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View Full Version : Yet Another Reason to Hate the Horns and their Fans

10/6/2011, 02:24 PM
I had a bet before last year's RRS with a horn fan at work. The loser would have to wear a shirt from the winning team for a day. Well, we stuffed Gilbert Grape and won, but I did not have an OU shirt large enough for him, so I let him wear a little OU pin which I had received in the mail as a gift to try to coax me into donating to the OU Alumni Association. Well, the horn wears it - upside down, which is unoriginal and typical of a sore loser horn, so I let that go - but the horn then "loses" the pin and I have never seen it again.

Now this year the horn is all tense because there is an upcoming audit of his department which may go poorly due to his poor horn leadership. Mine was last month and it went outstanding, so I am all loose, but the horn is all worried about bombing out at work and has practically forgotten the RRS. All of this is typical of a horn fan - sore loser, poor worker, inability to take pressure, and yes, a thief. Let's remember these fine horn qualities during the RRS.

10/6/2011, 02:41 PM
Try to keep him very busy chasing wild rabbits down endless bunny trails. That should help prepare him for his audit. :-)

10/6/2011, 04:04 PM
Obviously, he's never heard of Sooner Magic. Shouldn't have "lost" the pin!

10/6/2011, 04:17 PM
Give him one of these:


10/6/2011, 04:44 PM
You should be there when he's cleaning out his office and heading to the unemployment line to make sure he isn't sneaking that pin out.