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View Full Version : Seeing Broyles cry....

11/6/2011, 12:41 AM
is one of the saddest Sooner sports moments I can remember...

BHB 91
11/6/2011, 12:47 AM
No doubt. Hope he has a quick and speedy recovery. His talent just amazes me.

11/6/2011, 12:49 AM
No ACL recovery is shorter than 6 months...usually a year...

11/6/2011, 12:59 AM
Yeah, that was bad. As soon as he hung his head, I felt terrible for him. But when the next shot was of him crying, I had to fight back the tears myself.

BHB 91
11/6/2011, 01:02 AM
So sad, you could tell by his reaction that it was bad, like Dom last week. Prayers to these guys and hope that they come back better than ever.

11/6/2011, 01:05 AM
So sad, you could tell by his reaction that it was bad, like Dom last week. Prayers to these guys and hope that they come back better than ever.

What was kinda weird about it was that we've seen Ryan take some pretty hard licks, and get back in the game. It just didn't seem real...even when the docs were testing his knee, I was thinking "he's not showing any signs of pain, so maybe he'll be okay"...then the sight of him lowering his head...then the tears. Just bad all around. Hope he gets the best surgeon and has a healthy recovery.

11/6/2011, 01:51 AM
Yeah, I don't remember Ryan being injured other than for a couple of weeks in 2009, the devil's year. I first thought he wasn't as bad as it seemed. I was wrong. This really hurts all of us Sooner fans.

11/6/2011, 02:03 AM
It's a double whammy. Not only is his collegiate career over, but his draft status has just plummeted (costing him a ton of $$$ and opportunities). What a brutal, brutal day for the kid, and I hope that he can recover and still be an effective pro sometime down the line.

11/6/2011, 02:47 AM
Yeah, I didn't enjoy anything about this game after I saw him crying...still feel sick actually. Speedy recovery to you Broyles!!!!

11/6/2011, 05:22 AM
It broke my heart to see the look on his face.

11/6/2011, 07:20 AM
When he had his head down I commented that it was the saddest thing I had seen on an OU game broadcast. When they showed the tears, I teared up a bit myself. God bless him in his recovery and throughout his life.

11/6/2011, 07:31 AM
It really sickens me that he had to end his Sooner career that way. :(

11/6/2011, 07:50 AM
He wasn't crying by himself. Still feel just sick for him. HATE this part of football, hate, hate, hate it. Wish Ryan all the best, what a Sooner.

11/6/2011, 08:17 AM
Yeah!!!! The saddest imo. The way he was sobbing like a little kid literally broke my heart. He is one of the greatest sooners ever!!! Makes me sick that I just watched his last game as a sooner

11/6/2011, 08:49 AM
I think he knew it was bad just as soon as it happened. Broyles' injury is not only bad for the Sooners, but it was bad for college football. The kid is a winner any way you look at it. I wish nothing but the best for him, a speedy recovery, and a 1st round draft pick.

stoops the eternal pimp
11/6/2011, 10:02 AM
What was kinda weird about it was that we've seen Ryan take some pretty hard licks, and get back in the game. It just didn't seem real...even when the docs were testing his knee, I was thinking "he's not showing any signs of pain, so maybe he'll be okay"...then the sight of him lowering his head...then the tears. Just bad all around. Hope he gets the best surgeon and has a healthy recovery.

This is what scared me..when they showed him walking on the sidelines, I got that deep sinking feeling...It's like the opposite of when Stills went down earlier in the season when was in a lot of pain...ACL tears, I've been through 2 of them, are about the least painful knee injury out there and often you can walk on them fairly quickly..

11/6/2011, 11:03 AM
Very depressing for this to happen. By all appearances Broyles has matured into a great young man, and I can't imagine the pain, anxiety, and depression he felt waking up this morning knowing that his future career is now in jeopardy...

Prayers for a speedy recovery.

11/6/2011, 11:09 AM
He deserved to finish the season with his team. Unfortunately, very little in this life is fair. Get well, and know you are appreciated.

11/6/2011, 11:36 AM
I believe his faith, work ethic and ability will still allow him to be a success in the NFL. It certainly was painful to watch him in tears I just pray it's a full and speedy recovery for him.

I don't necessarily hurt because he won't be in a sooner uniform but I hurt for him because it will potentially hurt his draft status. Thats not fair for a kid that has worked so hard and been such a good person.

11/6/2011, 11:50 AM
That was very heartbreaking. I felt so bad for him.

11/6/2011, 12:12 PM
I believe his faith, work ethic and ability will still allow him to be a success in the NFL. It certainly was painful to watch him in tears I just pray it's a full and speedy recovery for him.

I don't necessarily hurt because he won't be in a sooner uniform but I hurt for him because it will potentially hurt his draft status. Thats not fair for a kid that has worked so hard and been such a good person.

This says it best.

11/6/2011, 12:38 PM
I cried. The same thing happened to my brother so it hit home. I guess it got the best of me. I cried again today. I also prayed. I will keep praying for Ryan.

There are enough people in the NFL to know that Broyles is a great asset on the field. I believe he will do fine.

11/6/2011, 01:25 PM
All I know about ACL tears is it ruined Jason White's Pro career. Can you fully recover ? Are their Pro running backs and receivers who have fully recovered and at the top of their game in the NFL?

11/6/2011, 01:30 PM
All I know about ACL tears is it ruined Jason White's Pro career. Can you fully recover ? Are their Pro running backs and receivers who have fully recovered and at the top of their game in the NFL?

See Wes Welker. Many players have fully recovered from ACL tears. But everyone is different with different bio-mechanics. I suspect many of the players who don't recover have more damage than just the ACL or don't give 100% during rehab. Broyles knee didn't appear to flex much from the replay - I hope that means there is not more extensive damage.

11/6/2011, 01:37 PM
Ryan Broyles will recover, but it will take patience, prayer, good health care providers and determination on his part. I just have that feeling. When I have that certain feeling...Its always right.

11/6/2011, 01:38 PM
I've been in a funk all day. I feel terrible for him. Injuries happen, but it sucks when it's a person like him. Good luck to him with the recovery.

stoops the eternal pimp
11/6/2011, 01:39 PM
You are aware Jason White won a Heisman after tearing his ACL...ACL tears didn't hurt his pro career..They gave him his best chance at having a pro career since he couldn't depend on his legs and he had to develop into a better passer....The shoulder injuries, foot injuries, ankle injuries, all combined with the knee injuries did...

11/6/2011, 02:11 PM
I expect he'll be fine after he recovers. I just hate to see him hurt like that knowing he's a senior. Seems like a bad time for it to happen to him as far as recovery in prep for the draft goes though. Someone will have to use the 4 years he's played on College as opposed to the combine to know he can play. Someone will be smart enough to do that.

11/6/2011, 02:25 PM
I hope he has a speedy recovery and fully heals. Injuries are one thing in CFB that I definitely hate to see. Ryan Broyles was not only a great receiver, but he was also a great person off the field, which there aren't many of in this world today. Truly sad to see that happen to him.