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View Full Version : Has It Ever Been Established That "Freezing" A Kicker Actually Works?

9/30/2011, 08:15 AM
I doubt it. In fact, it probably gives some kickers time to settle down and actually helps them. It's probably old coaches' lore.

9/30/2011, 08:20 AM
If I were a kicker, the thought that the opposing coach had a timeout and was about to call it would unsettle me more than him calling it and giving me a few minutes to focus, prepare and kick while knowing that he cant stop the clock again.

If I were the opposing coach, I'd act like I was going to call a timeout, but then not do it at the last second.

it would be interesting to look up the stats and see how succesful icing the kicker really is. But I cant imagine sifting through all those games to find out.

9/30/2011, 08:23 AM
Uwe Von Shamann says: "Nein!"

9/30/2011, 08:35 AM
believe it worked in Tempe a while back

9/30/2011, 09:12 AM
it would be interesting to look up the stats and see how succesful icing the kicker really is. But I cant imagine sifting through all those games to find out.

I guess you would have to compare last second FGs in which "freezing" time outs were called, with last second FGs where the defense did not have any time outs left. I suspect the differences in FGs made would not be statistically significant.

9/30/2011, 09:24 AM
believe it worked in Tempe a while back

What he said. And by a while back, he means a couple weeks ago on Pinkel's own kickers. lol

I Am Right
9/30/2011, 10:25 AM
Yes works with Jimmy Stevens every time its tried, wait, never mind

9/30/2011, 10:33 AM
Kickers will say it gives their team more time to line up and prepare. I really think it also gives the defense and if you're in front a hostile crowd, more time for the crowd to get fired up.

I can't imagine waiting longer and longer would be good for a kicker to think about the big moment coming up. Probably just want to get it over with and through the uprights as fast as possible.

9/30/2011, 10:41 AM
Ask Mizzu's kicker.

9/30/2011, 10:48 AM
I think the fake-freeze would be more unsettling.

9/30/2011, 10:53 AM
I guess you would have to compare last second FGs in which "freezing" time outs were called, with last second FGs where the defense did not have any time outs left. I suspect the differences in FGs made would not be statistically significant.

I think you're right about this. Can't compare against all FGs because the pressure of the situation is also a variable that must be controlled (not to mention quality of the kicker, distance, alignment between the hashes, weather, home-or-away, etc). Mostly, I think coaches just feel like they have to do something in that situation.

9/30/2011, 12:14 PM
Ask Uwe


9/30/2011, 12:39 PM
In the video game it works 45% of the time all the time.

9/30/2011, 12:48 PM
I can't remember a time when Stoops did it.... Can anybody else? And if so, did it work?

9/30/2011, 01:12 PM
Ask Uwe


Interesting how much the game has changed... Von Schamann getting ready to kick moving his feet around, Switzer watching from his knees on the sidelines (probably hiding a cigarette behind his back)... Good times

9/30/2011, 01:38 PM
Today, we would have had to kick off from the 1 yard line due to all of the unsportsmanlike conduct / excessive celebration penalties that would have been flagged against us.

9/30/2011, 02:46 PM

Starting at about 5 minutes in. Really surprised that Osborne didn't ice Tim Lashar. Corn had 2 TOs left.

BTW Keith Jackson (announcer) showing again his hatred for all things Oklahoma, by accusing Keith Jackson (TE) of pushing off on the last play. Heh.

10/1/2011, 12:29 PM
Ask Pinkel how well it worked vs ASU XD

10/2/2011, 02:30 AM
Timeouts, dont rollover to next half.