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2/29/2012, 01:50 PM
Maybe it's me, but I do not recognize that girl who went into shock and tried to slit her wrist. I'm sure she was with the family before, but she doesn't look familiar.

Also, where has T-dog been the last few episodes? They might have shown him once.

I didn't notice her either, but I knew there were a few extra family members when they got there, so I guess she was one of them. Weird how she kinds became a focus last week.
Speaking of the extra family members, wasn't there a younger guy on the farm? Did I miss him dying?

Didn't see T-Dog, Herschel or Daryl last week. I'm telling you, T-Dog isn't getting any love!!! The man is keepin' him down.

2/29/2012, 02:29 PM
Dale is hardly ever on lately, too, it seems. If he is, it's always to give one of those looks that say 1,000 words.

Wasn't it funny how Dale had his suspicion about Shane and Otis, and he told everyone, and everyone accepted it as fact, despite Shane's empassioned and believable words about Otis's sacrifice at his service?

2/29/2012, 04:06 PM
Dale is hardly ever on lately, too, it seems. If he is, it's always to give one of those looks that say 1,000 words.

Wasn't it funny how Dale had his suspicion about Shane and Otis, and he told everyone, and everyone accepted it as fact, despite Shane's empassioned and believable words about Otis's sacrifice at his service?

Dale got a little annoying there for a while. It just seemed like every time he was featured, he was either telling Andrea to "watch out", or warning everyone about Shane. I didn't mind the break from him.

I thought it was strange too that everyone accepted the story of Otis demise as fact (once Dale told Lori). Then again, when confronted, Shane had no problem owning it.

3/2/2012, 11:04 AM
AMC website runs 'Walking Dead' spoiler by mistake


Frozen Sooner
3/2/2012, 12:02 PM
AMC website runs 'Walking Dead' spoiler by mistake


Meh. Not that big a spoiler. In the comic, that happened WAY before the point they're at in the show.

Well, I guess it's a spoiler for people who never read the comic. And nothing would really be a big spoiler to someone who had. Never mind.

3/2/2012, 12:39 PM
In all honesty, I don't care for any of the characters. I have a hard time relating to any of them based on their actions. I think the kid has a better head on him than anyone.

I think Rick is too soft but Shane is too radical -- there isn't a character that is a good moderate alternative.

3/2/2012, 09:08 PM
AMC website runs 'Walking Dead' spoiler by mistake


Meh. Not that big a spoiler. In the comic, that happened WAY before the point they're at in the show.

Well, I guess it's a spoiler for people who never read the comic. And nothing would really be a big spoiler to someone who had. Never mind.
I think it was even mentioned a couple of times in this thread. I've not read the comics but I had expected it to happen at some point.

3/3/2012, 10:11 PM
Blurb for the March 4 Episode, Judge, Jury, Executioner: Rick sides with Shane causing Dale to worry the group is losing its humanity; Carl's actions have unintended consequences.

Frozen Sooner
3/4/2012, 11:02 PM
****in' Carl.

3/5/2012, 10:57 AM
No kidding. He had some real Andrea moments this week. I wonder if Randall will find the gun he left behind at the river when he gets away?

And the mystery of Daryl's, "Sorry, brother" is solved. Dale's death was another HUGE departure from the comics.

3/5/2012, 12:59 PM
No kidding. He had some real Andrea moments this week. I wonder if Randall will find the gun he left behind at the river when he gets away?

Yeah, kiddo needs some sense smacked into him....The left behind gun is exactly what I thought of too when they show the preview from next week that Randall's escaped. Will be interesting to see if he really did escape or if someone cut him loose. Wonder how the group dynamic changes with no more Dale around to play the morality card. Pretty gruesome way to go out. Great episode!

3/5/2012, 04:41 PM
I wasn't expecting the death of Dale at all.

It's funny how the directors can (and have) paint certain characters in such a light that you dislike/like them. For instance, I wanted to smack Carl for most of last night's episode. But, if you think about it, he is growing up in a pretty unstable world.

The one character I really like, but seems to be kind of a mystery is Daryl. He seems to have figured out the best way to survive in the post-apocalyptic world. He's a member of the group, but just barely. Otherwise, he's pretty self sufficient.

The is no doubt the gun (that Carl took from Daryl) is going to come back into play. Also, what the hell are they going to do with Randall now? Looks like (according to the previews) that he escapes his imprisonment, so that may be a whole new can of worms.

3/6/2012, 10:47 AM
Randall is screwed. There is nothing he can do that doesn't look bad to the farm folks. After the barn incident, why should he even try to be good prisoner? I think in his mind, he has two choices, "wait to die," and "GTFO at any cost." Of course, the second choice makes him look like a massive threat.

