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View Full Version : Nancy Peeloski Loves the Sponaniety of the OWS Protesters

10/10/2011, 08:36 PM
So - Nanci Peeloski, who called the Tea Party rally folks all kinds of names, thinks that the Occupy Wall Streeters are just exercising their Constitutional rights, and loves the spontaniety of their ralkly on Wall Street.

What the he11 does this witch of a woman have in her brain?
Like Obama - she hates what this country stands for!

"GOD Bless them for their spontaniety", she says!!!!??????
Is this the spontaniety that you were talking about Nanci....?



This is “what democracy looks like,” I guess.

Remember when the tea partiers defecated on cop cars?

Remember when tea partiers sent death threats to law enforcement and American citizens?

Remember when tea parties had Marxist front groups place ads looking to astroturf by hiring protesters?

How about when tea partiers vandalized city property?

10/10/2011, 09:53 PM
Wonder how much money Wall Street has given her over the years?