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10/28/2011, 09:55 PM
Absolutely stellar work. Some of the language is somewhat adult, but it's nonetheless the best (and most accurate) insight into Rick Perry that I've ever read.


10/28/2011, 11:34 PM
Cliffs notes version?

Perry isn't going to win. In fact, he is probably the best thing for Obama and that makes Perry even more dangerous.

The problem is, the state of Texas still has to live with him.

10/29/2011, 02:23 AM
That article is funny. The best little whore in Texas.

10/29/2011, 02:54 AM


As a very proud member of the Texas Sons of Confederate Veterans, I shouldn't be surprised that this spineless sack of armadillo feces would turn his back on his state's history and his own heritage. I have expected the Honorable Gov. Bottom Dwelling PondScum (with exceptional hair) to do this for awhile and he hasn't disappointed me.

10/29/2011, 08:01 AM
SicEm, whatever you think about it, the Confederate flag is used as a racist emblem by every redneck who thinks negros should all still be picking cotton. There's no way in hell any politician will ever approve any use of that flag in the current "pc" age. It would be political suicide.

10/29/2011, 10:21 AM
SicEm, whatever you think about it, the Confederate flag is used as a racist emblem by every redneck who thinks negros should all still be picking cotton. There's no way in hell any politician will ever approve any use of that flag in the current "pc" age. It would be political suicide.That's the most racist, stupid **** I've ever heard...

10/29/2011, 10:46 AM
SicEm, whatever you think about it, the Confederate flag is used as a racist emblem by every redneck who thinks negros should all still be picking cotton. There's no way in hell any politician will ever approve any use of that flag in the current "pc" age. It would be political suicide.

Not true. Jerry Patterson, the current Land Commish (which is a statewide elected office), and Lt. Gov. candidate (likely to win both primary and general) is the biggest proponent for the license plate in the state.

Consider this fact: The flag was not put on the plate as a symbol unto itself. The battle flag is merely part of the SCV logo which has been the logo of the SCV since it followed in the footsteps of the UCV. Every other organization in the state has a license plate with its logo. The SCV works hard to stop the misuse of the flag by racist organizations, but the SCV should not be held accountable for what other people do with the flag.

There are plenty of people in the United States that view the American flag as a racist symbol. There are plenty of people in the United States that use the American flag as a racist symbol.

10/30/2011, 08:10 AM
SicEm, whatever you think about it, the Confederate flag is used as a racist emblem by every redneck who thinks negros should all still be picking cotton. There's no way in hell any politician will ever approve any use of that flag in the current "pc" age. It would be political suicide.

Probably why Haley Barbour stayed out of the race. He'd spend all his time fighting off flack about that flag, the civil war, etc.

As a fellow confederate lover, I get pissed off also at all the crap that gets spewed about the confederate flag. Some misuse it as a way to promote racism, but many more just look at it with a degree of respect for ancestors that lived in and loved the south. One side of my family was from Mississippi, and very reverent to the Lost Cause, and still hated Lincoln into the 1960s. They were also never once cruel or foul mouthed toward the black race.

As for the SCV, I'm not a member, but have thought about it several times. Its ridiculous to think the organization is about race hatred.

10/30/2011, 09:12 AM
I'm so tired of the word "racist."

99% of the people that use that term today, have nary a clue as to what actual racism is. Not even a vague idea.

10/31/2011, 01:07 PM
The Republicans will nominate Romney, who will lose to Obama by 10 points. I wish there was a way to deny this fate, but there it is. The Republicans simply don't have any viable candidates.

10/31/2011, 01:28 PM
The Republicans will nominate Romney, who will lose to Obama by 10 points. I wish there was a way to deny this fate, but there it is. The Republicans simply don't have any viable candidates.

I think Romney has the best chance of beating Obama. The huge IF factor is whether the economy improves. If it doesn't Obama is screwed IMO.

Tea party voters will hold their nose and vote for anyone against Obama so I don't think a Teavangelical candidate is required to bring them to the polls. On the other hand if one of the Teavangelicals like Perry or Bachman gets nominated there will be plenty of voters like me who will vote Obama (or stay home).

10/31/2011, 01:33 PM
The Republicans will nominate Romney, who will lose to Obama by 10 points. I wish there was a way to deny this fate, but there it is. The Republicans simply don't have any viable candidates.


However, Romney will put up a much better fight than many think. 10 pts is too much, with the economy the way it is.

"Ok our healthcare plans are similar, but how does that explain your performance on the economy." ~ Romney.

He could even pull it off, it he weren't a Mormon.

10/31/2011, 01:36 PM
I got a gut feeling that the majority wants somebody that's not a career politician...I may be wrong.

10/31/2011, 02:01 PM
To recap: Rick Perry sold the right to tax Texas highway drivers to Spanish billionaires, let a British firm write a law authorizing the sale of virtually all Texas state property to foreign corporations, and tried to literally sell the lives of retired Texas schoolteachers to a Swiss bank. Yet he's somehow built a reputation in the national media as a fist-shaking America-first nativist, with a Tea Partier's passion for small government. How Perry has managed to sell this fictional version of himself is a testament to the extraordinary power of marketing over reality in our modern political system. In fact, his entire career is a profound testament to our nagging collective inability, or perhaps unwillingness, to distinguish between what a politician says and what he actually does.

Read more: http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/rick-perry-the-best-little-whore-in-texas-20111026#ixzz1cO4VxcPf

Cliff's Notes version: Texas, you're stupid for continuing to vote in this guy. If Texas A&M hates one of their own, you know you've got a bad apple in the governor's mansion. For the love of everyone, vote him out.

10/31/2011, 05:45 PM
All this sons-of-confederate outrage is fake, manufactured because of envy of a man with a college degree.

10/31/2011, 06:17 PM
All this sons-of-confederate outrage is fake, manufactured because of envy of a man with a college degree.
I'm as envious of someone with an Aggie degree as I am of someone with a University of Phoenix diploma. Actually, that's not being fair to the University of Phoenix.

10/31/2011, 07:40 PM
some Republican voters are so focused on beating Barack Obama that they can't see the truth about a big-government machine politician like Perry.


10/31/2011, 08:04 PM
I think Romney has the best chance of beating Obama. The huge IF factor is whether the economy improves. If it doesn't Obama is screwed IMO.

Tea party voters will hold their nose and vote for anyone against Obama so I don't think a Teavangelical candidate is required to bring them to the polls. On the other hand if one of the Teavangelicals like Perry or Bachman gets nominated there will be plenty of voters like me who will vote Obama (or stay home).


If the unemployment number is trending down on this day one year from now BHO gets reelected. If not, Romney squeaks past him.

11/1/2011, 01:53 PM
My basic reasoning is:

30-35% of the country is Democrat and won't shift.
30-35% is Republican and won't shift.
30-40% are swing voters.

Of the non-Democratic voters, probably 15% or so won't vote for Romney simply because he's Mormon. So, you have right around 50% in the bag for Obama before the two man race really gets started. Peeling away another share of the swing voters shouldn't be beyond Obama unless the economy is significantly worse than it is today.