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9/20/2011, 11:24 AM


9/20/2011, 11:24 AM

9/20/2011, 11:25 AM
I have heard that they are kind of a dirt poor state that while they have football, they don't have academics and really don't have much solid traditional footing.

If there was a chance to save the Big 12, this might be it. West Virginia, won't you be my neighbor?

9/20/2011, 11:28 AM
Interesting suggestion badger. My only question would be, would the Big XII take a school that is seen as academically inferior just to save the conference? I would say maybe, but then again, I don't get paid the big bucks to make that decision.

9/20/2011, 11:37 AM
Oh hell, academics shmackademics. They are a state school with nearly 30k enrollment with a solid athletics program (both football and basketball are competitive). It is more than some of our current Big 12 stable can say. Consider this:

-West Virginia has the poor distinction of being the winningest FBS program to not have a national title.

-The basketball team went to the Final Four in 2010 and is the defending Big East champs.

There are also a few other athletic connections that the Big 12 would surely love:

-The current football coach is creepy Dana, ex-offensive coordinator for OSU and Tech.

-The current basketball coach is none other than Kansas State's traitor, Huggie. KSU loved him so much they made their students section HUGGIEVILLE and felt uberly betrayed when he left.

Their football stadium capacity is 60k. Their basketball collesseum holds 14k.

I am not saying they are a perfect fit, I am saying IT COULD WORK!

9/20/2011, 11:38 AM
I think the *new* Big XII will take West Virginia, and this will give it some badly needed credibility. But I don't the think the current membership would find WVA quite suitable to get that SEC/PAC/B1G type of tv contract money in.

9/20/2011, 11:48 AM
Flak, if you didn't see it, I sent you a PM. You accidentally set the OU vBookie event to end... tomorrow :eek:

No worries, you can change it, I just can't change it since you started the event. Apparently, we can settle each other's events, but not change em :D

9/20/2011, 11:48 AM
Have you ever been to West Virginia? It's the trees, you actually can't see the forest for the trees. I don't need any more of "Wild & wonderful West Virginia"...

9/20/2011, 11:50 AM
Big time matchups create ratings, not big time markets. It's why OU used to rule the Nielsens back in the day that NBC wanted us, not Domer.

That said, WV football and WV basketball could bring in strong ratings because their sports are strong.

Also, look at how progressive and forward-thinking they are! Their mascot doesn't need to be a bearded guy anymore!

9/20/2011, 11:52 AM
If they can beat LSU this weekend Let em in!

9/20/2011, 11:56 AM
I drove from Tulsa to West Virginia a year and a half ago to go to a music festival. The drive was insanely long. The State of West Virginia has to be the poorest state I've ever been in. And I've been in Mississippi and Louisiana. The landscape is beautiful with all the mountains and such, but man it was rough once I made it into some of those small towns.

9/20/2011, 11:57 AM
Their academics are dreadful, which is why the ACC rejected them.

I think the SEC rejection is more contingent upon aTm getting through their legal issues. Since the entire BXII now looks as if it's about to explode, I expect aTm's legal issues with Baylor to subside, aTm to go to the SEC, and WVU to get a second look from the SEC.

9/20/2011, 12:00 PM
Flak, if you didn't see it, I sent you a PM. You accidentally set the OU vBookie event to end... tomorrow :eek:

No worries, you can change it, I just can't change it since you started the event. Apparently, we can settle each other's events, but not change em :D

Check your PMs as I'm sure most here are not interested in our vBookie Mod dramas. :D

Strangely though, I'm still seeing it as September 24th at 7 pm. What date are you seeing?

9/20/2011, 12:01 PM
Their academics are dreadful, which is why the ACC rejected them.

I think the SEC rejection is more contingent upon aTm getting through their legal issues. Since the entire BXII now looks as if it's about to explode, I expect aTm's legal issues with Baylor to subside, aTm to go to the SEC, and WVU to get a second look from the SEC.

Seems very plausible.

9/20/2011, 12:04 PM
Flak, if you didn't see it, I sent you a PM. You screwed up the vBookie bet BEYOND ALL RECOGNITION! AHHHH!!!!