Daryl was coming out of his shell for the first time in his life working with the group and looking for Sophia. When that ended badly, he fled back to his comfort zone and is shutting everyone out.

Frozen Sooner
3/6/2012, 11:32 AM
I would have completely lost it if we'd had zombie cow. "Eet Mor Karl."

I Am Right
3/11/2012, 09:23 PM
What the? We have friends over for wine at 7:00, we tune in to walking dead and Shane is a Zombie?

3/11/2012, 09:31 PM
What the? We have friends over for wine at 7:00, we tune in to walking dead and Shane is a Zombie?


If you haven't seen the episode yet, I don't want to spoil it, but I'm still confused as to why Carl was there.

If the director is wanting me to be pissed off at him (Carl), it's working.

3/12/2012, 09:27 AM
He's just a little boy!

3/12/2012, 10:22 AM
but I'm still confused as to why Carl was there.

If the director is wanting me to be pissed off at him (Carl), it's working.
Apparently everyone was so busy in the house that not one person noticed him walking outside in the dark.

3/12/2012, 11:07 AM
Another very interesting episode. I knew Shane's days were numbered, but I didn't expect to see it happen until next week. Lori's speech at the windmill, the equivalent of the "Stay Sweet" yearbook signature from the girl you've been crushing on all year, pushed him right over the edge.

I liked the way they handled the "walkers in the barn" plot better than they did in the comics. I can't say the same for Shane's death.

In the comics, Carl finds Shane with Rick in his sights, and Carl shoots Shane without a word, before we even see him in the frame. It was instrumental in making Carl a man-child type character, one who can survive in this world.

Back to the show--Carl had his gun on his dad before Shane was up and moving again. I didn't know what he was going to do there for a second.

We have confirmation that you don't have to be infected by a walker to become one after death. I would have preferred that it come from Shane himself, rather than a minor character like Randall. There were hints going all the way back to the camper who had hung himself, but confirmation from Shane would have been the most dramatic.

Is it just me, or does Maggie get hotter every time she appears on screen? I think I understand what Glenn is trying to do by respecting Hershel, but he's still crazy for it.

3/12/2012, 06:44 PM
So did anyone else notice the large herd of walkers heading towards Carl and Rick right before it went black?

3/12/2012, 07:51 PM
Yeah, that was a cool effect. It made you wonder if you were seeing it or not. They kinda blended with the trees.

3/12/2012, 08:11 PM
It really painted an amazing scene. The film crew deserved extra kudos on this episode.

3/12/2012, 08:38 PM
It really painted an amazing scene. The film crew deserved extra kudos on this episode.
They talked about that on the talking dead show. Said the fog was all mother nature.

3/12/2012, 09:19 PM
It really painted an amazing scene. The film crew deserved extra kudos on this episode.
They talked about that on the talking dead show. Said the fog was all mother nature. I wish I could watch those. We watch walking dead via Amazon.

3/12/2012, 10:14 PM
I wish I could watch those. We watch walking dead via Amazon.

You can catch them on the AMC Walking Dead website. Sometimes, it's really good.

Here's the LINK (http://www.amctv.com/shows/talking-dead/video)

3/12/2012, 11:59 PM
Looks like the season finale is gonna have a Night of the Living Dead flavor to it; a band of humans in a farmhouse being assaulted by the undead. (btw, NOTLD from 1990 is way under-rated imo) I wonder if Romero watches the show?

You know some characters are gonna die. I wonder who? I wish Andrea, but figure that's not gonna happen. I bet Jimmy and Beth are not long for this world. Otis' wife, can't recall her name. No more principal characters though. What about Hershel?

3/13/2012, 09:33 AM
Yeah great episode....Really wasn't sure for a moment there if Carl was gonna shoot Rick or not. Wonder if they address at all the fact that you don't have to be bitten to become a Walker or if they'll put it off til next season. Will be interesting to see what other characters are lost in the finale. Whatever happens, I'm sure this will be the setup for all the survivors to leave the farm and get back on the road again looking for a new place.

3/13/2012, 10:27 AM
Do the comics address the turning without getting bitten aspect?

3/13/2012, 11:47 AM
You can catch them on the AMC Walking Dead website. Sometimes, it's really good.

Here's the LINK (http://www.amctv.com/shows/talking-dead/video)

Thank you! I love all the chat about this show!

Do the comics address the turning without getting bitten aspect?

From what I've read it doesn't explain any reason why it occurs, but there are those who die without bites who come back there as well.

3/13/2012, 12:10 PM
Looks like the season finale is gonna have a Night of the Living Dead flavor to it; a band of humans in a farmhouse being assaulted by the undead.

Except this band of humans have guns, implements (blunt, sharp and pointy) and a lot of experience dealing with walkers . . .

