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View Full Version : How 'bout them Iranians and their nuclear program?

11/13/2011, 07:05 PM
Lots of chatter these days about that Nuko-ranian stuff. I guess Israel wants to swoop in and blow up whatever they can, Iran is trying to protect their stuff, while we unleash computer viruses...no one knows how it will end, but agrees a nuclear Iran is a heavy scene.

Last week, I heard Condoleezza Rice saying we should always keep a military option as a last resort, then some Swedish nuclear science Nobel guy saying that if we really want Iran to stop their nuke program, we need to convince them that we will NOT attack them, and persuade them to voluntarily stop thru economic areas. He says they are pursuing nukes because they feel threatened.

What should we do? Attack and get it over with, or pledge not to attack, while emphasizing the economic sanctions we can lay on them?

Its a moot question for now, because it is obvious Obama will not make a decision like this, especially before the elections. If he can't decide about a pipeline.... Going in after Bin Laden is his decisive moment, and really, that was no harder than deciding what to have on your pizza. More likely, the Israelis will get tired of waiting on him, and take matters into their own hands.

11/13/2011, 11:28 PM
Unfortunately, I agree with you assessment.

11/14/2011, 12:44 AM
Lots of chatter these days about that Nuko-ranian stuff. I guess Israel wants to swoop in and blow up whatever they can, Iran is trying to protect their stuff, while we unleash computer viruses...no one knows how it will end, but agrees a nuclear Iran is a heavy scene.

Last week, I heard Condoleezza Rice saying we should always keep a military option as a last resort, then some Swedish nuclear science Nobel guy saying that if we really want Iran to stop their nuke program, we need to convince them that we will NOT attack them, and persuade them to voluntarily stop thru economic areas. He says they are pursuing nukes because they feel threatened.

What should we do? Attack and get it over with, or pledge not to attack, while emphasizing the economic sanctions we can lay on them?

Its a moot question for now, because it is obvious Obama will not make a decision like this, especially before the elections. If he can't decide about a pipeline.... Going in after Bin Laden is his decisive moment, and really, that was no harder than deciding what to have on your pizza. More likely, the Israelis will get tired of waiting on him, and take matters into their own hands.

Haven't the Iranian people been under economic sanctions for decades now?

Where has that gotten us?

Where has the US threatened to attack Iran? Maybe Israel has...but that is probably because Iran has been the biggest weapons supplier to terrorist groups that want to wipe Israel off the face of the planet.

No, what need to be done is get rid of their religious leaders followed by their crazy *** president!

Then let the people of that country (that are overwhelmingly wishing the US would liberate them) start over.

We can wipe Iran off the face of the earth with air strikes and drones....don't need the boots on the ground to **** them up.

One thing is for sure though. Iran isnt scared of being attacked or having more economic sanctions placed upon them. They are screwed in the head so they don't care!

11/14/2011, 07:21 AM
Haven't the Iranian people been under economic sanctions for decades now?

Where has that gotten us?

Where has the US threatened to attack Iran? Maybe Israel has...but that is probably because Iran has been the biggest weapons supplier to terrorist groups that want to wipe Israel off the face of the planet.

No, what need to be done is get rid of their religious leaders followed by their crazy *** president!

Then let the people of that country (that are overwhelmingly wishing the US would liberate them) start over.

We can wipe Iran off the face of the earth with air strikes and drones....don't need the boots on the ground to **** them up.

One thing is for sure though. Iran isnt scared of being attacked or having more economic sanctions placed upon them. They are screwed in the head so they don't care!

Do you really think Iran is going to sit back and let us bomb them?

11/14/2011, 07:58 AM
The Iranians may be a bunch of crazy religious zealots, but they're not going to risk being blown into oblivion by threatening to use a nuclear weapon. It's just a measure of protection, and a good one at that.
A strike by Israel would only strengthen the Iranian regime, because "Rally around the flag" is a powerful thing for any government. And keep in mind it's not in anyone's interest to have oil prices skyrocket because of another war in the Middle East. This whole situation is pretty troubling, no doubt.
There's a massive arms race going on in the Middle East and guess who's the primary arms dealer?

