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View Full Version : TV coverage, just curious:

11/5/2011, 06:04 PM
Did they talk about the earthquake? I had it on mute or was otherwise triple-dog distracted during the first half.

I have the distinction of living 3 or so miles from the epicenter, so the day has been a whirlwind of trying to stretch 15 minutes of fame into hours of phone calls and emails.

Yes, it scared me like Dorothy being buggered by the scarecrow. No, there was no damage. Yes, that is me talking to Maggie Stokes on Channel 5 (at 10:00 tonight- see my OU shirt?). I'm squeezing everything I can out of this.

Peach Fuzz
11/5/2011, 06:07 PM
I hope you dont embarrass us. >:(

11/5/2011, 06:11 PM
His mobile home will!!! :D

11/5/2011, 06:16 PM
You just wait- you'll be sorry!

11/5/2011, 06:24 PM
They mentioned the earthquake. One of the announcers said he felt it. The other asked what he was doing up at 2:15 am, and announcer 1 said he was up worrying about having to carry Announcer 2 through the game.