Ok, fixed it. Weird how that happened.

9/20/2011, 12:04 PM
Flak, if you didn't see it, I sent you a PM. You screwed up the vBookie bet BEYOND ALL RECOGNITION! AHHHH!!!!

Ok, fixed it. Weird how that happened.

9/20/2011, 12:15 PM
West Virginia is #164 which is 4 places lower than TT who is #160 and our lowest rated college. Cannot fathom what Pres Boren would say if you brought up WV as a replacement for A&M who is ranked #58. They can bow to TX so it would be a fit. Maybe someone besides the President will wake up in Austin and realize what a crap conference that would be with the Big East.

9/20/2011, 12:16 PM
Their academics are dreadful, which is why the ACC rejected them.

I think the SEC rejection is more contingent upon aTm getting through their legal issues. Since the entire BXII now looks as if it's about to explode, I expect aTm's legal issues with Baylor to subside, aTm to go to the SEC, and WVU to get a second look from the SEC.

That's what I'm getting from WVU fans. It wasn't a straight up denial by the SEC, just one of those "not right now" things.

9/20/2011, 12:20 PM
I think we all know that OU will either need a comparable television deal or the Bevo TV will have to get reconfigured in order for the Big 12 to survive. BUT, I still think WVU could happen if added along with BYU and perhaps another lone star school like hoooostin or tcu:

1- It gives us a near-east coast presence. Take THAT, coastal elitists!

2- It's not in our current geographic footprint. By a longshot.

3- All of the athletic fun that I've already mentioned, from good facilities to tradition to ties to current Big 12 programs.

4- It saves the Big 12. Sure, they're not as close as our next door neighbor institutions, but it also maintains our current stable and roadtrips we're all used to taking.

9/20/2011, 12:21 PM
And the next time an Austin steer says "No other Big 12 school would reject a big TV deal!" remind them that we were offered NBC's domer deal before domer was. And we turned it down for the sake of our existing conference relationships.

Not many would turn down extra money, but we did.

9/20/2011, 12:35 PM
I didn't really get it when the SEC guys were saying they'll go after WVU. It just didn't make sense to me. While they are hillbillies, WVU just doesn't fit culturally or geographically with the SEC. They've had some success in football and even played for a national title but they're not really a prime target.

If the SEC is to expand, they'd be crazy to not take a look at Georgia Tech, Clemson, or FSU. Those schools could really fit in with the SEC. Each has pretty strong football traditions and natural in-state rivalries. (I know that Tech has some bad blood or whatever but I think dollars would make them forget ancient history.)

I wish the ACC would have picked up WVU though. Had it not been for TV market considerations, WVU would have been one of the first poached by the ACC the first time around.

If academics are still a major consideration for the Big 10, they won't pick WVU up either. They could easily be the strongest football school left out (not considering the Big 12 / Big East leftovers as being in the "in".)

9/20/2011, 12:41 PM
I think we all know that OU will either need a comparable television deal or the Bevo TV will have to get reconfigured in order for the Big 12 to survive. BUT, I still think WVU could happen if added along with BYU and perhaps another lone star school like hoooostin or tcu:

1- It gives us a near-east coast presence. Take THAT, coastal elitists!

2- It's not in our current geographic footprint. By a longshot.

3- All of the athletic fun that I've already mentioned, from good facilities to tradition to ties to current Big 12 programs.

4- It saves the Big 12. Sure, they're not as close as our next door neighbor institutions, but it also maintains our current stable and roadtrips we're all used to taking.

How is this in any way preferrable to the Pac-16?

9/20/2011, 12:44 PM
The only way it's preferable is if you like that the Big 12 is regional. If you don't mind going to the west coast for half the sports events (I'm not just talking football, but EVERY sport), the Pac 12 is probably the best option.

It's just...travel, man. It should be a bigger issue in this discussion.

9/20/2011, 12:46 PM
And I've been in Mississippi and Louisiana.

Though I am from OK and lived in LA for most of my adult life. I find the fishing and hunting far better here in LA than OK. My ties to OK are still strong and have my kids lined up to attend OU. The one thing they will take with them is the outdoor life and Gulf fishing trips. Passing thru counts little on a list of travels.