11/14/2011, 08:46 AM
I know what we should do! Have the CIA lead an overthrow of their leadership and install someone loyal to us. Wait. What? We tried that already. Crap.

11/14/2011, 09:12 AM
I find it amazing how quickly the war drums are being beat for military action against Iran, especially from the GOP.

Half of Iran's population is under 30 and is more open than the strict, older population that overthrew our puppet. Remember the protest a couple of years ago? They don't want to go to war and they for sure don't want to die in a nuclear fire.

Iran is the new boogyman since Saddam and Bin Laden are gone.

11/14/2011, 10:08 AM
Do you think the young population will get rid of the current political structure in due time?

11/14/2011, 10:53 AM
Do you think the young population will get rid of the current political structure in due time?

Well they certainly don't like Ahmadinejad. Could they replace him with somebody worse? It's possible but their population is more in tune with Western culture so I highly doubt it.

11/14/2011, 11:22 AM
Do you think the young population will get rid of the current political structure in due time?


11/14/2011, 11:37 AM
Iran's political and religious leadership really has no choice other than to build a bomb and proliferate the technology. Especially considering the way the U.S. invaded Iraq on trumped up and forged evidence. We've now invaded and occupied countries on either side of Iran. Why on Earth wouldn't they want nukes just as a deterrent? We have the Bush doctrine to thank for this.

11/14/2011, 01:57 PM
Do you think the young population will get rid of the current political structure in due time?

Good Idea!
I think that the lib posters on here should organize a cruise to Iran, and start an Occupy Tehran protest!

11/14/2011, 02:01 PM
Iran's political and religious leadership really has no choice other than to build a bomb and proliferate the technology. Especially considering the way the U.S. invaded Iraq on trumped up and forged evidence. We've now invaded and occupied countries on either side of Iran. Why on Earth wouldn't they want nukes just as a deterrent? We have the Bush doctrine to thank for this.

Oh..... Here we go again!!!
Were are the WMDs! Were are the nuc bomb factories???

How about asking every big name liberal in Congress, including Hillary Clinton and Ted Kennedy where they are!
Oh! Sorry - Ted sleeps with the fishes. :hopelessness:

11/14/2011, 02:02 PM
Pakistan part deux.

Except Iran has no India to be the yin to their yang. So for the theocracy of Iran, who is that?

We are, through Israel. And the bomb, in combination with support and control from their sinorussian friends, will make Iran untouchable conventionally.

11/14/2011, 02:16 PM
Oh..... Here we go again!!!
Were are the WMDs! Were are the nuc bomb factories???

How about asking every big name liberal in Congress, including Hillary Clinton and Ted Kennedy where they are!
Oh! Sorry - Ted sleeps with the fishes. :hopelessness:


As for the big names, I don't really care about them. They either were part of the big lie or fell for it. Either way, I'm not a fan of either of those individuals. The current President, a young pup from Chi-town at the time, did not fall for the lie. Gotta give it up to Obama.

11/14/2011, 02:28 PM
Do you think the young population will get rid of the current political structure in due time?

I read a very good article a few months back by some former State department official that said time is our best weapon against Iran. I've always heard that young Iranians very much want to be progressive and are more pro-western than they are allowed to demonstrate.

The fundamental question of whether or not to "allow" them to get a bomb is so vexing, though. I'd hate to go in all sweet and reassuring, it seems too Un-American. It might be the most logical way to achieve the goal of a no-nuke Iran. Hard to swallow.
Blowing their program to bits seems a little extreme, but effective. If we could only convene a dead-general's panel of MacArthur, Lemay, Patton, and Pershing to advise us.

