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10/2/2011, 11:13 AM
Because I'm too cheap to spring for teh PPV, listened to the new radio crew for the first time last night. I must say Toby Rowland does a fantastic job. I can't remember the last time I could follow an OU game on the radio, and know exactly what was happening. Prolly not since Brooksie got canned (GRRR). He's not shrill, and he doesn't say stupid **** like "pistols FIRING". Solid PBP guy and very pleasant to listen to. The only strange thing was, it sounded from the broadcast like Coach Merv was in another time zone. Sounded like he was phoning it in (literally). Also, and I say this with all Sooner spirit, I'm not sure what TRRW is doing there. He did not bring anything interesting to the table as far as I could tell. Did he just need a job and the AD said "okay"?

All that said, I'm very happy with the new group in The Bob Barry Broadcast Booth.

10/2/2011, 11:14 AM
Chris Plank needs to walk the plank

10/2/2011, 11:15 AM
He needs to say Touchdown Oklahoma, not Touchdown Sooners.

rock on sooner
10/2/2011, 11:59 AM
No, Toby is looking for his own identity, not BBS's...also my first time to listen on the radio...only when I can't get over the air TV..

10/2/2011, 12:17 PM
No, Toby is looking for his own identity, not BBS's...also my first time to listen on the radio...only when I can't get over the air TV..


10/2/2011, 12:20 PM
I agree, this was my first (and probably last) radio game of the season. It was so nice to know that when Toby called "interception Jefferson" that it was actually and interception by Tony Jefferson and not a squirrel running loose on the field chasing a balloon.

jk the sooner fan
10/2/2011, 01:28 PM
i liked Toby - he's got a good voice

however, he's a MAJOR homer - gets super excited with some of the fun calls - not that i'm complaining - and i'm sure he'll tone that down as time goes on

Roy Williams serves no purpose on the sidelines - he was awful and needs some coaching or something

but the play by play seems to be effortless for Rowland and I liked that

10/2/2011, 01:29 PM
I agree, this was my first (and probably last) radio game of the season. It was so nice to know that when Toby called "interception Jefferson" that it was actually and interception by Tony Jefferson and not a squirrel running loose on the field chasing a balloon.

Probably the funniest thing I have read on SF.com evar. :D

10/2/2011, 01:31 PM
I love BBSr. I wouldn't have minded him continuing, even though his health made it very hard for him.

BUT I must say Toby did an excellent job last night. John Brookes was good at explaining what was going on, but even as a kid I got sick of hearing "Jiminy Christmas!" Hated it. So glad Toby isn't doing anything like that.

Hate to say this, but they need to get a color guy a little younger now to match Toby with. It seemed odd to go from Toby's enthusiasm to Merv's quiet slow demeanor.

I agree that I'm not sure other than saying TRRW is part of the broadcast, what he actually brought to it. Keith Jackson was ton's better. Trent Smith, better.

10/2/2011, 03:29 PM
I liked the "touchdown Sooners"...nice change of pace, sounds classy and not flakey. His voice sounds more like listening to a high school game, wish it had a bit deeper tone to it, (I'm being very picky here) but the play-by-play call is excellent.

Glad we don't have to listen to the elementary school flag football "pistols firing" crap after every touchdown.

10/2/2011, 03:43 PM
Keith Jackson is doing the Arkansas color. I was listening to the Arkansas broadcast while running around yesterday and he does a good job at it. Roy may or may not develop into a decent media guy, you can tell he doesn't have any media savvy right now but maybe he can develop some. I think he does pretty well with pointed questions about scheme, he seems to struggle with an open ended question. I do agree though that Trent Smith had a bit more of the personality for the job.

Lott's Bandana
10/2/2011, 03:45 PM
I agree, this was my first (and probably last) radio game of the season. It was so nice to know that when Toby called "interception Jefferson" that it was actually and interception by Tony Jefferson and not a squirrel running loose on the field chasing a balloon.

This made me laugh...hard.

The thing that makes it so funny is, it is 100% true.

God Bless BBS

rock on sooner
10/2/2011, 03:56 PM
Gotta say this...I wish Brookes was still saying Jiminy Christmas and then holding the mike out the window to get the crowd

10/2/2011, 04:25 PM
I really enjoyed Toby's broadcast. It's still strange not hearing BBsr's voice, as it was very distinctive, but Toby is a breath of fresh air when it comes to play by play.
Edit: Merv's pretty useless in the booth...

10/2/2011, 05:08 PM
This was the first game that was not on AFN overseas, so had to resort to listening to the game through computer. I think that Toby did a fine job, his play by play was very discriptive and I could tell what was going on. The play by play by Merv was ok, but got tired of him second guessing where the ball was going all the time, but other than that enjoyed the game. TRRW was split between the PPV and the radio broadcast, we have people trying to do two things at one time here, they don't do very well. Given enough time he will make a good color guy for the crew. Can't wait to watch the OU/tx game this week. BOOMER SOONER!!!!!

10/2/2011, 05:23 PM
I never got tired of hearing "Jiminy Christmas".

Rowland is doing okay, not great, in my opinion. I am sure he will improve. He seems like a great guy and it's cool how much he appreciates getting his dream job.


Judge Smails
10/2/2011, 06:49 PM
Have you ever tried the Merv drinking game? Take a drink every time he says the word "really".

I guarantee you will be blitzed by the end of the game.

10/2/2011, 07:00 PM
I listened to the radio feed and after seeing the HolaKyle highlights, it was nice to see the game was EXACTLY as I envisioned. :D

10/2/2011, 07:14 PM
I think Toby is doing a decent job. Who was the sideline reporter? I heard him once and he said something like "it was a helluva play". Should not talk like that on the air.

10/2/2011, 07:47 PM
Toby was good IMO, Merv seems a little more dated, and Roy didn't cut the mustard.

Salt City Sooner
10/2/2011, 07:47 PM
I think Toby is doing a decent job. Who was the sideline reporter? I heard him once and he said something like "it was a helluva play". Should not talk like that on the air.
It was TRRW.

Partial Qualifier
10/2/2011, 08:08 PM
Toby was good IMO, Merv seems a little more dated, and Roy didn't cut the mustard.

I was struck at how it's changed: With BBS in the booth, Merv was a sharp mind and a much-needed breath of fresh air. But now, with T-Row on the mic - Merv sounds like he needs to be put to pasture, almost as bad as BBS was those 17 years before he finally retired. Just couldn't keep up. Maybe Merv was having an off night.

10/3/2011, 09:30 PM
Have you ever tried the Merv drinking game? Take a drink every time he says the word "really".

I guarantee you will be blitzed by the end of the game.

I enjoyed counting the times he said, "Well, Bob."

10/3/2011, 09:43 PM
Hard game to judge TRRW on, he was doing double duty...TV and Radio. Prolly had a hard time gittin anything worthy out there on the radio...we'll see how he does after this game.