9/20/2011, 12:46 PM
Have the dueling banjos started?

9/20/2011, 12:47 PM
Its not about academics. Why do people believe that

9/20/2011, 12:50 PM
Assuming that UConn and Rutgers go ACCing, the football playing remnents of the Big East are WVU, Louisville, TCU, S Florida, and Cincy (ranked in order not sucking that bad according to me). If (unlikley if at this point, but our stance all along was we like the Big 12) Boren really still wanted to keep OU in the Big 12 (we do hold the cards to this thing), these 5 plus BYU look to be the best choices for Big 12 expansion/miracle save. Let's throw academics out the window here because any conference w/ Taco Tech does not get to be choosey when it comes to academics. WVU would be a good (certainly not great) addition for muliple sports. Louisville helps basketball (I know hoops doesn't seem to matter anymore, but I still think good hoops adds value to your conference as a whole). Take your pick from TCU and BYU and you have a conference that really hasn't regressed as much as people will make it out as (losing Neb and Aggie hurt, but losing Colorada was addition by subtraction in my opinion). Granted this does not solve the money, revenue sharring, LHN, ect issues, and don't think WVU or UL wouldn't bolt to the SEC the first chance they got, but the impending collapse of the Big East happening before anything else really gives the Big 12 a bit more of a chance to pull a rabbit out of the hat and keep this thing trucking forward.

9/20/2011, 01:02 PM
Did anyone see the Big East guy on ESPN completely dooshing on the whole conference scramble?

Guy was an *** hat about it. Said some pretty weighty, negative things. Hurt my feelings and made me sad.

Sooner Cal
9/20/2011, 01:02 PM
I think we all know that OU will either need a comparable television deal or the Bevo TV will have to get reconfigured in order for the Big 12 to survive. BUT, I still think WVU could happen if added along with BYU and perhaps another lone star school like hoooostin or tcu:

1- It gives us a near-east coast presence. Take THAT, coastal elitists!

2- It's not in our current geographic footprint. By a longshot.

3- All of the athletic fun that I've already mentioned, from good facilities to tradition to ties to current Big 12 programs.

4- It saves the Big 12. Sure, they're not as close as our next door neighbor institutions, but it also maintains our current stable and roadtrips we're all used to taking.

Whenever I wonder why the State of Oklahoma never seems to progress, I get reminded by some statement that some of you don't want progress. Anyone who sees WVU as a solution doesn't want to move forward. Do you really want the world to view you as just like West Virginia? Today, people across the country think OU academics are inferior. Trust me, they aren't, but that is the perception. We need to change that perception to create more opportunity for future graduates. WVU won't help one bit.

Get over the travel bit. I have no sympathy for you. I travel 1300 miles each way to attend OU games 4 or 5 times a year. If you can't afford it, work more hours, get a better paying job, or drink less beer so you can. If you've been traveling to Lincoln, Columbia, Ames and College Station, it's not much more to go to games in the PAC because withna couple of exceptions they are close to major airports.

9/20/2011, 01:08 PM
Wahh wahhh.

Internets and travel are srs biznes.

And this post is a prime candidate for Massengill's latest product in vaginal cleansing.

9/20/2011, 01:09 PM
The only way it's preferable is if you like that the Big 12 is regional. If you don't mind going to the west coast for half the sports events (I'm not just talking football, but EVERY sport), the Pac 12 is probably the best option.

It's just...travel, man. It should be a bigger issue in this discussion.

In the Pac 16 OU would have to travel to old Pac 10 destinations 2 or 3 times a year depending on whether the Texas game counts as home or away that year. We would likely be going to at least one of Iowa St., BYU, or WVU every year, and two some years, meaning there is very little improvement in terms of travel.

9/20/2011, 01:23 PM
Get over the travel bit. I have no sympathy for you. I travel 1300 miles each way to attend OU games 4 or 5 times a year. If you can't afford it, work more hours, get a better paying job, or drink less beer so you can. If you've been traveling to Lincoln, Columbia, Ames and College Station, it's not much more to go to games in the PAC because withna couple of exceptions they are close to major airports.