One more question: Who'd be the first to agree to bombing: Hilary, or Barack?

11/14/2011, 10:37 PM

As for the big names, I don't really care about them. They either were part of the big lie or fell for it. Either way, I'm not a fan of either of those individuals. The current President, a young pup from Chi-town at the time, did not fall for the lie. Gotta give it up to Obama.

Yah, Obama said many things as a young pup in Congress.
And, isn't it interesting that he is now doing many of the very things that he kicked Booosh around for.....like Libya!
Obama is a hypocrit, big time!

Transparency", my a**!

11/14/2011, 11:31 PM
I read a very good article a few months back by some former State department official that said time is our best weapon against Iran. I've always heard that young Iranians very much want to be progressive and are more pro-western than they are allowed to demonstrate.

The fundamental question of whether or not to "allow" them to get a bomb is so vexing, though. I'd hate to go in all sweet and reassuring, it seems too Un-American. It might be the most logical way to achieve the goal of a no-nuke Iran. Hard to swallow.
Blowing their program to bits seems a little extreme, but effective. If we could only convene a dead-general's panel of MacArthur, Lemay, Patton, and Pershing to advise us.

One more question: Who'd be the first to agree to bombing: Hilary, or Barack?


We have time. The only country that can take out Iran's nukes are us but it would take a full scale invasion and occupation to get to them. Better to wait for changes that will come in time.

BTW if we invade Iran then I will think seriously about moving to Canada.

11/16/2011, 12:19 AM

We have time. The only country that can take out Iran's nukes are us but it would take a full scale invasion and occupation to get to them. Better to wait for changes that will come in time.

BTW if we invade Iran then I will think seriously about moving to Canada.

Please bookmark the above ^^^^ post!

11/16/2011, 01:14 AM
r.....like Libya!

Let me know when we hit 5000 dead soldiers in Libya and 1 trillion dollars spent... then you can make comparisons.

11/16/2011, 07:21 AM
Please bookmark the above ^^^^ post!

I have two young sons and I will not send them to fight in Iran or for Israel. If you righties want to fight then send your kids. A good place to start is to send every child of the current Republican Presidential candidates.

Trophy Husband
11/16/2011, 10:04 AM
Lots of chatter these days about that Nuko-ranian stuff. I guess Israel wants to swoop in and blow up whatever they can, Iran is trying to protect their stuff, while we unleash computer viruses...no one knows how it will end, but agrees a nuclear Iran is a heavy scene.

Last week, I heard Condoleezza Rice saying we should always keep a military option as a last resort, then some Swedish nuclear science Nobel guy saying that if we really want Iran to stop their nuke program, we need to convince them that we will NOT attack them, and persuade them to voluntarily stop thru economic areas. He says they are pursuing nukes because they feel threatened.

What should we do? Attack and get it over with, or pledge not to attack, while emphasizing the economic sanctions we can lay on them?

Its a moot question for now, because it is obvious Obama will not make a decision like this, especially before the elections. If he can't decide about a pipeline.... Going in after Bin Laden is his decisive moment, and really, that was no harder than deciding what to have on your pizza. More likely, the Israelis will get tired of waiting on him, and take matters into their own hands.

Our leader has no leadership ability, thank goodness the Israeli leader does.

11/16/2011, 06:12 PM
Our leader has no leadership ability, thank goodness the Israeli leader does.

TH: Israel is split on attacking Iran. I think they know they cannot stop the bomb from being developed.

Iran has done a very good job of insulating their complexes from attack. Most of the critical facilities are dispersed and buried deep under ground in bunkers and they only way to get to them is nukes.

11/16/2011, 09:24 PM
Let me know when we hit 5000 dead soldiers in Libya and 1 trillion dollars spent... then you can make comparisons.

OK, so you want to throw moral equivalence away, unless the costs are the same after 12 years?
Sorry! Obama went into Libya for OIL!Europe's OIL!