. That's how they get fans to pay $2000
for season tickets and to cough up many more millions in donations.

But using emotion as a tool to help drum up support for your organization is a 2 edged sword. You can't expect to cash in on the positive aspect when things go well but never have to deal with the negative backlash when things don't go well. And remember fostering high expectations is a high reward/high risk plan........just like in financial investing.

I do agree that on the college level players should be off-limits.
^^^^^ THIS

11/21/2011, 01:15 PM
Bob would have to fire a coach every week, kick a player or two off of the team every day and change his winning philosophy everyday if he took the retardiculous advice message boards have to offer.
That said, I do have to wonder what it would take for him and his guys to step back and ask themselves why it is they're so predictable for these kinds of losses EVERY YEAR. It has to be something systemic. I'm not guessing nor claiming to know what it is, just saying. Three secondary coaches have been to blame, four OCs s well. At least, as far as perception is concerned. They've all actually been pretty good, really. Just can't seem to shake those pesky hiccups every year.

11/21/2011, 01:31 PM
No he shouldn't...

stoops the eternal pimp
11/21/2011, 01:35 PM
When OU loses games, one popular post that you see often is about players thinking just because they put on the uniform gives them the right to an automatic win...And then we bust their chops for that attitude..

The same posters meltdown because OU loses a game because Oklahoma should have superior coaching, players, and schemes because "We are OU!"..And it just doesn't work that way anymore..

Sometimes, this staff gets outcoached.
Sometimes, these players don't play the game correctly.
Sometimes, the scheme isn't enough to stop the other team.

This isn't 1950 anymore, its not 1970 or 1980...You can't recruit players just to keep them from going elsewhere..Those guys on the other side of the field have talent too..Baylor at the skill positions is very good...OU is not good in the defensive backfield.

I don't agree with running stunts against a player like Griffin..Didn't agree with the timeout at the end, but not a horrible call.

The biggest issue I have with this entire staff is talent evaluation on the defensive side..And the inability to get the top ranked players at certain positions.

That being said, I'm not mad at them...They haven't insulted my family, or stolen my bike..

11/21/2011, 01:40 PM
I still want to know what people's expectations are. Name a program you think we could be like if everything went your way.

11/21/2011, 01:41 PM
Something the liberal from the great NW and I can agree on 100% Good jorb.

Portland isn't the great Northwest, it is Baja Seattle.

11/21/2011, 01:55 PM
I still want to know what people's expectations are. Name a program you think we could be like if everything went your way.

Clearly...we should be like whatever program is undefeated at whatever moment in time we lose a game! So we should be like LSU in 2011 (but not so much LSU in 2008 - they lost 5 games!); more like Florida in 2008, but not so much Florida in 2011....

Sooner in Tampa
11/21/2011, 02:06 PM
I still want to know what people's expectations are. Name a program you think we could be like if everything went your way.
The first thing I expect...is to beat a sorry *** team like taco tech!!!

I don't need to name a program, we are Oklahoma, I expect them to play like Sooners...EVERY GAME...not just when they feel like it.

I expect my defense to NOT allow over 600 yds a game...that's damn embarrassing!!! Jeebus H. Criminy...Kansas can keep them to 9 pts!!!!

I expect my head coach (who makes $5M dollars a year) to NOT take STUPID timeouts late in the game that give the other team the advantage!!

I expect my team to NOT make stupid, undisciplined mistakes that lead to drive killing penaltys

11/21/2011, 02:07 PM
Clearly...we should be like whatever program is undefeated at whatever moment in time we lose a game! So we should be like LSU in 2011 (but not so much LSU in 2008 - they lost 5 games!); more like Florida in 2008, but not so much Florida in 2011....

Add Florida 2007 in the not so much...

11/21/2011, 02:08 PM
The first thing I expect...is to beat a sorry *** team like taco tech!!!

I don't need to name a program, we are Oklahoma, I expect them to play like Sooners...EVERY GAME...not just when they feel like it.

I expect my defense to NOT allow over 600 yds a game...that's damn embarrassing!!! Jeebus H. Criminy...Kansas can keep them to 9 pts!!!!

I expect my head coach (who makes $5M dollars a year) to NOT take STUPID timeouts late in the game that give the other team the advantage!!

I expect my team to NOT make stupid, undisciplined mistakes that lead to drive killing penaltys

Well, apparently, you are expecting too damn much...

Sooner in Tampa
11/21/2011, 02:15 PM
Well, apparently, you are expecting too damn much...


11/21/2011, 02:19 PM
I would like to think he would read it and get the picture. But hes so arrogant i don't think he would.

can I have some of what you're smoking?

11/21/2011, 02:21 PM
can I have some of what you're smoking?

No...I'm almost out....

11/21/2011, 02:44 PM
The first thing I expect...is to beat a sorry *** team like taco tech!!!


I don't need to name a program, we are Oklahoma, I expect them to play like Sooners...EVERY GAME...not just when they feel like it.

No program maintains that ephemeral level of consistency - that's why it's reasonable to ask to what program's standard do you expect us to be held? OU has only had 7 undefeated seasons in the modern era....

I expect my defense to NOT allow over 600 yds a game...that's damn embarrassing!!! Jeebus H. Criminy...Kansas can keep them to 9 pts!!!!

Hard to argue with that one...especially in light of Kansas. Kansas!!! Good Lord!!!!!!!!!

I expect my head coach (who makes $5M dollars a year) to NOT take STUPID timeouts late in the game that give the other team the advantage!!

That was a classic Bob Stoops move imo. Live by the sword die by the sword. He expected that his defense could stop Baylor and that we might get the ball back with enough time to score a field goal (or at least miss a field goal - btw, that's what I expect: a friggin' kicker!!!). I don't have a problem with that and think it was a calculated gamble, not a stupid decision.

I expect my team to NOT make stupid, undisciplined mistakes that lead to drive killing penaltys

I expect that too - fair point.

Trophy Husband
11/21/2011, 03:03 PM
right, because a bunch of yocals posting on the internet surely know best

That's not what this form is about. It's about people giving "THEIR" opinions on what they've seen. I can watch an Indy Race and if the same guy keeps crashing, although I don't know chit about Indy racing, it's safe for me to draw the conclusion that the guy is doing something wrong.

Bob said "we were out coached". I would like someone in the media to ask him to be specific and tell us just exactly how we were out coached.

Trophy Husband
11/21/2011, 03:09 PM
so you're saying, you coached an undefeated pee wee team in 1957 and know all there is to know?

you're a ****ing idiot, infact, 1/2 the people posting right now are ****ing idiots who are just fuming because they think they're right. Maybe I need to put Bud's quote back in my sig.
No they're fuming because something is obviously wrong. When your defense stinks in 4 out of 10 games there is an issue. When you give up 1000 yards (that's well over half a mile) in offensive yardage and 86 points, in two games, there's an issue.
And all your foul mouth rantings can't won't and don't change that. Bob Stoops gets paid $13,698 a DAY to figure it out, and apparently he doesn't feel there is an issue, because he allows the same DC to call the same sets and produce the same pathetic results.

11/21/2011, 03:19 PM
Getting outcoached should never be an excuse unless it was by 1 of the 2 or so coaches who make more than you. Just saying.