But I need beer to make it through a trip to Ames or College Station. Lots and lots of beer.

9/20/2011, 01:27 PM
Good thing we have so many schools next to LAX SINCE I'LL BE DRIVING THERE.

Christ almighty.

9/20/2011, 01:27 PM
Get over the travel bit. I have no sympathy for you. I travel 1300 miles each way to attend OU games 4 or 5 times a year. If you can't afford it, work more hours, get a better paying job, or drink less beer so you can. If you've been traveling to Lincoln, Columbia, Ames and College Station, it's not much more to go to games in the PAC because withna couple of exceptions they are close to major airports.

My goodness, you think I'm saying this on MY behalf?! I don't personally care or have a personal interest in this! I hardly make it to home games anymore! I'm worried what this will mean for teams that travel west on a regular basis if this happens! It would mean a lot more times of getting home at 3 a.m., much like OSU-TU this past weekend.

9/20/2011, 02:22 PM
I have heard that they are kind of a dirt poor state that while they have football, they don't have academics and really don't have much solid traditional footing.

If there was a chance to save the Big 12, this might be it. West Virginia, won't you be my neighbor?
They have folks in them hills gurglin' Mountain Dew though.

9/20/2011, 04:37 PM
And the next time an Austin steer says "No other Big 12 school would reject a big TV deal!" remind them that we were offered NBC's domer deal before domer was. And we turned it down for the sake of our existing conference relationships.

Not many would turn down extra money, but we did.

I'm as big of an OU fan as anyone and I've heard this quite a few times but this really sounds like an urban legend. It seems like something that's been repeated so many times that everyone just starts believing.

No offense but I think the probability that NBC wanted to make an exclusive deal with us is very small.

9/20/2011, 04:43 PM
I am not a longterm OU fan, but OU was apparently the highest rated in Nielsens for years thanks to OU football and NBC wanted us for that reason.

9/20/2011, 10:41 PM
I drove from Tulsa to West Virginia a year and a half ago to go to a music festival. The drive was insanely long. The State of West Virginia has to be the poorest state I've ever been in. And I've been in Mississippi and Louisiana. The landscape is beautiful with all the mountains and such, but man it was rough once I made it into some of those small towns.

Was your festival Jescofest? Here is a little insight into their culture.

9/21/2011, 09:13 AM
Do you really want the world to view you as just like West Virginia?

How does being in the same conference as WVU make people view us as just like them? It's a conference affiliation, we're not sharing an apartment with them. They're hundreds of miles away.

Do you view Washington and Arizona the same way? Just because you share a conference with a school does not mean the school's are the same.

King Barry's Back
9/21/2011, 09:24 AM
Interesting suggestion badger. My only question would be, would the Big XII take a school that is seen as academically inferior just to save the conference? I would say maybe, but then again, I don't get paid the big bucks to make that decision.

"Just to save the conference?" An emergency situation like that is about the only reason they would be considered.

King Barry's Back
9/21/2011, 09:59 AM
Assuming that UConn and Rutgers go ACCing, the football playing remnents of the Big East are WVU, Louisville, TCU, S Florida, and Cincy (ranked in order not sucking that bad according to me). If (unlikley if at this point, but our stance all along was we like the Big 12) Boren really still wanted to keep OU in the Big 12 (we do hold the cards to this thing), these 5 plus BYU look to be the best choices for Big 12 expansion/miracle save. Let's throw academics out the window here because any conference w/ Taco Tech does not get to be choosey when it comes to academics. WVU would be a good (certainly not great) addition for muliple sports. Louisville helps basketball (I know hoops doesn't seem to matter anymore, but I still think good hoops adds value to your conference as a whole). Take your pick from TCU and BYU and you have a conference that really hasn't regressed as much as people will make it out as (losing Neb and Aggie hurt, but losing Colorada was addition by subtraction in my opinion). Granted this does not solve the money, revenue sharring, LHN, ect issues, and don't think WVU or UL wouldn't bolt to the SEC the first chance they got, but the impending collapse of the Big East happening before anything else really gives the Big 12 a bit more of a chance to pull a rabbit out of the hat and keep this thing trucking forward.