3/13/2012, 01:15 PM
From what I've read it doesn't explain any reason why it occurs, but there are those who die without bites who come back there as well.
Yeah. I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for any explanation. It's a lot like the original Night of the Living Dead. Recently dead people turn. Zombie bites are lethal, but they do not "spread the disease."

Comics spoiler coming up:

In the comics, they don't discover that you don't have to be bitten until Shane is dead and has been in the ground awhile. Rick returns to his grave site, digs him up, and puts him down for good.

3/15/2012, 12:33 AM
the last scene of the last episode was epic between Shane and Rick, very well acted and shot. Cant wait for the finale

I Am Right
3/17/2012, 05:11 PM
Walking Dead Marathon tomorrow ending in the season finale

3/18/2012, 09:30 PM
Amazing way to end a season! Just a shame that we have to wait until the Fall. Great action and great writing to set up next season.

3/18/2012, 09:42 PM
That episode rawked and Lori needs a slap upside her head. 1. For letting Carl out of her sight and 2. Getting mad at her husband.

Also, do I buy the compendium for $33.50(issues 1-48)then get the rest on my kindle or do I pay $80 to buy the first 8 volumes and have all the issues on my kindle? Trying to figure out if i want to mess with a book at all or just have it all there. Taking a few days off next week and decided I'm going to break down and read the comics because I've got to find out more about the chick with the sword. Wowza!

3/18/2012, 10:05 PM
The finale sucked.

3/18/2012, 10:11 PM
The finale sucked.

Are you jokeing. The finale was awsome

3/18/2012, 11:21 PM
what was the final image in the distance? the prison people have mentioned from the comics? my dvr cut off the last 5 seconds or sp.

3/18/2012, 11:41 PM
what was the final image in the distance? the prison people have mentioned from the comics? my dvr cut off the last 5 seconds or sp.
Looked like a prison to me.

3/19/2012, 01:12 AM
That episode rawked and Lori needs a slap upside her head. 1. For letting Carl out of her sight and 2. Getting mad at her husband.

Also, do I buy the compendium for $33.50(issues 1-48)then get the rest on my kindle or do I pay $80 to buy the first 8 volumes and have all the issues on my kindle? Trying to figure out if i want to mess with a book at all or just have it all there. Taking a few days off next week and decided I'm going to break down and read the comics because I've got to find out more about the chick with the sword. Wowza!

I broke down and started reading the comics too. Bought the compendium to start. Its a pretty big book. Spent most of the day reading it and finished it (about 6-7hrs). At the end of it all I wanted to do was read more of it! It ends on a HUGE cliffhanger. My advice is to buy em all at once.

3/19/2012, 01:40 AM
Geez... by the time the next TWD season gets here, OU will have beaten tex again. Long ways off.

3/19/2012, 08:57 AM
My favorite line from last night, "Christ promised the resurrection of the dead. I just thought he had something a little different in mind."

3/19/2012, 10:27 AM
Really thought Herschel was going to go down defending his farm to the bitter end, but glad to see that he'll be around next season. Think he's an interesting character. Glad Andrea is still alive. After being so frustrating to deal with in the beginning of the season, she's really changed too.

Like that Rick turned into kind of a badass, and summoned some Shane-like qualities. Will be interesting if anyone leaves the group, or if they all fall in line behind him.

Really interested in who was in the helicopter that lured the hoard out in the direction of the farm.

3/19/2012, 10:31 AM
Really interested in who was in the helicopter that lured the hoard out in the direction of the farm.
I completely missed this part. What happened?

3/19/2012, 01:28 PM
The very beginning showed a helicopter fly over Atlanta, a bunch of zombies look up and just start wandering in that general direction. time lapses as they walk turning day to night to day etc..showing them pick up more and more in their herd, till it ends with them approaching the farm, they hear the shane gunshot, and head that way and you can see rick and Carl walking in front of them. Then after the credits, it picks up from the other angel, with Carl and rick talking and walking with the herd in the background.

It;s not real clear how long it takes, so it could be a semi flash back to the same helicopter rick saw in the first season

3/19/2012, 01:32 PM
It was the same helicopter Rick saw in the first season, and on The Talking Dead last night they said it will probably be back in the third.

3/19/2012, 06:51 PM
The finale sucked.

I suppose we can't agree on all things. :D

The introduction of Michonne was awesome! The production quality was outstanding! Loved that episode! Hate that it will be October until the show returns.

3/19/2012, 08:00 PM
What in the hell was up with that caped person with the sword and two armless zombies chained to it?

3/19/2012, 09:01 PM
What in the hell was up with that caped person with the sword and two armless zombies chained to it?

Major new character for next season. Michonne.

3/19/2012, 09:33 PM
. . . two armless zombies chained to it?

