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View Full Version : Really? NPR... Really?

9/28/2011, 07:24 PM
We have thousands (if not millions) of innocents dying of disease, poverty, murderers that eventually get put on death row, etc. However we're supposed to get all up in arms about a state not fixing fancy meals for a death row inmate's last request.

It's the Justice Department, not the make-a-wish foundation. Also, do you think the murder victim was granted his/her last request? You know... to live?

Bull **** of my life!


You guys are making it hard for me to defend you when you publish stories like this one.

9/28/2011, 08:27 PM
I'm with ya Hubs. As far as I'm concerned I feed my beloved Basset Hound name brand canned dog food and the boy is a saint - death row inmates can eat Sam's Choice (with gravy).

9/28/2011, 08:30 PM
Doesn't sound to me like they are making a judgement one way or another. Just reporting the story as told from both sides.

9/28/2011, 09:10 PM
Doesn't sound to me like they are making a judgement one way or another. Just reporting the story as told from both sides.

I love NPR. I listen most every time I drive. They tell some very compelling stories. This is not one of them. The fact that this was covered is lame. They should do better with their priority of coverage.

9/28/2011, 09:54 PM
Their coverage wasn't biased in any way. They just chose to cover it. It is interesting that Texas is actually taking a lot of pride in a process a lot of the world finds to be barbaric.

9/28/2011, 10:11 PM
Barbaric??? Like torture??? Like they probably do their victims????

I am on board that the long waiting time on death row is unexcusable.
To be "more humane" they should be put to death very soon after the first appeal has ended.
The never-ending litigation is what makes the death penalty soooo expensive for the government and the tax-payers.

Curly Bill
9/28/2011, 11:08 PM
Their coverage wasn't biased in any way. They just chose to cover it. It is interesting that Texas is actually taking a lot of pride in a process a lot of the world finds to be barbaric.

A lot of the world can suck it! Signed: Texas :victorious:

9/29/2011, 07:07 AM
I love NPR. I listen most every time I drive. They tell some very compelling stories. This is not one of them. The fact that this was covered is lame. They should do better with their priority of coverage.

It's not a story I would have cared too much about either. Surely there are a billion things more important right now than what prisoners are eating.