You are right alot, but I disagree in a couple of places. You say a conf with Tech doesn't get to be choosy. True, but I say a conference on the verge of absolute failure doesn't get to be picky. And that's more true. Also, you've got BYU and TCU as a pick 'em. BYU is a much better fit for conference strength. First, they bring a new TV market with them (Salt Lake City ain't bad), and they have a national following. BYU is the cream of the crop of what's available out there.

That said, TCU and WVU are both very solid choices, and are probably the second tier of what's available.

If we could add those three, and whatever else we need to reach whatever number we want to be, then that would be a pretty viable conference for 3-5 years.

After that, who knows anymore?

King Barry's Back
9/21/2011, 10:05 AM
My goodness, you think I'm saying this on MY behalf?! I don't personally care or have a personal interest in this! I hardly make it to home games anymore! I'm worried what this will mean for teams that travel west on a regular basis if this happens! It would mean a lot more times of getting home at 3 a.m., much like OSU-TU this past weekend.

Just for accuracy, but neither OSU nor TU made it home by 3 am.

On the larger issue of travel for the teams -- for teams that fly, I don't think it makes a difference. Flying to Lincoln v. travel to Seattle probably means 1.5 to 2 extra hours in the air. They can all study during that time.

I do have concerns about teams (like baseball and softball) doing swings through the far west, by bus, and missing a couple of weeks at a time.

Maybe that problem will be planned away, and if so, great.

But I'm mostly worried about beating TX and winning football national championships -- so whatever helps us do that the most is my choice.

9/21/2011, 01:52 PM
I am not a longterm OU fan, but OU was apparently the highest rated in Nielsens for years thanks to OU football and NBC wanted us for that reason.

I found one article by Dennis Dodd that quoted a guy in the OU legal department who stated that OU was the highest rated for three decades and that we were first offered the NBC job.

Considering this came from an OU guy (who very likely heard it second hand himself) and to my knowledge there is nothing else backing up either of these statements, I find it very questionable. I have trouble believing either of these.

9/21/2011, 08:53 PM
Whenever I wonder why the State of Oklahoma never seems to progress, I get reminded by some statement that some of you don't want progress. Anyone who sees WVU as a solution doesn't want to move forward. Do you really want the world to view you as just like West Virginia? Today, people across the country think OU academics are inferior. Trust me, they aren't, but that is the perception. We need to change that perception to create more opportunity for future graduates. WVU won't help one bit.

Get over the travel bit. I have no sympathy for you. I travel 1300 miles each way to attend OU games 4 or 5 times a year. If you can't afford it, work more hours, get a better paying job, or drink less beer so you can. If you've been traveling to Lincoln, Columbia, Ames and College Station, it's not much more to go to games in the PAC because withna couple of exceptions they are close to major airports.

I know your opinion means a lot to you. You ever wonder what people in Oklahoma think about California and how it always seems to regress? I traveled a fair bit in my life, trust me, people all over the globe aren't aching to live in California.

OU's reputation isn't tainted by playing football in the same Conference as osu or Texas Tech any more than it is boosted by playing against Texas. Did you notice a big boost when we played Stanford in the Sun Bowl a year and a half ago.

If I want someone to tell me how I need to improve and they are just the friend to do so I'll have the vacuum cleaner guy schedule an appointment for a demo at my house. If that doesn't work out Amway is always available.

Thanks for your offer though. Sucks you have to travel to such a backwards place 4 or 5 times a year to feel you belong somewhere. The financial cheap shots are always an added bonus too.

9/21/2011, 09:29 PM
We need 3.
BYU, West Virginia, and?

I say we could go after Lousiville.

If this conference wishes to survive for awhile, it is time to ge a new commissioner and become proactive, much like how the Big 8 was when we formed the Big 12....almost the Big 16.

9/21/2011, 09:44 PM
BYU first....then wait....take a deep breath and debate the best 2 from AFA/CSU/UL/CINCI/WVU

9/21/2011, 09:50 PM
Debate the other two?