Teaser for the Talking Dead referred to em as this season's must-have fashion accessory . . .

3/19/2012, 09:46 PM
I wondered if they aren't her zombie deodorant used to hide her scent from the walkers? Plus it was kind of badass.

Frozen Sooner
3/19/2012, 10:49 PM
I wondered if they aren't her zombie deodorant used to hide her scent from the walkers? Plus it was kind of badass.


3/20/2012, 07:23 PM
Well that was crazy. Clearly things are about to get darker still.

3/20/2012, 09:55 PM
The last three weeks of this season were great. I wasn't sure if the finale could deliver after the Rick/Shane showdown, but damn....did it ever!

First, the zombie action was as good as any zombie movie I've seen. And it really felt like the farm was being overwrought with them. When Andrea yelled for Rick as he was driving away with Carl and Herschel, I really thought she was dead. Glad to see she made it out and was saved by another badass (hooded) female.

I haven't been much of a Lori fan from the beginning, but I think she needs some sense slapped into her now. WTF is she thinking?! Seems like Herschel and Daryl are the only ones that really appreciate everything Rick has done.

How about Jenner's secret? Sooner or later, EVERYONE will be a Zombie. crazy.

The prison is ahead, and per the Talking Dead, we're either going to see the black guy from the beginning, Daryl's brother or one other character from the beginning of the show (can't remember who). They said there is a 100% chance that one of those three would be in next season.

I'm going to buy the comics, because waiting til October is too freakin' long!

3/21/2012, 08:33 AM
The prison is ahead, and per the Talking Dead, we're either going to see the black guy from the beginning, Daryl's brother or one other character from the beginning of the show (can't remember who). They said there is a 100% chance that one of those three would be in next season.

Morgan's (the black guy) son.

He might as well have said it, we're not seeing Morgan and his boy again. But Merle on the other hand, Merle you'll see. And in my opinion, the prison arcs and the one that follows are the best runs of the book. The beauty of the Prison is that while zombie action is hot and heavy, they almost take a back seat to the human drama that explodes throughout. If it's half as good as the book the next season will be downright amazing.

3/21/2012, 01:54 PM
Morgan's (the black guy) son.

He might as well have said it, we're not seeing Morgan and his boy again. But Merle on the other hand, Merle you'll see. And in my opinion, the prison arcs and the one that follows are the best runs of the book. The beauty of the Prison is that while zombie action is hot and heavy, they almost take a back seat to the human drama that explodes throughout. If it's half as good as the book the next season will be downright amazing.

Ah yes, Morgan's son. I also took from the comment that it's going to be Merle. Having not read the comic, I figured much of the story will arc into the drama that comes from being at the prison.

I bitched and complained about them being on the farm too long, then when they had to flee, I felt bad that they lost it. I'm fickle like that.

3/28/2012, 07:52 PM
Morgan's (the black guy) son.

He might as well have said it, we're not seeing Morgan and his boy again. But Merle on the other hand, Merle you'll see. And in my opinion, the prison arcs and the one that follows are the best runs of the book. The beauty of the Prison is that while zombie action is hot and heavy, they almost take a back seat to the human drama that explodes throughout. If it's half as good as the book the next season will be downright amazing.
I've been reading the books recently. The way the prison stuff ends really freaked me out. Wasn't even sure I would keep reading the series...but I did and just finished 90 so I'm almost caught up.

4/2/2012, 03:25 PM

Can someone put a frickin' bell on him or something?

4/2/2012, 04:17 PM
Why not, we've got nothing else to talk about for awhile.


4/7/2012, 08:04 PM
Just finished reading the comics.

Holy crap what a good read. The Prison arc will be awesome , just curious to see if TV show has the balls to do what the comic did.

4/7/2012, 08:12 PM
Just finished reading the comics.

Holy crap what a good read. The Prison arc will be awesome , just curious to see if TV show has the balls to do what the comic did.
Exactly my thoughts as I was reading it.

4/7/2012, 10:56 PM
Love this one......


4/8/2012, 12:52 AM
Just finished reading the comics.

Holy crap what a good read. The Prison arc will be awesome , just curious to see if TV show has the balls to do what the comic did.
Exactly my thoughts as I was reading it.

I'm through comic 90, and I think that last prison one was the toughest to move on from. Re-read the last few pages 3-4 times.

4/8/2012, 09:30 AM
I'm through comic 90, and I think that last prison one was the toughest to move on from. Re-read the last few pages 3-4 times.
Yeah, like I said above, I almost stopped reading them at that point. Kind of messed up my head for a while. I read that part right before I went to bed and I had a hard time falling asleep. I'm glad I moved on though, it was good for the story all in all.

4/9/2012, 10:43 PM

4/9/2012, 10:45 PM