LOL...I would take WVU over AFA, CSU, UL, and Cincy...thanks to their football and basketball.

I would take UL over the others for basketball.

9/21/2011, 09:56 PM
I have heard that they are kind of a dirt poor state that while they have football, they don't have academics and really don't have much solid traditional footing.

If there was a chance to save the Big 12, this might be it. West Virginia, won't you be my neighbor?

I don't get it. So, if a school does not have academics, does not have traditions, poor welfare state, then that school FITS very well to the BIG 12?

9/21/2011, 10:00 PM
I think the top 3 in my eyes are:

BYU - good football name
WVU - actually the strongest football free agent out there (2 BCS wins - played for 2 national titles in the last 25 years)
AF - military school with name recognition

Louisville brings nothing football wise. TCU is a good location fit but it seems other schools won't want another school from DFW.

9/21/2011, 10:08 PM
I think the top 3 in my eyes are:

BYU - good football name
WVU - actually the strongest football free agent out there (2 BCS wins - played for 2 national titles in the last 25 years)
AF - military school with name recognition

Louisville brings nothing football wise. TCU is a good location fit but it seems other schools won't want another school from DFW.

As long as Texas, Baylor, and Tech are in this league, TCU wont be getting an invite to the Big 12.

It was because of Texas that the Big 8 went from 8 to 12, and not 16 like they wanted when the Big 12 was first being discussed by the Big 8 presidents. Big 8 wanted all of the SWC teams. Texas with A&M, Tech, and Baylor, said they would not merge with TCU,Rice, Houston, and SMU involved.

9/21/2011, 10:08 PM
I think the top 3 in my eyes are:

BYU - good football name
WVU - actually the strongest football free agent out there (2 BCS wins - played for 2 national titles in the last 25 years)
AF - military school with name recognition

Louisville brings nothing football wise. TCU is a good location fit but it seems other schools won't want another school from DFW.

I like your list. My thoughts are to get to 12 as quickly as possible with as few Texas schools as possible (a max of 1).

9/21/2011, 11:20 PM
Oh hell, academics shmackademics. They are a state school with nearly 30k enrollment with a solid athletics program (both football and basketball are competitive). It is more than some of our current Big 12 stable can say. Consider this:

-West Virginia has the poor distinction of being the winningest FBS program to not have a national title.

-The basketball team went to the Final Four in 2010 and is the defending Big East champs.

There are also a few other athletic connections that the Big 12 would surely love:

-The current football coach is creepy Dana, ex-offensive coordinator for OSU and Tech.

-The current basketball coach is none other than Kansas State's traitor, Huggie. KSU loved him so much they made their students section HUGGIEVILLE and felt uberly betrayed when he left.

Their football stadium capacity is 60k. Their basketball collesseum holds 14k.

I am not saying they are a perfect fit, I am saying IT COULD WORK!

Fair Enough

starclassic tama
9/21/2011, 11:25 PM
BYU, west virginia and lousville seem like the only 3 out of any that have been mentioned that don't make me cringe. sure, they may not blow people away, but that would be a solid conference that could stay around for a long time... anybody considering houston, tcu, SMU, air force, should be slapped.

9/21/2011, 11:47 PM
BYU, west virginia and lousville seem like the only 3 out of any that have been mentioned that don't make me cringe. sure, they may not blow people away, but that would be a solid conference that could stay around for a long time... anybody considering houston, tcu, SMU, air force, should be slapped.

If BYU wants to go the independent route, I still like my sleep deprived South Florida idea from the other night.Put them in the South division and it's road trips to Florida every other year! They've held their own in a BCS conference for awhile now.

9/22/2011, 12:36 AM
If BYU wants to go the independent route, I still like my sleep deprived South Florida idea from the other night.Put them in the South division and it's road trips to Florida every other year! They've held their own in a BCS conference for awhile now.

Going to Florida once every two years sure can't hurt recruiting either. We don't need to be in the SEC to poach their recruits.

9/22/2011, 12:41 AM
No more Texass schools! Evar!